path: root/src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c
diff options
authorAlan Mishchenko <>2012-01-21 04:30:10 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2012-01-21 04:30:10 -0800
commit8014f25f6db719fa62336f997963532a14c568f6 (patch)
treec691ee91a3a2d452a2bd24ac89a8c717beaa7af7 /src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c
parentc44cc5de9429e6b4f1c05045fcf43c9cb96437b5 (diff)
Major restructuring of the code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c b/src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f286dc50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opt/nwk/nwkMan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ FileName [nwkMan.c]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Logic network representation.]
+ Synopsis [Network manager.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
+ Revision [$Id: nwkMan.c,v 1.1 2008/10/10 14:09:30 mjarvin Exp $]
+#include "nwk.h"
+ Synopsis [Allocates the manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Nwk_Man_t * Nwk_ManAlloc()
+ Nwk_Man_t * p;
+ p = ABC_ALLOC( Nwk_Man_t, 1 );
+ memset( p, 0, sizeof(Nwk_Man_t) );
+ p->vCis = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
+ p->vCos = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
+ p->vObjs = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
+ p->vTemp = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
+ p->nFanioPlus = 2;
+ p->pMemObjs = Aig_MmFlexStart();
+ p->pManHop = Hop_ManStart();
+ return p;
+ Synopsis [Deallocates the manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Nwk_ManFree( Nwk_Man_t * p )
+// printf( "The number of realloced nodes = %d.\n", p->nRealloced );
+ if ( p->pName ) ABC_FREE( p->pName );
+ if ( p->pSpec ) ABC_FREE( p->pSpec );
+ if ( p->vCis ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCis );
+ if ( p->vCos ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCos );
+ if ( p->vObjs ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vObjs );
+ if ( p->vTemp ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vTemp );
+ if ( p->pManTime ) Tim_ManStop( p->pManTime );
+ if ( p->pMemObjs ) Aig_MmFlexStop( p->pMemObjs, 0 );
+ if ( p->pManHop ) Hop_ManStop( p->pManHop );
+ ABC_FREE( p );
+ Synopsis [Prints stats of the manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Nwk_ManPrintLutSizes( Nwk_Man_t * p, If_Lib_t * pLutLib )
+ Nwk_Obj_t * pObj;
+ int i, Counters[256] = {0};
+ Nwk_ManForEachNode( p, pObj, i )
+ Counters[Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)]++;
+ printf( "LUTs by size: " );
+ for ( i = 0; i <= pLutLib->LutMax; i++ )
+ printf( "%d:%d ", i, Counters[i] );
+ Synopsis [If the network is best, saves it in "best.blif" and returns 1.]
+ Description [If the networks are incomparable, saves the new network,
+ returns its parameters in the internal parameter structure, and returns 1.
+ If the new network is not a logic network, quits without saving and returns 0.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Nwk_ManCompareAndSaveBest( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, void * pNtl )
+// extern void Ntl_WriteBlifLogic( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, void * pNtl, char * pFileName );
+ extern void Nwk_ManDumpBlif( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, char * pFileName, Vec_Ptr_t * vPiNames, Vec_Ptr_t * vPoNames );
+ static struct ParStruct {
+ char * pName; // name of the best saved network
+ int Depth; // depth of the best saved network
+ int Flops; // flops in the best saved network
+ int Nodes; // nodes in the best saved network
+ int nPis; // the number of primary inputs
+ int nPos; // the number of primary outputs
+ } ParsNew, ParsBest = { 0 };
+ // free storage for the name
+ if ( pNtk == NULL )
+ {
+ ABC_FREE( ParsBest.pName );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // get the parameters
+ ParsNew.Depth = Nwk_ManLevel( pNtk );
+ ParsNew.Flops = Nwk_ManLatchNum( pNtk );
+ ParsNew.Nodes = Nwk_ManNodeNum( pNtk );
+ ParsNew.nPis = Nwk_ManPiNum( pNtk );
+ ParsNew.nPos = Nwk_ManPoNum( pNtk );
+ // reset the parameters if the network has the same name
+ if ( ParsBest.pName == NULL ||
+ strcmp(ParsBest.pName, pNtk->pName) ||
+ ParsBest.Depth > ParsNew.Depth ||
+ (ParsBest.Depth == ParsNew.Depth && ParsBest.Flops > ParsNew.Flops) ||
+ (ParsBest.Depth == ParsNew.Depth && ParsBest.Flops == ParsNew.Flops && ParsBest.Nodes > ParsNew.Nodes) )
+ {
+ ABC_FREE( ParsBest.pName );
+ ParsBest.pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( pNtk->pName );
+ ParsBest.Depth = ParsNew.Depth;
+ ParsBest.Flops = ParsNew.Flops;
+ ParsBest.Nodes = ParsNew.Nodes;
+ ParsBest.nPis = ParsNew.nPis;
+ ParsBest.nPos = ParsNew.nPos;
+ // write the network
+// Ntl_WriteBlifLogic( pNtk, pNtl, "best.blif" );
+// Nwk_ManDumpBlif( pNtk, "best_map.blif", NULL, NULL );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+char * Nwk_FileNameGeneric( char * FileName )
+ char * pDot, * pRes;
+ pRes = Abc_UtilStrsav( FileName );
+ if ( (pDot = strrchr( pRes, '.' )) )
+ *pDot = 0;
+ return pRes;
+ Synopsis [Marks nodes for power-optimization.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Nwl_ManComputeTotalSwitching( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk )
+ extern Vec_Int_t * Saig_ManComputeSwitchProbs( Aig_Man_t * p, int nFrames, int nPref, int fProbOne );
+ Vec_Int_t * vSwitching;
+ float * pSwitching;
+ Aig_Man_t * pAig;
+ Aig_Obj_t * pObjAig;
+ Nwk_Obj_t * pObjAbc;
+ float Result = (float)0;
+ int i;
+ // strash the network
+ // map network into an AIG
+ pAig = Nwk_ManStrash( pNtk );
+ vSwitching = Saig_ManComputeSwitchProbs( pAig, 48, 16, 0 );
+ pSwitching = (float *)vSwitching->pArray;
+ Nwk_ManForEachObj( pNtk, pObjAbc, i )
+ {
+ if ( (pObjAig = Aig_Regular((Aig_Obj_t *)pObjAbc->pCopy)) )
+ Result += Nwk_ObjFanoutNum(pObjAbc) * pSwitching[pObjAig->Id];
+ }
+ Vec_IntFree( vSwitching );
+ Aig_ManStop( pAig );
+ return Result;
+ Synopsis [Prints stats of the manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Nwk_ManPrintStats( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, If_Lib_t * pLutLib, int fSaveBest, int fDumpResult, int fPower, Ntl_Man_t * pNtl )
+// extern int Ntl_ManLatchNum( Ntl_Man_t * p );
+// extern void Ntl_ManWriteBlifLogic( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, void * pNtl, char * pFileName );
+ if ( fSaveBest )
+ Nwk_ManCompareAndSaveBest( pNtk, pNtl );
+ if ( fDumpResult )
+ {
+ char Buffer[1000] = {0};
+ const char * pNameGen = pNtk->pSpec? Nwk_FileNameGeneric( pNtk->pSpec ) : "nameless_";
+ sprintf( Buffer, "%s_dump.blif", pNameGen );
+// Ntl_ManWriteBlifLogic( pNtk, pNtl, Buffer );
+// sprintf( Buffer, "%s_dump_map.blif", pNameGen );
+// Nwk_ManDumpBlif( pNtk, Buffer, NULL, NULL );
+ if ( pNtk->pSpec ) ABC_FREE( pNameGen );
+ }
+ pNtk->pLutLib = pLutLib;
+ printf( "%-15s : ", pNtk->pName );
+ printf( "pi = %5d ", Nwk_ManPiNum(pNtk) );
+ printf( "po = %5d ", Nwk_ManPoNum(pNtk) );
+ printf( "ci = %5d ", Nwk_ManCiNum(pNtk) );
+ printf( "co = %5d ", Nwk_ManCoNum(pNtk) );
+// printf( "lat = %5d ", Ntl_ManLatchNum(pNtl) );
+ printf( "node = %5d ", Nwk_ManNodeNum(pNtk) );
+ printf( "edge = %5d ", Nwk_ManGetTotalFanins(pNtk) );
+ printf( "aig = %6d ", Nwk_ManGetAigNodeNum(pNtk) );
+ printf( "lev = %3d ", Nwk_ManLevel(pNtk) );
+// printf( "lev2 = %3d ", Nwk_ManLevelBackup(pNtk) );
+ printf( "delay = %5.2f ", Nwk_ManDelayTraceLut(pNtk) );
+ if ( fPower )
+ printf( "power = %7.2f ", Nwl_ManComputeTotalSwitching(pNtk) );
+ Nwk_ManPrintLutSizes( pNtk, pLutLib );
+ printf( "\n" );
+// Nwk_ManDelayTracePrint( pNtk, pLutLib );
+ fflush( stdout );
+/// END OF FILE ///