path: root/examples/complex
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/examples/complex/block_dns_over_https.py b/examples/complex/block_dns_over_https.py
index 864da20e..a40733fb 100644
--- a/examples/complex/block_dns_over_https.py
+++ b/examples/complex/block_dns_over_https.py
@@ -4,23 +4,12 @@ This module is for blocking DNS over HTTPS requests.
It loads a blocklist of IPs and hostnames that are known to serve DNS over HTTPS requests.
It also uses headers, query params, and paths to detect DoH (and block it)
-import json
-import re
-import os
-import urllib.request
from typing import List
-import dns.query
-import dns.rdatatype
-import dns.message
-import dns.resolver
-import dns.rdtypes.IN.A
-import dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA
from mitmproxy import ctx
-# filename we'll save the blocklist to so we don't have to re-generate it every time
-blocklist_filename = 'blocklist.json'
+# known DoH providers' hostnames and IP addresses to block
+default_blocklist: dict = {"hostnames": ["dns.adguard.com", "dns-family.adguard.com", "dns.google", "cloudflare-dns.com", "mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com", "security.cloudflare-dns.com", "family.cloudflare-dns.com", "dns.quad9.net", "dns9.quad9.net", "dns10.quad9.net", "dns11.quad9.net", "doh.opendns.com", "doh.familyshield.opendns.com", "doh.cleanbrowsing.org", "doh.xfinity.com", "dohdot.coxlab.net", "odvr.nic.cz", "doh.dnslify.com", "dns.nextdns.io", "dns.dnsoverhttps.net", "doh.crypto.sx", "doh.powerdns.org", "doh-fi.blahdns.com", "doh-jp.blahdns.com", "doh-de.blahdns.com", "doh.ffmuc.net", "dns.dns-over-https.com", "doh.securedns.eu", "dns.rubyfish.cn", "dns.containerpi.com", "dns.containerpi.com", "dns.containerpi.com", "doh-2.seby.io", "doh.seby.io", "commons.host", "doh.dnswarden.com", "doh.dnswarden.com", "doh.dnswarden.com", "dns-nyc.aaflalo.me", "dns.aaflalo.me", "doh.applied-privacy.net", "doh.captnemo.in", "doh.tiar.app", "doh.tiarap.org", "doh.dns.sb", "rdns.faelix.net", "doh.li", "doh.armadillodns.net", "jp.tiar.app", "jp.tiarap.org", "doh.42l.fr", "dns.hostux.net", "dns.hostux.net", "dns.aa.net.uk", "adblock.mydns.network", "ibksturm.synology.me", "jcdns.fun", "ibuki.cgnat.net", "dns.twnic.tw", "example.doh.blockerdns.com", "dns.digitale-gesellschaft.ch", "doh.libredns.gr", "doh.centraleu.pi-dns.com", "doh.northeu.pi-dns.com", "doh.westus.pi-dns.com", "doh.eastus.pi-dns.com", "dns.flatuslifir.is", "private.canadianshield.cira.ca", "protected.canadianshield.cira.ca", "family.canadianshield.cira.ca", "dns.google.com", "dns.google.com"], "ips": ["", "", "2a00:5a60::ad1:ff", "2a00:5a60::ad2:ff", "", "", "2a00:5a60::bad2:ff", "2a00:5a60::bad1:ff", "", "", "2001:4860:4860::8888", "2001:4860:4860::8844", "", "", "2606:4700::6810:f8f9", "2606:4700::6810:f9f9", "", "", "2606:4700::6810:f9f9", "2606:4700::6810:f8f9", "", "", "2606:4700::6812:337", "2606:4700::6812:237", "", "", "2606:4700::6812:1a80", "2606:4700::6812:1b80", "", "", "2620:fe::9", "2620:fe::fe", "", "", "2620:fe::fe:9", "2620:fe::9", "", "", "2620:fe::10", "2620:fe::fe:10", "", "", "2620:fe::fe:11", "2620:fe::11", "", "2620:119:fc::2", "", "2620:119:fc::3", "", "", "", "2001:558:fe21:6b:96:113:151:149", "", "", "2001:148f:fffe::1", "", "2a0d:4d00:81::1", "", "2a07:a8c0::", "", "2604:a880:1:20::51:f001", "", "", "2606:4700:3036::681c:6a", "2606:4700:3034::681c:16a", "", "2a01:7c8:d002:1ef:5054:ff:fe40:3703", "", "2a01:4f9:c010:43ce::1", "", "2001:19f0:7001:3259:5400:2ff:fe71:bc9", "", "2a01:4f8:1c1c:6b4b::1", "", "2001:608:a01::3", "", "", "2606:4700:3033::6818:7b35", "2606:4700:3035::6818:7a35", "", "2a03:b0c0:0:1010::e9a:3001", "", "", "2001:19f0:7001:5554:5400:2ff:fe57:3077", "", "2001:19f0:7001:5554:5400:2ff:fe57:3077", "", "2001:19f0:7001:5554:5400:2ff:fe57:3077", "", "", "", "", "2604:180:f3::42", "", "2a00:d880:5:bf0::7c93", "", "2a03:4000:38:53c::2", "", "", "2400:6180:0:d0::5f73:4001", "", "", "2606:4700:3033::6812:2dcc", "2606:4700:3033::6812:2ccc", "", "", "2606:4700:3035::681f:5a8a", "2606:4700:3036::681f:5b8a", "", "", "", "", "2a01:9e00::54", "2a01:9e01::54", "2a01:9e00::55", "2a01:9e01::55", "", "", "2400:8902::f03c:91ff:feda:c514", "", "", "2606:4700:3033::6812:2ccc", "2606:4700:3033::6812:2dcc", "", "", "2001:4b98:dc2:43:216:3eff:fe86:1d28", "", "2001:4b98:dc2:43:216:3eff:fe86:1d28", "", "", "2001:8b0::2022", "2001:8b0::2023", "", "2606:4700:60:0:a71e:6467:cef8:2a56", "", "2a02:1205:34d5:5070:b26e:bfff:fe1d:e19b", "", "", "", "2001:c50:ffff:1:101:101:101:101", "", "", "", "2a05:fc84::43", "2a05:fc84::42", "", "", "2a01:4f8:c2c:52bf::1", "", "2a01:4f8:1c0c:8233::1", "", "2a01:4f9:c01f:4::abcd", "", "2a04:bdc7:100:70::abcd", "", "2a0d:5600:33:3::abcd", "", "2001:678:888:69:c45d:2738:c3f2:1878", "", "", "2620:10a:80bb::10", "2620:10a:80bc::10", "", "", "2620:10a:80bb::20", "2620:10a:80bc::20", "", "", "2620:10a:80bc::30", "2620:10a:80bb::30"]}
# additional hostnames to block
additional_doh_names: List[str] = [
@@ -32,120 +21,7 @@ additional_doh_ips: List[str] = [
-def get_doh_providers():
- """
- Scrape a list of DoH providers from curl's wiki page.
- :return: a generator of dicts containing information about the DoH providers
- """
- https_url_re = re.compile(r'https://'
- r'(?P<hostname>[0-9a-zA-Z._~-]+)'
- r'(?P<port>:[0-9]+)?'
- r'(?P<path>[0-9a-zA-Z._~/-]+)?')
- provider_re = re.compile(r'(\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+))\)|(.*)')
- # URLs that are not DoH URLs
- do_not_include = ['my.nextdns.io', 'blog.cloudflare.com']
- found_table = False
- with urllib.request.urlopen('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/curl/curl/DNS-over-HTTPS.md') as fp:
- for line in fp:
- line = line.decode()
- if line.startswith('|'):
- if not found_table:
- found_table = True
- continue
- cols = line.split('|')
- provider_col = cols[1].strip()
- website = None
- provider_name = None
- matches = provider_re.findall(provider_col)
- if matches[0][3] != '':
- provider_name = matches[0][3]
- if matches[0][1] != '':
- provider_name = matches[0][1]
- if matches[0][2] != '':
- website = matches[0][2]
- if provider_name is not None:
- provider_name = re.sub(r'([^[]+)\s?(.*)', r'\1', provider_name)
- while provider_name[-1] == ' ':
- provider_name = provider_name[:-1]
- url_col = cols[2]
- doh_url_matches = https_url_re.findall(url_col)
- if len(doh_url_matches) == 0:
- continue
- else:
- for doh_url in doh_url_matches:
- if doh_url[0] in do_not_include:
- continue
- yield {
- 'name': provider_name,
- 'website': website,
- 'url': 'https://{}{}{}'.format(doh_url[0],
- ':{}'.format(doh_url[1])
- if len(doh_url[1]) != 0
- else '', doh_url[2]),
- 'hostname': doh_url[0],
- 'port': doh_url[1] if len(doh_url[1]) != 0 else '443',
- 'path': doh_url[2],
- }
- if found_table and line.startswith('#'):
- break
- return
-def get_ips(hostname):
- """
- Lookup all A and AAAA records for given hostname
- :param hostname: the name to lookup
- :return: a list of IP addresses returned
- """
- default_nameserver = dns.resolver.Resolver().nameservers[0]
- ips = list()
- rdtypes = [dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdatatype.AAAA]
- for rdtype in rdtypes:
- q = dns.message.make_query(hostname, rdtype)
- r = dns.query.udp(q, default_nameserver)
- if r.flags & dns.flags.TC:
- r = dns.query.tcp(q, default_nameserver)
- for a in r.answer:
- for i in a.items:
- if isinstance(i, dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A) or isinstance(i, dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA):
- ips.append(str(i.address))
- return ips
-def load_blocklist():
- """
- Load a tuple containing two lists, in the form of (hostnames, ips).
- It will attempt to load it from a file, and if that file is not found,
- it will generate the blocklist and save it to a file.
- :return: a ``tuple`` of (``list``, ``list``), the hostnames and IPs to block
- """
- if os.path.isfile(blocklist_filename):
- with open(blocklist_filename, 'r') as fp:
- j = json.load(fp)
- doh_hostnames, doh_ips = j['hostnames'], j['ips']
- else:
- doh_hostnames = list([i['hostname'] for i in get_doh_providers()])
- doh_ips = list()
- for hostname in doh_hostnames:
- ips = get_ips(hostname)
- doh_ips.extend(ips)
- doh_hostnames.extend(additional_doh_names)
- doh_ips.extend(additional_doh_ips)
- with open(blocklist_filename, 'w') as fp:
- obj = {
- 'hostnames': doh_hostnames,
- 'ips': doh_ips
- }
- json.dump(obj, fp=fp)
- return doh_hostnames, doh_ips
-# load DoH hostnames and IP addresses to block
-doh_hostnames, doh_ips = load_blocklist()
-ctx.log.info('DoH blocklist loaded')
+doh_hostnames, doh_ips = default_blocklist['hostnames'], default_blocklist['ips']
# convert to sets for faster lookups
doh_hostnames = set(doh_hostnames)