## Using Pip The preferred way to install mitmproxy is to use [pip](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip). A single command will install the latest release of mitmproxy, along with all its dependencies: <pre> sudo pip install mitmproxy </pre> ## From Source - When installing from source, you will need to install the [dependencies](@!urlTo("intro.html")!@) by hand. - Then run the following command from the base of the source distribution: <pre> sudo python setup.py install </pre> ## OSX - Make sure that XCode is installed from the App Store, and that the command-line tools have been downloaded (XCode/Preferences/Downloads). - Install __pip__ using the following command: <pre> sudo easy_install pip </pre> - Now use __pip__ to set up the dependencies and do the install: <pre> sudo pip install mitmproxy </pre> This procedure may vary if, for instance, you've installed Python from an external source like [homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/). In that case, the easiest way to proceed is to first install __easy_install__, then continue as above. There are a few bits of customization you might want to do to make mitmproxy comfortable to use. At the moment, mitmproxy's color scheme is optimized for a dark background terminal, so you probably want to change the default. You can use the OSX <b>open</b> program to create a simple and effective <b>~/.mailcap</b> file to view HTTP bodies: <pre> application/*; /usr/bin/open -Wn %s audio/*; /usr/bin/open -Wn %s image/*; /usr/bin/open -Wn %s video/*; /usr/bin/open -Wn %s </pre>