This is the old API. Currently disabled! # Security Model ## Basic goals * Intents without permissions should only work based on user interaction (e.g. click a button in a dialog) Android primitives to exchange data: Intent, Intent with return values, Send (also an Intent), Content Provider, AIDL ## Possible Permissions * ACCESS_API: Encrypt/Sign/Decrypt/Create keys without user interaction (intents, remote service), Read key information (not the actual keys)(content provider) * ACCESS_KEYS: get and import actual public and secret keys (remote service) ## Without Permissions ### Intents All Intents start with org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.action. * android.intent.action.VIEW connected to .gpg and .asc files: Import Key and Decrypt * android.intent.action.SEND connected to all mime types (text/plain and every binary data like files and images): Encrypt and Decrypt * IMPORT * IMPORT_FROM_FILE * IMPORT_FROM_QR_CODE * IMPORT_FROM_NFC * SHARE_KEYRING * SHARE_KEYRING_WITH_QR_CODE * SHARE_KEYRING_WITH_NFC * EDIT_KEYRING * SELECT_PUBLIC_KEYRINGS * SELECT_SECRET_KEYRING * ENCRYPT * ENCRYPT_FILE * DECRYPT * DECRYPT_FILE ## With permission ACCESS_API ### Intents * CREATE_KEYRING * ENCRYPT_AND_RETURN * ENCRYPT_STREAM_AND_RETURN * GENERATE_SIGNATURE_AND_RETURN * DECRYPT_AND_RETURN * DECRYPT_STREAM_AND_RETURN ### Broadcast Receiver On change of database the following broadcast is send. * DATABASE_CHANGE ### Content Provider * The whole content provider requires a permission (only read) * Don't give out blobs (keys can be accessed by ACCESS_KEYS via remote service) * Make an internal and external content provider (or pathes with <path-permission>) * Look at android:grantUriPermissions especially for ApgServiceBlobProvider * Only give out android:readPermission ### ApgApiService (Remote Service) AIDL service ## With permission ACCESS_KEYS ### ApgKeyService (Remote Service) AIDL service to access actual private keyring objects