path: root/OpenKeychain
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+[OpenKeychain](http://www.openkeychain.org) یک نسخه از OpenPGP برای اندروید است.
+مجوز: GPLv3+
+توسعه‌دهنده‌گان اصلی
+ * Dominik Schürmann (نگه دارنده)
+ * Vincent Breitmoser
+مشارکت کنندگان
+ * Adithya Abraham Philip
+ * Art O Cathain
+ * Ash Hughes
+ * Brian C. Barnes
+ * Bahtiar 'kalkin' Gadimov
+ * Daniel Albert
+ * Daniel Hammann
+ * Daniel Haß
+ * Daniel Nelz
+ * Daniel Ramos
+ * Greg Witczak
+ * 'iseki'
+ * Ishan Khanna
+ * 'jellysheep'
+ * 'Jesperbk'
+ * 'jkolo'
+ * Joey Castillo
+ * Kai Jiang
+ * Kartik Arora
+ * 'Kent'
+ * 'ligi'
+ * Lukas Zorich
+ * Manoj Khanna
+ * 'mar-v-in'
+ * Markus Doits
+ * Miroojin Bakshi
+ * Morgan Gangwere
+ * Nikhil Peter Raj
+ * Paul Sarbinowski
+ * 'Senecaso'
+ * Signe Rüsch
+ * Sreeram Boyapati
+ * 'steelman'
+ * 'Thialfihar' (APG developer)
+ * Tim Bray
+ * [SpongyCastle](http://rtyley.github.com/spongycastle/) (MIT X11 License)
+ * [SafeSlinger Exchange library](https://github.com/SafeSlingerProject/exchange-android) (MIT License)
+ * [Android Support Libraries](http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html) (Apache License v2)
+ * [KeybaseLib](https://github.com/timbray/KeybaseLib) (Apache License v2)
+ * [TokenAutoComplete](https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MiniDNS](https://github.com/rtreffer/minidns) (Apache License v2)
+ * [StickyListHeaders](https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing](https://github.com/zxing/zxing) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing Android Minimal](https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded) (Apache License v2)
+ * [PagerSlidingTabStrip](https://github.com/jpardogo/PagerSlidingTabStrip) (Material Design) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MaterialDrawer](https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Snackbar](https://github.com/nispok/snackbar) (MIT License)
+ * [FloatingActionButton](https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button) (Apache License v2)
+ * [HtmlTextView](https://github.com/sufficientlysecure/html-textview) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Markdown4J](https://github.com/jdcasey/markdown4j) (Apache License v2) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fa/help_certification.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fa/help_certification.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## Key Confirmation
+Without confirmation, you cannot be sure if a key really corresponds to a specific person.
+The simplest way to confirm a key is by scanning the QR Code or exchanging it via NFC.
+To confirm keys between more than two persons, we suggest to use the key exchange method available for your keys.
+## Key Status
+<img src="status_signature_verified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Confirmed: You have already confirmed this key, e.g., by scanning the QR Code.
+<img src="status_signature_unverified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Unconfirmed: This key has not been confirmed yet. You cannot be sure if the key really corresponds to a specific person.
+<img src="status_signature_expired_cutout_24dp"/>
+Expired: This key is no longer valid. Only the owner can extend its validity.
+<img src="status_signature_revoked_cutout_24dp"/>
+Revoked: This key is no longer valid. It has been revoked by its owner.
+## Advanced Information
+A "key confirmation" in OpenKeychain is implemented by creating a certification according to the OpenPGP standard.
+This certification is a ["generic certification (0x10)"](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.2.1) described in the standard by:
+"The issuer of this certification does not make any particular assertion as to how well the certifier has checked that the owner of the key is in fact the person described by the User ID."
+Traditionally, certifications (also with higher certification levels, such as "positive certifications" (0x13)) are organized in OpenPGP's Web of Trust.
+Our model of key confirmation is a much simpler concept to avoid common usability problems related to this Web of Trust.
+We assume that keys are verified only to a certain degree that is still usable enough to be executed "on the go".
+We also do not implement (potentially transitive) trust signatures or an ownertrust database like in GnuPG.
+Furthermore, keys which contain at least one user ID certified by a trusted key will be marked as "confirmed" in the key listings. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fa/help_changelog.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fa/help_changelog.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## 3.5
+ * Key revocation on key deletion
+ * Improved checks for insecure cryptography
+ * Fix: Don't close OpenKeychain after first time wizard succeeds
+ * API: Version 8
+## 3.4
+ * دانلود کلید به صورت مخفی توسط Tor
+ * پشتیبانی از پراکسی
+ * مدیریت بهترِ خطاهای کلید Yubi
+## 3.3
+ * New decryption screen
+ * Decryption of multiple files at once
+ * Better handling of YubiKey errors
+## 3.2
+ * First version with full YubiKey support available from the user interface: Edit keys, bind YubiKey to keys,...
+ * Material design
+ * Integration of QR Code Scanning (New permissions required)
+ * Improved key creation wizard
+ * Fix missing contacts after sync
+ * Requires Android 4
+ * Redesigned key screen
+ * Simplify crypto preferences, better selection of secure ciphers
+ * API: Detached signatures, free selection of signing key,...
+ * Fix: Some valid keys were shown revoked or expired
+ * Don't accept signatures by expired or revoked subkeys
+ * Keybase.io support in advanced view
+ * Method to update all keys at once
+## 3.1.2
+ * Fix key export to files (now for real)
+## 3.1.1
+ * Fix key export to files (they were written partially)
+ * Fix crash on Android 2.3
+## 3.1
+ * Fix crash on Android 5
+ * New certify screen
+ * Secure Exchange directly from key list (SafeSlinger library)
+ * New QR Code program flow
+ * Redesigned decrypt screen
+ * New icon usage and colors
+ * Fix import of secret keys from Symantec Encryption Desktop
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Subkey IDs are now checked correctly
+## 3.0.1
+ * Better handling of large key imports
+ * Improved subkey selection
+## 3.0
+ * Propose installable compatible apps in apps list
+ * New design for decryption screens
+ * Many fixes for key import, also fixes stripped keys
+ * Honor and display key authenticate flags
+ * User interface to generate custom keys
+ * Fixing user id revocation certificates
+ * New cloud search (searches over traditional keyservers and keybase.io)
+ * Support for stripping keys inside OpenKeychain
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Support for signature generation and decryption
+## 2.9.2
+ * Fix keys broken in 2.9.1
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Decryption now working via API
+## 2.9.1
+ * Split encrypt screen into two
+ * Fix key flags handling (now supporting Mailvelope 0.7 keys)
+ * Improved passphrase handling
+ * Key sharing via SafeSlinger
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Preference to allow other PINs, currently only signing via the OpenPGP API works, not inside of OpenKeychain
+ * Fix usage of stripped keys
+ * SHA256 as default for compatibility
+ * Intent API has changed, see https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/wiki/Intent-API
+ * OpenPGP API now handles revoked/expired keys and returns all user ids
+## 2.9
+ * Fixing crashes introduced in v2.8
+ * Experimental ECC support
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Only signing with imported keys
+## 2.8
+ * So many bugs have been fixed in this release that we focus on the main new features
+ * Key edit: awesome new design, key revocation
+ * Key import: awesome new design, secure keyserver connections via hkps, keyserver resolving via DNS SRV records
+ * New first time screen
+ * New key creation screen: autocompletion of name and email based on your personal Android accounts
+ * File encryption: awesome new design, support for encrypting multiple files
+ * New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)
+ * Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible
+ * Notification showing cached passphrases
+ * Keys are connected to Android's contacts
+This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar
+## 2.7
+ * Purple! (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New key view design (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * API fixes (Dominik)
+ * Keybase.io import (Tim Bray)
+## 2.6.1
+ * Some fixes for regression bugs
+## 2.6
+ * Key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * Support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * New design for signature verification
+ * Custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak)
+ * Fix share-functionality from other apps
+## 2.5
+ * Fix decryption of symmetric OpenPGP messages/files
+ * Refactored key edit screen (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * New modern design for encrypt/decrypt screens
+ * OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup)
+## 2.4
+Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free!
+Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order):
+Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser.
+ * New unified key list
+ * Colorized key fingerprint
+ * Support for keyserver ports
+ * Deactivate possibility to generate weak keys
+ * Much more internal work on the API
+ * Certify user ids
+ * Keyserver query based on machine-readable output
+ * Lock navigation drawer on tablets
+ * Suggestions for emails on creation of keys
+ * Search in public key lists
+ * And much more improvements and fixes…
+## 2.3.1
+ * Hotfix for crash when upgrading from old versions
+## 2.3
+ * Remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * More internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Querying keyservers directly from the import screen
+ * Fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0
+ * Fix crash on keys with empty user ids
+ * Fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen
+ * Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source
+ * Fix upload of key from signing screen
+## 2.2
+ * New design with navigation drawer
+ * New public key list design
+ * New public key view
+ * Bug fixes for importing of keys
+ * Key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * First version with new languages (thanks to the contributors on Transifex)
+ * Sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved
+ * Package signature verification for API
+## 2.1.1
+ * API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration
+## 2.1
+ * Lots of bug fixes
+ * New API for developers
+ * PRNG bug fix by Google
+## 2.0
+ * Complete redesign
+ * Share public keys via QR codes, NFC beam
+ * Sign keys
+ * Upload keys to server
+ * Fixes import issues
+ * New AIDL API
+## 1.0.8
+ * Basic keyserver support
+ * App2sd
+ * More choices for passphrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours
+ * Translations: Norwegian (thanks, Sander Danielsen), Chinese (thanks, Zhang Fredrick)
+ * Bugfixes
+ * Optimizations
+## 1.0.7
+ * Fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline
+ * More options for passphrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins)
+## 1.0.6
+ * Account adding crash on Froyo fixed
+ * Secure file deletion
+ * Option to delete key file after import
+ * Stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.)
+ * New options (language, force v3 signatures)
+ * Interface changes
+ * Bugfixes
+## 1.0.5
+ * German and Italian translation
+ * Much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources
+ * New preferences GUI
+ * Layout adjustment for localization
+ * Signature bugfix
+## 1.0.4
+ * Fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder
+## 1.0.3
+ * Fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export
+## 1.0.2
+ * Filterable key lists
+ * Smarter pre-selection of encryption keys
+ * New Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers
+ * Fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available
+## 1.0.1
+ * GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again
+## 1.0.0
+ * K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail
+ * Support of more file managers (including ASTRO)
+ * Slovenian translation
+ * New database, much faster, less memory usage
+ * Defined Intents and content provider for other apps
+ * Bugfixes \ No newline at end of file
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+[//]: # (تذکر: هر جمله در همان خط!)
+## چگونه OpenKeychain را در برنامهٔ K-9 Mail فعال کنم؟
+برای استفاده از OpenKeychain در برنامهٔ K-9 Mail، مراحل زیر را دنبال کنید:
+ 1. برنامهٔ K-9 Mail را باز کنید و روی حسابی که می‌خواهید در آن از OpenKeychain استفاده کنید، تَپ کرده و نگه دارید.
+ 2. "تنظیمات حساب" را انتخاب کنید، به پایین صفحه بروید و "رمزنگاری" را انتخاب کنید.
+ 3. روی "فراهم‌کنندهٔ OpenPGP" تپ کرده و OpenKeychain را از لیست انتخاب کنید.
+## من یک باگ در OpenKeychain پیدا کردم!
+لطفاً باگ را از این طریق [دنبال‌کنندهٔ مسائلِ OpenKeychain](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain/issues) گزارش کنید.
+## مشارکت
+اگر می‌خواهید با نوشتن کد به ما در توسعهٔ OpenKeychain کمک کنید، [راهنمایی ما را در Github دنبال کنید](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain#contribute-code).
+## ترجمه‌ها
+کمک کنید تا OpenKeychain را ترجمه کنیم! هر کسی می‌تواند از طریق [OpenKeychain بر روی Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/open-keychain/) مشارکت داشته باشد. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-hu/help_about.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-hu/help_about.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+[OpenKeychain](http://www.openkeychain.org) is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.
+License: GPLv3+
+## Main Developers
+ * Dominik Schürmann (Maintainer)
+ * Vincent Breitmoser
+## Contributors
+ * Adithya Abraham Philip
+ * Art O Cathain
+ * Ash Hughes
+ * Brian C. Barnes
+ * Bahtiar 'kalkin' Gadimov
+ * Daniel Albert
+ * Daniel Hammann
+ * Daniel Haß
+ * Daniel Nelz
+ * Daniel Ramos
+ * Greg Witczak
+ * 'iseki'
+ * Ishan Khanna
+ * 'jellysheep'
+ * 'Jesperbk'
+ * 'jkolo'
+ * Joey Castillo
+ * Kai Jiang
+ * Kartik Arora
+ * 'Kent'
+ * 'ligi'
+ * Lukas Zorich
+ * Manoj Khanna
+ * 'mar-v-in'
+ * Markus Doits
+ * Miroojin Bakshi
+ * Morgan Gangwere
+ * Nikhil Peter Raj
+ * Paul Sarbinowski
+ * 'Senecaso'
+ * Signe Rüsch
+ * Sreeram Boyapati
+ * 'steelman'
+ * 'Thialfihar' (APG developer)
+ * Tim Bray
+## Libraries
+ * [SpongyCastle](http://rtyley.github.com/spongycastle/) (MIT X11 License)
+ * [SafeSlinger Exchange library](https://github.com/SafeSlingerProject/exchange-android) (MIT License)
+ * [Android Support Libraries](http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html) (Apache License v2)
+ * [KeybaseLib](https://github.com/timbray/KeybaseLib) (Apache License v2)
+ * [TokenAutoComplete](https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MiniDNS](https://github.com/rtreffer/minidns) (Apache License v2)
+ * [StickyListHeaders](https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing](https://github.com/zxing/zxing) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing Android Minimal](https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded) (Apache License v2)
+ * [PagerSlidingTabStrip](https://github.com/jpardogo/PagerSlidingTabStrip) (Material Design) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MaterialDrawer](https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Snackbar](https://github.com/nispok/snackbar) (MIT License)
+ * [FloatingActionButton](https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button) (Apache License v2)
+ * [HtmlTextView](https://github.com/sufficientlysecure/html-textview) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Markdown4J](https://github.com/jdcasey/markdown4j) (Apache License v2) \ No newline at end of file
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## Key Confirmation
+Without confirmation, you cannot be sure if a key really corresponds to a specific person.
+The simplest way to confirm a key is by scanning the QR Code or exchanging it via NFC.
+To confirm keys between more than two persons, we suggest to use the key exchange method available for your keys.
+## Key Status
+<img src="status_signature_verified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Confirmed: You have already confirmed this key, e.g., by scanning the QR Code.
+<img src="status_signature_unverified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Unconfirmed: This key has not been confirmed yet. You cannot be sure if the key really corresponds to a specific person.
+<img src="status_signature_expired_cutout_24dp"/>
+Expired: This key is no longer valid. Only the owner can extend its validity.
+<img src="status_signature_revoked_cutout_24dp"/>
+Revoked: This key is no longer valid. It has been revoked by its owner.
+## Advanced Information
+A "key confirmation" in OpenKeychain is implemented by creating a certification according to the OpenPGP standard.
+This certification is a ["generic certification (0x10)"](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.2.1) described in the standard by:
+"The issuer of this certification does not make any particular assertion as to how well the certifier has checked that the owner of the key is in fact the person described by the User ID."
+Traditionally, certifications (also with higher certification levels, such as "positive certifications" (0x13)) are organized in OpenPGP's Web of Trust.
+Our model of key confirmation is a much simpler concept to avoid common usability problems related to this Web of Trust.
+We assume that keys are verified only to a certain degree that is still usable enough to be executed "on the go".
+We also do not implement (potentially transitive) trust signatures or an ownertrust database like in GnuPG.
+Furthermore, keys which contain at least one user ID certified by a trusted key will be marked as "confirmed" in the key listings. \ No newline at end of file
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## 3.5
+ * Key revocation on key deletion
+ * Improved checks for insecure cryptography
+ * Fix: Don't close OpenKeychain after first time wizard succeeds
+ * API: Version 8
+## 3.4
+ * Anonymous key download over Tor
+ * Proxy support
+ * Better YubiKey error handling
+## 3.3
+ * New decryption screen
+ * Decryption of multiple files at once
+ * Better handling of YubiKey errors
+## 3.2
+ * First version with full YubiKey support available from the user interface: Edit keys, bind YubiKey to keys,...
+ * Material design
+ * Integration of QR Code Scanning (New permissions required)
+ * Improved key creation wizard
+ * Fix missing contacts after sync
+ * Requires Android 4
+ * Redesigned key screen
+ * Simplify crypto preferences, better selection of secure ciphers
+ * API: Detached signatures, free selection of signing key,...
+ * Fix: Some valid keys were shown revoked or expired
+ * Don't accept signatures by expired or revoked subkeys
+ * Keybase.io support in advanced view
+ * Method to update all keys at once
+## 3.1.2
+ * Fix key export to files (now for real)
+## 3.1.1
+ * Fix key export to files (they were written partially)
+ * Fix crash on Android 2.3
+## 3.1
+ * Fix crash on Android 5
+ * New certify screen
+ * Secure Exchange directly from key list (SafeSlinger library)
+ * New QR Code program flow
+ * Redesigned decrypt screen
+ * New icon usage and colors
+ * Fix import of secret keys from Symantec Encryption Desktop
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Subkey IDs are now checked correctly
+## 3.0.1
+ * Better handling of large key imports
+ * Improved subkey selection
+## 3.0
+ * Propose installable compatible apps in apps list
+ * New design for decryption screens
+ * Many fixes for key import, also fixes stripped keys
+ * Honor and display key authenticate flags
+ * User interface to generate custom keys
+ * Fixing user id revocation certificates
+ * New cloud search (searches over traditional keyservers and keybase.io)
+ * Support for stripping keys inside OpenKeychain
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Support for signature generation and decryption
+## 2.9.2
+ * Fix keys broken in 2.9.1
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Decryption now working via API
+## 2.9.1
+ * Split encrypt screen into two
+ * Fix key flags handling (now supporting Mailvelope 0.7 keys)
+ * Improved passphrase handling
+ * Key sharing via SafeSlinger
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Preference to allow other PINs, currently only signing via the OpenPGP API works, not inside of OpenKeychain
+ * Fix usage of stripped keys
+ * SHA256 as default for compatibility
+ * Intent API has changed, see https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/wiki/Intent-API
+ * OpenPGP API now handles revoked/expired keys and returns all user ids
+## 2.9
+ * Fixing crashes introduced in v2.8
+ * Experimental ECC support
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Only signing with imported keys
+## 2.8
+ * So many bugs have been fixed in this release that we focus on the main new features
+ * Key edit: awesome new design, key revocation
+ * Key import: awesome new design, secure keyserver connections via hkps, keyserver resolving via DNS SRV records
+ * New first time screen
+ * New key creation screen: autocompletion of name and email based on your personal Android accounts
+ * File encryption: awesome new design, support for encrypting multiple files
+ * New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)
+ * Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible
+ * Notification showing cached passphrases
+ * Keys are connected to Android's contacts
+This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar
+## 2.7
+ * Purple! (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New key view design (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * API fixes (Dominik)
+ * Keybase.io import (Tim Bray)
+## 2.6.1
+ * Some fixes for regression bugs
+## 2.6
+ * Key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * Support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * New design for signature verification
+ * Custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak)
+ * Fix share-functionality from other apps
+## 2.5
+ * Fix decryption of symmetric OpenPGP messages/files
+ * Refactored key edit screen (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * New modern design for encrypt/decrypt screens
+ * OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup)
+## 2.4
+Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free!
+Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order):
+Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser.
+ * New unified key list
+ * Colorized key fingerprint
+ * Support for keyserver ports
+ * Deactivate possibility to generate weak keys
+ * Much more internal work on the API
+ * Certify user ids
+ * Keyserver query based on machine-readable output
+ * Lock navigation drawer on tablets
+ * Suggestions for emails on creation of keys
+ * Search in public key lists
+ * And much more improvements and fixes…
+## 2.3.1
+ * Hotfix for crash when upgrading from old versions
+## 2.3
+ * Remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * More internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Querying keyservers directly from the import screen
+ * Fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0
+ * Fix crash on keys with empty user ids
+ * Fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen
+ * Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source
+ * Fix upload of key from signing screen
+## 2.2
+ * New design with navigation drawer
+ * New public key list design
+ * New public key view
+ * Bug fixes for importing of keys
+ * Key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * First version with new languages (thanks to the contributors on Transifex)
+ * Sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved
+ * Package signature verification for API
+## 2.1.1
+ * API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration
+## 2.1
+ * Lots of bug fixes
+ * New API for developers
+ * PRNG bug fix by Google
+## 2.0
+ * Complete redesign
+ * Share public keys via QR codes, NFC beam
+ * Sign keys
+ * Upload keys to server
+ * Fixes import issues
+ * New AIDL API
+## 1.0.8
+ * Basic keyserver support
+ * App2sd
+ * More choices for passphrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours
+ * Translations: Norwegian (thanks, Sander Danielsen), Chinese (thanks, Zhang Fredrick)
+ * Bugfixes
+ * Optimizations
+## 1.0.7
+ * Fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline
+ * More options for passphrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins)
+## 1.0.6
+ * Account adding crash on Froyo fixed
+ * Secure file deletion
+ * Option to delete key file after import
+ * Stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.)
+ * New options (language, force v3 signatures)
+ * Interface changes
+ * Bugfixes
+## 1.0.5
+ * German and Italian translation
+ * Much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources
+ * New preferences GUI
+ * Layout adjustment for localization
+ * Signature bugfix
+## 1.0.4
+ * Fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder
+## 1.0.3
+ * Fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export
+## 1.0.2
+ * Filterable key lists
+ * Smarter pre-selection of encryption keys
+ * New Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers
+ * Fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available
+## 1.0.1
+ * GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again
+## 1.0.0
+ * K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail
+ * Support of more file managers (including ASTRO)
+ * Slovenian translation
+ * New database, much faster, less memory usage
+ * Defined Intents and content provider for other apps
+ * Bugfixes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-hu/help_start.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-hu/help_start.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## How do I activate OpenKeychain in K-9 Mail?
+To use OpenKeychain with K-9 Mail, you want to follow these steps:
+ 1. Open K-9 Mail and long-tap on the account you want to use OpenKeychain with.
+ 2. Select "Account settings", scroll to the very bottom and click "Cryptography".
+ 3. Click on "OpenPGP Provider" and select OpenKeychain from the list.
+## I found a bug in OpenKeychain!
+Please report the bug using the [issue tracker of OpenKeychain](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain/issues).
+## Contribute
+If you want to help us developing OpenKeychain by contributing code [follow our small guide on Github](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain#contribute-code).
+## Translations
+Help translating OpenKeychain! Everybody can participate at [OpenKeychain on Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/open-keychain/). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_about.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_about.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+[OpenKeychain](http://www.openkeychain.org) is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.
+License: GPLv3+
+## Main Developers
+ * Dominik Schürmann (Maintainer)
+ * Vincent Breitmoser
+## Contributors
+ * Adithya Abraham Philip
+ * Art O Cathain
+ * Ash Hughes
+ * Brian C. Barnes
+ * Bahtiar 'kalkin' Gadimov
+ * Daniel Albert
+ * Daniel Hammann
+ * Daniel Haß
+ * Daniel Nelz
+ * Daniel Ramos
+ * Greg Witczak
+ * 'iseki'
+ * Ishan Khanna
+ * 'jellysheep'
+ * 'Jesperbk'
+ * 'jkolo'
+ * Joey Castillo
+ * Kai Jiang
+ * Kartik Arora
+ * 'Kent'
+ * 'ligi'
+ * Lukas Zorich
+ * Manoj Khanna
+ * 'mar-v-in'
+ * Markus Doits
+ * Miroojin Bakshi
+ * Morgan Gangwere
+ * Nikhil Peter Raj
+ * Paul Sarbinowski
+ * 'Senecaso'
+ * Signe Rüsch
+ * Sreeram Boyapati
+ * 'steelman'
+ * 'Thialfihar' (APG developer)
+ * Tim Bray
+## Libraries
+ * [SpongyCastle](http://rtyley.github.com/spongycastle/) (MIT X11 License)
+ * [SafeSlinger Exchange library](https://github.com/SafeSlingerProject/exchange-android) (MIT License)
+ * [Android Support Libraries](http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html) (Apache License v2)
+ * [KeybaseLib](https://github.com/timbray/KeybaseLib) (Apache License v2)
+ * [TokenAutoComplete](https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MiniDNS](https://github.com/rtreffer/minidns) (Apache License v2)
+ * [StickyListHeaders](https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing](https://github.com/zxing/zxing) (Apache License v2)
+ * [ZXing Android Minimal](https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded) (Apache License v2)
+ * [PagerSlidingTabStrip](https://github.com/jpardogo/PagerSlidingTabStrip) (Material Design) (Apache License v2)
+ * [MaterialDrawer](https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Snackbar](https://github.com/nispok/snackbar) (MIT License)
+ * [FloatingActionButton](https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button) (Apache License v2)
+ * [HtmlTextView](https://github.com/sufficientlysecure/html-textview) (Apache License v2)
+ * [Markdown4J](https://github.com/jdcasey/markdown4j) (Apache License v2) \ No newline at end of file
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## Key Confirmation
+Without confirmation, you cannot be sure if a key really corresponds to a specific person.
+The simplest way to confirm a key is by scanning the QR Code or exchanging it via NFC.
+To confirm keys between more than two persons, we suggest to use the key exchange method available for your keys.
+## Key Status
+<img src="status_signature_verified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Confirmed: You have already confirmed this key, e.g., by scanning the QR Code.
+<img src="status_signature_unverified_cutout_24dp"/>
+Unconfirmed: This key has not been confirmed yet. You cannot be sure if the key really corresponds to a specific person.
+<img src="status_signature_expired_cutout_24dp"/>
+Expired: This key is no longer valid. Only the owner can extend its validity.
+<img src="status_signature_revoked_cutout_24dp"/>
+Revoked: This key is no longer valid. It has been revoked by its owner.
+## Advanced Information
+A "key confirmation" in OpenKeychain is implemented by creating a certification according to the OpenPGP standard.
+This certification is a ["generic certification (0x10)"](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.2.1) described in the standard by:
+"The issuer of this certification does not make any particular assertion as to how well the certifier has checked that the owner of the key is in fact the person described by the User ID."
+Traditionally, certifications (also with higher certification levels, such as "positive certifications" (0x13)) are organized in OpenPGP's Web of Trust.
+Our model of key confirmation is a much simpler concept to avoid common usability problems related to this Web of Trust.
+We assume that keys are verified only to a certain degree that is still usable enough to be executed "on the go".
+We also do not implement (potentially transitive) trust signatures or an ownertrust database like in GnuPG.
+Furthermore, keys which contain at least one user ID certified by a trusted key will be marked as "confirmed" in the key listings. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_changelog.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_changelog.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## 3.5
+ * Key revocation on key deletion
+ * Improved checks for insecure cryptography
+ * Fix: Don't close OpenKeychain after first time wizard succeeds
+ * API: Version 8
+## 3.4
+ * Anonymous key download over Tor
+ * Proxy support
+ * Better YubiKey error handling
+## 3.3
+ * New decryption screen
+ * Decryption of multiple files at once
+ * Better handling of YubiKey errors
+## 3.2
+ * First version with full YubiKey support available from the user interface: Edit keys, bind YubiKey to keys,...
+ * Material design
+ * Integration of QR Code Scanning (New permissions required)
+ * Improved key creation wizard
+ * Fix missing contacts after sync
+ * Requires Android 4
+ * Redesigned key screen
+ * Simplify crypto preferences, better selection of secure ciphers
+ * API: Detached signatures, free selection of signing key,...
+ * Fix: Some valid keys were shown revoked or expired
+ * Don't accept signatures by expired or revoked subkeys
+ * Keybase.io support in advanced view
+ * Method to update all keys at once
+## 3.1.2
+ * Fix key export to files (now for real)
+## 3.1.1
+ * Fix key export to files (they were written partially)
+ * Fix crash on Android 2.3
+## 3.1
+ * Fix crash on Android 5
+ * New certify screen
+ * Secure Exchange directly from key list (SafeSlinger library)
+ * New QR Code program flow
+ * Redesigned decrypt screen
+ * New icon usage and colors
+ * Fix import of secret keys from Symantec Encryption Desktop
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Subkey IDs are now checked correctly
+## 3.0.1
+ * Better handling of large key imports
+ * Improved subkey selection
+## 3.0
+ * Propose installable compatible apps in apps list
+ * New design for decryption screens
+ * Many fixes for key import, also fixes stripped keys
+ * Honor and display key authenticate flags
+ * User interface to generate custom keys
+ * Fixing user id revocation certificates
+ * New cloud search (searches over traditional keyservers and keybase.io)
+ * Support for stripping keys inside OpenKeychain
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Support for signature generation and decryption
+## 2.9.2
+ * Fix keys broken in 2.9.1
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Decryption now working via API
+## 2.9.1
+ * Split encrypt screen into two
+ * Fix key flags handling (now supporting Mailvelope 0.7 keys)
+ * Improved passphrase handling
+ * Key sharing via SafeSlinger
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Preference to allow other PINs, currently only signing via the OpenPGP API works, not inside of OpenKeychain
+ * Fix usage of stripped keys
+ * SHA256 as default for compatibility
+ * Intent API has changed, see https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/wiki/Intent-API
+ * OpenPGP API now handles revoked/expired keys and returns all user ids
+## 2.9
+ * Fixing crashes introduced in v2.8
+ * Experimental ECC support
+ * Experimental YubiKey support: Only signing with imported keys
+## 2.8
+ * So many bugs have been fixed in this release that we focus on the main new features
+ * Key edit: awesome new design, key revocation
+ * Key import: awesome new design, secure keyserver connections via hkps, keyserver resolving via DNS SRV records
+ * New first time screen
+ * New key creation screen: autocompletion of name and email based on your personal Android accounts
+ * File encryption: awesome new design, support for encrypting multiple files
+ * New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)
+ * Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible
+ * Notification showing cached passphrases
+ * Keys are connected to Android's contacts
+This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar
+## 2.7
+ * Purple! (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New key view design (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent)
+ * API fixes (Dominik)
+ * Keybase.io import (Tim Bray)
+## 2.6.1
+ * Some fixes for regression bugs
+## 2.6
+ * Key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * Support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)
+ * New design for signature verification
+ * Custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak)
+ * Fix share-functionality from other apps
+## 2.5
+ * Fix decryption of symmetric OpenPGP messages/files
+ * Refactored key edit screen (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * New modern design for encrypt/decrypt screens
+ * OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup)
+## 2.4
+Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free!
+Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order):
+Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser.
+ * New unified key list
+ * Colorized key fingerprint
+ * Support for keyserver ports
+ * Deactivate possibility to generate weak keys
+ * Much more internal work on the API
+ * Certify user ids
+ * Keyserver query based on machine-readable output
+ * Lock navigation drawer on tablets
+ * Suggestions for emails on creation of keys
+ * Search in public key lists
+ * And much more improvements and fixes…
+## 2.3.1
+ * Hotfix for crash when upgrading from old versions
+## 2.3
+ * Remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * More internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Querying keyservers directly from the import screen
+ * Fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0
+ * Fix crash on keys with empty user ids
+ * Fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen
+ * Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source
+ * Fix upload of key from signing screen
+## 2.2
+ * New design with navigation drawer
+ * New public key list design
+ * New public key view
+ * Bug fixes for importing of keys
+ * Key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * Handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)
+ * First version with new languages (thanks to the contributors on Transifex)
+ * Sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved
+ * Package signature verification for API
+## 2.1.1
+ * API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration
+## 2.1
+ * Lots of bug fixes
+ * New API for developers
+ * PRNG bug fix by Google
+## 2.0
+ * Complete redesign
+ * Share public keys via QR codes, NFC beam
+ * Sign keys
+ * Upload keys to server
+ * Fixes import issues
+ * New AIDL API
+## 1.0.8
+ * Basic keyserver support
+ * App2sd
+ * More choices for passphrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours
+ * Translations: Norwegian (thanks, Sander Danielsen), Chinese (thanks, Zhang Fredrick)
+ * Bugfixes
+ * Optimizations
+## 1.0.7
+ * Fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline
+ * More options for passphrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins)
+## 1.0.6
+ * Account adding crash on Froyo fixed
+ * Secure file deletion
+ * Option to delete key file after import
+ * Stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.)
+ * New options (language, force v3 signatures)
+ * Interface changes
+ * Bugfixes
+## 1.0.5
+ * German and Italian translation
+ * Much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources
+ * New preferences GUI
+ * Layout adjustment for localization
+ * Signature bugfix
+## 1.0.4
+ * Fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder
+## 1.0.3
+ * Fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export
+## 1.0.2
+ * Filterable key lists
+ * Smarter pre-selection of encryption keys
+ * New Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers
+ * Fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available
+## 1.0.1
+ * GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again
+## 1.0.0
+ * K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail
+ * Support of more file managers (including ASTRO)
+ * Slovenian translation
+ * New database, much faster, less memory usage
+ * Defined Intents and content provider for other apps
+ * Bugfixes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_start.md b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ko/help_start.md
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+[//]: # (NOTE: Please put every sentence in its own line, Transifex puts every line in its own translation field!)
+## How do I activate OpenKeychain in K-9 Mail?
+To use OpenKeychain with K-9 Mail, you want to follow these steps:
+ 1. Open K-9 Mail and long-tap on the account you want to use OpenKeychain with.
+ 2. Select "Account settings", scroll to the very bottom and click "Cryptography".
+ 3. Click on "OpenPGP Provider" and select OpenKeychain from the list.
+## I found a bug in OpenKeychain!
+Please report the bug using the [issue tracker of OpenKeychain](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain/issues).
+## Contribute
+If you want to help us developing OpenKeychain by contributing code [follow our small guide on Github](https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain#contribute-code).
+## Translations
+Help translating OpenKeychain! Everybody can participate at [OpenKeychain on Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/open-keychain/). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
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+++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
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+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--GENERAL: Please put all strings inside quotes as described in example 1 on
+ http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html (scroll down to "Escaping apostrophes and quotes").-->
+ <string name="app_name">دسته کلید باز</string>
+ <!--title-->
+ <string name="title_encrypt_text">رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="title_encrypt_files">رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="title_decrypt">رمزگشایی</string>
+ <string name="title_add_subkey">اضافه کردن زیرکلید</string>
+ <string name="title_edit_key">ویرایش کید</string>
+ <string name="title_preferences">تنظیمات</string>
+ <string name="title_api_registered_apps">برنامه‌ها</string>
+ <string name="title_key_server_preference">سرورهای کلید OpenPGP</string>
+ <string name="title_change_passphrase">تغییر رمزعبور</string>
+ <string name="title_share_fingerprint_with">به اشتراک گذاری اثر انگشت با...</string>
+ <string name="title_share_key">به اشتراک گذاری کلید با...</string>
+ <string name="title_share_file">به اشتراک گذاری فایل با...</string>
+ <string name="title_share_message">به اشتراک گذاری متن با...</string>
+ <string name="title_encrypt_to_file">رمزگذاری به فایل</string>
+ <string name="title_decrypt_to_file">رمزگشایی از فایل</string>
+ <string name="title_import_keys">وارد کردن کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="title_export_key">پشتیبان‌گیری از کلید</string>
+ <string name="title_export_keys">پشتیبان‌گیری از کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="title_key_not_found">کلید پیدا نشد</string>
+ <string name="title_send_key">آپلود در سرور کلید</string>
+ <string name="title_certify_key">تأیید کلید</string>
+ <string name="title_key_details">جزئیات کلید</string>
+ <string name="title_help">کمک</string>
+ <string name="title_log_display">لاگ</string>
+ <string name="title_exchange_keys">مبادلهٔ کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="title_advanced_key_info">اطلاعات بیشتر</string>
+ <string name="title_delete_secret_key">آیا کلید \'%s\' خود را پاک می‌کنید؟</string>
+ <string name="title_export_log">خروج لاگ</string>
+ <string name="title_manage_my_keys">مدیریت کلیدهام</string>
+ <!--section-->
+ <string name="section_user_ids">هویت‌ها</string>
+ <string name="section_yubikey">کلید Yubi</string>
+ <string name="section_should_you_trust">آیا به این کلید اعتماد دارید؟</string>
+ <string name="section_keys">زیرکلیدها</string>
+ <string name="section_cloud_search">جستجوی اینترنت</string>
+ <string name="section_proxy_settings">تنظیمات پراکسی</string>
+ <string name="section_gui">رابط</string>
+ <string name="section_certify">تأیید</string>
+ <string name="section_share_key">کلید</string>
+ <string name="section_key_server">سرور کلید</string>
+ <string name="section_fingerprint">اثر انگشت</string>
+ <string name="section_encrypt">رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="section_decrypt">رمزگشایی/بررسی</string>
+ <string name="section_current_expiry">انقضأ فعلی</string>
+ <string name="section_new_expiry">انقضأ جدید</string>
+ <!--button-->
+ <string name="btn_decrypt_verify_file">رمزگشایی، بررسی و ذخیره فایل</string>
+ <string name="btn_encrypt_share_file">رمزگذاری و به اشتراک گذاری فایل</string>
+ <string name="btn_encrypt_save_file">رمزگذاری و ذخیرهٔ فایل</string>
+ <string name="btn_save_file">ذخیرهٔ فایل</string>
+ <string name="btn_save">ذخیره</string>
+ <string name="btn_view_log">مشاهدهٔ لاگ</string>
+ <string name="btn_do_not_save">انصراف</string>
+ <string name="btn_delete">حذف</string>
+ <string name="btn_no_date">بدون انقضأ</string>
+ <string name="btn_okay">تأیید</string>
+ <string name="btn_export_to_server">آپلود در سرور کلید</string>
+ <string name="btn_next">بعدی</string>
+ <string name="btn_back">قبلی</string>
+ <string name="btn_no">نه</string>
+ <string name="btn_match">اثر انگشت‌ها مطابقت دارد</string>
+ <string name="btn_share_encrypted_signed">رمزگذاری و به اشتراک گذاری متن</string>
+ <string name="btn_copy_encrypted_signed">رمزگذاری و کپی متن</string>
+ <string name="btn_create_key">ساخت کلید</string>
+ <string name="btn_add_files">اضافه کردن فایل(ها)</string>
+ <string name="btn_share_decrypted_text">اشتراک گذاری متن رمزگشایی شده</string>
+ <string name="btn_copy_decrypted_text">کپی متن رمزگشایی شده</string>
+ <string name="btn_decrypt_clipboard">خواندن از متن کپی‌شده</string>
+ <string name="btn_decrypt_files">انتخاب فایل ورودی</string>
+ <string name="btn_encrypt_files">رمزگذاری فایلها</string>
+ <string name="btn_encrypt_text">رمزگذاری فایل</string>
+ <string name="btn_add_email">اضافه کردن ایمیلی دیگر</string>
+ <string name="btn_unlock">بازکردن قفل</string>
+ <string name="btn_add_keyserver">اضافه‌کردن</string>
+ <string name="btn_save_default">ذخیره به عنوان پیش‌فرض</string>
+ <string name="btn_saved">ذخیره شد!</string>
+ <!--menu-->
+ <string name="menu_preferences">تنظیمات</string>
+ <string name="menu_help">کمک</string>
+ <string name="menu_export_key">پشتیبان‌گیری به فایل</string>
+ <string name="menu_delete_key">حذف کلید</string>
+ <string name="menu_manage_keys">مدیریت کلیدهای من</string>
+ <string name="menu_search">جستجو</string>
+ <string name="menu_nfc_preferences">تنظیمات NFC</string>
+ <string name="menu_beam_preferences">تنظیمات Beam</string>
+ <string name="menu_encrypt_to">رمزگذاری به...</string>
+ <string name="menu_select_all">انتخاب همه</string>
+ <string name="menu_export_all_keys">خروج همهٔ کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="menu_update_all_keys">آپدیت همهٔ کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="menu_advanced">اطلاعات بیشتر</string>
+ <string name="menu_certify_fingerprint">تأیید با مقایسهٔ اثر انگشت</string>
+ <string name="menu_export_log">خروج لاگ</string>
+ <string name="menu_keyserver_add">اضافه‌کردن</string>
+ <!--label-->
+ <string name="label_message">متن</string>
+ <string name="label_file">فایل</string>
+ <string name="label_files">فایل(ها)</string>
+ <string name="label_file_colon">فایل</string>
+ <string name="label_no_passphrase">بدون رمزعبور</string>
+ <string name="label_passphrase">رمزعبور</string>
+ <string name="label_unlock">در حال بازکردن...</string>
+ <string name="label_passphrase_again">تکرار رمزعبور</string>
+ <string name="label_show_passphrase">نمایش رمزعبور</string>
+ <string name="label_algorithm">الگوریتم</string>
+ <string name="label_ascii_armor">فایل ASCII Armor</string>
+ <string name="label_file_ascii_armor">فعال‌کردن ASCII Armor</string>
+ <string name="label_write_version_header">به دیگران اطلاع دهید که شما از OpenKeyChain استفاده می‌کنید</string>
+ <string name="label_write_version_header_summary">عبارت \'OpenKeychain v2.7\' را در امضاها، متن رمزگذاری‌شده و کلیدها می‌نویسید</string>
+ <string name="label_use_default_yubikey_pin">از رمزِ PIN پیش‌فرضِ کلید Yubi استفاده کن</string>
+ <string name="label_use_num_keypad_for_yubikey_pin">از صفحه‌کلیدِ شماره‌ای برای وارد کردن رمز کلیدِ Yubi استفاده کن</string>
+ <string name="label_asymmetric_from">امضاء با:</string>
+ <string name="label_to">رمزگذاری به:</string>
+ <string name="label_delete_after_encryption">حذف فایل‌ها پس از رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="label_delete_after_decryption">حذف پس از رمزگشایی</string>
+ <string name="label_encryption_algorithm">الگوریتم رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="label_hash_algorithm">الگوریتم هَش</string>
+ <string name="label_symmetric">رمزگذاری با رمز عبور</string>
+ <string name="label_passphrase_cache_ttl">زمان را به یاد داشته باش</string>
+ <string name="label_passphrase_cache_subs">رمز‌عبورها را با زیرکلیدها به یاد داشته باش</string>
+ <string name="label_message_compression">فشرده‌کردن متن</string>
+ <string name="label_file_compression">فشرده‌کردن فایل</string>
+ <string name="label_keyservers">سرور کلید OpenPGP را انتخاب کنید</string>
+ <string name="label_key_id">هویت کلید</string>
+ <string name="label_key_created">کلید ساخته شد %s</string>
+ <string name="label_creation">ساخت</string>
+ <string name="label_expiry">انقضأ</string>
+ <string name="label_usage">مصرف</string>
+ <string name="label_key_size">اندازهٔ کلید</string>
+ <string name="label_main_user_id">هویت اصلی</string>
+ <string name="label_name">نام</string>
+ <string name="label_comment">توضیحات</string>
+ <string name="label_email">ایمیل</string>
+ <string name="label_send_key">همگام‌سازی با اینترنت</string>
+ <string name="label_fingerprint">اثر انگشت</string>
+ <string name="expiry_date_dialog_title">تعیین تاریخ انقضأ</string>
+ <string name="label_keyservers_title">سرورِ کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="label_keyserver_settings_hint">برای ویرایش/حذف تَپ کنید و برای تغییر ترتیب بکشید</string>
+ <string name="label_selected_keyserver_title">سرور کلیدِ انتخاب شده</string>
+ <string name="label_preferred">ترجیح داده‌شده</string>
+ <string name="label_enable_compression">فشرده‌کردن</string>
+ <string name="label_encrypt_filenames">رمزگذاری اسمِ فایل‌ها</string>
+ <string name="label_hidden_recipients">مخفی‌کردن گیرنده‌ها</string>
+ <string name="label_verify_keyserver">بررسی سرورِ کلیدها</string>
+ <string name="label_enter_keyserver_url">آدرس URL سرورِ کلید را وارد کنید</string>
+ <string name="label_keyserver_dialog_delete">حذف سرورهای کلید</string>
+ <string name="label_theme">قالب</string>
+ <string name="pref_keyserver">سرورهای کلید OpenPGP</string>
+ <!--Proxy Preferences-->
+ <string name="pref_proxy_tor_title">فعال‌کردن Tor</string>
+ <string name="pref_proxy_tor_summary">برنامهٔ Orbot باید نصب شده باشد</string>
+ <string name="pref_proxy_normal_title">فعال کردن پراکسی دیگر</string>
+ <!--proxy type choices and values-->
+ <!--OrbotHelper strings-->
+ <!--InstallDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--StartOrbotDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--choice-->
+ <!--key flags-->
+ <string name="flag_sign">امضاء کردن</string>
+ <string name="flag_encrypt">رمزگذاری</string>
+ <string name="flag_authenticate">تصدیق کردن</string>
+ <!--sentences-->
+ <string name="wrong_passphrase">رمزعبور اشتباه است.</string>
+ <string name="no_filemanager_installed">برنامهٔ مدیریتِ فایل سازگاری نصب نیست.</string>
+ <string name="passphrases_do_not_match">رمز عبور‌ها مطابقت ندارند.</string>
+ <string name="passphrase_must_not_be_empty">لطفاً یک رمزعبور وارد کنید.</string>
+ <string name="passphrase_for_symmetric_encryption">رمزگذاری متقارن(فقط با یک رمزعبور)</string>
+ <string name="passphrase_for">وارد کردن رمز عبور برای \'%s\'</string>
+ <string name="pin_for">وارد کردن رمزِ پین برای \'%s\'</string>
+ <string name="keys_exported">%d کلید با موفقیت خارج شد.</string>
+ <string name="list_empty">این لیست خالی است!</string>
+ <string name="key_copied_to_clipboard">کلید در حافظه کپی شده است!</string>
+ <string name="fingerprint_copied_to_clipboard">اثر انگشت در حافظه کپی شده است!</string>
+ <string name="select_key_to_certify">لطفاً یک کلید برای تأیید کردن انتخاب کنید!</string>
+ <string name="key_too_big_for_sharing">کلید خیلی بزرگ است و نمی‌توان آن را از این طریق به اشتراک گذاشت!</string>
+ <string name="text_copied_to_clipboard">متن در حافظه کپی شده است!</string>
+ <!--errors
+ no punctuation, all lowercase,
+ they will be put after "error_message", e.g. "Error: file not found"-->
+ <string name="error_file_delete_failed">حذف نشد. به صورت دستی آن را حذف کنید!</string>
+ <string name="error_file_added_already">%s قبلاً اضافه شده است.</string>
+ <string name="error_file_not_found">فایل یافت نشد</string>
+ <string name="error_no_secret_key_found">کلید شخصیِ متناسبی یافت نشد</string>
+ <string name="error_external_storage_not_ready">حافظهٔ خارجی آماده نیست</string>
+ <string name="error_key_size_minimum512bit">اندازهٔ کلید باید حداقل ۵۱۲بیت باشد</string>
+ <string name="error_unknown_algorithm_choice">الگوریتم انتخابی ناشناخته است</string>
+ <string name="error_user_id_no_email">آدرس ایمیلی یافت نشد</string>
+ <string name="error_key_needs_a_user_id">حداقل به یک هویت نیاز است</string>
+ <string name="error_no_signature_passphrase">رمزعبوری داده نشد</string>
+ <string name="error_no_signature_key">کلیدی برای امضاء کردن داده نشد</string>
+ <string name="error_wrong_passphrase">رمزعبور اشتباه است</string>
+ <string name="error_could_not_extract_private_key">نمی‌توان کلید شخصی را خارج کرد</string>
+ <!--errors without preceeding Error:-->
+ <!--results shown after decryption/verification-->
+ <string name="decrypt_result_no_signature">امضاء نشده</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_invalid_signature">امضاء معتبر نیست!</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_insecure_cryptography">امضاء معتبر نیست(رمزنگاری امن نیست)!</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_signature_uncertified">توسط کلیدی <b>تأیید نشده</b> امضاء شده است</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_signature_secret">با کلیدتان امضاء شده است</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_signature_certified">با کلیدی تأیید شده امضاء شده است</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_signature_expired_key">با کلیدی <b>منقضی شده</b> امضاء شده است!</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_encrypted">رمزگذاری شده</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_not_encrypted">رمزگذاری نشده</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_insecure">رمزگذاریِ نا امن</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_action_show">نمایش</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_result_action_Lookup">جستجو</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_invalid_text">امضاء نامعتبر است یا کلید فسخ شده‌است. شما نمی‌توانید مطمئن باشید که چه کسی متن را نوشته است. آیا متن نمایش داده شود؟</string>
+ <string name="decrypt_invalid_button">من متوجهٔ ریسک‌اش هستم. نمایش‌ بده!</string>
+ <!--Add keys-->
+ <string name="add_keys_my_key">کلید من:</string>
+ <!--progress dialogs, usually ending in '…'-->
+ <string name="progress_done">انجام شد.</string>
+ <string name="progress_cancel">انصراف</string>
+ <string name="progress_cancelling">در حال انصراف...</string>
+ <string name="progress_saving">در حال ذخیره‌سازی...</string>
+ <string name="progress_importing">در حال وارد کردن...</string>
+ <string name="progress_revoking_uploading">در حال فسخ‌ و آپلود‌کردن کلید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_updating">درحال آپدیت‌کردن کلیدها...</string>
+ <string name="progress_exporting">در حال خارج‌کردن...</string>
+ <string name="progress_uploading">در حال آپلود کردن...</string>
+ <string name="progress_building_key">در حال ساخت کلید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_building_master_key">در حال ساخت حلقهٔ اصلی...</string>
+ <string name="progress_generating_rsa">در حال تولید کلید RSA جدید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_generating_dsa">در حال تولید کلید DSA جدید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_generating_elgamal">در حال تولید کلید EIGamal جدید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_generating_ecdsa">در حال تولید کلید ECDSA جدید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_generating_ecdh">در حال تولید کلید ECDH جدید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_modify">در حال ویرایش حلقه کلید...</string>
+ <string name="progress_modify_unlock">در حال بازکردن حلقه کلید...</string>
+ <!--action strings-->
+ <!--key bit length selections-->
+ <!--elliptic curve names-->
+ <!--not in for now, see SaveKeyringParcel
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p256">"Brainpool P-256"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p384">"Brainpool P-384"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p512">"Brainpool P-512"</string>-->
+ <!--compression-->
+ <!--Help-->
+ <!--Import-->
+ <!--Import from URL-->
+ <!--Generic result toast-->
+ <!--Import result toast-->
+ <!--Delete result toast-->
+ <!--Revoke result toast (snackbar)-->
+ <!--Certify result toast-->
+ <!--Intent labels-->
+ <!--Remote API-->
+ <!--Share-->
+ <!--retry upload dialog-->
+ <!--Delete or revoke private key dialog-->
+ <!--Delete Or Revoke Dialog spinner-->
+ <!--Key list-->
+ <!--Key view-->
+ <!--Key trust-->
+ <!--keybase proof stuff-->
+ <!--Edit key-->
+ <!--Create key-->
+ <!--View key-->
+ <!--Add/Edit keyserver-->
+ <!--Navigation Drawer-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <!--certs-->
+ <!--LogType log messages. Errors should have _ERROR_ in their name and end with a !-->
+ <!--Import Public log entries-->
+ <!--Import Secret log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring Canonicalization log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring merging log entries-->
+ <!--createSecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--modifySecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--Consolidate-->
+ <!--Edit Key (higher level than modify)-->
+ <!--Promote key-->
+ <!--Other messages used in OperationLogs-->
+ <!--Messages for DecryptVerify operation-->
+ <!--Messages for VerifySignedLiteralData operation-->
+ <!--Messages for SignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for PgpSignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Keybase Verification operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Export Log operation-->
+ <!--PassphraseCache-->
+ <!--First Time-->
+ <!--unsorted-->
+ <!--Android Account-->
+ <!--Passphrase wizard-->
+ <!--TODO: rename all the things!-->
+ <!--<string name="enter_passphrase_twice">Enter password twice</string>-->
+ <!--<string name="nfc_text">Please place a NFC tag near your device</string>-->
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc5fb0718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--GENERAL: Please put all strings inside quotes as described in example 1 on
+ http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html (scroll down to "Escaping apostrophes and quotes").-->
+ <!--title-->
+ <!--section-->
+ <!--button-->
+ <!--menu-->
+ <!--label-->
+ <!--Proxy Preferences-->
+ <!--proxy type choices and values-->
+ <!--OrbotHelper strings-->
+ <!--InstallDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--StartOrbotDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--choice-->
+ <!--key flags-->
+ <!--sentences-->
+ <!--errors
+ no punctuation, all lowercase,
+ they will be put after "error_message", e.g. "Error: file not found"-->
+ <!--errors without preceeding Error:-->
+ <!--results shown after decryption/verification-->
+ <!--Add keys-->
+ <!--progress dialogs, usually ending in '…'-->
+ <!--action strings-->
+ <!--key bit length selections-->
+ <!--elliptic curve names-->
+ <!--not in for now, see SaveKeyringParcel
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p256">"Brainpool P-256"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p384">"Brainpool P-384"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p512">"Brainpool P-512"</string>-->
+ <!--compression-->
+ <!--Help-->
+ <!--Import-->
+ <!--Import from URL-->
+ <!--Generic result toast-->
+ <!--Import result toast-->
+ <!--Delete result toast-->
+ <!--Revoke result toast (snackbar)-->
+ <!--Certify result toast-->
+ <!--Intent labels-->
+ <!--Remote API-->
+ <!--Share-->
+ <!--retry upload dialog-->
+ <!--Delete or revoke private key dialog-->
+ <!--Delete Or Revoke Dialog spinner-->
+ <!--Key list-->
+ <!--Key view-->
+ <!--Key trust-->
+ <!--keybase proof stuff-->
+ <!--Edit key-->
+ <!--Create key-->
+ <!--View key-->
+ <!--Add/Edit keyserver-->
+ <!--Navigation Drawer-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <!--certs-->
+ <!--LogType log messages. Errors should have _ERROR_ in their name and end with a !-->
+ <!--Import Public log entries-->
+ <!--Import Secret log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring Canonicalization log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring merging log entries-->
+ <!--createSecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--modifySecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--Consolidate-->
+ <!--Edit Key (higher level than modify)-->
+ <!--Promote key-->
+ <!--Other messages used in OperationLogs-->
+ <!--Messages for DecryptVerify operation-->
+ <!--Messages for VerifySignedLiteralData operation-->
+ <!--Messages for SignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for PgpSignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Keybase Verification operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Export Log operation-->
+ <!--PassphraseCache-->
+ <!--First Time-->
+ <!--unsorted-->
+ <!--Android Account-->
+ <!--Passphrase wizard-->
+ <!--TODO: rename all the things!-->
+ <!--<string name="enter_passphrase_twice">Enter password twice</string>-->
+ <!--<string name="nfc_text">Please place a NFC tag near your device</string>-->
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc5fb0718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--GENERAL: Please put all strings inside quotes as described in example 1 on
+ http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html (scroll down to "Escaping apostrophes and quotes").-->
+ <!--title-->
+ <!--section-->
+ <!--button-->
+ <!--menu-->
+ <!--label-->
+ <!--Proxy Preferences-->
+ <!--proxy type choices and values-->
+ <!--OrbotHelper strings-->
+ <!--InstallDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--StartOrbotDialogFragment strings-->
+ <!--choice-->
+ <!--key flags-->
+ <!--sentences-->
+ <!--errors
+ no punctuation, all lowercase,
+ they will be put after "error_message", e.g. "Error: file not found"-->
+ <!--errors without preceeding Error:-->
+ <!--results shown after decryption/verification-->
+ <!--Add keys-->
+ <!--progress dialogs, usually ending in '…'-->
+ <!--action strings-->
+ <!--key bit length selections-->
+ <!--elliptic curve names-->
+ <!--not in for now, see SaveKeyringParcel
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p256">"Brainpool P-256"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p384">"Brainpool P-384"</string>
+ <string name="key_curve_bp_p512">"Brainpool P-512"</string>-->
+ <!--compression-->
+ <!--Help-->
+ <!--Import-->
+ <!--Import from URL-->
+ <!--Generic result toast-->
+ <!--Import result toast-->
+ <!--Delete result toast-->
+ <!--Revoke result toast (snackbar)-->
+ <!--Certify result toast-->
+ <!--Intent labels-->
+ <!--Remote API-->
+ <!--Share-->
+ <!--retry upload dialog-->
+ <!--Delete or revoke private key dialog-->
+ <!--Delete Or Revoke Dialog spinner-->
+ <!--Key list-->
+ <!--Key view-->
+ <!--Key trust-->
+ <!--keybase proof stuff-->
+ <!--Edit key-->
+ <!--Create key-->
+ <!--View key-->
+ <!--Add/Edit keyserver-->
+ <!--Navigation Drawer-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <!--certs-->
+ <!--LogType log messages. Errors should have _ERROR_ in their name and end with a !-->
+ <!--Import Public log entries-->
+ <!--Import Secret log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring Canonicalization log entries-->
+ <!--Keyring merging log entries-->
+ <!--createSecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--modifySecretKeyRing-->
+ <!--Consolidate-->
+ <!--Edit Key (higher level than modify)-->
+ <!--Promote key-->
+ <!--Other messages used in OperationLogs-->
+ <!--Messages for DecryptVerify operation-->
+ <!--Messages for VerifySignedLiteralData operation-->
+ <!--Messages for SignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for PgpSignEncrypt operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Keybase Verification operation-->
+ <!--Messages for Export Log operation-->
+ <!--PassphraseCache-->
+ <!--First Time-->
+ <!--unsorted-->
+ <!--Android Account-->
+ <!--Passphrase wizard-->
+ <!--TODO: rename all the things!-->
+ <!--<string name="enter_passphrase_twice">Enter password twice</string>-->
+ <!--<string name="nfc_text">Please place a NFC tag near your device</string>-->