/** ****************************************************************************** * @file EEPROM/EEPROM_Emulation/src/eeprom.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief This file provides all the EEPROM emulation firmware functions. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

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Redistribution and use of this software other than as permitted under * this license is void and will automatically terminate your rights under * this license. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY STMICROELECTRONICS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY * RIGHTS ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. IN NO EVENT * SHALL STMICROELECTRONICS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /** @addtogroup EEPROM_Emulation * @{ */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "eeprom_f4.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Global variable used to store variable value in read sequence */ uint16_t DataVar = 0; /* Virtual address defined by the user: 0xFFFF value is prohibited */ extern uint16_t VirtAddVarTab[NB_OF_VAR]; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static HAL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void); static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation); static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data); static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data); static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address); /** * @brief Restore the pages to a known good state in case of page's status * corruption after a power loss. * @param None. * @retval - Flash error code: on write Flash error * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success */ uint16_t EE_Init(void) { uint16_t PageStatus0 = 6, PageStatus1 = 6; uint16_t VarIdx = 0; uint16_t EepromStatus = 0, ReadStatus = 0; int16_t x = -1; HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus; FLASH_UnlockF4(); /* Get Page0 status */ PageStatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS); /* Get Page1 status */ PageStatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS); /* Check for invalid header states and repair if necessary */ switch (PageStatus0) { case ERASED: if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 erased, Page1 valid */ { /* Erase Page0 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE0_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } } else if (PageStatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA) /* Page0 erased, Page1 receive */ { /* Erase Page0 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE1_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } /* Mark Page1 as valid */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } else /* First EEPROM access (Page0&1 are erased) or invalid state -> format EEPROM */ { /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */ FlashStatus = EE_Format(); /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } break; case RECEIVE_DATA: if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 receive, Page1 valid */ { /* Transfer data from Page1 to Page0 */ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++) { if (( *(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx]) { x = VarIdx; } if (VarIdx != x) { /* Read the last variables' updates */ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar); /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */ if (ReadStatus != 0x1) { /* Transfer the variable to the Page0 */ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK) { return EepromStatus; } } } } /* Mark Page0 as valid */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Erase Page1 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE1_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } } else if (PageStatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 receive, Page1 erased */ { /* Erase Page1 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE1_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } /* Mark Page0 as valid */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } else /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */ { /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */ FlashStatus = EE_Format(); /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } break; case VALID_PAGE: if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */ { /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */ FlashStatus = EE_Format(); /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } else if (PageStatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 valid, Page1 erased */ { /* Erase Page1 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE1_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } } else /* Page0 valid, Page1 receive */ { /* Transfer data from Page0 to Page1 */ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++) { if ((*(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx]) { x = VarIdx; } if (VarIdx != x) { /* Read the last variables' updates */ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar); /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */ if (ReadStatus != 0x1) { /* Transfer the variable to the Page1 */ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK) { return EepromStatus; } } } } /* Mark Page1 as valid */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Erase Page0 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE0_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } } break; default: /* Any other state -> format eeprom */ /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */ FlashStatus = EE_Format(); /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } break; } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Verify if specified page is fully erased. * @param Address: page address * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS: Page0 base address * @arg PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS: Page1 base address * @retval page fully erased status: * - 0: if Page not erased * - 1: if Page erased */ uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address) { uint32_t ReadStatus = 1; uint16_t AddressValue = 0x5555; /* Check each active page address starting from end */ while (Address <= PAGE0_END_ADDRESS) { /* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */ AddressValue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)Address); /* Compare the read address with the virtual address */ if (AddressValue != ERASED) { /* In case variable value is read, reset ReadStatus flag */ ReadStatus = 0; break; } /* Next address location */ Address = Address + 4; } /* Return ReadStatus value: (0: Page not erased, 1: Sector erased) */ return ReadStatus; } /** * @brief Returns the last stored variable data, if found, which correspond to * the passed virtual address * @param VirtAddress: Variable virtual address * @param Data: Global variable contains the read variable value * @retval Success or error status: * - 0: if variable was found * - 1: if the variable was not found * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found. */ uint16_t EE_ReadVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t* Data) { uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0; uint16_t AddressValue = 0x5555, ReadStatus = 1; uint32_t Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS, PageStartAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS; /* Get active Page for read operation */ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE); /* Check if there is no valid page */ if (ValidPage == NO_VALID_PAGE) { return NO_VALID_PAGE; } /* Get the valid Page start Address */ PageStartAddress = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(ValidPage * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Get the valid Page end Address */ Address = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 2) + (uint32_t)((1 + ValidPage) * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Check each active page address starting from end */ while (Address > (PageStartAddress + 2)) { /* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */ AddressValue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)Address); /* Compare the read address with the virtual address */ if (AddressValue == VirtAddress) { /* Get content of Address-2 which is variable value */ *Data = (*(__IO uint16_t*)(Address - 2)); /* In case variable value is read, reset ReadStatus flag */ ReadStatus = 0; break; } else { /* Next address location */ Address = Address - 4; } } /* Return ReadStatus value: (0: variable exist, 1: variable doesn't exist) */ return ReadStatus; } /** * @brief Writes/upadtes variable data in EEPROM. * @param VirtAddress: Variable virtual address * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written * @retval Success or error status: * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found * - Flash error code: on write Flash error */ uint16_t EE_WriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data) { uint16_t Status = 0; /* Write the variable virtual address and value in the EEPROM */ Status = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data); /* In case the EEPROM active page is full */ if (Status == PAGE_FULL) { /* Perform Page transfer */ Status = EE_PageTransfer(VirtAddress, Data); } /* Return last operation status */ return Status; } /** * @brief Erases PAGE and PAGE1 and writes VALID_PAGE header to PAGE * @param None * @retval Status of the last operation (Flash write or erase) done during * EEPROM formating */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void) { HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK; /* Erase Page0 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE0_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } /* Set Page0 as valid page: Write VALID_PAGE at Page0 base address */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Erase Page1 */ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS)) { FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(PAGE1_ID); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Find valid Page for write or read operation * @param Operation: operation to achieve on the valid page. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE: read operation from valid page * @arg WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE: write operation from valid page * @retval Valid page number (PAGE or PAGE1) or NO_VALID_PAGE in case * of no valid page was found */ static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation) { uint16_t PageStatus0 = 6, PageStatus1 = 6; /* Get Page0 actual status */ PageStatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS); /* Get Page1 actual status */ PageStatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS); /* Write or read operation */ switch (Operation) { case WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE: /* ---- Write operation ---- */ if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) { /* Page0 receiving data */ if (PageStatus0 == RECEIVE_DATA) { return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */ } else { return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */ } } else if (PageStatus0 == VALID_PAGE) { /* Page1 receiving data */ if (PageStatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA) { return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */ } else { return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */ } } else { return NO_VALID_PAGE; /* No valid Page */ } case READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE: /* ---- Read operation ---- */ if (PageStatus0 == VALID_PAGE) { return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */ } else if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) { return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */ } else { return NO_VALID_PAGE ; /* No valid Page */ } default: return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */ } } /** * @brief Verify if active page is full and Writes variable in EEPROM. * @param VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value * @retval Success or error status: * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found * - Flash error code: on write Flash error */ static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data) { HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK; uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0; uint32_t Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS, PageEndAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS+PAGE_SIZE; /* Get valid Page for write operation */ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE); /* Check if there is no valid page */ if (ValidPage == NO_VALID_PAGE) { return NO_VALID_PAGE; } /* Get the valid Page start Address */ Address = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(ValidPage * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Get the valid Page end Address */ PageEndAddress = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 1) + (uint32_t)((ValidPage + 1) * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Check each active page address starting from begining */ while (Address < PageEndAddress) { /* Verify if Address and Address+2 contents are 0xFFFFFFFF */ if ((*(__IO uint32_t*)Address) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* Set variable data */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(Address, Data); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Set variable virtual address */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(Address + 2, VirtAddress); /* Return program operation status */ return FlashStatus; } else { /* Next address location */ Address = Address + 4; } } /* Return PAGE_FULL in case the valid page is full */ return PAGE_FULL; } /** * @brief Transfers last updated variables data from the full Page to * an empty one. * @param VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value * @retval Success or error status: * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found * - Flash error code: on write Flash error */ static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data) { HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK; uint32_t NewPageAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS; uint16_t OldPageId=0; uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0, VarIdx = 0; uint16_t EepromStatus = 0, ReadStatus = 0; /* Get active Page for read operation */ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE); if (ValidPage == PAGE1) /* Page1 valid */ { /* New page address where variable will be moved to */ NewPageAddress = PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS; /* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */ OldPageId = PAGE1_ID; } else if (ValidPage == PAGE0) /* Page0 valid */ { /* New page address where variable will be moved to */ NewPageAddress = PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS; /* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */ OldPageId = PAGE0_ID; } else { return NO_VALID_PAGE; /* No valid Page */ } /* Set the new Page status to RECEIVE_DATA status */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(NewPageAddress, RECEIVE_DATA); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Write the variable passed as parameter in the new active page */ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK) { return EepromStatus; } /* Transfer process: transfer variables from old to the new active page */ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++) { if (VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx] != VirtAddress) /* Check each variable except the one passed as parameter */ { /* Read the other last variable updates */ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar); /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */ if (ReadStatus != 0x1) { /* Transfer the variable to the new active page */ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK) { return EepromStatus; } } } } /* Erase the old Page: Set old Page status to ERASED status */ FlashStatus = FLASH_EraseSectorF4(OldPageId); /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Set new Page status to VALID_PAGE status */ FlashStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(NewPageAddress, VALID_PAGE); /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK) { return FlashStatus; } /* Return last operation flash status */ return FlashStatus; } /* flash operation */ #define EraseTimeout ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) #define ProgramTimeout ((uint32_t)0x0000001F) #define FLASH_PSIZE_BYTE 0 #define FLASH_PSIZE_HFWORD FLASH_CR_PSIZE_0 #define FLASH_PSIZE_WORD FLASH_CR_PSIZE_1 #define FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos 3 #define FLASH_KEY1_F4 0x45670123 #define FLASH_KEY2_F4 0xCDEF89AB #define ASSERT(exp) (void)((0)) static void Flash_Delay(void) { __IO uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0xFF; i != 0; i--) { } } static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_GetStatus(void) { if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY) == FLASH_SR_BSY) return HAL_BUSY; if ((FLASH->SR & (FLASH_SR_PGSERR|FLASH_SR_PGPERR|FLASH_SR_PGAERR)) != 0) return HAL_ERROR; if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_WRPERR) != 0 ) return HAL_ERROR; if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_SOP) != 0 ) return HAL_ERROR; return HAL_OK; } static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(uint32_t timeout) { /* Check for the Flash Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef status = FLASH_GetStatus(); /* Wait for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while ((status == HAL_BUSY) && (timeout != 0x00)) { Flash_Delay(); status = FLASH_GetStatus(); timeout--; } if (timeout == 0) status = HAL_TIMEOUT; return status; } HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_UnlockF4(void) { FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY1_F4; FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY2_F4; return HAL_OK; } HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_EraseSectorF4(uint32_t sector) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == HAL_OK) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the page */ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_PSIZE); FLASH->CR |= FLASH_PSIZE_WORD; CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_SER | (sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos); FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_STRT; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status != HAL_TIMEOUT) { /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the PER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_SNB; FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_SER; } FLASH->SR = (FLASH_SR_EOP | FLASH_SR_SOP | FLASH_SR_WRPERR); } /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_ProgramHalfWordF4(uint32_t address, uint16_t data) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_ERROR; if (IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(address)) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == HAL_OK) { // set size to byte FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PSIZE; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_PSIZE_HFWORD; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PG; *(__IO uint16_t*)address = data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != HAL_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PG; } FLASH->SR = (FLASH_SR_EOP | FLASH_SR_SOP | FLASH_SR_PGSERR | FLASH_SR_PGPERR | FLASH_SR_PGAERR | FLASH_SR_WRPERR); } } return status; } /** * @} */ /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/