# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import textwrap import pretend import pytest from .utils import ( load_nist_vectors, load_vectors_from_file, load_cryptrec_vectors, load_hash_vectors, check_for_iface, check_backend_support, select_backends, load_pkcs1_vectors ) class FakeInterface(object): pass def test_select_one_backend(): b1 = pretend.stub(name="b1") b2 = pretend.stub(name="b2") b3 = pretend.stub(name="b3") backends = [b1, b2, b3] name = "b2" selected_backends = select_backends(name, backends) assert len(selected_backends) == 1 assert selected_backends[0] == b2 def test_select_no_backend(): b1 = pretend.stub(name="b1") b2 = pretend.stub(name="b2") b3 = pretend.stub(name="b3") backends = [b1, b2, b3] name = "back!" with pytest.raises(ValueError): select_backends(name, backends) def test_select_backends_none(): b1 = pretend.stub(name="b1") b2 = pretend.stub(name="b2") b3 = pretend.stub(name="b3") backends = [b1, b2, b3] name = None selected_backends = select_backends(name, backends) assert len(selected_backends) == 3 def test_select_two_backends(): b1 = pretend.stub(name="b1") b2 = pretend.stub(name="b2") b3 = pretend.stub(name="b3") backends = [b1, b2, b3] name = "b2 ,b1 " selected_backends = select_backends(name, backends) assert len(selected_backends) == 2 assert selected_backends == [b1, b2] def test_check_for_iface(): item = pretend.stub(keywords=["fake_name"], funcargs={"backend": True}) with pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception) as exc_info: check_for_iface("fake_name", FakeInterface, item) assert exc_info.value.args[0] == "True backend does not support fake_name" item = pretend.stub( keywords=["fake_name"], funcargs={"backend": FakeInterface()} ) check_for_iface("fake_name", FakeInterface, item) def test_check_backend_support_skip(): supported = pretend.stub( kwargs={"only_if": lambda backend: False, "skip_message": "Nope"} ) item = pretend.stub(keywords={"supported": supported}, funcargs={"backend": True}) with pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception) as exc_info: check_backend_support(item) assert exc_info.value.args[0] == "Nope (True)" def test_check_backend_support_no_skip(): supported = pretend.stub( kwargs={"only_if": lambda backend: True, "skip_message": "Nope"} ) item = pretend.stub(keywords={"supported": supported}, funcargs={"backend": True}) assert check_backend_support(item) is None def test_check_backend_support_no_backend(): supported = pretend.stub( kwargs={"only_if": "notalambda", "skip_message": "Nope"} ) item = pretend.stub(keywords={"supported": supported}, funcargs={}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): check_backend_support(item) def test_load_nist_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # CAVS 11.1 # Config info for aes_values # AESVS GFSbox test data for CBC # State : Encrypt and Decrypt # Key Length : 128 # Generated on Fri Apr 22 15:11:33 2011 [ENCRYPT] COUNT = 0 KEY = 00000000000000000000000000000000 IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000 PLAINTEXT = f34481ec3cc627bacd5dc3fb08f273e6 CIPHERTEXT = 0336763e966d92595a567cc9ce537f5e COUNT = 1 KEY = 00000000000000000000000000000000 IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000 PLAINTEXT = 9798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72 CIPHERTEXT = a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589 [DECRYPT] COUNT = 0 KEY = 00000000000000000000000000000000 IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000 CIPHERTEXT = 0336763e966d92595a567cc9ce537f5e PLAINTEXT = f34481ec3cc627bacd5dc3fb08f273e6 COUNT = 1 KEY = 00000000000000000000000000000000 IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000 CIPHERTEXT = a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589 PLAINTEXT = 9798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72 """).splitlines() assert load_nist_vectors(vector_data) == [ { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "iv": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"f34481ec3cc627bacd5dc3fb08f273e6", "ciphertext": b"0336763e966d92595a567cc9ce537f5e", }, { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "iv": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"9798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72", "ciphertext": b"a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589", }, { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "iv": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"f34481ec3cc627bacd5dc3fb08f273e6", "ciphertext": b"0336763e966d92595a567cc9ce537f5e", }, { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "iv": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"9798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72", "ciphertext": b"a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589", }, ] def test_load_nist_vectors_with_null_chars(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" COUNT = 0 KEY = thing\\0withnulls COUNT = 1 KEY = 00000000000000000000000000000000 """).splitlines() assert load_nist_vectors(vector_data) == [ { "key": b"thing\x00withnulls", }, { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", }, ] def test_load_cryptrec_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # Vectors taken from http://info.isl.ntt.co.jp/crypt/eng/camellia/ # Download is t_camelia.txt # Camellia with 128-bit key K No.001 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 P No.001 : 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C No.001 : 07 92 3A 39 EB 0A 81 7D 1C 4D 87 BD B8 2D 1F 1C P No.002 : 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C No.002 : 48 CD 64 19 80 96 72 D2 34 92 60 D8 9A 08 D3 D3 K No.002 : 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 P No.001 : 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C No.001 : 07 92 3A 39 EB 0A 81 7D 1C 4D 87 BD B8 2D 1F 1C """).splitlines() assert load_cryptrec_vectors(vector_data) == [ { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"80000000000000000000000000000000", "ciphertext": b"07923A39EB0A817D1C4D87BDB82D1F1C", }, { "key": b"00000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"40000000000000000000000000000000", "ciphertext": b"48CD6419809672D2349260D89A08D3D3", }, { "key": b"10000000000000000000000000000000", "plaintext": b"80000000000000000000000000000000", "ciphertext": b"07923A39EB0A817D1C4D87BDB82D1F1C", }, ] def test_load_cryptrec_vectors_invalid(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # Vectors taken from http://info.isl.ntt.co.jp/crypt/eng/camellia/ # Download is t_camelia.txt # Camellia with 128-bit key E No.001 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 """).splitlines() with pytest.raises(ValueError): load_cryptrec_vectors(vector_data) def test_load_hash_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1321 [irrelevant] Len = 0 Msg = 00 MD = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Len = 8 Msg = 61 MD = 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 Len = 24 Msg = 616263 MD = 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 Len = 112 Msg = 6d65737361676520646967657374 MD = f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0 """).splitlines() assert load_hash_vectors(vector_data) == [ (b"", "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"), (b"61", "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"), (b"616263", "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"), (b"6d65737361676520646967657374", "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0"), ] def test_load_hmac_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" Len = 224 # "Jefe" Key = 4a656665 # "what do ya want for nothing?" Msg = 7768617420646f2079612077616e7420666f72206e6f7468696e673f MD = 750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738 """).splitlines() assert load_hash_vectors(vector_data) == [ (b"7768617420646f2079612077616e7420666f72206e6f7468696e673f", "750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738", b"4a656665"), ] def test_load_hash_vectors_bad_data(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1321 Len = 0 Msg = 00 UNKNOWN=Hello World """).splitlines() with pytest.raises(ValueError): load_hash_vectors(vector_data) def test_load_vectors_from_file(): vectors = load_vectors_from_file( os.path.join("ciphers", "Blowfish", "bf-cfb.txt"), load_nist_vectors, ) assert vectors == [ { "key": b"0123456789ABCDEFF0E1D2C3B4A59687", "iv": b"FEDCBA9876543210", "plaintext": ( b"37363534333231204E6F77206973207468652074696D6520666F722000" ), "ciphertext": ( b"E73214A2822139CAF26ECF6D2EB9E76E3DA3DE04D1517200519D57A6C3" ), } ] def test_load_nist_gcm_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" [Keylen = 128] [IVlen = 96] [PTlen = 0] [AADlen = 0] [Taglen = 128] Count = 0 Key = 11754cd72aec309bf52f7687212e8957 IV = 3c819d9a9bed087615030b65 PT = AAD = CT = Tag = 250327c674aaf477aef2675748cf6971 Count = 1 Key = 272f16edb81a7abbea887357a58c1917 IV = 794ec588176c703d3d2a7a07 PT = AAD = CT = Tag = b6e6f197168f5049aeda32dafbdaeb Count = 2 Key = a49a5e26a2f8cb63d05546c2a62f5343 IV = 907763b19b9b4ab6bd4f0281 CT = AAD = Tag = a2be08210d8c470a8df6e8fbd79ec5cf FAIL Count = 3 Key = 5c1155084cc0ede76b3bc22e9f7574ef IV = 9549e4ba69a61cad7856efc1 PT = d1448fa852b84408e2dad8381f363de7 AAD = e98e9d9c618e46fef32660976f854ee3 CT = f78b60ca125218493bea1c50a2e12ef4 Tag = d72da7f5c6cf0bca7242c71835809449 [Keylen = 128] [IVlen = 96] [PTlen = 0] [AADlen = 0] [Taglen = 120] Count = 0 Key = eac258e99c55e6ae8ef1da26640613d7 IV = 4e8df20faaf2c8eebe922902 CT = AAD = Tag = e39aeaebe86aa309a4d062d6274339 PT = Count = 1 Key = 3726cf02fcc6b8639a5497652c94350d IV = 55fef82cde693ce76efcc193 CT = AAD = Tag = 3d68111a81ed22d2ef5bccac4fc27f FAIL Count = 2 Key = f202299d5fd74f03b12d2119a6c4c038 IV = eec51e7958c3f20a1bb71815 CT = AAD = Tag = a81886b3fb26e51fca87b267e1e157 FAIL Count = 3 Key = fd52925f39546b4c55ffb6b20c59898c IV = f5cf3227444afd905a5f6dba CT = AAD = Tag = 1665b0f1a0b456e1664cfd3de08ccd PT = [Keylen = 128] [IVlen = 8] [PTlen = 104] [AADlen = 0] [Taglen = 128] Count = 0 Key = 58fab7632bcf10d2bcee58520bf37414 IV = 3c CT = 15c4db4cbb451211179d57017f AAD = Tag = eae841d4355feeb3f786bc86625f1e5b FAIL """).splitlines() assert load_nist_vectors(vector_data) == [ {'aad': b'', 'pt': b'', 'iv': b'3c819d9a9bed087615030b65', 'tag': b'250327c674aaf477aef2675748cf6971', 'key': b'11754cd72aec309bf52f7687212e8957', 'ct': b''}, {'aad': b'', 'pt': b'', 'iv': b'794ec588176c703d3d2a7a07', 'tag': b'b6e6f197168f5049aeda32dafbdaeb', 'key': b'272f16edb81a7abbea887357a58c1917', 'ct': b''}, {'aad': b'', 'iv': b'907763b19b9b4ab6bd4f0281', 'tag': b'a2be08210d8c470a8df6e8fbd79ec5cf', 'key': b'a49a5e26a2f8cb63d05546c2a62f5343', 'ct': b'', 'fail': True}, {'aad': b'e98e9d9c618e46fef32660976f854ee3', 'pt': b'd1448fa852b84408e2dad8381f363de7', 'iv': b'9549e4ba69a61cad7856efc1', 'tag': b'd72da7f5c6cf0bca7242c71835809449', 'key': b'5c1155084cc0ede76b3bc22e9f7574ef', 'ct': b'f78b60ca125218493bea1c50a2e12ef4'}, {'aad': b'', 'pt': b'', 'iv': b'4e8df20faaf2c8eebe922902', 'tag': b'e39aeaebe86aa309a4d062d6274339', 'key': b'eac258e99c55e6ae8ef1da26640613d7', 'ct': b''}, {'aad': b'', 'iv': b'55fef82cde693ce76efcc193', 'tag': b'3d68111a81ed22d2ef5bccac4fc27f', 'key': b'3726cf02fcc6b8639a5497652c94350d', 'ct': b'', 'fail': True}, {'aad': b'', 'iv': b'eec51e7958c3f20a1bb71815', 'tag': b'a81886b3fb26e51fca87b267e1e157', 'key': b'f202299d5fd74f03b12d2119a6c4c038', 'ct': b'', 'fail': True}, {'aad': b'', 'pt': b'', 'iv': b'f5cf3227444afd905a5f6dba', 'tag': b'1665b0f1a0b456e1664cfd3de08ccd', 'key': b'fd52925f39546b4c55ffb6b20c59898c', 'ct': b''}, {'aad': b'', 'iv': b'3c', 'tag': b'eae841d4355feeb3f786bc86625f1e5b', 'key': b'58fab7632bcf10d2bcee58520bf37414', 'ct': b'15c4db4cbb451211179d57017f', 'fail': True}, ] def test_load_pkcs1_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" Test vectors for RSA-PSS ======================== This file contains an extract of the original pss-vect.txt Key lengths: Key 8: 1031 bits Key 9: 1536 bits =========================================================================== <snip> # Example 8: A 1031-bit RSA key pair # ----------------------------------- # Public key # ---------- # Modulus: 49 53 70 a1 fb 18 54 3c 16 d3 63 1e 31 63 25 5d f6 2b e6 ee e8 90 d5 f2 55 09 e4 f7 78 a8 ea 6f bb bc df 85 df f6 4e 0d 97 20 03 ab 36 81 fb ba 6d d4 1f d5 41 82 9b 2e 58 2d e9 f2 a4 a4 e0 a2 d0 90 0b ef 47 53 db 3c ee 0e e0 6c 7d fa e8 b1 d5 3b 59 53 21 8f 9c ce ea 69 5b 08 66 8e de aa dc ed 94 63 b1 d7 90 d5 eb f2 7e 91 15 b4 6c ad 4d 9a 2b 8e fa b0 56 1b 08 10 34 47 39 ad a0 73 3f # Exponent: 01 00 01 # Private key # ----------- # Modulus: 49 53 70 a1 fb 18 54 3c 16 d3 63 1e 31 63 25 5d f6 2b e6 ee e8 90 d5 f2 55 09 e4 f7 78 a8 ea 6f bb bc df 85 df f6 4e 0d 97 20 03 ab 36 81 fb ba 6d d4 1f d5 41 82 9b 2e 58 2d e9 f2 a4 a4 e0 a2 d0 90 0b ef 47 53 db 3c ee 0e e0 6c 7d fa e8 b1 d5 3b 59 53 21 8f 9c ce ea 69 5b 08 66 8e de aa dc ed 94 63 b1 d7 90 d5 eb f2 7e 91 15 b4 6c ad 4d 9a 2b 8e fa b0 56 1b 08 10 34 47 39 ad a0 73 3f # Public exponent: 01 00 01 # Exponent: 6c 66 ff e9 89 80 c3 8f cd ea b5 15 98 98 83 61 65 f4 b4 b8 17 c4 f6 a8 d4 86 ee 4e a9 13 0f e9 b9 09 2b d1 36 d1 84 f9 5f 50 4a 60 7e ac 56 58 46 d2 fd d6 59 7a 89 67 c7 39 6e f9 5a 6e ee bb 45 78 a6 43 96 6d ca 4d 8e e3 de 84 2d e6 32 79 c6 18 15 9c 1a b5 4a 89 43 7b 6a 61 20 e4 93 0a fb 52 a4 ba 6c ed 8a 49 47 ac 64 b3 0a 34 97 cb e7 01 c2 d6 26 6d 51 72 19 ad 0e c6 d3 47 db e9 # Prime 1: 08 da d7 f1 13 63 fa a6 23 d5 d6 d5 e8 a3 19 32 8d 82 19 0d 71 27 d2 84 6c 43 9b 0a b7 26 19 b0 a4 3a 95 32 0e 4e c3 4f c3 a9 ce a8 76 42 23 05 bd 76 c5 ba 7b e9 e2 f4 10 c8 06 06 45 a1 d2 9e db # Prime 2: 08 47 e7 32 37 6f c7 90 0f 89 8e a8 2e b2 b0 fc 41 85 65 fd ae 62 f7 d9 ec 4c e2 21 7b 97 99 0d d2 72 db 15 7f 99 f6 3c 0d cb b9 fb ac db d4 c4 da db 6d f6 77 56 35 8c a4 17 48 25 b4 8f 49 70 6d # Prime exponent 1: 05 c2 a8 3c 12 4b 36 21 a2 aa 57 ea 2c 3e fe 03 5e ff 45 60 f3 3d de bb 7a da b8 1f ce 69 a0 c8 c2 ed c1 65 20 dd a8 3d 59 a2 3b e8 67 96 3a c6 5f 2c c7 10 bb cf b9 6e e1 03 de b7 71 d1 05 fd 85 # Prime exponent 2: 04 ca e8 aa 0d 9f aa 16 5c 87 b6 82 ec 14 0b 8e d3 b5 0b 24 59 4b 7a 3b 2c 22 0b 36 69 bb 81 9f 98 4f 55 31 0a 1a e7 82 36 51 d4 a0 2e 99 44 79 72 59 51 39 36 34 34 e5 e3 0a 7e 7d 24 15 51 e1 b9 # Coefficient: 07 d3 e4 7b f6 86 60 0b 11 ac 28 3c e8 8d bb 3f 60 51 e8 ef d0 46 80 e4 4c 17 1e f5 31 b8 0b 2b 7c 39 fc 76 63 20 e2 cf 15 d8 d9 98 20 e9 6f f3 0d c6 96 91 83 9c 4b 40 d7 b0 6e 45 30 7d c9 1f 3f # RSA-PSS signing of 6 random messages with random salts # ------------------------------------------------------- # PSS Example 8.1 # ----------------- # Message to be signed: 81 33 2f 4b e6 29 48 41 5e a1 d8 99 79 2e ea cf 6c 6e 1d b1 da 8b e1 3b 5c ea 41 db 2f ed 46 70 92 e1 ff 39 89 14 c7 14 25 97 75 f5 95 f8 54 7f 73 56 92 a5 75 e6 92 3a f7 8f 22 c6 99 7d db 90 fb 6f 72 d7 bb 0d d5 74 4a 31 de cd 3d c3 68 58 49 83 6e d3 4a ec 59 63 04 ad 11 84 3c 4f 88 48 9f 20 97 35 f5 fb 7f da f7 ce c8 ad dc 58 18 16 8f 88 0a cb f4 90 d5 10 05 b7 a8 e8 4e 43 e5 42 87 97 75 71 dd 99 ee a4 b1 61 eb 2d f1 f5 10 8f 12 a4 14 2a 83 32 2e db 05 a7 54 87 a3 43 5c 9a 78 ce 53 ed 93 bc 55 08 57 d7 a9 fb # Salt: 1d 65 49 1d 79 c8 64 b3 73 00 9b e6 f6 f2 46 7b ac 4c 78 fa # Signature: 02 62 ac 25 4b fa 77 f3 c1 ac a2 2c 51 79 f8 f0 40 42 2b 3c 5b af d4 0a 8f 21 cf 0f a5 a6 67 cc d5 99 3d 42 db af b4 09 c5 20 e2 5f ce 2b 1e e1 e7 16 57 7f 1e fa 17 f3 da 28 05 2f 40 f0 41 9b 23 10 6d 78 45 aa f0 11 25 b6 98 e7 a4 df e9 2d 39 67 bb 00 c4 d0 d3 5b a3 55 2a b9 a8 b3 ee f0 7c 7f ec db c5 42 4a c4 db 1e 20 cb 37 d0 b2 74 47 69 94 0e a9 07 e1 7f bb ca 67 3b 20 52 23 80 c5 # PSS Example 8.2 # ----------------- # Message to be signed: e2 f9 6e af 0e 05 e7 ba 32 6e cc a0 ba 7f d2 f7 c0 23 56 f3 ce de 9d 0f aa bf 4f cc 8e 60 a9 73 e5 59 5f d9 ea 08 # Salt: 43 5c 09 8a a9 90 9e b2 37 7f 12 48 b0 91 b6 89 87 ff 18 38 # Signature: 27 07 b9 ad 51 15 c5 8c 94 e9 32 e8 ec 0a 28 0f 56 33 9e 44 a1 b5 8d 4d dc ff 2f 31 2e 5f 34 dc fe 39 e8 9c 6a 94 dc ee 86 db bd ae 5b 79 ba 4e 08 19 a9 e7 bf d9 d9 82 e7 ee 6c 86 ee 68 39 6e 8b 3a 14 c9 c8 f3 4b 17 8e b7 41 f9 d3 f1 21 10 9b f5 c8 17 2f ad a2 e7 68 f9 ea 14 33 03 2c 00 4a 8a a0 7e b9 90 00 0a 48 dc 94 c8 ba c8 aa be 2b 09 b1 aa 46 c0 a2 aa 0e 12 f6 3f bb a7 75 ba 7e # <snip> # ============================================= # Example 9: A 1536-bit RSA key pair # ----------------------------------- # Public key # ---------- # Modulus: e6 bd 69 2a c9 66 45 79 04 03 fd d0 f5 be b8 b9 bf 92 ed 10 00 7f c3 65 04 64 19 dd 06 c0 5c 5b 5b 2f 48 ec f9 89 e4 ce 26 91 09 97 9c bb 40 b4 a0 ad 24 d2 24 83 d1 ee 31 5a d4 cc b1 53 42 68 35 26 91 c5 24 f6 dd 8e 6c 29 d2 24 cf 24 69 73 ae c8 6c 5b f6 b1 40 1a 85 0d 1b 9a d1 bb 8c bc ec 47 b0 6f 0f 8c 7f 45 d3 fc 8f 31 92 99 c5 43 3d db c2 b3 05 3b 47 de d2 ec d4 a4 ca ef d6 14 83 3d c8 bb 62 2f 31 7e d0 76 b8 05 7f e8 de 3f 84 48 0a d5 e8 3e 4a 61 90 4a 4f 24 8f b3 97 02 73 57 e1 d3 0e 46 31 39 81 5c 6f d4 fd 5a c5 b8 17 2a 45 23 0e cb 63 18 a0 4f 14 55 d8 4e 5a 8b # Exponent: 01 00 01 # Private key # ----------- # Modulus: e6 bd 69 2a c9 66 45 79 04 03 fd d0 f5 be b8 b9 bf 92 ed 10 00 7f c3 65 04 64 19 dd 06 c0 5c 5b 5b 2f 48 ec f9 89 e4 ce 26 91 09 97 9c bb 40 b4 a0 ad 24 d2 24 83 d1 ee 31 5a d4 cc b1 53 42 68 35 26 91 c5 24 f6 dd 8e 6c 29 d2 24 cf 24 69 73 ae c8 6c 5b f6 b1 40 1a 85 0d 1b 9a d1 bb 8c bc ec 47 b0 6f 0f 8c 7f 45 d3 fc 8f 31 92 99 c5 43 3d db c2 b3 05 3b 47 de d2 ec d4 a4 ca ef d6 14 83 3d c8 bb 62 2f 31 7e d0 76 b8 05 7f e8 de 3f 84 48 0a d5 e8 3e 4a 61 90 4a 4f 24 8f b3 97 02 73 57 e1 d3 0e 46 31 39 81 5c 6f d4 fd 5a c5 b8 17 2a 45 23 0e cb 63 18 a0 4f 14 55 d8 4e 5a 8b # Public exponent: 01 00 01 # Exponent: 6a 7f d8 4f b8 5f ad 07 3b 34 40 6d b7 4f 8d 61 a6 ab c1 21 96 a9 61 dd 79 56 5e 9d a6 e5 18 7b ce 2d 98 02 50 f7 35 95 75 35 92 70 d9 15 90 bb 0e 42 7c 71 46 0b 55 d5 14 10 b1 91 bc f3 09 fe a1 31 a9 2c 8e 70 27 38 fa 71 9f 1e 00 41 f5 2e 40 e9 1f 22 9f 4d 96 a1 e6 f1 72 e1 55 96 b4 51 0a 6d ae c2 61 05 f2 be bc 53 31 6b 87 bd f2 13 11 66 60 70 e8 df ee 69 d5 2c 71 a9 76 ca ae 79 c7 2b 68 d2 85 80 dc 68 6d 9f 51 29 d2 25 f8 2b 3d 61 55 13 a8 82 b3 db 91 41 6b 48 ce 08 88 82 13 e3 7e eb 9a f8 00 d8 1c ab 32 8c e4 20 68 99 03 c0 0c 7b 5f d3 1b 75 50 3a 6d 41 96 84 d6 29 # Prime 1: f8 eb 97 e9 8d f1 26 64 ee fd b7 61 59 6a 69 dd cd 0e 76 da ec e6 ed 4b f5 a1 b5 0a c0 86 f7 92 8a 4d 2f 87 26 a7 7e 51 5b 74 da 41 98 8f 22 0b 1c c8 7a a1 fc 81 0c e9 9a 82 f2 d1 ce 82 1e dc ed 79 4c 69 41 f4 2c 7a 1a 0b 8c 4d 28 c7 5e c6 0b 65 22 79 f6 15 4a 76 2a ed 16 5d 47 de e3 67 # Prime 2: ed 4d 71 d0 a6 e2 4b 93 c2 e5 f6 b4 bb e0 5f 5f b0 af a0 42 d2 04 fe 33 78 d3 65 c2 f2 88 b6 a8 da d7 ef e4 5d 15 3e ef 40 ca cc 7b 81 ff 93 40 02 d1 08 99 4b 94 a5 e4 72 8c d9 c9 63 37 5a e4 99 65 bd a5 5c bf 0e fe d8 d6 55 3b 40 27 f2 d8 62 08 a6 e6 b4 89 c1 76 12 80 92 d6 29 e4 9d 3d # Prime exponent 1: 2b b6 8b dd fb 0c 4f 56 c8 55 8b ff af 89 2d 80 43 03 78 41 e7 fa 81 cf a6 1a 38 c5 e3 9b 90 1c 8e e7 11 22 a5 da 22 27 bd 6c de eb 48 14 52 c1 2a d3 d6 1d 5e 4f 77 6a 0a b5 56 59 1b ef e3 e5 9e 5a 7f dd b8 34 5e 1f 2f 35 b9 f4 ce e5 7c 32 41 4c 08 6a ec 99 3e 93 53 e4 80 d9 ee c6 28 9f # Prime exponent 2: 4f f8 97 70 9f ad 07 97 46 49 45 78 e7 0f d8 54 61 30 ee ab 56 27 c4 9b 08 0f 05 ee 4a d9 f3 e4 b7 cb a9 d6 a5 df f1 13 a4 1c 34 09 33 68 33 f1 90 81 6d 8a 6b c4 2e 9b ec 56 b7 56 7d 0f 3c 9c 69 6d b6 19 b2 45 d9 01 dd 85 6d b7 c8 09 2e 77 e9 a1 cc cd 56 ee 4d ba 42 c5 fd b6 1a ec 26 69 # Coefficient: 77 b9 d1 13 7b 50 40 4a 98 27 29 31 6e fa fc 7d fe 66 d3 4e 5a 18 26 00 d5 f3 0a 0a 85 12 05 1c 56 0d 08 1d 4d 0a 18 35 ec 3d 25 a6 0f 4e 4d 6a a9 48 b2 bf 3d bb 5b 12 4c bb c3 48 92 55 a3 a9 48 37 2f 69 78 49 67 45 f9 43 e1 db 4f 18 38 2c ea a5 05 df c6 57 57 bb 3f 85 7a 58 dc e5 21 56 # PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Example 2.17 # ----------------- # Message to be signed: 06 ad d7 5a b6 89 de 06 77 44 e6 9a 2e bd 4b 90 fa 93 83 00 3c d0 5f f5 36 cb f2 94 cd 21 5f 09 23 b7 fc 90 04 f0 aa 18 52 71 a1 d0 06 1f d0 e9 77 7a d1 ec 0c 71 59 1f 57 8b f7 b8 e5 a1 # Signature: 45 14 21 0e 54 1d 5b ad 7d d6 0a e5 49 b9 43 ac c4 4f 21 39 0d f5 b6 13 18 45 5a 17 61 0d f5 b7 4d 84 ae d2 32 f1 7e 59 d9 1d d2 65 99 22 f8 12 db d4 96 81 69 03 84 b9 54 e9 ad fb 9b 1a 96 8c 0c bf f7 63 ec ee d6 27 50 c5 91 64 b5 e0 80 a8 fe f3 d5 5b fe 2a cf ad 27 52 a6 a8 45 9f a1 fa b4 9a d3 78 c6 96 4b 23 ee 97 fd 10 34 61 0c 5c c1 4c 61 e0 eb fb 17 11 f8 ad e9 6f e6 55 7b 38 # <snip> # ============================================= # <snip> """).splitlines() vectors = tuple(load_pkcs1_vectors(vector_data)) expected = ( ( { 'modulus': int( '495370a1fb18543c16d3631e3163255df62be6eee890d5f25509e4f77' '8a8ea6fbbbcdf85dff64e0d972003ab3681fbba6dd41fd541829b2e58' '2de9f2a4a4e0a2d0900bef4753db3cee0ee06c7dfae8b1d53b5953218' 'f9cceea695b08668edeaadced9463b1d790d5ebf27e9115b46cad4d9a' '2b8efab0561b0810344739ada0733f', 16), 'public_exponent': int('10001', 16), 'private_exponent': int( '6c66ffe98980c38fcdeab5159898836165f4b4b817c4f6a8d486ee4ea' '9130fe9b9092bd136d184f95f504a607eac565846d2fdd6597a8967c7' '396ef95a6eeebb4578a643966dca4d8ee3de842de63279c618159c1ab' '54a89437b6a6120e4930afb52a4ba6ced8a4947ac64b30a3497cbe701' 'c2d6266d517219ad0ec6d347dbe9', 16), 'p': int( '8dad7f11363faa623d5d6d5e8a319328d82190d7127d2846c439b0ab7' '2619b0a43a95320e4ec34fc3a9cea876422305bd76c5ba7be9e2f410c' '8060645a1d29edb', 16), 'q': int( '847e732376fc7900f898ea82eb2b0fc418565fdae62f7d9ec4ce2217b' '97990dd272db157f99f63c0dcbb9fbacdbd4c4dadb6df67756358ca41' '74825b48f49706d', 16), 'dmp1': int( '05c2a83c124b3621a2aa57ea2c3efe035eff4560f33ddebb7adab81fc' 'e69a0c8c2edc16520dda83d59a23be867963ac65f2cc710bbcfb96ee1' '03deb771d105fd85', 16), 'dmq1': int( '04cae8aa0d9faa165c87b682ec140b8ed3b50b24594b7a3b2c220b366' '9bb819f984f55310a1ae7823651d4a02e99447972595139363434e5e3' '0a7e7d241551e1b9', 16), 'iqmp': int( '07d3e47bf686600b11ac283ce88dbb3f6051e8efd04680e44c171ef53' '1b80b2b7c39fc766320e2cf15d8d99820e96ff30dc69691839c4b40d7' 'b06e45307dc91f3f', 16), 'examples': [ { 'message': '81332f4be62948415ea1d899792eeacf6c6e1db1da' '8be13b5cea41db2fed467092e1ff398914c7142597' '75f595f8547f735692a575e6923af78f22c6997ddb' '90fb6f72d7bb0dd5744a31decd3dc3685849836ed3' '4aec596304ad11843c4f88489f209735f5fb7fdaf7' 'cec8addc5818168f880acbf490d51005b7a8e84e43' 'e54287977571dd99eea4b161eb2df1f5108f12a414' '2a83322edb05a75487a3435c9a78ce53ed93bc5508' '57d7a9fb', 'salt': '1d65491d79c864b373009be6f6f2467bac4c78fa', 'signature': '0262ac254bfa77f3c1aca22c5179f8f040422b3c' '5bafd40a8f21cf0fa5a667ccd5993d42dbafb409' 'c520e25fce2b1ee1e716577f1efa17f3da28052f' '40f0419b23106d7845aaf01125b698e7a4dfe92d' '3967bb00c4d0d35ba3552ab9a8b3eef07c7fecdb' 'c5424ac4db1e20cb37d0b2744769940ea907e17f' 'bbca673b20522380c5' }, { 'message': 'e2f96eaf0e05e7ba326ecca0ba7fd2f7c02356f3ce' 'de9d0faabf4fcc8e60a973e5595fd9ea08', 'salt': '435c098aa9909eb2377f1248b091b68987ff1838', 'signature': '2707b9ad5115c58c94e932e8ec0a280f56339e44' 'a1b58d4ddcff2f312e5f34dcfe39e89c6a94dcee' '86dbbdae5b79ba4e0819a9e7bfd9d982e7ee6c86' 'ee68396e8b3a14c9c8f34b178eb741f9d3f12110' '9bf5c8172fada2e768f9ea1433032c004a8aa07e' 'b990000a48dc94c8bac8aabe2b09b1aa46c0a2aa' '0e12f63fbba775ba7e' } ] }, { 'modulus': int( '495370a1fb18543c16d3631e3163255df62be6eee890d5f25509e4f77' '8a8ea6fbbbcdf85dff64e0d972003ab3681fbba6dd41fd541829b2e58' '2de9f2a4a4e0a2d0900bef4753db3cee0ee06c7dfae8b1d53b5953218' 'f9cceea695b08668edeaadced9463b1d790d5ebf27e9115b46cad4d9a' '2b8efab0561b0810344739ada0733f', 16), 'public_exponent': int('10001', 16) } ), ( { 'modulus': int( 'e6bd692ac96645790403fdd0f5beb8b9bf92ed10007fc365046419dd0' '6c05c5b5b2f48ecf989e4ce269109979cbb40b4a0ad24d22483d1ee31' '5ad4ccb1534268352691c524f6dd8e6c29d224cf246973aec86c5bf6b' '1401a850d1b9ad1bb8cbcec47b06f0f8c7f45d3fc8f319299c5433ddb' 'c2b3053b47ded2ecd4a4caefd614833dc8bb622f317ed076b8057fe8d' 'e3f84480ad5e83e4a61904a4f248fb397027357e1d30e463139815c6f' 'd4fd5ac5b8172a45230ecb6318a04f1455d84e5a8b', 16), 'public_exponent': int('10001', 16), 'private_exponent': int( '6a7fd84fb85fad073b34406db74f8d61a6abc12196a961dd79565e9da' '6e5187bce2d980250f7359575359270d91590bb0e427c71460b55d514' '10b191bcf309fea131a92c8e702738fa719f1e0041f52e40e91f229f4' 'd96a1e6f172e15596b4510a6daec26105f2bebc53316b87bdf2131166' '6070e8dfee69d52c71a976caae79c72b68d28580dc686d9f5129d225f' '82b3d615513a882b3db91416b48ce08888213e37eeb9af800d81cab32' '8ce420689903c00c7b5fd31b75503a6d419684d629', 16), 'p': int( 'f8eb97e98df12664eefdb761596a69ddcd0e76daece6ed4bf5a1b50ac' '086f7928a4d2f8726a77e515b74da41988f220b1cc87aa1fc810ce99a' '82f2d1ce821edced794c6941f42c7a1a0b8c4d28c75ec60b652279f61' '54a762aed165d47dee367', 16), 'q': int( 'ed4d71d0a6e24b93c2e5f6b4bbe05f5fb0afa042d204fe3378d365c2f' '288b6a8dad7efe45d153eef40cacc7b81ff934002d108994b94a5e472' '8cd9c963375ae49965bda55cbf0efed8d6553b4027f2d86208a6e6b48' '9c176128092d629e49d3d', 16), 'dmp1': int( '2bb68bddfb0c4f56c8558bffaf892d8043037841e7fa81cfa61a38c5e' '39b901c8ee71122a5da2227bd6cdeeb481452c12ad3d61d5e4f776a0a' 'b556591befe3e59e5a7fddb8345e1f2f35b9f4cee57c32414c086aec9' '93e9353e480d9eec6289f', 16), 'dmq1': int( '4ff897709fad079746494578e70fd8546130eeab5627c49b080f05ee4' 'ad9f3e4b7cba9d6a5dff113a41c3409336833f190816d8a6bc42e9bec' '56b7567d0f3c9c696db619b245d901dd856db7c8092e77e9a1cccd56e' 'e4dba42c5fdb61aec2669', 16), 'iqmp': int( '77b9d1137b50404a982729316efafc7dfe66d34e5a182600d5f30a0a8' '512051c560d081d4d0a1835ec3d25a60f4e4d6aa948b2bf3dbb5b124c' 'bbc3489255a3a948372f6978496745f943e1db4f18382ceaa505dfc65' '757bb3f857a58dce52156', 16), 'examples': [ { 'message': '06add75ab689de067744e69a2ebd4b90fa9383003c' 'd05ff536cbf294cd215f0923b7fc9004f0aa185271' 'a1d0061fd0e9777ad1ec0c71591f578bf7b8e5a1', 'signature': '4514210e541d5bad7dd60ae549b943acc44f2139' '0df5b61318455a17610df5b74d84aed232f17e59' 'd91dd2659922f812dbd49681690384b954e9adfb' '9b1a968c0cbff763eceed62750c59164b5e080a8' 'fef3d55bfe2acfad2752a6a8459fa1fab49ad378' 'c6964b23ee97fd1034610c5cc14c61e0ebfb1711' 'f8ade96fe6557b38' } ] }, { 'modulus': int( 'e6bd692ac96645790403fdd0f5beb8b9bf92ed10007fc365046419dd0' '6c05c5b5b2f48ecf989e4ce269109979cbb40b4a0ad24d22483d1ee31' '5ad4ccb1534268352691c524f6dd8e6c29d224cf246973aec86c5bf6b' '1401a850d1b9ad1bb8cbcec47b06f0f8c7f45d3fc8f319299c5433ddb' 'c2b3053b47ded2ecd4a4caefd614833dc8bb622f317ed076b8057fe8d' 'e3f84480ad5e83e4a61904a4f248fb397027357e1d30e463139815c6f' 'd4fd5ac5b8172a45230ecb6318a04f1455d84e5a8b', 16), 'public_exponent': int('10001', 16) } ) ) assert vectors == expected def test_load_hotp_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # HOTP Test Vectors # RFC 4226 Appendix D COUNT = 0 COUNTER = 0 INTERMEDIATE = cc93cf18508d94934c64b65d8ba7667fb7cde4b0 TRUNCATED = 4c93cf18 HOTP = 755224 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 COUNT = 1 COUNTER = 1 INTERMEDIATE = 75a48a19d4cbe100644e8ac1397eea747a2d33ab TRUNCATED = 41397eea HOTP = 287082 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 COUNT = 2 COUNTER = 2 INTERMEDIATE = 0bacb7fa082fef30782211938bc1c5e70416ff44 TRUNCATED = 82fef30 HOTP = 359152 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 COUNT = 3 COUNTER = 3 INTERMEDIATE = 66c28227d03a2d5529262ff016a1e6ef76557ece TRUNCATED = 66ef7655 HOTP = 969429 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 """).splitlines() assert load_nist_vectors(vector_data) == [ { "counter": b"0", "intermediate": b"cc93cf18508d94934c64b65d8ba7667fb7cde4b0", "truncated": b"4c93cf18", "hotp": b"755224", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, { "counter": b"1", "intermediate": b"75a48a19d4cbe100644e8ac1397eea747a2d33ab", "truncated": b"41397eea", "hotp": b"287082", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, { "counter": b"2", "intermediate": b"0bacb7fa082fef30782211938bc1c5e70416ff44", "truncated": b"82fef30", "hotp": b"359152", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, { "counter": b"3", "intermediate": b"66c28227d03a2d5529262ff016a1e6ef76557ece", "truncated": b"66ef7655", "hotp": b"969429", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, ] def test_load_totp_vectors(): vector_data = textwrap.dedent(""" # TOTP Test Vectors # RFC 6238 Appendix B COUNT = 0 TIME = 59 TOTP = 94287082 MODE = SHA1 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 COUNT = 1 TIME = 59 TOTP = 46119246 MODE = SHA256 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 COUNT = 2 TIME = 59 TOTP = 90693936 MODE = SHA512 SECRET = 12345678901234567890 """).splitlines() assert load_nist_vectors(vector_data) == [ { "time": b"59", "totp": b"94287082", "mode": b"SHA1", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, { "time": b"59", "totp": b"46119246", "mode": b"SHA256", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, { "time": b"59", "totp": b"90693936", "mode": b"SHA512", "secret": b"12345678901234567890", }, ]