This is a loose collection of todo items, in case someone else wants to start hacking on mitmproxy. Drop me a line ( if you want to tackle any of these and need some pointers. Targeted for 0.9: - Upstream proxy support. - Improve worst-case performance problem with XML-ish indenter - Follow mode to keep most recent flow in view - Rewrite the core to be asynchronous. I've done some research, and although it's a bit of a bloated monster, it looks like Twisted is the way to go. - Verbose view to show timestamps - Search within requests/responses - Transparent proxy support - Ordering a-la mutt's "o" shortcut Further ideas: - Add some "workspace" features to mitmproxy: - Flow comments - Copying/duplicating flows - Ordering by time, size, etc. a-la-mutt (o keyboard shorcut is reserved for this) - Support HTTP Digest authentication through the stickyauth option. We'll have to save the server nonce, and recalculate the hashes for each request. - Chunked encoding support for requests (we already support it for responses). - A progress indicator for large files