path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21d62d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# You can use 'from pyabc import *' and then not need the pyabc. prefix everywhere
+import os
+import pyabc
+import abc_common
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import redirect
+# A new command is just a function that accepts a list of string arguments
+# The first argument is always the name of the command
+# It MUST return an integer. -1: user quits, -2: error. Return 0 for success.
+# a command that calls prove(1) and returns success
+def prove_cmd(args):
+ result = abc_common.prove(1)
+ print result
+ return 0
+# registers the command:
+# The first argument is the function
+# The second argument is the category (mainly for the ABC help command)
+# The third argument is the new command name
+# Keep the fourth argument 0, or consult with Alan
+pyabc.add_abc_command(prove_cmd, "ZPython", "/prove", 0)
+def read_cmd(args):
+ if len(args)==2:
+ abc_common.read_file_quiet(args[1])
+ else:
+ abc_common.read_file()
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(read_cmd, "ZPython", "/rf", 0)
+def chdir_cmd(args):
+ os.chdir( args[1] )
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(chdir_cmd, "ZPython", "/cd", 0)
+def pwd_cmd(args):
+ print os.getcwd()
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(pwd_cmd, "ZPython", "/pwd", 0)
+def ls_cmd(args):
+ os.system("ls " + " ".join(args[1:]))
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(ls_cmd, "ZPython", "/ls", 0)
+pushd_temp_stack = []
+def pushdtemp_cmd(args):
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ pushd_temp_stack.append( (os.getcwd(), tmpdir) )
+ os.chdir(tmpdir)
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(pushdtemp_cmd, "ZPython", "/pushdtemp", 0)
+def popdtemp_cmd(args):
+ prev, temp = pushd_temp_stack.pop()
+ os.chdir(prev)
+ shutil.rmtree(temp, ignore_errors=True)
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(popdtemp_cmd, "ZPython", "/popdtemp", 0)
+pushredirect_stack = []
+def push_redirect_cmd(args):
+ fdout = redirect.start_redirect( redirect.null_file, sys.stdout)
+ pushredirect_stack.append( (sys.stdout, fdout) )
+ fderr = redirect.start_redirect( redirect.null_file, sys.stderr)
+ pushredirect_stack.append( (sys.stderr, fderr) )
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(push_redirect_cmd, "ZPython", "/pushredirect", 0)
+def pop_redirect_cmd(args):
+ err, fderr = pushredirect_stack.pop()
+ redirect.end_redirect(err, fderr)
+ out, fdout = pushredirect_stack.pop()
+ redirect.end_redirect(out, fdout)
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(pop_redirect_cmd, "ZPython", "/popredirect", 0)
+def print_aiger_result(args):
+ status = pyabc.prob_status()
+ if status==1:
+ print 0
+ elif status==0:
+ print 1
+ else:
+ print 2
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(print_aiger_result, "ZPython", "/print_aiger_result", 0)
+def super_prove_aiger_cmd(args):
+ noisy = len(args)==2 and args[1]=='-n'
+ if not noisy:
+ pyabc.run_command('/pushredirect')
+ pyabc.run_command('/pushdtemp')
+ try:
+ result = abc_common.super_prove()
+ except:
+ result = None
+ if not noisy:
+ pyabc.run_command('/popdtemp')
+ pyabc.run_command('/popredirect')
+ if result=="SAT":
+ print 1
+ elif result=="UNSAT":
+ print 0
+ else:
+ print 2
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(super_prove_aiger_cmd, "ZPython", "/super_prove_aiger", 0)
+def prove_one_by_one_cmd(args):
+ noisy = len(args)==2 and args[1]=='-n'
+ # switch to a temporary directory
+ pyabc.run_command('/pushdtemp')
+ # write a copy of the original file in the temporary directory
+ pyabc.run_command('w')
+ # iterate through the ouptus
+ for po in range(0, pyabc.n_pos()):
+ if not noisy:
+ pyabc.run_command('/pushredirect')
+ # replace the nework with the cone of the current PO
+ pyabc.run_command( 'cone -O %d -s'%po )
+ # run super_prove
+ try:
+ result = abc_common.super_prove()
+ except:
+ result = 'UNKNOWN'
+ if not noisy:
+ pyabc.run_command('/popredirect')
+ print 'PO %d is %s'%(po, result)
+ # stop if the result is not UNSAT
+ if result != "UNSAT":
+ break
+ # read the original file for the next iteration
+ pyabc.run_command('r')
+ # go back to the original directory
+ pyabc.run_command('/popdtemp')
+ return 0
+pyabc.add_abc_command(prove_one_by_one_cmd, "ZPython", "/prove_one_by_one", 0)