import binascii import os import pytest from cryptography.bindings import _ALL_APIS from cryptography.primitives.block import BlockCipher def generate_encrypt_test(param_loader, path, file_names, cipher_factory, mode_factory, only_if=lambda api: True, skip_message=None): def test_encryption(self): for api in _ALL_APIS: for file_name in file_names: for params in param_loader(os.path.join(path, file_name)): yield ( encrypt_test, api, cipher_factory, mode_factory, params, only_if, skip_message ) return test_encryption def encrypt_test(api, cipher_factory, mode_factory, params, only_if, skip_message): if not only_if(api): pytest.skip(skip_message) plaintext = params.pop("plaintext") ciphertext = params.pop("ciphertext") cipher = BlockCipher( cipher_factory(**params), mode_factory(**params), api ) actual_ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(binascii.unhexlify(plaintext)) actual_ciphertext += cipher.finalize() assert actual_ciphertext == binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext) def generate_hash_test(param_loader, path, file_names, hash_cls, only_if=None, skip_message=None): def test_hash(self): for api in _ALL_APIS: for file_name in file_names: for params in param_loader(os.path.join(path, file_name)): yield ( hash_test, api, hash_cls, params, only_if, skip_message ) return test_hash def hash_test(api, hash_cls, params, only_if, skip_message): if only_if is not None and not only_if(api): pytest.skip(skip_message) msg = params[0] md = params[1] m = hash_cls(api=api) m.update(binascii.unhexlify(msg)) assert m.hexdigest() == md.replace(" ", "").lower() def generate_base_hash_test(hash_cls, digest_size, block_size, only_if=None, skip_message=None): def test_base_hash(self): for api in _ALL_APIS: yield ( base_hash_test, api, hash_cls, digest_size, block_size, only_if, skip_message, ) return test_base_hash def base_hash_test(api, hash_cls, digest_size, block_size, only_if, skip_message): if only_if is not None and not only_if(api): pytest.skip(skip_message) m = hash_cls(api=api) assert m.digest_size == digest_size assert m.block_size == block_size m_copy = m.copy() assert m != m_copy assert m._ctx != m_copy._ctx def generate_long_string_hash_test(hash_factory, md, only_if=None, skip_message=None): def test_long_string_hash(self): for api in _ALL_APIS: yield( long_string_hash_test, api, hash_factory, md, only_if, skip_message ) return test_long_string_hash def long_string_hash_test(api, hash_factory, md, only_if, skip_message): if only_if is not None and not only_if(api): pytest.skip(skip_message) m = hash_factory(api) m.update(b"a" * 1000000) assert m.hexdigest() == md.lower()