path: root/src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c
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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2013-03-31 23:09:51 -0700
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2013-03-31 23:09:51 -0700
commit2650f945986192f78af049fc8c11e4be0b327f8b (patch)
tree465a6a8bd54717bf578818778d6523163a46c481 /src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c
parent017c35baf22da739f29bcafbda2063640bd1e82d (diff)
Shrink for 6-LUTs.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c')
1 files changed, 733 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c b/src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90f88938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bool/rsb/rsbDec6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+ FileName [rsbDec6.c]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Truth-table-based resubstitution.]
+ Synopsis [Implementation of the algorithm.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
+ Revision [$Id: rsbDec6.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "rsbInt.h"
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry0( word c )
+ return (unsigned)(c != 0);
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry1( word c, word f1 )
+ return (Rsb_DecTry0(c&f1) << 1) | Rsb_DecTry0(c&~f1);
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry2( word c, word f1, word f2 )
+ return (Rsb_DecTry1(c&f2, f1) << 2) | Rsb_DecTry1(c&~f2, f1);
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry3( word c, word f1, word f2, word f3 )
+ return (Rsb_DecTry2(c&f3, f1, f2) << 4) | Rsb_DecTry2(c&~f3, f1, f2);
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry4( word c, word f1, word f2, word f3, word f4 )
+ return (Rsb_DecTry3(c&f4, f1, f2, f3) << 8) | Rsb_DecTry3(c&~f4, f1, f2, f3);
+static inline unsigned Rsb_DecTry5( word c, word f1, word f2, word f3, word f4, word f5 )
+ return (Rsb_DecTry4(c&f5, f1, f2, f3, f4) << 16) | Rsb_DecTry4(c&~f5, f1, f2, f3, f4);
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline int Rsb_DecTryCex( word * g, int iCexA, int iCexB )
+ return Abc_TtGetBit(g, iCexA) == Abc_TtGetBit(g, iCexB);
+static inline void Rsb_DecVerifyCex( word * f, word ** g, int nGs, int iCexA, int iCexB )
+ int i;
+ // f distinquished it
+ if ( Rsb_DecTryCex( f, iCexA, iCexB ) )
+ printf( "Verification of CEX has failed: f(A) == f(B)!!!\n" );
+ // g do not distinguish it
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ if ( !Rsb_DecTryCex( g[i], iCexA, iCexB ) )
+ printf( "Verification of CEX has failed: g[%d](A) != g[%d](B)!!!\n", i, i );
+static inline void Rsb_DecRecordCex( word ** g, int nGs, int iCexA, int iCexB, word * pCexes, int nCexes )
+ int i;
+ assert( nCexes < 64 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ if ( Rsb_DecTryCex(g[i], iCexA, iCexB) )
+ Abc_TtSetBit( pCexes + i, nCexes );
+ Synopsis [Checks decomposability of f with divisors g.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline word Rsb_DecCofactor( word ** g, int nGs, int w, int iMint )
+ int i;
+ word Cof = ~(word)0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ Cof &= ((iMint >> i) & 1) ? g[i][w] : ~g[i][w];
+ return Cof;
+unsigned Rsb_DecCheck( int nVars, word * f, word ** g, int nGs, unsigned * pPat, int * pCexA, int * pCexB )
+ word CofA, CofB;
+ int nWords = Abc_TtWordNum( nVars );
+ int w, k, iMint, iShift = ( 1 << nGs );
+ unsigned uMask = (~(unsigned)0) >> (32-iShift);
+ unsigned uTotal = 0;
+ assert( nGs > 0 && nGs < 5 );
+ for ( w = 0; w < nWords; w++ )
+ {
+ // generate decomposition pattern
+ if ( nGs == 1 )
+ pPat[w] = Rsb_DecTry2( ~(word)0, g[0][w], f[w] );
+ else if ( nGs == 2 )
+ pPat[w] = Rsb_DecTry3( ~(word)0, g[0][w], g[1][w], f[w] );
+ else if ( nGs == 3 )
+ pPat[w] = Rsb_DecTry4( ~(word)0, g[0][w], g[1][w], g[2][w], f[w] );
+ else if ( nGs == 4 )
+ pPat[w] = Rsb_DecTry5( ~(word)0, g[0][w], g[1][w], g[2][w], g[3][w], f[w] );
+ // check if it is consistent
+ iMint = Abc_Tt6FirstBit( (pPat[w] >> iShift) & pPat[w] & uMask );
+ if ( iMint >= 0 )
+ { // generate a cex
+ CofA = Rsb_DecCofactor( g, nGs, w, iMint );
+ assert( (~f[w] & CofA) && (f[w] & CofA) );
+ *pCexA = w * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( ~f[w] & CofA );
+ *pCexB = w * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( f[w] & CofA );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uTotal |= pPat[w];
+ if ( w == 0 )
+ continue;
+ // check if it is consistent with other patterns seen so far
+ iMint = Abc_Tt6FirstBit( (uTotal >> iShift) & uTotal & uMask );
+ if ( iMint == -1 )
+ continue;
+ // find an overlap and generate a cex
+ for ( k = 0; k < w; k++ )
+ {
+ iMint = Abc_Tt6FirstBit( ((pPat[k] | pPat[w]) >> iShift) & (pPat[k] | pPat[w]) & uMask );
+ if ( iMint == -1 )
+ continue;
+ CofA = Rsb_DecCofactor( g, nGs, k, iMint );
+ CofB = Rsb_DecCofactor( g, nGs, w, iMint );
+ if ( (~f[k] & CofA) && (f[w] & CofB) )
+ {
+ *pCexA = k * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( ~f[k] & CofA );
+ *pCexB = w * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( f[w] & CofB );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert( (f[k] & CofA) && (~f[w] & CofB) );
+ *pCexA = k * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( f[k] & CofA );
+ *pCexB = w * 64 + Abc_Tt6FirstBit( ~f[w] & CofB );
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return uTotal;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Rsb_DecPrintTable( word * pCexes, int nGs, int nGsAll, Vec_Int_t * vTries )
+ int pCands[16], nCands;
+ int i, c, Cand, iStart = 0;
+ if ( Vec_IntSize(vTries) == 0 )
+ return;
+// printf( "\n" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( " " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", (i % 100) / 10 );
+ printf( "|" );
+ for ( ; i < nGsAll; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", (i % 100) / 10 );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( " " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", i % 10 );
+ printf( "|" );
+ for ( ; i < nGsAll; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", i % 10 );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ for ( c = 0; iStart < Vec_IntSize(vTries); c++ )
+ {
+ // collect candidates
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ pCands[i] = -1;
+ nCands = 0;
+ Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vTries, Cand, i, iStart )
+ if ( Cand == -1 )
+ {
+ iStart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ pCands[nCands++] = Cand;
+ assert( nCands <= 4 );
+ // print them
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ if ( pCands[i] >= 0 )
+ printf( "%4d", pCands[i] );
+ else
+ printf( " " );
+ // print the bit-string
+ printf( " " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ printf( "%c", Abc_TtGetBit( pCexes + i, c ) ? '.' : '+' );
+ printf( "|" );
+ for ( ; i < nGsAll; i++ )
+ printf( "%c", Abc_TtGetBit( pCexes + i, c ) ? '.' : '+' );
+ printf( " %3d\n", c );
+ }
+ printf( "\n" );
+ // write the number of ones
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( " " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", Abc_TtCountOnes(pCexes[i]) / 10 );
+ printf( "|" );
+ for ( ; i < nGsAll; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", Abc_TtCountOnes(pCexes[i]) / 10 );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( " " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", Abc_TtCountOnes(pCexes[i]) % 10 );
+ printf( "|" );
+ for ( ; i < nGsAll; i++ )
+ printf( "%d", Abc_TtCountOnes(pCexes[i]) % 10 );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ Synopsis [Init ]
+ Description [Returns the numbers of the decomposition functions and
+ the truth table of a function up to 4 variables.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Rsb_DecInitCexes( int nVars, word * f, word ** g, int nGs, int nGsAll, word * pCexes, Vec_Int_t * vTries )
+ int nWords = Abc_TtWordNum( nVars );
+ int ValueB = Abc_TtGetBit( f, 0 );
+ int ValueE = Abc_TtGetBit( f, 64*nWords-1 );
+ int iCexT0, iCexT1, iCexF0, iCexF1;
+ iCexT0 = ValueB ? 0 : Abc_TtFindFirstBit( f, nVars );
+ iCexT1 = ValueE ? 64*nWords-1 : Abc_TtFindLastBit( f, nVars );
+ iCexF0 = !ValueB ? 0 : Abc_TtFindFirstZero( f, nVars );
+ iCexF1 = !ValueE ? 64*nWords-1 : Abc_TtFindLastZero( f, nVars );
+ assert( !Rsb_DecTryCex( f, iCexT0, iCexF0 ) );
+ assert( !Rsb_DecTryCex( f, iCexT0, iCexF1 ) );
+ assert( !Rsb_DecTryCex( f, iCexT1, iCexF0 ) );
+ assert( !Rsb_DecTryCex( f, iCexT1, iCexF1 ) );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexT0, iCexF0, pCexes, 0 );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexT0, iCexF1, pCexes, 1 );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexT1, iCexF0, pCexes, 2 );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexT1, iCexF1, pCexes, 3 );
+ if ( vTries )
+ {
+ Vec_IntPush( vTries, -1 );
+ Vec_IntPush( vTries, -1 );
+ Vec_IntPush( vTries, -1 );
+ Vec_IntPush( vTries, -1 );
+ }
+ return 4;
+ Synopsis [Finds a setset of gs to decompose f.]
+ Description [Returns the numbers of the decomposition functions and
+ the truth table of a function up to 4 variables.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+unsigned Rsb_DecPerformInt( Rsb_Man_t * p, int nVars, word * f, word ** g, int nGs, int nGsAll )
+ word * pCexes = Vec_WrdArray(p->vCexes);
+ unsigned * pPat = (unsigned *)Vec_IntArray(p->vDecPats);
+ /*
+ The following filtering hueristic can be used:
+ after the first round (if there is more than 5 cexes,
+ remove all the divisors, except fanins of the node
+ This should lead to a speadup without sacrifying quality.
+ Another idea is to precompute several counter-examples
+ like the first and last 0 and 1 mints of the function
+ which yields 4 cexes.
+ */
+ word * pDivs[16];
+ unsigned uTruth = 0;
+ int i, k, j, n, iCexA, iCexB, nCexes = 0;
+ memset( pCexes, 0, sizeof(word) * nGsAll );
+ Vec_IntClear( p->vTries );
+ // populate the counter-examples with the three most obvious
+// nCexes = Rsb_DecInitCexes( nVars, f, g, nGs, nGsAll, pCexes, vTries );
+ // start by checking each function
+ p->vFanins->nSize = 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( pCexes[i] )
+ continue;
+ pDivs[0] = g[i]; p->vFanins->pArray[0] = i;
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecCheck( nVars, f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), pPat, &iCexA, &iCexB );
+ if ( uTruth )
+ return uTruth;
+ if ( nCexes == 64 )
+ return 0;
+ Rsb_DecVerifyCex( f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), iCexA, iCexB );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexA, iCexB, pCexes, nCexes++ );
+ if ( !p->fVerbose )
+ continue;
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, i );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, -1 );
+ }
+ if ( p->nDecMax == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ // continue by checking pairs
+ p->vFanins->nSize = 2;
+ for ( i = 1; i < nGs; i++ )
+ for ( k = 0; k < i; k++ )
+ {
+ if ( pCexes[i] & pCexes[k] )
+ continue;
+ pDivs[0] = g[i]; p->vFanins->pArray[0] = i;
+ pDivs[1] = g[k]; p->vFanins->pArray[1] = k;
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecCheck( nVars, f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), pPat, &iCexA, &iCexB );
+ if ( uTruth )
+ return uTruth;
+ if ( nCexes == 64 )
+ return 0;
+ Rsb_DecVerifyCex( f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), iCexA, iCexB );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexA, iCexB, pCexes, nCexes++ );
+ if ( !p->fVerbose )
+ continue;
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, i );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, k );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, -1 );
+ }
+ if ( p->nDecMax == 2 )
+ return 0;
+ // continue by checking triples
+ p->vFanins->nSize = 3;
+ for ( i = 2; i < nGs; i++ )
+ for ( k = 1; k < i; k++ )
+ for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ )
+ {
+ if ( pCexes[i] & pCexes[k] & pCexes[j] )
+ continue;
+ pDivs[0] = g[i]; p->vFanins->pArray[0] = i;
+ pDivs[1] = g[k]; p->vFanins->pArray[1] = k;
+ pDivs[2] = g[j]; p->vFanins->pArray[2] = j;
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecCheck( nVars, f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), pPat, &iCexA, &iCexB );
+ if ( uTruth )
+ return uTruth;
+ if ( nCexes == 64 )
+ return 0;
+ Rsb_DecVerifyCex( f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), iCexA, iCexB );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexA, iCexB, pCexes, nCexes++ );
+ if ( !p->fVerbose )
+ continue;
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, i );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, k );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, j );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, -1 );
+ }
+ if ( p->nDecMax == 3 )
+ return 0;
+ // continue by checking quadras
+ p->vFanins->nSize = 4;
+ for ( i = 3; i < nGs; i++ )
+ for ( k = 2; k < i; k++ )
+ for ( j = 1; j < k; j++ )
+ for ( n = 0; n < j; n++ )
+ {
+ if ( pCexes[i] & pCexes[k] & pCexes[j] & pCexes[n] )
+ continue;
+ pDivs[0] = g[i]; p->vFanins->pArray[0] = i;
+ pDivs[1] = g[k]; p->vFanins->pArray[1] = k;
+ pDivs[2] = g[j]; p->vFanins->pArray[2] = j;
+ pDivs[3] = g[n]; p->vFanins->pArray[3] = n;
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecCheck( nVars, f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), pPat, &iCexA, &iCexB );
+ if ( uTruth )
+ return uTruth;
+ if ( nCexes == 64 )
+ return 0;
+ Rsb_DecVerifyCex( f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins), iCexA, iCexB );
+ Rsb_DecRecordCex( g, nGsAll, iCexA, iCexB, pCexes, nCexes++ );
+ if ( !p->fVerbose )
+ continue;
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, i );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, k );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, j );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, n );
+ Vec_IntPush( p->vTries, -1 );
+ }
+// printf( "%d ", nCexes );
+ if ( p->nDecMax == 4 )
+ return 0;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Verifies 4-input decomposition.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Rsb_DecPrintFunc( Rsb_Man_t * p, unsigned Truth4, word * f, word ** ppGs, int nGs, int nVarsAll )
+ int nVars = Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins);
+ word Copy = Truth4;
+ word wOn = Abc_Tt6Stretch( Copy >> (1 << nVars), nVars );
+ word wOnDc = ~Abc_Tt6Stretch( Copy, nVars );
+ word wIsop = Abc_Tt6Isop( wOn, wOnDc, nVars );
+ int i;
+ printf( "Offset : " );
+ Abc_TtPrintBinary( &Copy, nVars ); //printf( "\n" );
+ Copy >>= (1 << nVars);
+ printf( "Onset : " );
+ Abc_TtPrintBinary( &Copy, nVars ); //printf( "\n" );
+ printf( "Result : " );
+ Abc_TtPrintBinary( &wIsop, nVars ); //printf( "\n" );
+ Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)&wIsop, nVars ); printf( "\n" );
+ // print functions
+ printf( "Func : " );
+ Abc_TtPrintBinary( f, nVarsAll ); //printf( "\n" );
+ Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)f, nVarsAll ); printf( "\n" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ {
+ printf( "Div%3d : ", i );
+ Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)ppGs[i], nVarsAll ); printf( "\n" );
+ }
+ printf( "Solution : " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins); i++ )
+ printf( "%d ", Vec_IntEntry(p->vFanins, i) );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ Synopsis [Verifies 4-input decomposition.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Rsb_DecVerify( Rsb_Man_t * p, int nVars, word * f, word ** g, int nGs, unsigned Truth4, word * pTemp1, word * pTemp2 )
+ word * pFanins[16];
+ int b, m, Num, nSuppSize;
+ int nWords = Abc_TtWordNum(nVars);
+ Truth4 >>= (1 << Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins));
+ Truth4 = (unsigned)Abc_Tt6Stretch( (word)Truth4, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) );
+//Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)&Truth4, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) );
+//printf( "\n" );
+// nSuppSize = Rsb_Word6SupportSize( Truth4 );
+// assert( nSuppSize == Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) );
+ nSuppSize = Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins);
+ // collect the fanins
+ Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vFanins, Num, b )
+ {
+ assert( Num < nGs );
+ pFanins[b] = g[Num];
+ }
+ // create the or of ands
+ Abc_TtClear( pTemp1, nWords );
+ for ( m = 0; m < (1<<nSuppSize); m++ )
+ {
+ if ( ((Truth4 >> m) & 1) == 0 )
+ continue;
+ Abc_TtFill( pTemp2, nWords );
+ for ( b = 0; b < nSuppSize; b++ )
+ if ( (m >> b) & 1 )
+ Abc_TtAnd( pTemp2, pTemp2, pFanins[b], nWords, 0 );
+ else
+ Abc_TtSharp( pTemp2, pTemp2, pFanins[b], nWords );
+ Abc_TtOr( pTemp1, pTemp1, pTemp2, nWords );
+ }
+ // check the function
+ if ( !Abc_TtEqual( pTemp1, f, nWords ) )
+ printf( "Verification failed.\n" );
+// else
+// printf( "Verification passed.\n" );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Finds a setset of gs to decompose f.]
+ Description [Returns the numbers of the decomposition functions and
+ the truth table of a function up to 4 variables.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+unsigned Rsb_ManPerform( Rsb_Man_t * p, int nVars, word * f, word ** g, int nGs, int nGsAll, int fVerbose0 )
+ word * pCexes = Vec_WrdArray(p->vCexes);
+ unsigned * pPat = (unsigned *)Vec_IntArray(p->vDecPats);
+ int fVerbose = 0;//(nGs > 40);
+ Vec_Int_t * vTries = NULL;
+ unsigned uTruth;
+ // verify original decomposition
+ if ( Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) && Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) <= 4 )
+ {
+ word * pDivs[8];
+ int i, Entry, iCexA, iCexB;
+ Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vFaninsOld, Entry, i )
+ pDivs[i] = g[Entry];
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecCheck( nVars, f, pDivs, Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld), pPat, &iCexA, &iCexB );
+// assert( uTruth != 0 );
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "Verified orig decomp with %d vars {", Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) );
+ Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vFaninsOld, Entry, i )
+ printf( " %d", Entry );
+ printf( " }\n" );
+ }
+ if ( uTruth )
+ {
+// if ( fVerbose )
+// Rsb_DecPrintFunc( p, uTruth );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( "Verified orig decomp with %d vars {", Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) );
+ Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vFaninsOld, Entry, i )
+ printf( " %d", Entry );
+ printf( " }\n" );
+ printf( "Verification FAILED.\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ // start tries
+if ( fVerbose )
+vTries = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
+ assert( nGs < nGsAll );
+ uTruth = Rsb_DecPerformInt( p, nVars, f, g, nGs, nGsAll );
+ if ( uTruth )
+ {
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ {
+ int i, Entry;
+ printf( "Found decomp with %d vars {", Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) );
+ Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vFanins, Entry, i )
+ printf( " %d", Entry );
+ printf( " }\n" );
+// Rsb_DecPrintFunc( p, uTruth );
+// Rsb_DecVerify( nVars, f, g, nGs, p->vFanins, uTruth, g[nGsAll], g[nGsAll+1] );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec_IntShrink( p->vFanins, 0 );
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ printf( "Did not find decomposition with 4 variables.\n" );
+ }
+if ( fVerbose )
+Rsb_DecPrintTable( pCexes, nGs, nGsAll, vTries );
+if ( fVerbose )
+Vec_IntFree( vTries );
+ if ( fVerbose && Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) && Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) <= 4 && Vec_IntSize(p->vFaninsOld) > Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) )
+ {
+ int s = 0;
+ }
+ return uTruth;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Rsb_ManPerformResub6( Rsb_Man_t * p, int nVarsAll, word uTruth, Vec_Wrd_t * vDivTruths, word * puTruth0, word * puTruth1, int fVerbose )
+ word * pGs[64];
+ unsigned uTruthRes;
+ int i, nVars, nGs = Vec_WrdSize(vDivTruths);
+ for ( i = 0; i < nGs; i++ )
+ pGs[i] = Vec_WrdEntryP(vDivTruths,i);
+ uTruthRes = Rsb_DecPerformInt( p, nVarsAll, &uTruth, pGs, nGs, nGs );
+ if ( uTruthRes == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ Rsb_DecPrintFunc( p, uTruthRes, &uTruth, pGs, nGs, nVarsAll );
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ Rsb_DecPrintTable( Vec_WrdArray(p->vCexes), nGs, nGs, p->vTries );
+ nVars = Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins);
+ *puTruth0 = Abc_Tt6Stretch( uTruthRes, nVars );
+ *puTruth1 = Abc_Tt6Stretch( uTruthRes >> (1 << nVars), nVars );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Rsb_ManPerformResub6Test()
+ Rsb_Man_t * p;
+ Vec_Wrd_t * vDivTruths;
+ int RetValue;
+ word a = s_Truths6[0];
+ word b = s_Truths6[1];
+ word c = s_Truths6[2];
+ word d = s_Truths6[3];
+ word e = s_Truths6[4];
+ word f = s_Truths6[5];
+ word ab = a & b;
+ word cd = c & d;
+ word ef = e & f;
+ word F = ab | cd | ef;
+ word uTruth0, uTruth1;
+ vDivTruths = Vec_WrdAlloc( 100 );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, a );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, b );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, c );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, d );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, e );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, f );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, ab );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, cd );
+ Vec_WrdPush( vDivTruths, ef );
+ p = Rsb_ManAlloc( 6, 64, 4, 1 );
+ RetValue = Rsb_ManPerformResub6( p, 6, F, vDivTruths, &uTruth0, &uTruth1, 1 );
+ Rsb_ManFree( p );
+ Vec_WrdFree( vDivTruths );
+/// END OF FILE ///