.. hazmat:: Asymmetric Utilities ==================== .. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils .. function:: decode_dss_signature(signature) Takes in signatures generated by the DSA/ECDSA signers and returns a tuple ``(r, s)``. These signatures are ASN.1 encoded ``Dss-Sig-Value`` sequences (as defined in :rfc:`3279`) :param bytes signature: The signature to decode. :returns: The decoded tuple ``(r, s)``. :raises ValueError: Raised if the signature is malformed. .. function:: encode_dss_signature(r, s) Creates an ASN.1 encoded ``Dss-Sig-Value`` (as defined in :rfc:`3279`) from raw ``r`` and ``s`` values. :param int r: The raw signature value ``r``. :param int s: The raw signature value ``s``. :return bytes: The encoded signature.