path: root/src/bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h')
1 files changed, 1133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h b/src/bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h
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index 00000000..a5d0cf16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdd/cudd/cuddInt.h
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+ FileName [cuddInt.h]
+ PackageName [cudd]
+ Synopsis [Internal data structures of the CUDD package.]
+ Description []
+ SeeAlso []
+ Author [Fabio Somenzi]
+ Copyright [This file was created at the University of Colorado at
+ Boulder. The University of Colorado at Boulder makes no warranty
+ about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is
+ presented on an AS IS basis.]
+ Revision [$Id: cuddInt.h,v 2003/02/24 22:23:52 wjiang Exp $]
+#ifndef _CUDDINT
+#define _CUDDINT
+/* Nested includes */
+#ifdef DD_MIS
+#include "array.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "st.h"
+#include "espresso.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#ifdef SIS
+#include "graph.h"
+#include "astg.h"
+#include "network.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "cudd.h"
+#include "st.h"
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+# define DD_INLINE __inline__
+# if (__GNUC__ >2 || __GNUC_MINOR__ >=7)
+# define DD_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+# else
+# define DD_UNUSED
+# endif
+# if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define DD_INLINE inline
+# else
+# define DD_INLINE
+# endif
+# define DD_UNUSED
+/* Constant declarations */
+#define DD_MAXREF ((DdHalfWord) ~0)
+#define DD_DEFAULT_RESIZE 10 /* how many extra variables */
+ /* should be added when resizing */
+#define DD_MEM_CHUNK 1022
+/* These definitions work for CUDD_VALUE_TYPE == double */
+#define DD_ONE_VAL (1.0)
+#define DD_ZERO_VAL (0.0)
+#define DD_EPSILON (1.0e-12)
+/* The definitions of +/- infinity in terms of HUGE_VAL work on
+** the DECstations and on many other combinations of OS/compiler.
+#ifdef HAVE_IEEE_754
+# define DD_PLUS_INF_VAL (10e301)
+# define DD_CRI_HI_MARK (10e150)
+# define DD_CRI_LO_MARK (-(DD_CRI_HI_MARK))
+#define DD_NON_CONSTANT ((DdNode *) 1) /* for Cudd_bddIteConstant */
+/* Unique table and cache management constants. */
+#define DD_MAX_SUBTABLE_DENSITY 4 /* tells when to resize a subtable */
+/* gc when this percent are dead (measured w.r.t. slots, not keys)
+** The first limit (LO) applies normally. The second limit applies when
+** the package believes more space for the unique table (i.e., more dead
+** nodes) would improve performance, and the unique table is not already
+** too large. The third limit applies when memory is low.
+#define DD_GC_FRAC_MIN 0.2
+#define DD_MIN_HIT 30 /* resize cache when hit ratio
+ above this percentage (default) */
+#define DD_MAX_LOOSE_FRACTION 5 /* 1 / (max fraction of memory used for
+ unique table in fast growth mode) */
+#define DD_MAX_CACHE_FRACTION 3 /* 1 / (max fraction of memory used for
+ computed table if resizing enabled) */
+#define DD_STASH_FRACTION 64 /* 1 / (fraction of memory set
+ aside for emergencies) */
+#define DD_MAX_CACHE_TO_SLOTS_RATIO 4 /* used to limit the cache size */
+/* Variable ordering default parameter values. */
+#define DD_SIFT_MAX_VAR 1000
+#define DD_SIFT_MAX_SWAPS 2000000
+#define DD_FIRST_REORDER 4004 /* 4 for the constants */
+#define DD_DYN_RATIO 2 /* when to dynamically reorder */
+/* Primes for cache hash functions. */
+#define DD_P1 12582917
+#define DD_P2 4256249
+#define DD_P3 741457
+#define DD_P4 1618033999
+/* Cache tags for 3-operand operators. These tags are stored in the
+** least significant bits of the cache operand pointers according to
+** the following scheme. The tag consists of two hex digits. Both digits
+** must be even, so that they do not interfere with complementation bits.
+** The least significant one is stored in Bits 3:1 of the f operand in the
+** cache entry. Bit 1 is always 1, so that we can differentiate
+** three-operand operations from one- and two-operand operations.
+** Therefore, the least significant digit is one of {2,6,a,e}. The most
+** significant digit occupies Bits 3:1 of the g operand in the cache
+** entry. It can by any even digit between 0 and e. This gives a total
+** of 5 bits for the tag proper, which means a maximum of 32 three-operand
+** operations. */
+#define DD_ADD_ITE_TAG 0x02
+#define DD_BDD_ITE_TAG 0x0e
+#define DD_EQUIV_DC_TAG 0x4a
+#define DD_ZDD_ITE_TAG 0x4e
+#define DD_ADD_EVAL_CONST_TAG 0x66
+#define DD_ADD_OUT_SUM_TAG 0x6e
+#define DD_BDD_LEQ_UNLESS_TAG 0x82
+#define DD_ADD_TRIANGLE_TAG 0x86
+/* Generator constants. */
+#define CUDD_GEN_CUBES 0
+#define CUDD_GEN_NODES 1
+#define CUDD_GEN_EMPTY 0
+/* Stucture declarations */
+struct DdGen {
+ DdManager *manager;
+ int type;
+ int status;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ int *cube;
+ } cubes;
+ struct {
+ st_table *visited;
+ st_generator *stGen;
+ } nodes;
+ } gen;
+ struct {
+ int sp;
+ DdNode **stack;
+ } stack;
+ DdNode *node;
+/* Type declarations */
+/* Hooks in CUDD are functions that the application registers with the
+** manager so that they are called at appropriate times. The functions
+** are passed the manager as argument; they should return 1 if
+** successful and 0 otherwise.
+typedef struct DdHook { /* hook list element */
+ int (*f) ARGS((DdManager *, char *, void *)); /* function to be called */
+ struct DdHook *next; /* next element in the list */
+} DdHook;
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+typedef long ptrint;
+typedef unsigned long ptruint;
+typedef int ptrint;
+typedef unsigned int ptruint;
+#ifdef __osf__
+#pragma pointer_size save
+#pragma pointer_size short
+typedef DdNode *DdNodePtr;
+/* Generic local cache item. */
+typedef struct DdLocalCacheItem {
+ DdNode *value;
+ ptrint count;
+ DdNode *key[1];
+} DdLocalCacheItem;
+/* Local cache. */
+typedef struct DdLocalCache {
+ DdLocalCacheItem *item;
+ unsigned int itemsize;
+ unsigned int keysize;
+ unsigned int slots;
+ int shift;
+ double lookUps;
+ double minHit;
+ double hits;
+ unsigned int maxslots;
+ DdManager *manager;
+ struct DdLocalCache *next;
+} DdLocalCache;
+/* Generic hash item. */
+typedef struct DdHashItem {
+ struct DdHashItem *next;
+ ptrint count;
+ DdNode *value;
+ DdNode *key[1];
+} DdHashItem;
+/* Local hash table */
+typedef struct DdHashTable {
+ unsigned int keysize;
+ unsigned int itemsize;
+ DdHashItem **bucket;
+ DdHashItem *nextFree;
+ DdHashItem **memoryList;
+ unsigned int numBuckets;
+ int shift;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int maxsize;
+ DdManager *manager;
+} DdHashTable;
+typedef struct DdCache {
+ DdNode *f,*g; /* DDs */
+ ptruint h; /* either operator or DD */
+ DdNode *data; /* already constructed DD */
+ ptrint count;
+} DdCache;
+typedef struct DdSubtable { /* subtable for one index */
+ DdNode **nodelist; /* hash table */
+ int shift; /* shift for hash function */
+ unsigned int slots; /* size of the hash table */
+ unsigned int keys; /* number of nodes stored in this table */
+ unsigned int maxKeys; /* slots * DD_MAX_SUBTABLE_DENSITY */
+ unsigned int dead; /* number of dead nodes in this table */
+ unsigned int next; /* index of next variable in group */
+ int bindVar; /* flag to bind this variable to its level */
+ /* Fields for lazy sifting. */
+ Cudd_VariableType varType; /* variable type (ps, ns, pi) */
+ int pairIndex; /* corresponding variable index (ps <-> ns) */
+ int varHandled; /* flag: 1 means variable is already handled */
+ Cudd_LazyGroupType varToBeGrouped; /* tells what grouping to apply */
+} DdSubtable;
+struct DdManager { /* specialized DD symbol table */
+ /* Constants */
+ DdNode sentinel; /* for collision lists */
+ DdNode *one; /* constant 1 */
+ DdNode *zero; /* constant 0 */
+ DdNode *plusinfinity; /* plus infinity */
+ DdNode *minusinfinity; /* minus infinity */
+ DdNode *background; /* background value */
+ /* Computed Table */
+ DdCache *acache; /* address of allocated memory for cache */
+ DdCache *cache; /* the cache-based computed table */
+ unsigned int cacheSlots; /* total number of cache entries */
+ int cacheShift; /* shift value for cache hash function */
+ double cacheMisses; /* number of cache misses (since resizing) */
+ double cacheHits; /* number of cache hits (since resizing) */
+ double minHit; /* hit percentage above which to resize */
+ int cacheSlack; /* slots still available for resizing */
+ unsigned int maxCacheHard; /* hard limit for cache size */
+ /* Unique Table */
+ int size; /* number of unique subtables */
+ int sizeZ; /* for ZDD */
+ int maxSize; /* max number of subtables before resizing */
+ int maxSizeZ; /* for ZDD */
+ DdSubtable *subtables; /* array of unique subtables */
+ DdSubtable *subtableZ; /* for ZDD */
+ DdSubtable constants; /* unique subtable for the constants */
+ unsigned int slots; /* total number of hash buckets */
+ unsigned int keys; /* total number of BDD and ADD nodes */
+ unsigned int keysZ; /* total number of ZDD nodes */
+ unsigned int dead; /* total number of dead BDD and ADD nodes */
+ unsigned int deadZ; /* total number of dead ZDD nodes */
+ unsigned int maxLive; /* maximum number of live nodes */
+ unsigned int minDead; /* do not GC if fewer than these dead */
+ double gcFrac; /* gc when this fraction is dead */
+ int gcEnabled; /* gc is enabled */
+ unsigned int looseUpTo; /* slow growth beyond this limit */
+ /* (measured w.r.t. slots, not keys) */
+ unsigned int initSlots; /* initial size of a subtable */
+ DdNode **stack; /* stack for iterative procedures */
+ double allocated; /* number of nodes allocated */
+ /* (not during reordering) */
+ double reclaimed; /* number of nodes brought back from the dead */
+ int isolated; /* isolated projection functions */
+ int *perm; /* current variable perm. (index to level) */
+ int *permZ; /* for ZDD */
+ int *invperm; /* current inv. var. perm. (level to index) */
+ int *invpermZ; /* for ZDD */
+ DdNode **vars; /* projection functions */
+ int *map; /* variable map for fast swap */
+ DdNode **univ; /* ZDD 1 for each variable */
+ int linearSize; /* number of rows and columns of linear */
+ long *interact; /* interacting variable matrix */
+ long *linear; /* linear transform matrix */
+ /* Memory Management */
+ DdNode **memoryList; /* memory manager for symbol table */
+ DdNode *nextFree; /* list of free nodes */
+ char *stash; /* memory reserve */
+#ifndef DD_NO_DEATH_ROW
+ DdNode **deathRow; /* queue for dereferencing */
+ int deathRowDepth; /* number of slots in the queue */
+ int nextDead; /* index in the queue */
+ unsigned deadMask; /* mask for circular index update */
+ /* General Parameters */
+ CUDD_VALUE_TYPE epsilon; /* tolerance on comparisons */
+ /* Dynamic Reordering Parameters */
+ int reordered; /* flag set at the end of reordering */
+ int reorderings; /* number of calls to Cudd_ReduceHeap */
+ int siftMaxVar; /* maximum number of vars sifted */
+ int siftMaxSwap; /* maximum number of swaps per sifting */
+ double maxGrowth; /* maximum growth during reordering */
+ double maxGrowthAlt; /* alternate maximum growth for reordering */
+ int reordCycle; /* how often to apply alternate threshold */
+ int autoDyn; /* automatic dynamic reordering flag (BDD) */
+ int autoDynZ; /* automatic dynamic reordering flag (ZDD) */
+ Cudd_ReorderingType autoMethod; /* default reordering method */
+ Cudd_ReorderingType autoMethodZ; /* default reordering method (ZDD) */
+ int realign; /* realign ZDD order after BDD reordering */
+ int realignZ; /* realign BDD order after ZDD reordering */
+ unsigned int nextDyn; /* reorder if this size is reached */
+ unsigned int countDead; /* if 0, count deads to trigger reordering */
+ MtrNode *tree; /* Variable group tree (BDD) */
+ MtrNode *treeZ; /* Variable group tree (ZDD) */
+ Cudd_AggregationType groupcheck; /* Used during group sifting */
+ int recomb; /* Used during group sifting */
+ int symmviolation; /* Used during group sifting */
+ int arcviolation; /* Used during group sifting */
+ int populationSize; /* population size for GA */
+ int numberXovers; /* number of crossovers for GA */
+ DdLocalCache *localCaches; /* local caches currently in existence */
+#ifdef __osf__
+#pragma pointer_size restore
+ char *hooks; /* application-specific field (used by vis) */
+ DdHook *preGCHook; /* hooks to be called before GC */
+ DdHook *postGCHook; /* hooks to be called after GC */
+ DdHook *preReorderingHook; /* hooks to be called before reordering */
+ DdHook *postReorderingHook; /* hooks to be called after reordering */
+ FILE *out; /* stdout for this manager */
+ FILE *err; /* stderr for this manager */
+#ifdef __osf__
+#pragma pointer_size save
+#pragma pointer_size short
+ Cudd_ErrorType errorCode; /* info on last error */
+ /* Statistical counters. */
+ long memused; /* total memory allocated for the manager */
+ long maxmem; /* target maximum memory */
+ long maxmemhard; /* hard limit for maximum memory */
+ int garbageCollections; /* number of garbage collections */
+ long GCTime; /* total time spent in garbage collection */
+ long reordTime; /* total time spent in reordering */
+ double totCachehits; /* total number of cache hits */
+ double totCacheMisses; /* total number of cache misses */
+ double cachecollisions; /* number of cache collisions */
+ double cacheinserts; /* number of cache insertions */
+ double cacheLastInserts; /* insertions at the last cache resizing */
+ double cachedeletions; /* number of deletions during garbage coll. */
+#ifdef DD_STATS
+ double nodesFreed; /* number of nodes returned to the free list */
+ double nodesDropped; /* number of nodes killed by dereferencing */
+ unsigned int peakLiveNodes; /* maximum number of live nodes */
+ double uniqueLookUps; /* number of unique table lookups */
+ double uniqueLinks; /* total distance traveled in coll. chains */
+#ifdef DD_COUNT
+ double recursiveCalls; /* number of recursive calls */
+#ifdef DD_STATS
+ double nextSample; /* when to write next line of stats */
+ double swapSteps; /* number of elementary reordering steps */
+#ifdef DD_MIS
+ /* mis/verif compatibility fields */
+ array_t *iton; /* maps ids in ddNode to node_t */
+ array_t *order; /* copy of order_list */
+ lsHandle handle; /* where it is in network BDD list */
+ network_t *network;
+ st_table *local_order; /* for local BDDs */
+ int nvars; /* variables used so far */
+ int threshold; /* for pseudo var threshold value*/
+typedef struct Move {
+ DdHalfWord x;
+ DdHalfWord y;
+ unsigned int flags;
+ int size;
+ struct Move *next;
+} Move;
+/* Generic level queue item. */
+typedef struct DdQueueItem {
+ struct DdQueueItem *next;
+ struct DdQueueItem *cnext;
+ void *key;
+} DdQueueItem;
+/* Level queue. */
+typedef struct DdLevelQueue {
+ void *first;
+ DdQueueItem **last;
+ DdQueueItem *freelist;
+ DdQueueItem **buckets;
+ int levels;
+ int itemsize;
+ int size;
+ int maxsize;
+ int numBuckets;
+ int shift;
+} DdLevelQueue;
+#ifdef __osf__
+#pragma pointer_size restore
+/* Variable declarations */
+/* Macro declarations */
+ Synopsis [Adds node to the head of the free list.]
+ Description [Adds node to the head of the free list. Does not
+ deallocate memory chunks that become free. This function is also
+ used by the dynamic reordering functions.]
+ SideEffects [None]
+ SeeAlso [cuddAllocNode cuddDynamicAllocNode]
+#define cuddDeallocNode(unique,node) \
+ (node)->next = (unique)->nextFree; \
+ (unique)->nextFree = node;
+ Synopsis [Increases the reference count of a node, if it is not
+ saturated.]
+ Description [Increases the reference count of a node, if it is not
+ saturated. This being a macro, it is faster than Cudd_Ref, but it
+ cannot be used in constructs like cuddRef(a = b()).]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_Ref]
+#define cuddRef(n) cuddSatInc(Cudd_Regular(n)->ref)
+ Synopsis [Decreases the reference count of a node, if it is not
+ saturated.]
+ Description [Decreases the reference count of node. It is primarily
+ used in recursive procedures to decrease the ref count of a result
+ node before returning it. This accomplishes the goal of removing the
+ protection applied by a previous cuddRef. This being a macro, it is
+ faster than Cudd_Deref, but it cannot be used in constructs like
+ cuddDeref(a = b()).]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_Deref]
+#define cuddDeref(n) cuddSatDec(Cudd_Regular(n)->ref)
+ Synopsis [Returns 1 if the node is a constant node.]
+ Description [Returns 1 if the node is a constant node (rather than an
+ internal node). All constant nodes have the same index
+ (CUDD_CONST_INDEX). The pointer passed to cuddIsConstant must be regular.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_IsConstant]
+#define cuddIsConstant(node) ((node)->index == CUDD_CONST_INDEX)
+ Synopsis [Returns the then child of an internal node.]
+ Description [Returns the then child of an internal node. If
+ <code>node</code> is a constant node, the result is unpredictable.
+ The pointer passed to cuddT must be regular.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_T]
+#define cuddT(node) ((node)->
+ Synopsis [Returns the else child of an internal node.]
+ Description [Returns the else child of an internal node. If
+ <code>node</code> is a constant node, the result is unpredictable.
+ The pointer passed to cuddE must be regular.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_E]
+#define cuddE(node) ((node)->
+ Synopsis [Returns the value of a constant node.]
+ Description [Returns the value of a constant node. If
+ <code>node</code> is an internal node, the result is unpredictable.
+ The pointer passed to cuddV must be regular.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_V]
+#define cuddV(node) ((node)->type.value)
+ Synopsis [Finds the current position of variable index in the
+ order.]
+ Description [Finds the current position of variable index in the
+ order. This macro duplicates the functionality of Cudd_ReadPerm,
+ but it does not check for out-of-bounds indices and it is more
+ efficient.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_ReadPerm]
+#define cuddI(dd,index) (((index)==CUDD_CONST_INDEX)?(int)(index):(dd)->perm[(index)])
+ Synopsis [Finds the current position of ZDD variable index in the
+ order.]
+ Description [Finds the current position of ZDD variable index in the
+ order. This macro duplicates the functionality of Cudd_ReadPermZdd,
+ but it does not check for out-of-bounds indices and it is more
+ efficient.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [Cudd_ReadPermZdd]
+#define cuddIZ(dd,index) (((index)==CUDD_CONST_INDEX)?(int)(index):(dd)->permZ[(index)])
+ Synopsis [Hash function for the unique table.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [ddCHash ddCHash2]
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+#define ddHash(f,g,s) \
+((((unsigned)(unsigned long)(f) * DD_P1 + \
+ (unsigned)(unsigned long)(g)) * DD_P2) >> (s))
+#define ddHash(f,g,s) \
+((((unsigned)(f) * DD_P1 + (unsigned)(g)) * DD_P2) >> (s))
+ Synopsis [Hash function for the cache.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [ddHash ddCHash2]
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+#define ddCHash(o,f,g,h,s) \
+((((((unsigned)(unsigned long)(f) + (unsigned)(unsigned long)(o)) * DD_P1 + \
+ (unsigned)(unsigned long)(g)) * DD_P2 + \
+ (unsigned)(unsigned long)(h)) * DD_P3) >> (s))
+#define ddCHash(o,f,g,h,s) \
+((((((unsigned)(f) + (unsigned)(o)) * DD_P1 + (unsigned)(g)) * DD_P2 + \
+ (unsigned)(h)) * DD_P3) >> (s))
+ Synopsis [Hash function for the cache for functions with two
+ operands.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [ddHash ddCHash]
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+#define ddCHash2(o,f,g,s) \
+(((((unsigned)(unsigned long)(f) + (unsigned)(unsigned long)(o)) * DD_P1 + \
+ (unsigned)(unsigned long)(g)) * DD_P2) >> (s))
+#define ddCHash2(o,f,g,s) \
+(((((unsigned)(f) + (unsigned)(o)) * DD_P1 + (unsigned)(g)) * DD_P2) >> (s))
+ Synopsis [Clears the 4 least significant bits of a pointer.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso []
+#define cuddClean(p) ((DdNode *)((ptruint)(p) & ~0xf))
+ Synopsis [Computes the minimum of two numbers.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [ddMax]
+#define ddMin(x,y) (((y) < (x)) ? (y) : (x))
+ Synopsis [Computes the maximum of two numbers.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [ddMin]
+#define ddMax(x,y) (((y) > (x)) ? (y) : (x))
+ Synopsis [Computes the absolute value of a number.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso []
+#define ddAbs(x) (((x)<0) ? -(x) : (x))
+ Synopsis [Returns 1 if the absolute value of the difference of the two
+ arguments x and y is less than e.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso []
+#define ddEqualVal(x,y,e) (ddAbs((x)-(y))<(e))
+ Synopsis [Saturating increment operator.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [cuddSatDec]
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+#define cuddSatInc(x) ((x)++)
+#define cuddSatInc(x) ((x) += (x) != (DdHalfWord)DD_MAXREF)
+ Synopsis [Saturating decrement operator.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso [cuddSatInc]
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+#define cuddSatDec(x) ((x)--)
+#define cuddSatDec(x) ((x) -= (x) != (DdHalfWord)DD_MAXREF)
+ Synopsis [Returns the constant 1 node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+#define DD_ONE(dd) ((dd)->one)
+ Synopsis [Returns the arithmetic 0 constant node.]
+ Description [Returns the arithmetic 0 constant node. This is different
+ from the logical zero. The latter is obtained by
+ Cudd_Not(DD_ONE(dd)).]
+ SideEffects [none]
+#define DD_ZERO(dd) ((dd)->zero)
+ Synopsis [Returns the plus infinity constant node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+#define DD_PLUS_INFINITY(dd) ((dd)->plusinfinity)
+ Synopsis [Returns the minus infinity constant node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [none]
+#define DD_MINUS_INFINITY(dd) ((dd)->minusinfinity)
+ Synopsis [Enforces DD_MINUS_INF_VAL <= x <= DD_PLUS_INF_VAL.]
+ Description [Enforces DD_MINUS_INF_VAL <= x <= DD_PLUS_INF_VAL.
+ Furthermore, if x <= DD_MINUS_INF_VAL/2, x is set to
+ DD_MINUS_INF_VAL. Similarly, if DD_PLUS_INF_VAL/2 <= x, x is set to
+ DD_PLUS_INF_VAL. Normally this macro is a NOOP. However, if
+ HAVE_IEEE_754 is not defined, it makes sure that a value does not
+ get larger than infinity in absolute value, and once it gets to
+ infinity, stays there. If the value overflows before this macro is
+ applied, no recovery is possible.]
+ SideEffects [none]
+ SeeAlso []
+#ifdef HAVE_IEEE_754
+#define cuddAdjust(x)
+#define cuddAdjust(x) ((x) = ((x) >= DD_CRI_HI_MARK) ? DD_PLUS_INF_VAL : (((x) <= DD_CRI_LO_MARK) ? DD_MINUS_INF_VAL : (x)))
+ Synopsis [Extract the least significant digit of a double digit.]
+ Description [Extract the least significant digit of a double digit. Used
+ in the manipulation of arbitrary precision integers.]
+ SideEffects [None]
+ SeeAlso [DD_MSDIGIT]
+#define DD_LSDIGIT(x) ((x) & DD_APA_MASK)
+ Synopsis [Extract the most significant digit of a double digit.]
+ Description [Extract the most significant digit of a double digit. Used
+ in the manipulation of arbitrary precision integers.]
+ SideEffects [None]
+ SeeAlso [DD_LSDIGIT]
+#define DD_MSDIGIT(x) ((x) >> DD_APA_BITS)
+ Synopsis [Outputs a line of stats.]
+ Description [Outputs a line of stats if DD_COUNT and DD_STATS are
+ defined. Increments the number of recursive calls if DD_COUNT is
+ defined.]
+ SideEffects [None]
+ SeeAlso []
+#ifdef DD_COUNT
+#ifdef DD_STATS
+#define statLine(dd) dd->recursiveCalls++; \
+if (dd->recursiveCalls == dd->nextSample) {(void) fprintf(dd->err, \
+"@%.0f: %u nodes %u live %.0f dropped %.0f reclaimed\n", dd->recursiveCalls, \
+dd->keys, dd->keys - dd->dead, dd->nodesDropped, dd->reclaimed); \
+dd->nextSample += 250000;}
+#define statLine(dd) dd->recursiveCalls++;
+#define statLine(dd)
+/* Function prototypes */
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddExistAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddUnivAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddOrAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddApplyRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode **, DdNode **), DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddMonadicApplyRecur ARGS((DdManager * dd, DdNode * (*op)(DdManager *, DdNode *), DdNode * f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddScalarInverseRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *epsilon));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddIteRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddCmplRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddNegateRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddRoundOffRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, double trunc));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddUnderApprox ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int numVars, int threshold, int safe, double quality));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddRemapUnderApprox ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int numVars, int threshold, double quality));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBiasedUnderApprox ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *b, int numVars, int threshold, double quality1, double quality0));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddAndAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN int cuddAnnealing ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddExistAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddXorExistAbstractRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *cube));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddBooleanDiffRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *var));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddIteRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddIntersectRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddAndRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddXorRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddTransfer ARGS((DdManager *ddS, DdManager *ddD, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddBddDoPattern ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN int cuddInitCache ARGS((DdManager *unique, unsigned int cacheSize, unsigned int maxCacheSize));
+EXTERN void cuddCacheInsert ARGS((DdManager *table, ptruint op, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h, DdNode *data));
+EXTERN void cuddCacheInsert2 ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *, DdNode *), DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *data));
+EXTERN void cuddCacheInsert1 ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *), DdNode *f, DdNode *data));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookup ARGS((DdManager *table, ptruint op, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookupZdd ARGS((DdManager *table, ptruint op, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookup2 ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *, DdNode *), DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookup1 ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *), DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookup2Zdd ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *, DdNode *), DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCacheLookup1Zdd ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode * (*)(DdManager *, DdNode *), DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddConstantLookup ARGS((DdManager *table, ptruint op, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN int cuddCacheProfile ARGS((DdManager *table, FILE *fp));
+EXTERN void cuddCacheResize ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN void cuddCacheFlush ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN int cuddComputeFloorLog2 ARGS((unsigned int value));
+EXTERN int cuddHeapProfile ARGS((DdManager *dd));
+EXTERN void cuddPrintNode ARGS((DdNode *f, FILE *fp));
+EXTERN void cuddPrintVarGroups ARGS((DdManager * dd, MtrNode * root, int zdd, int silent));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddClippingAnd ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, int maxDepth, int direction));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddClippingAndAbstract ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *cube, int maxDepth, int direction));
+EXTERN void cuddGetBranches ARGS((DdNode *g, DdNode **g1, DdNode **g0));
+EXTERN int cuddCheckCube ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCofactorRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddComposeRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *proj));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddComposeRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *proj));
+EXTERN int cuddExact ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddConstrainRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *c));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddRestrictRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *c));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddConstrainRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *c));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAddRestrictRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *c));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddLICompaction ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *c));
+EXTERN int cuddGa ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddTreeSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, Cudd_ReorderingType method));
+EXTERN int cuddZddInitUniv ARGS((DdManager *zdd));
+EXTERN void cuddZddFreeUniv ARGS((DdManager *zdd));
+EXTERN void cuddSetInteract ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddTestInteract ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddInitInteract ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN DdLocalCache * cuddLocalCacheInit ARGS((DdManager *manager, unsigned int keySize, unsigned int cacheSize, unsigned int maxCacheSize));
+EXTERN void cuddLocalCacheQuit ARGS((DdLocalCache *cache));
+EXTERN void cuddLocalCacheInsert ARGS((DdLocalCache *cache, DdNodePtr *key, DdNode *value));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddLocalCacheLookup ARGS((DdLocalCache *cache, DdNodePtr *key));
+EXTERN void cuddLocalCacheClearDead ARGS((DdManager *manager));
+EXTERN int cuddIsInDeathRow ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN int cuddTimesInDeathRow ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN void cuddLocalCacheClearAll ARGS((DdManager *manager));
+EXTERN int cuddLocalCacheProfile ARGS((DdLocalCache *cache));
+EXTERN DdHashTable * cuddHashTableInit ARGS((DdManager *manager, unsigned int keySize, unsigned int initSize));
+EXTERN void cuddHashTableQuit ARGS((DdHashTable *hash));
+EXTERN int cuddHashTableInsert ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNodePtr *key, DdNode *value, ptrint count));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddHashTableLookup ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNodePtr *key));
+EXTERN int cuddHashTableInsert1 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f, DdNode *value, ptrint count));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddHashTableLookup1 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN int cuddHashTableInsert2 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *value, ptrint count));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddHashTableLookup2 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN int cuddHashTableInsert3 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h, DdNode *value, ptrint count));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddHashTableLookup3 ARGS((DdHashTable *hash, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdLevelQueue * cuddLevelQueueInit ARGS((int levels, int itemSize, int numBuckets));
+EXTERN void cuddLevelQueueQuit ARGS((DdLevelQueue *queue));
+EXTERN void * cuddLevelQueueEnqueue ARGS((DdLevelQueue *queue, void *key, int level));
+EXTERN void cuddLevelQueueDequeue ARGS((DdLevelQueue *queue, int level));
+EXTERN int cuddLinearAndSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddLiteralSetIntersectionRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddCProjectionRecur ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *R, DdNode *Y, DdNode *Ysupp));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddClosestCube ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, CUDD_VALUE_TYPE bound));
+EXTERN void cuddReclaim ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode *n));
+EXTERN void cuddReclaimZdd ARGS((DdManager *table, DdNode *n));
+EXTERN void cuddClearDeathRow ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN void cuddShrinkDeathRow ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddDynamicAllocNode ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN int cuddSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddSwapping ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper, Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic));
+EXTERN int cuddNextHigh ARGS((DdManager *table, int x));
+EXTERN int cuddNextLow ARGS((DdManager *table, int x));
+EXTERN int cuddSwapInPlace ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddBddAlignToZdd ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddMakePrime ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *cube, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddSolveEqnRecur ARGS((DdManager *bdd, DdNode *F, DdNode *Y, DdNode **G, int n, int *yIndex, int i));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddVerifySol ARGS((DdManager *bdd, DdNode *F, DdNode **G, int *yIndex, int n));
+EXTERN DdNode* cuddSplitSetRecur ARGS((DdManager *manager, st_table *mtable, int *varSeen, DdNode *p, double n, double max, int index));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddSubsetHeavyBranch ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int numVars, int threshold));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddSubsetShortPaths ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int numVars, int threshold, int hardlimit));
+EXTERN int cuddSymmCheck ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddSymmSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddSymmSiftingConv ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddAllocNode ARGS((DdManager *unique));
+EXTERN DdManager * cuddInitTable ARGS((unsigned int numVars, unsigned int numVarsZ, unsigned int numSlots, unsigned int looseUpTo));
+EXTERN void cuddFreeTable ARGS((DdManager *unique));
+EXTERN int cuddGarbageCollect ARGS((DdManager *unique, int clearCache));
+EXTERN int cuddGarbageCollectZdd ARGS((DdManager *unique, int clearCache));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddGetNode ARGS((DdManager *zdd, int id, DdNode *T, DdNode *E));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddGetNodeIVO ARGS((DdManager *dd, int index, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddUniqueInter ARGS((DdManager *unique, int index, DdNode *T, DdNode *E));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddUniqueInterIVO ARGS((DdManager *unique, int index, DdNode *T, DdNode *E));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddUniqueInterZdd ARGS((DdManager *unique, int index, DdNode *T, DdNode *E));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddUniqueConst ARGS((DdManager *unique, CUDD_VALUE_TYPE value));
+EXTERN void cuddRehash ARGS((DdManager *unique, int i));
+EXTERN void cuddShrinkSubtable ARGS((DdManager *unique, int i));
+EXTERN int cuddInsertSubtables ARGS((DdManager *unique, int n, int level));
+EXTERN int cuddDestroySubtables ARGS((DdManager *unique, int n));
+EXTERN int cuddResizeTableZdd ARGS((DdManager *unique, int index));
+EXTERN void cuddSlowTableGrowth ARGS((DdManager *unique));
+EXTERN int cuddP ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f));
+EXTERN enum st_retval cuddStCountfree ARGS((char *key, char *value, char *arg));
+EXTERN int cuddCollectNodes ARGS((DdNode *f, st_table *visited));
+EXTERN int cuddWindowReorder ARGS((DdManager *table, int low, int high, Cudd_ReorderingType submethod));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddProduct ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddUnateProduct ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddWeakDiv ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddWeakDivF ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddDivide ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddDivideF ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g));
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetCofactors3 ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int v, DdNode **f1, DdNode **f0, DdNode **fd));
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetCofactors2 ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, int v, DdNode **f1, DdNode **f0));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddComplement ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *node));
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetPosVarIndex(DdManager * dd, int index);
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetNegVarIndex(DdManager * dd, int index);
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetPosVarLevel(DdManager * dd, int index);
+EXTERN int cuddZddGetNegVarLevel(DdManager * dd, int index);
+EXTERN int cuddZddTreeSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, Cudd_ReorderingType method));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddIsop ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *L, DdNode *U, DdNode **zdd_I));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddBddIsop ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *L, DdNode *U));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddMakeBddFromZddCover ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *node));
+EXTERN int cuddZddLinearSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddZddAlignToBdd ARGS((DdManager *table));
+EXTERN int cuddZddNextHigh ARGS((DdManager *table, int x));
+EXTERN int cuddZddNextLow ARGS((DdManager *table, int x));
+EXTERN int cuddZddUniqueCompare ARGS((int *ptr_x, int *ptr_y));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSwapInPlace ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSwapping ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper, Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddIte ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g, DdNode *h));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddUnion ARGS((DdManager *zdd, DdNode *P, DdNode *Q));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddIntersect ARGS((DdManager *zdd, DdNode *P, DdNode *Q));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddDiff ARGS((DdManager *zdd, DdNode *P, DdNode *Q));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddChangeAux ARGS((DdManager *zdd, DdNode *P, DdNode *zvar));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddSubset1 ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *P, int var));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddSubset0 ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *P, int var));
+EXTERN DdNode * cuddZddChange ARGS((DdManager *dd, DdNode *P, int var));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSymmCheck ARGS((DdManager *table, int x, int y));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSymmSifting ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddZddSymmSiftingConv ARGS((DdManager *table, int lower, int upper));
+EXTERN int cuddZddP ARGS((DdManager *zdd, DdNode *f));
+#endif /* _CUDDINT */