import contextlib import sys import os import itertools import hashlib import queue import random import select import time import OpenSSL.crypto import logging from mitmproxy import certs from mitmproxy import exceptions from import tcp from import websockets from import socks from import http as net_http from mitmproxy.types import basethread from mitmproxy.utils import strutils from pathod import log from pathod import language from pathod.protocols import http2 logging.getLogger("hpack").setLevel(logging.WARNING) def xrepr(s): return repr(s)[1:-1] class PathocError(Exception): pass class SSLInfo: def __init__(self, certchain, cipher, alp): self.certchain, self.cipher, self.alp = certchain, cipher, alp def __str__(self): parts = [ "Application Layer Protocol: %s" % strutils.always_str(self.alp, "utf8"), "Cipher: %s, %s bit, %s" % self.cipher, "SSL certificate chain:" ] for n, i in enumerate(self.certchain): parts.append(" Certificate [%s]" % n) parts.append("\tSubject: ") for cn in i.get_subject().get_components(): parts.append("\t\t%s=%s" % ( strutils.always_str(cn[0], "utf8"), strutils.always_str(cn[1], "utf8")) ) parts.append("\tIssuer: ") for cn in i.get_issuer().get_components(): parts.append("\t\t%s=%s" % ( strutils.always_str(cn[0], "utf8"), strutils.always_str(cn[1], "utf8")) ) parts.extend( [ "\tVersion: %s" % i.get_version(), "\tValidity: %s - %s" % ( strutils.always_str(i.get_notBefore(), "utf8"), strutils.always_str(i.get_notAfter(), "utf8") ), "\tSerial: %s" % i.get_serial_number(), "\tAlgorithm: %s" % strutils.always_str(i.get_signature_algorithm(), "utf8") ] ) pk = i.get_pubkey() types = { OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA: "RSA", OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_DSA: "DSA" } t = types.get(pk.type(), "Uknown") parts.append("\tPubkey: %s bit %s" % (pk.bits(), t)) s = certs.SSLCert(i) if s.altnames: parts.append("\tSANs: %s" % " ".join(strutils.always_str(n, "utf8") for n in s.altnames)) return "\n".join(parts) class WebsocketFrameReader(basethread.BaseThread): def __init__( self, rfile, logfp, showresp, hexdump, ws_read_limit, timeout ): basethread.BaseThread.__init__(self, "WebsocketFrameReader") self.timeout = timeout self.ws_read_limit = ws_read_limit self.logfp = logfp self.showresp = showresp self.hexdump = hexdump self.rfile = rfile self.terminate = queue.Queue() self.frames_queue = queue.Queue() self.logger = log.ConnectionLogger( self.logfp, self.hexdump, False, rfile if showresp else None, None ) @contextlib.contextmanager def terminator(self): yield self.frames_queue.put(None) def run(self): starttime = time.time() with self.terminator(): while True: if self.ws_read_limit == 0: return try: r, _, _ =[self.rfile], [], [], 0.05) except OSError: # pragma: no cover return # this is not reliably triggered due to its nature, so we exclude it from coverage. delta = time.time() - starttime if not r and self.timeout and delta > self.timeout: return try: self.terminate.get_nowait() return except queue.Empty: pass for rfile in r: with self.logger.ctx() as log: try: frm = websockets.Frame.from_file(self.rfile) except exceptions.TcpDisconnect: return self.frames_queue.put(frm) log("<< %s" % repr(frm.header)) if self.ws_read_limit is not None: self.ws_read_limit -= 1 starttime = time.time() class Pathoc(tcp.TCPClient): def __init__( self, address, # SSL ssl=None, sni=None, ssl_version=tcp.SSL_DEFAULT_METHOD, ssl_options=tcp.SSL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, clientcert=None, ciphers=None, # HTTP/2 use_http2=False, http2_skip_connection_preface=False, http2_framedump=False, # Websockets ws_read_limit=None, # Network timeout=None, # Output control showreq=False, showresp=False, explain=False, hexdump=False, ignorecodes=(), ignoretimeout=False, showsummary=False, fp=sys.stdout ): """ spec: A request specification showreq: Print requests showresp: Print responses explain: Print request explanation showssl: Print info on SSL connection hexdump: When printing requests or responses, use hex dump output showsummary: Show a summary of requests ignorecodes: Sequence of return codes to ignore """ tcp.TCPClient.__init__(self, address) self.ssl, self.sni = ssl, sni self.clientcert = clientcert self.ssl_version = ssl_version self.ssl_options = ssl_options self.ciphers = ciphers self.sslinfo = None self.use_http2 = use_http2 self.http2_skip_connection_preface = http2_skip_connection_preface self.http2_framedump = http2_framedump self.ws_read_limit = ws_read_limit self.timeout = timeout self.showreq = showreq self.showresp = showresp self.explain = explain self.hexdump = hexdump self.ignorecodes = ignorecodes self.ignoretimeout = ignoretimeout self.showsummary = showsummary self.fp = fp self.ws_framereader = None if self.use_http2: if not tcp.HAS_ALPN: # pragma: no cover log.write_raw( self.fp, "HTTP/2 requires ALPN support. " "Please use OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. " "Pathoc might not be working as expected without ALPN.", timestamp=False ) self.protocol = http2.HTTP2StateProtocol(self, dump_frames=self.http2_framedump) else: self.protocol = net_http.http1 self.settings = language.Settings( is_client=True, staticdir=os.getcwd(), unconstrained_file_access=True,, protocol=self.protocol, ) def http_connect(self, connect_to): req = net_http.Request( first_line_format='authority', method='CONNECT', scheme=None, host=connect_to[0].encode("idna"), port=connect_to[1], path=None, http_version='HTTP/1.1', content=b'', ) self.wfile.write(net_http.http1.assemble_request(req)) self.wfile.flush() try: resp = self.protocol.read_response(self.rfile, req) if resp.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.HttpException("Unexpected status code: %s" % resp.status_code) except exceptions.HttpException as e: raise PathocError( "Proxy CONNECT failed: %s" % repr(e) ) def socks_connect(self, connect_to): try: client_greet = socks.ClientGreeting( socks.VERSION.SOCKS5, [socks.METHOD.NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED] ) client_greet.to_file(self.wfile) self.wfile.flush() server_greet = socks.ServerGreeting.from_file(self.rfile) server_greet.assert_socks5() if server_greet.method != socks.METHOD.NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: raise socks.SocksError( socks.METHOD.NO_ACCEPTABLE_METHODS, "pathoc only supports SOCKS without authentication" ) connect_request = socks.Message( socks.VERSION.SOCKS5, socks.CMD.CONNECT, socks.ATYP.DOMAINNAME, tcp.Address.wrap(connect_to) ) connect_request.to_file(self.wfile) self.wfile.flush() connect_reply = socks.Message.from_file(self.rfile) connect_reply.assert_socks5() if connect_reply.msg != socks.REP.SUCCEEDED: raise socks.SocksError( connect_reply.msg, "SOCKS server error" ) except (socks.SocksError, exceptions.TcpDisconnect) as e: raise PathocError(str(e)) def connect(self, connect_to=None, showssl=False, fp=sys.stdout): """ connect_to: A (host, port) tuple, which will be connected to with an HTTP CONNECT request. """ if self.use_http2 and not self.ssl: raise NotImplementedError("HTTP2 without SSL is not supported.") with tcp.TCPClient.connect(self) as closer: if connect_to: self.http_connect(connect_to) self.sslinfo = None if self.ssl: try: alpn_protos = [b'http/1.1'] if self.use_http2: alpn_protos.append(b'h2') self.convert_to_ssl( sni=self.sni, cert=self.clientcert, method=self.ssl_version, options=self.ssl_options, cipher_list=self.ciphers, alpn_protos=alpn_protos ) except exceptions.TlsException as v: raise PathocError(str(v)) self.sslinfo = SSLInfo( self.connection.get_peer_cert_chain(), self.get_current_cipher(), self.get_alpn_proto_negotiated() ) if showssl: print(str(self.sslinfo), file=fp) if self.use_http2: self.protocol.check_alpn() if not self.http2_skip_connection_preface: self.protocol.perform_client_connection_preface() if self.timeout: self.settimeout(self.timeout) return closer.pop() def stop(self): if self.ws_framereader: self.ws_framereader.terminate.put(None) def wait(self, timeout=0.01, finish=True): """ A generator that yields frames until Pathoc terminates. timeout: If specified None may be yielded instead if timeout is reached. If timeout is None, wait forever. If timeout is 0, return immedately if nothing is on the queue. finish: If true, consume messages until the reader shuts down. Otherwise, return None on timeout. """ if self.ws_framereader: while True: try: frm = self.ws_framereader.frames_queue.get( timeout=timeout, block=True if timeout != 0 else False ) except queue.Empty: if finish: continue else: return if frm is None: self.ws_framereader.join() self.ws_framereader = None return yield frm def websocket_send_frame(self, r): """ Sends a single websocket frame. """ logger = log.ConnectionLogger( self.fp, self.hexdump, False, None, self.wfile if self.showreq else None, ) with logger.ctx() as lg: lg(">> %s" % r) language.serve(r, self.wfile, self.settings) self.wfile.flush() def websocket_start(self, r): """ Performs an HTTP request, and attempts to drop into websocket connection. """ resp = self.http(r) if resp.status_code == 101: self.ws_framereader = WebsocketFrameReader( self.rfile, self.fp, self.showresp, self.hexdump, self.ws_read_limit, self.timeout ) self.ws_framereader.start() return resp def http(self, r): """ Performs a single request. r: A language.http.Request object, or a string representing one request. Returns Response if we have a non-ignored response. May raise a exceptions.NetlibException """ logger = log.ConnectionLogger( self.fp, self.hexdump, False, self.rfile if self.showresp else None, self.wfile if self.showreq else None, ) with logger.ctx() as lg: lg(">> %s" % r) resp, req = None, None try: req = language.serve(r, self.wfile, self.settings) self.wfile.flush() # build a dummy request to read the reponse # ideally this would be returned directly from language.serve dummy_req = net_http.Request( first_line_format="relative", method=req["method"], scheme=b"http", host=b"localhost", port=80, path=b"/", http_version=b"HTTP/1.1", content=b'', ) resp = self.protocol.read_response(self.rfile, dummy_req) resp.sslinfo = self.sslinfo except exceptions.HttpException as v: lg("Invalid server response: %s" % v) raise except exceptions.TcpTimeout: if self.ignoretimeout: lg("Timeout (ignored)") return None lg("Timeout") raise finally: if resp: lg("<< %s %s: %s bytes" % ( resp.status_code, strutils.escape_control_characters(resp.reason) if resp.reason else "", len(resp.content) )) if resp.status_code in self.ignorecodes: lg.suppress() return resp def request(self, r): """ Performs a single request. r: A language.message.Messsage object, or a string representing one. Returns Response if we have a non-ignored response. May raise a exceptions.NetlibException """ if isinstance(r, str): r = next(language.parse_pathoc(r, self.use_http2)) if isinstance(r, language.http.Request): if return self.websocket_start(r) else: return self.http(r) elif isinstance(r, language.websockets.WebsocketFrame): self.websocket_send_frame(r) elif isinstance(r, language.http2.Request): return self.http(r) # elif isinstance(r, language.http2.Frame): # TODO: do something def main(args): # pragma: no cover memo = set() p = None if args.repeat == 1: requests = args.requests else: # If we are replaying more than once, we must convert the request generators to lists # or they will be exhausted after the first run. # This is bad for the edge-case where get:/:x10000000 (see 0da3e51) is combined with -n 2, # but does not matter otherwise. requests = [list(x) for x in args.requests] try: requests_done = 0 while True: if requests_done == args.repeat: break if args.wait and requests_done > 0: time.sleep(args.wait) requests_done += 1 if args.random: playlist = random.choice(requests) else: playlist = itertools.chain.from_iterable(requests) p = Pathoc( (, args.port), ssl=args.ssl, sni=args.sni, ssl_version=args.ssl_version, ssl_options=args.ssl_options, clientcert=args.clientcert, ciphers=args.ciphers, use_http2=args.use_http2, http2_skip_connection_preface=args.http2_skip_connection_preface, http2_framedump=args.http2_framedump, showreq=args.showreq, showresp=args.showresp, explain=args.explain, hexdump=args.hexdump, ignorecodes=args.ignorecodes, timeout=args.timeout, ignoretimeout=args.ignoretimeout, showsummary=True ) trycount = 0 try: with p.connect(args.connect_to, args.showssl): for spec in playlist: if args.explain or args.memo: spec = spec.freeze(p.settings) if args.memo: h = hashlib.sha256(spec.spec()).digest() if h not in memo: trycount = 0 memo.add(h) else: trycount += 1 if trycount > args.memolimit: print("Memo limit exceeded...", file=sys.stderr) return else: continue try: ret = p.request(spec) if ret and args.oneshot: return # We consume the queue when we can, so it doesn't build up. for _ in p.wait(timeout=0, finish=False): pass except exceptions.NetlibException: break for _ in p.wait(timeout=0.01, finish=True): pass except exceptions.TcpException as v: print(str(v), file=sys.stderr) continue except PathocError as v: print(str(v), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if p: p.stop()