# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest from cryptography import exceptions from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF @pytest.mark.hash class TestHKDF(object): def test_length_limit(self, backend): big_length = 255 * (hashes.SHA256().digest_size // 8) + 1 with pytest.raises(ValueError): HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), big_length, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) def test_already_finalized(self, backend): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.derive(b'\x01' * 16) with pytest.raises(exceptions.AlreadyFinalized): hkdf.derive(b'\x02' * 16) hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.verify(b'\x01' * 16, b'gJ\xfb{\xb1Oi\xc5sMC\xb7\xe4@\xf7u') with pytest.raises(exceptions.AlreadyFinalized): hkdf.verify(b'\x02' * 16, b'gJ\xfb{\xb1Oi\xc5sMC\xb7\xe4@\xf7u') def test_verify(self, backend): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.verify(b'\x01' * 16, b'gJ\xfb{\xb1Oi\xc5sMC\xb7\xe4@\xf7u') def test_verify_invalid(self, backend): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) with pytest.raises(exceptions.InvalidKey): hkdf.verify(b'\x02' * 16, b'gJ\xfb{\xb1Oi\xc5sMC\xb7\xe4@\xf7u') def test_unicode_typeerror(self, backend): with pytest.raises(TypeError): HKDF(hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=u'foo', info=None, backend=backend) with pytest.raises(TypeError): HKDF(hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=u'foo', backend=backend) with pytest.raises(TypeError): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.derive(u'foo') with pytest.raises(TypeError): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.verify(u'foo', b'bar') with pytest.raises(TypeError): hkdf = HKDF( hashes.SHA256(), 16, salt=None, info=None, backend=backend ) hkdf.verify(b'foo', u'bar')