diff options
5 files changed, 22 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/.travis/upload_coverage.sh b/.travis/upload_coverage.sh
index 62489560..113dbef8 100755
--- a/.travis/upload_coverage.sh
+++ b/.travis/upload_coverage.sh
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ set -x
NO_COVERAGE_TOXENVS=(pypy pypy3 pep8 py3pep8 docs)
if ! [[ "${NO_COVERAGE_TOXENVS[*]}" =~ "${TOXENV}" ]]; then
source ~/.venv/bin/activate
- wget https://codecov.io/bash -O codecov.sh
- bash codecov.sh -e TRAVIS_OS_NAME,TOXENV,OPENSSL
diff --git a/src/_cffi_src/openssl/asn1.py b/src/_cffi_src/openssl/asn1.py
index bbbffd8f..259adf19 100644
--- a/src/_cffi_src/openssl/asn1.py
+++ b/src/_cffi_src/openssl/asn1.py
@@ -9,24 +9,7 @@ INCLUDES = """
TYPES = """
- * TODO: This typedef is wrong.
- *
- * This is due to limitations of cffi.
- * See https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/issue/69
- *
- * For another possible work-around (not used here because it involves more
- * complicated use of the cffi API which falls outside the general pattern used
- * by this package), see
- * http://paste.pound-python.org/show/iJcTUMkKeBeS6yXpZWUU/
- *
- * The work-around used here is to just be sure to declare a type that is at
- * least as large as the real type. Maciej explains:
- *
- * <fijal> I think you want to declare your value too large (e.g. long)
- * <fijal> that way you'll never pass garbage
- */
-typedef intptr_t time_t;
+typedef int... time_t;
typedef int ASN1_BOOLEAN;
typedef ... ASN1_INTEGER;
diff --git a/src/_cffi_src/openssl/bignum.py b/src/_cffi_src/openssl/bignum.py
index 843e5119..ae035007 100644
--- a/src/_cffi_src/openssl/bignum.py
+++ b/src/_cffi_src/openssl/bignum.py
@@ -11,24 +11,7 @@ INCLUDES = """
TYPES = """
typedef ... BN_CTX;
typedef ... BIGNUM;
- * TODO: This typedef is wrong.
- *
- * This is due to limitations of cffi.
- * See https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/issue/69
- *
- * For another possible work-around (not used here because it involves more
- * complicated use of the cffi API which falls outside the general pattern used
- * by this package), see
- * http://paste.pound-python.org/show/iJcTUMkKeBeS6yXpZWUU/
- *
- * The work-around used here is to just be sure to declare a type that is at
- * least as large as the real type. Maciej explains:
- *
- * <fijal> I think you want to declare your value too large (e.g. long)
- * <fijal> that way you'll never pass garbage
- */
-typedef uintptr_t BN_ULONG;
+typedef int... BN_ULONG;
diff --git a/src/cryptography/x509/extensions.py b/src/cryptography/x509/extensions.py
index cd75ecdc..46ba5a28 100644
--- a/src/cryptography/x509/extensions.py
+++ b/src/cryptography/x509/extensions.py
@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ class Extensions(object):
def __len__(self):
return len(self._extensions)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return (
+ "<Extensions({0})>".format(self._extensions)
+ )
class AuthorityKeyIdentifier(object):
diff --git a/tests/test_x509_ext.py b/tests/test_x509_ext.py
index 1bc14620..8f469366 100644
--- a/tests/test_x509_ext.py
+++ b/tests/test_x509_ext.py
@@ -857,6 +857,20 @@ class TestExtensions(object):
assert ext is not None
assert isinstance(ext.value, x509.BasicConstraints)
+ def test_repr(self, backend):
+ cert = _load_cert(
+ os.path.join(
+ "x509", "custom", "basic_constraints_not_critical.pem"
+ ),
+ x509.load_pem_x509_certificate,
+ backend
+ )
+ assert repr(cert.extensions) == (
+ "<Extensions([<Extension(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name"
+ "=basicConstraints)>, critical=False, value=<BasicConstraints(ca=F"
+ "alse, path_length=None)>)>])>"
+ )