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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2012-02-13 20:03:55 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2012-02-13 20:03:55 -0800
commitd931de7febd2616acb915ef168011ad99466bb2d (patch)
parent6f4bb33ce14dd66b71e41bb71639a74a951a08b1 (diff)
Variable timeframe abstraction.
4 files changed, 100 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/gia/giaAbsVta.c b/src/aig/gia/giaAbsVta.c
index 9c50ae52..45e36243 100644
--- a/src/aig/gia/giaAbsVta.c
+++ b/src/aig/gia/giaAbsVta.c
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct Vta_Man_t_
Vec_Int_t * vSeens; // seen objects
Vec_Bit_t * vSeenGla; // seen objects in all frames
int nSeenGla; // seen objects in all frames
+ int nSeenAll; // seen objects in all frames
// other data
Vec_Int_t * vCla2Var; // map clauses into variables
Vec_Ptr_t * vCores; // unsat core for each frame
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ void Gia_VtaSetDefaultParams( Gia_ParVta_t * p )
p->nFramesStart = 5; // starting frame
p->nFramesPast = 4; // overlap frames
p->nConfLimit = 0; // conflict limit
- p->nLearntMax = 0; // max number of learned clauses
+ p->nLearntMax = 15000; // max number of learned clauses
p->nTimeOut = 0; // timeout in seconds
p->nRatioMin = 10; // stop when less than this % of object is abstracted
p->fUseTermVars = 1; // use terminal variables
@@ -968,6 +969,8 @@ Abc_Cex_t * Vta_ManRefineAbstraction( Vta_Man_t * p, int f )
if ( !Gia_ObjIsPi(p->pGia, pObj) )
Vga_ManAddClausesOne( p, pThis->iObj, pThis->iFrame );
sat_solver2_simplify( p->pSat );
+// printf( "VecCla grew to %d. \n\n", Vec_IntSize(p->vCla2Var) );
Vec_IntFree( vTermsToAdd );
return pCex;
@@ -1005,6 +1008,7 @@ Vta_Man_t * Vga_ManStart( Gia_Man_t * pGia, Gia_ParVta_t * pPars )
p->vSeens = Vec_IntStart( Gia_ManObjNum(pGia) * p->nWords );
p->vSeenGla = Vec_BitStart( Gia_ManObjNum(pGia) );
p->nSeenGla = 1;
+ p->nSeenAll = 1;
// start the abstraction
if ( pGia->vObjClasses == NULL )
p->vFrames = Gia_ManUnrollAbs( pGia, pPars->nFramesStart );
@@ -1167,6 +1171,7 @@ void Vta_ManAbsPrintFrame( Vta_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vCore, int nFrames, int nC
Abc_InfoSetBit( pInfo, iFrame );
+ p->nSeenAll++;
@@ -1180,8 +1185,12 @@ void Vta_ManAbsPrintFrame( Vta_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vCore, int nFrames, int nC
// printf( "%5d%5d", pCountAll[0], pCountUni[0] );
printf( "%3d :", nFrames-1 );
printf( "%6d", p->nSeenGla );
- printf( "%8d", nConfls );
- printf( "%5d", nCexes );
+ printf( "%4d", Abc_MinInt(100, 100 * p->nSeenAll / (p->nSeenGla * nFrames)) );
+ printf( "%8d", nConfls );
+ if ( nCexes == 0 )
+ printf( "%5c", '-' );
+ else
+ printf( "%5d", nCexes );
if ( vCore == NULL )
printf( " ..." );
@@ -1414,7 +1423,7 @@ int Gia_VtaPerform( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Gia_ParVta_t * pPars )
printf( "FrameStart = %d FramePast = %d FrameMax = %d Conf = %d Timeout = %d. RatioMin = %d %%.\n",
p->pPars->nFramesStart, p->pPars->nFramesPast, p->pPars->nFramesMax,
p->pPars->nConfLimit, p->pPars->nTimeOut, pPars->nRatioMin );
- printf( "Frame Abs Confl Cex Core F0 F1 F2 F3 ...\n" );
+ printf( "Frame Abs %% Confl Cex Core F0 F1 F2 F3 ...\n" );
for ( f = i = 0; !p->pPars->nFramesMax || f < p->pPars->nFramesMax; f++ )
@@ -1428,6 +1437,8 @@ int Gia_VtaPerform( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Gia_ParVta_t * pPars )
Vga_ManAddClausesOne( p, 0, f );
Vga_ManLoadSlice( p, (Vec_Int_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(p->vFrames, f), 0 );
+// printf( "VecCla grew ttto %d. \n\n", Vec_IntSize(p->vCla2Var) );
diff --git a/src/sat/bsat/satProof.c b/src/sat/bsat/satProof.c
index b8420014..1eaf4407 100644
--- a/src/sat/bsat/satProof.c
+++ b/src/sat/bsat/satProof.c
@@ -295,7 +295,55 @@ Vec_Int_t * Proof_CollectUsedRec( Vec_Int_t * vProof, Vec_Int_t * vRoots, int hR
+ Synopsis [Checks the validity of the check point.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Sat_ProofReduceCheck_rec( Vec_Int_t * vProof, Vec_Int_t * vClauses, satset * pNode, int hClausePivot, Vec_Ptr_t * vVisited )
+ satset * pFanin;
+ int k;
+ if ( pNode->Id )
+ return;
+ pNode->Id = -1;
+ Proof_NodeForeachFaninLeaf( vProof, vClauses, pNode, pFanin, k )
+ if ( (pNode->pEnts[k] & 1) == 0 ) // proof node
+ Sat_ProofReduceCheck_rec( vProof, vClauses, pFanin, hClausePivot, vVisited );
+ else // problem clause
+ assert( (pNode->pEnts[k] >> 2) < hClausePivot );
+ Vec_PtrPush( vVisited, pNode );
+void Sat_ProofReduceCheckOne( sat_solver2 * s, int iLearnt, Vec_Ptr_t * vVisited )
+ Vec_Int_t * vProof = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->proofs;
+ Vec_Int_t * vClauses = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->clauses;
+ Vec_Int_t * vRoots = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->claProofs;
+ int hProofNode = Vec_IntEntry( vRoots, iLearnt );
+ satset * pNode = Proof_NodeRead( vProof, hProofNode );
+ Sat_ProofReduceCheck_rec( vProof, vClauses, pNode, s->hClausePivot, vVisited );
+void Sat_ProofReduceCheck( sat_solver2 * s )
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vVisited;
+ satset * c;
+ int h, i = 1;
+ vVisited = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
+ sat_solver_foreach_learnt( s, c, h )
+ if ( h < s->hLearntPivot )
+ Sat_ProofReduceCheckOne( s, i++, vVisited );
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( satset *, vVisited, c, i )
+ c->Id = 0;
+ Vec_PtrFree( vVisited );
Synopsis [Reduces the proof to contain only roots and their children.]
@@ -311,6 +359,7 @@ void Sat_ProofReduce( sat_solver2 * s )
Vec_Int_t * vProof = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->proofs;
Vec_Int_t * vRoots = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->claProofs;
+ Vec_Int_t * vClauses = (Vec_Int_t *)&s->clauses;
int fVerbose = 0;
Vec_Int_t * vUsed;
@@ -328,9 +377,11 @@ void Sat_ProofReduce( sat_solver2 * s )
Proof_ForeachNodeVec( vUsed, vProof, pNode, i )
pNode->Id = hNewHandle; hNewHandle += Proof_NodeSize(pNode->nEnts);
- Proof_NodeForeachFanin( vProof, pNode, pFanin, k )
- if ( pFanin )
+ Proof_NodeForeachFaninLeaf( vProof, vClauses, pNode, pFanin, k )
+ if ( (pNode->pEnts[k] & 1) == 0 ) // proof node
pNode->pEnts[k] = (pFanin->Id << 2) | (pNode->pEnts[k] & 2);
+ else // problem clause
+ assert( (int*)pFanin >= Vec_IntArray(vClauses) && (int*)pFanin < Vec_IntArray(vClauses)+Vec_IntSize(vClauses) );
// update roots
Proof_ForeachNodeVec( vRoots, vProof, pNode, i )
@@ -352,6 +403,8 @@ void Sat_ProofReduce( sat_solver2 * s )
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", TimeTotal );
Vec_IntShrink( vProof, hNewHandle );
+ Sat_ProofReduceCheck( s );
@@ -520,6 +573,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Sat_ProofCollectCore( Vec_Int_t * vClauses, Vec_Int_t * vProof, Vec_
// clean core clauses and reexpress core in terms of clause IDs
Proof_ForeachNodeVec( vCore, vClauses, pNode, i )
+ assert( (int*)pNode < Vec_IntArray(vClauses)+Vec_IntSize(vClauses) );
pNode->mark = 0;
if ( fUseIds )
// Vec_IntWriteEntry( vCore, i, pNode->Id - 1 );
diff --git a/src/sat/bsat/satSolver2.c b/src/sat/bsat/satSolver2.c
index e4d713d1..5a54a64e 100644
--- a/src/sat/bsat/satSolver2.c
+++ b/src/sat/bsat/satSolver2.c
@@ -1399,23 +1399,35 @@ void luby2_test()
void sat_solver2_reducedb(sat_solver2* s)
static int TimeTotal = 0;
- cla h,* pArray,* pArray2;
satset * c, * pivot;
- int Counter, CounterStart;
+ cla h,* pArray,* pArray2;
+ int * pPerm, * pClaAct, nClaAct, ActCutOff;
int i, j, k, hTemp, hHandle, clk = clock();
+ int Counter, CounterStart;
+ // check if it is time to reduce
if ( s->nLearntMax == 0 || s->stats.learnts < (unsigned)s->nLearntMax )
- CounterStart = s->stats.learnts - (s->nLearntMax / 3);
s->nLearntMax = s->nLearntMax * 11 / 10;
- // remove 2/3 of learned clauses while skipping small clauses
+ // preserve 1/10 of last clauses
+ CounterStart = s->stats.learnts - (s->nLearntMax / 10);
+ // preserve 1/10 of most active clauses
+ pClaAct = veci_begin(&s->claActs) + 1;
+ nClaAct = veci_size(&s->claActs) - 1;
+ pPerm = Abc_SortCost( pClaAct, nClaAct );
+ assert( pClaAct[pPerm[0]] <= pClaAct[pPerm[nClaAct-1]] );
+ ActCutOff = pClaAct[pPerm[nClaAct*9/10]];
+ ABC_FREE( pPerm );
+// ActCutOff = ABC_INFINITY;
+ // mark learned clauses to remove
Counter = 0;
veci_resize( &s->learnt_live, 0 );
sat_solver_foreach_learnt( s, c, h )
- if ( Counter++ > CounterStart || c->nEnts < 3 || s->reasons[lit_var(c->pEnts[0])] == (h<<1)+1 )
+ if ( Counter++ > CounterStart || c->nEnts < 3 || pClaAct[c->Id-1] >= ActCutOff || s->reasons[lit_var(c->pEnts[0])] == (h<<1)+1 )
veci_push( &s->learnt_live, h );
c->mark = 1;
@@ -1471,6 +1483,7 @@ void sat_solver2_reducedb(sat_solver2* s)
// compact clauses
pivot = satset_read( &s->learnts, s->hLearntPivot );
+ s->hLearntPivot = hHandle;
satset_foreach_entry_vec( &s->learnt_live, &s->learnts, c, i )
hTemp = c->Id; c->Id = i + 1;
@@ -1484,6 +1497,8 @@ void sat_solver2_reducedb(sat_solver2* s)
assert( hHandle == hTemp + satset_size(c->nEnts) );
s->stats.learnts = veci_size(&s->learnt_live);
+ assert( s->hLearntPivot <= veci_size(&s->learnts) );
+ assert( s->hClausePivot <= veci_size(&s->clauses) );
// compact proof (compacts 'proofs' and update 'claProofs')
if ( s->fProofLogging )
@@ -1551,24 +1566,9 @@ void sat_solver2_rollback( sat_solver2* s )
// reset watcher lists
for ( i = 2*s->iVarPivot; i < 2*s->size; i++ )
s->wlists[i].size = 0;
- // clean the room
- for ( i = s->iVarPivot; i < s->size; i++ )
- {
- *((int*)s->vi + i) = 0;
- s->levels [i] = 0;
- s->assigns [i] = varX;
- s->reasons [i] = 0;
- s->units [i] = 0;
- s->activity[i] = 0;
- s->activity[i] = (1<<10);
- s->model [i] = 0;
- s->orderpos[i] = -1;
- }
- s->size = s->iVarPivot;
// initialize other vars
+ s->size = s->iVarPivot;
if ( s->size == 0 )
// s->size = 0;
diff --git a/src/sat/bsat/satVec.h b/src/sat/bsat/satVec.h
index 01740580..8f7a5fab 100644
--- a/src/sat/bsat/satVec.h
+++ b/src/sat/bsat/satVec.h
@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ static inline void veci_new (veci* v) {
static inline void veci_delete (veci* v) { ABC_FREE(v->ptr); }
static inline int* veci_begin (veci* v) { return v->ptr; }
static inline int veci_size (veci* v) { return v->size; }
-static inline void veci_resize (veci* v, int k) { assert(k <= v->size); v->size = k; } // only safe to shrink !!
+static inline void veci_resize (veci* v, int k) {
+ assert(k <= v->size);
+// memset( veci_begin(v) + k, -1, sizeof(int) * (veci_size(v) - k) );
+ v->size = k;
+} // only safe to shrink !!
static inline int veci_pop (veci* v) { assert(v->size); return v->ptr[--v->size]; }
static inline void veci_push (veci* v, int e)