
We take the security of ``cryptography`` seriously. The following are a set of
policies we have adopted to ensure that security issues are addressed in a
timely fashion.

Reporting a security issue

We ask that you do not report security issues to our normal GitHub issue

If you believe you've identified a security issue with ``cryptography``, please
report it to ````. Messages may be optionally encrypted
with PGP using key fingerprint
``E27D 4AA0 1651 72CB C5D2  AF2B 125F 5C67 DFE9 4084`` (this public key is
available from most commonly-used key servers).

Once you've submitted an issue via email, you should receive an acknowledgment
within 48 hours, and depending on the action to be taken, you may receive
further follow-up emails.

Supported Versions

At any given time, we will provide security support for the `master`_ branch
as well as the 2 most recent releases.

New releases for OpenSSL updates

As of version 0.5, ``cryptography`` statically links OpenSSL on Windows to ease
installation. Due to this, ``cryptography`` will release a new version whenever
OpenSSL has a security or bug fix release to avoid shipping insecure software.

Like all our other releases, this will be announced on the mailing list and we
strongly recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible.

Disclosure Process

Our process for taking a security issue from private discussion to public
disclosure involves multiple steps.

Approximately one week before full public disclosure, we will send advance
notification of the issue to a list of people and organizations, primarily
composed of operating-system vendors and other distributors of
``cryptography``.  This notification will consist of an email message

* A full description of the issue and the affected versions of
* The steps we will be taking to remedy the issue.
* The patches, if any, that will be applied to ``cryptography``.
* The date on which the ``cryptography`` team will apply these patches, issue
  new releases, and publicly disclose the issue.

Simultaneously, the reporter of the issue will receive notification of the date
on which we plan to take the issue public.

On the day of disclosure, we will take the following steps:

* Apply the relevant patches to the ``cryptography`` repository. The commit
  messages for these patches will indicate that they are for security issues,
  but will not describe the issue in any detail; instead, they will warn of
  upcoming disclosure.
* Issue the relevant releases.
* Post a notice to the cryptography mailing list that describes the issue in
  detail, point to the new release and crediting the reporter of the issue.

If a reported issue is believed to be particularly time-sensitive – due to a
known exploit in the wild, for example – the time between advance notification
and public disclosure may be shortened considerably.

The list of people and organizations who receives advanced notification of
security issues is not and will not be made public. This list generally
consists of high profile downstream distributors and is entirely at the
discretion of the ``cryptography`` team.

.. _`master`: