/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio Copyright (C) 2015 Diego Ismirlian, TISA, (dismirlian (at) google's mail) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "hal.h" #if HAL_USE_USBH && USBH_DEBUG_ENABLE #include "ch.h" #include "usbh/debug.h" #include #include "chprintf.h" #define MAX_FILLER 11 #define FLOAT_PRECISION 9 #define MPRINTF_USE_FLOAT 0 static char *long_to_string_with_divisor(char *p, long num, unsigned radix, long divisor) { int i; char *q; long l, ll; l = num; if (divisor == 0) { ll = num; } else { ll = divisor; } q = p + MAX_FILLER; do { i = (int)(l % radix); i += '0'; if (i > '9') { i += 'A' - '0' - 10; } *--q = i; l /= radix; } while ((ll /= radix) != 0); i = (int)(p + MAX_FILLER - q); do { *p++ = *q++; } while (--i); return p; } static char *ltoa(char *p, long num, unsigned radix) { return long_to_string_with_divisor(p, num, radix, 0); } #if MPRINTF_USE_FLOAT static const long _pow10[FLOAT_PRECISION] = {10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000}; static const double m10[FLOAT_PRECISION] = {5.0/100, 5.0/1000, 5.0/10000, 5.0/100000, 5.0/1000000, 5.0/10000000, 5.0/100000000, 5.0/1000000000, 5.0/10000000000}; static char *ftoa(char *p, double num, unsigned long precision, bool dot) { long l; char *q; double r; if (precision == 0) { l = (long)(num + 0.5); return long_to_string_with_divisor(p, l, 10, 0); } else { if (precision > FLOAT_PRECISION) precision = FLOAT_PRECISION; r = m10[precision - 1]; precision = _pow10[precision - 1]; l = (long)num; p = long_to_string_with_divisor(p, l, 10, 0); if (dot) *p++ = '.'; l = (long)((num - l + r) * precision); q = long_to_string_with_divisor(p, l, 10, precision / 10) - 1; while (q > p) { if (*q != '0') { break; } --q; } return ++q; } } #endif static inline void _put(char c) { input_queue_t *iqp = &USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq; if (iqIsFullI(iqp)) return; iqp->q_counter++; *iqp->q_wrptr++ = c; if (iqp->q_wrptr >= iqp->q_top) iqp->q_wrptr = iqp->q_buffer; } int _dbg_printf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *p, *s, c, filler; int i, precision, width; int n = 0; bool is_long, left_align, sign; long l; #if MPRINTF_USE_FLOAT double f; char tmpbuf[2*MAX_FILLER + 1]; #else char tmpbuf[MAX_FILLER + 1]; #endif for (;;) { //agarrar nuevo caracter de formato c = *fmt++; //chequeo eos if (c == 0) return n; //copio los caracteres comunes if (c != '%') { _put(c); n++; continue; } //encontré un '%' p = tmpbuf; s = tmpbuf; //left align left_align = FALSE; if (*fmt == '-') { fmt++; left_align = TRUE; } sign = FALSE; if (*fmt == '+') { fmt++; sign = TRUE; } //filler filler = ' '; if (*fmt == '0') { fmt++; filler = '0'; } //width width = 0; while (TRUE) { c = *fmt++; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if (c == '*') c = va_arg(ap, int); else break; width = width * 10 + c; } //precision precision = 0; if (c == '.') { if (*fmt == 'n') { fmt++; } while (TRUE) { c = *fmt++; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if (c == '*') c = va_arg(ap, int); else break; precision = precision * 10 + c; } } //long modifier if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') { is_long = TRUE; if (*fmt) c = *fmt++; } else is_long = (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'); /* Command decoding.*/ switch (c) { //char case 'c': filler = ' '; *p++ = va_arg(ap, int); break; //string case 's': filler = ' '; if ((s = va_arg(ap, char *)) == 0) s = (char *)"(null)"; if (precision == 0) precision = 32767; //strlen con límite hasta precision for (p = s; *p && (--precision >= 0); p++) ; break; case 'D': case 'd': case 'I': case 'i': if (is_long) l = va_arg(ap, long); else l = va_arg(ap, int); if (l < 0) { *p++ = '-'; l = -l; sign = TRUE; } else if (sign) { *p++ = '+'; } p = ltoa(p, l, 10); break; #if MPRINTF_USE_FLOAT case 'f': f = va_arg(ap, double); if (f < 0) { *p++ = '-'; f = -f; sign = TRUE; } else if (sign) { *p++ = '+'; } if (prec == FALSE) precision = 6; p = ftoa(p, f, precision, dot); break; #endif case 'X': case 'x': c = 16; goto unsigned_common; case 'U': case 'u': c = 10; goto unsigned_common; case 'O': case 'o': c = 8; unsigned_common: if (is_long) l = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); else l = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); p = ltoa(p, l, c); break; //copiar default: *p++ = c; break; } //longitud i = (int)(p - s); //calculo cuántos caracteres de filler debo poner if ((width -= i) < 0) width = 0; if (left_align == FALSE) width = -width; if (width < 0) { //alineado a la derecha //poner el signo adelante if (sign && filler == '0') { _put(*s++); n++; i--; } //fill a la izquierda do { _put(filler); n++; } while (++width != 0); } //copiar los caracteres while (--i >= 0) { _put(*s++); n++; } //fill a la derecha while (width) { _put(filler); n++; width--; } } //return n; // can raise 'code is unreachable' warning } static void _print_hdr(void) { uint32_t hfnum = USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.otg->HFNUM; uint16_t hfir = USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.otg->HFIR; _put(0xff); _put(0xff); _put(hfir & 0xff); _put(hfir >> 8); _put(hfnum & 0xff); _put((hfnum >> 8) & 0xff); _put((hfnum >> 16) & 0xff); _put((hfnum >> 24) & 0xff); } void usbDbgPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); syssts_t sts = chSysGetStatusAndLockX(); _print_hdr(); _dbg_printf(fmt, ap); _put(0); chThdDequeueNextI(&USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_waiting, Q_OK); chSysRestoreStatusX(sts); va_end(ap); } void usbDbgPuts(const char *s) { uint32_t buff[2] = { 0xffff | (USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.otg->HFIR << 16), USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.otg->HFNUM }; uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)buff; uint8_t *top = p + 8; syssts_t sts = chSysGetStatusAndLockX(); input_queue_t *iqp = &USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq; int rem = sizeof(USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.dbg_buff) - iqp->q_counter; while (rem) { *iqp->q_wrptr++ = *p; if (iqp->q_wrptr >= iqp->q_top) iqp->q_wrptr = iqp->q_buffer; rem--; if (++p == top) break; } while (rem) { *iqp->q_wrptr++ = *s; if (iqp->q_wrptr >= iqp->q_top) iqp->q_wrptr = iqp->q_buffer; rem--; if (!*s++) break; } iqp->q_counter = sizeof(USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.dbg_buff) - rem; chThdDequeueNextI(&USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_waiting, Q_OK); chSysRestoreStatusX(sts); } void usbDbgReset(void) { const char *msg = "\r\n\r\n==== DEBUG OUTPUT RESET ====\r\n"; syssts_t sts = chSysGetStatusAndLockX(); iqResetI(&USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq); oqResetI(&USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue); while (*msg) { *USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_wrptr++ = *msg++; USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_counter--; } chSysRestoreStatusX(sts); } static int _get(void) { if (!USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_counter) return -1; USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_counter--; uint8_t b = *USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_rdptr++; if (USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_rdptr >= USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_top) { USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_rdptr = USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq.q_buffer; } return b; } void usbDbgSystemHalted(void) { while (true) { if (!((bool)((USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_wrptr == USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_rdptr) && (USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_counter != 0U)))) break; USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_counter++; while (!(USART1->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); USART1->DR = *USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_rdptr++; if (USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_rdptr >= USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_top) { USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_rdptr = USBH_DEBUG_SD.oqueue.q_buffer; } } int c; int state = 0; for (;;) { c = _get(); if (c < 0) break; if (state == 0) { if (c == 0xff) state = 1; } else if (state == 1) { if (c == 0xff) state = 2; else (state = 0); } else { c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; while (true) { c = _get(); if (c < 0) return; if (!c) { while (!(USART1->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); USART1->DR = '\r'; while (!(USART1->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); USART1->DR = '\n'; state = 0; break; } while (!(USART1->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); USART1->DR = c; } } } } static void usb_debug_thread(void *arg) { USBHDriver *host = (USBHDriver *)arg; uint8_t state = 0; chRegSetThreadName("USBH_DBG"); while (true) { msg_t c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; if (state == 0) { if (c == 0xff) state = 1; } else if (state == 1) { if (c == 0xff) state = 2; else (state = 0); } else { uint16_t hfir; uint32_t hfnum; hfir = c; c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; hfir |= c << 8; c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; hfnum = c; c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; hfnum |= c << 8; c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; hfnum |= c << 16; c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; hfnum |= c << 24; uint32_t f = hfnum & 0xffff; uint32_t p = 1000 - ((hfnum >> 16) / (hfir / 1000)); chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&USBH_DEBUG_SD, "%05d.%03d ", f, p); while (true) { c = iqGet(&host->iq); if (c < 0) goto reset; if (!c) { sdPut(&USBH_DEBUG_SD, '\r'); sdPut(&USBH_DEBUG_SD, '\n'); state = 0; break; } sdPut(&USBH_DEBUG_SD, (uint8_t)c); } } continue; reset: state = 0; } } void usbDbgInit(USBHDriver *host) { if (host != &USBH_DEBUG_USBHD) return; iqObjectInit(&USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.iq, USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.dbg_buff, sizeof(USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.dbg_buff), 0, 0); chThdCreateStatic(USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.waDebug, sizeof(USBH_DEBUG_USBHD.waDebug), NORMALPRIO, usb_debug_thread, &USBH_DEBUG_USBHD); } #endif