.. hazmat:: Key Serialization ================= .. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization There are several common schemes for serializing asymmetric private and public keys to bytes. They generally support encryption of private keys and additional key metadata. Many serialization formats support multiple different types of asymmetric keys and will return an an instance of the appropriate type. You should check that the returned key matches the type your application expects when using these methods. .. code-block:: pycon >>> key = load_pkcs8_private_key(pem_data, None, backend) >>> if isinstance(key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey): >>> signature = sign_with_rsa_key(key, message) >>> elif isinstance(key, dsa.DSAPrivateKey): >>> signature = sign_with_dsa_key(key, message) >>> else: >>> raise TypeError PKCS #8 Format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PKCS #8 is a serialization format originally standardized by RSA and currently maintained by the IETF in :rfc:`5208`. It supports password based encryption and additional key metadata attributes. .. function:: load_pkcs8_private_key(data, password, backend) .. versionadded:: 0.5 Deserialize a private key from PEM encoded data to one of the supported asymmetric private key types. :param bytes data: The PEM encoded key data. :param bytes password: The password to use to decrypt the data. Should be ``None`` if the private key is not encrypted. :param backend: A :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.PKCS8SerializationBackend` provider. :returns: A new instance of a private key. :raises ValueError: If the PEM data could not be decrypted or if its structure could not be decoded successfully. :raises TypeError: If a ``password`` was given and the private key was not encrypted. Or if the key was encrypted but no password was supplied. :raises UnsupportedAlgorithm: If the serialized key is of a type that is not supported by the backend or if the key is encrypted with a symmetric cipher that is not supported by the backend. Traditional OpenSSL Format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "traditional" PKCS #1 based serialization format used by OpenSSL. It supports password based symmetric key encryption. Commonly found in OpenSSL based TLS applications. It is usually found in PEM format with a header that mentions the type of the serialized key. e.g. ``-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----``. .. function:: load_pem_traditional_openssl_private_key(data, password, backend) .. versionadded:: 0.5 Deserialize a private key from PEM encoded data to one of the supported asymmetric private key types. :param bytes data: The PEM encoded key data. :param bytes password: The password to use to decrypt the data. Should be ``None`` if the private key is not encrypted. :param backend: A :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.TraditionalOpenSSLSerializationBackend` provider. :returns: A new instance of a private key. :raises ValueError: If the PEM data could not be decrypted or if its structure could not be decoded successfully. :raises TypeError: If a ``password`` was given and the private key was not encrypted. Or if the key was encrypted but no password was supplied. :raises UnsupportedAlgorithm: If the serialized key is of a type that is not supported by the backend or if the key is encrypted with a symmetric cipher that is not supported by the backend. .. _`X.501`: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.500