path: root/src/map/pga/pgaUtil.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/pga/pgaUtil.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/pga/pgaUtil.c b/src/map/pga/pgaUtil.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c79e3515..00000000
--- a/src/map/pga/pgaUtil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- FileName [pgaUtil.c]
- SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
- PackageName [FPGA mapper.]
- Synopsis [Verious utilities.]
- Author [Alan Mishchenko]
- Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
- Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
- Revision [$Id: pgaUtil.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
-#include "pgaInt.h"
-#define PGA_CO_LIST_SIZE 5
- Synopsis [Returns the results of mapping.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-Vec_Ptr_t * Pga_MappingResults( Pga_Man_t * p )
- Vec_Ptr_t * vResult;
- Pga_Node_t * pNode;
- int i;
- vResult = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
- Pga_ManForEachObjDirect( p, pNode, i )
- {
- // skip the CIs and nodes not used in the mapping
- if ( !pNode->Match.pCut || !pNode->nRefs )
- continue;
- pNode->Match.pCut->uSign = pNode->Id;
- Vec_PtrPush( vResult, pNode->Match.pCut );
- }
- return vResult;
- Synopsis [Computes the maximum arrival times.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-float Pga_TimeComputeArrivalMax( Pga_Man_t * p )
- Pga_Node_t * pNode;
- float ArrivalMax;
- int i;
- ArrivalMax = -ABC_INFINITY;
- Pga_ManForEachCoDriver( p, pNode, i )
- ArrivalMax = ABC_MAX( ArrivalMax, pNode->Match.Delay );
- return ArrivalMax;
- Synopsis [Computes required times of all nodes.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Pga_MappingComputeRequired( Pga_Man_t * p )
- Pga_Node_t * pNode, * pFanin;
- Cut_Cut_t * pCutBest;
- float RequiredNew;
- int i, k;
- // clean the required times of all nodes
- Pga_ManForEachObjDirect( p, pNode, i )
- pNode->Required = ABC_INFINITY;
- // get the global required times
- p->AreaGlobal = Pga_TimeComputeArrivalMax( p );
- p->RequiredGlobal = ABC_MAX( p->AreaGlobal, p->RequiredUser );
- // set the global required times of the CO drivers
- Pga_ManForEachCoDriver( p, pNode, i )
- pNode->Required = p->RequiredGlobal;
- // propagate the required times in the reverse topological order
- Pga_ManForEachObjReverse( p, pNode, i )
- {
- // skip the CIs and nodes not used in the mapping
- if ( !pNode->Match.pCut || !pNode->nRefs )
- continue;
- // get the required time for children
- pCutBest = pNode->Match.pCut;
- RequiredNew = pNode->Required - p->pLutDelays[pCutBest->nLeaves];
- // update the required time of the children
- for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCutBest->nLeaves; k++ )
- {
- pFanin = Pga_Node( p, pCutBest->pLeaves[k] );
- pFanin->Required = ABC_MIN( pFanin->Required, RequiredNew );
- }
- }
- // check that the required times does not contradict the arrival times
- Pga_ManForEachObjDirect( p, pNode, i )
- assert( !pNode->Match.pCut || pNode->Match.Delay < pNode->Required + p->Epsilon );
- Synopsis [Sets references and computes area for the current mapping.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-float Pga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( Pga_Man_t * p )
- Pga_Node_t * pNode, * pFanin;
- Cut_Cut_t * pCutBest;
- float AreaTotal;
- int i, k;
- // clean all the references
- Pga_ManForEachObjDirect( p, pNode, i )
- pNode->nRefs = 0;
- // set the references of the CO drivers
- Pga_ManForEachCoDriver( p, pNode, i )
- pNode->nRefs++;
- // go through the nodes in the reverse order
- AreaTotal = 0.0;
- Pga_ManForEachObjReverse( p, pNode, i )
- {
- // skip the CIs and nodes not used in the mapping
- if ( !pNode->Match.pCut || !pNode->nRefs )
- continue;
- // increate the reference count of the children
- pCutBest = pNode->Match.pCut;
- AreaTotal += p->pLutAreas[pCutBest->nLeaves];
- // update the required time of the children
- for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCutBest->nLeaves; k++ )
- {
- pFanin = Pga_Node( p, pCutBest->pLeaves[k] );
- pFanin->nRefs++;
- }
- }
- return AreaTotal;
- Synopsis [Computes switching activity of the mapping.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-float Pga_MappingGetSwitching( Pga_Man_t * p )
- float Switching;
- Pga_Node_t * pNode;
- int i;
- Switching = 0;
- Pga_ManForEachObjDirect( p, pNode, i )
- {
- // skip the CIs and nodes not used in the mapping
- if ( !pNode->Match.pCut || !pNode->nRefs )
- continue;
- Switching += pNode->Switching;
- }
- return Switching;
- Synopsis [Compares the outputs by their arrival times.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-int Pga_MappingCompareOutputDelay( Pga_Node_t ** ppNode1, Pga_Node_t ** ppNode2 )
- Pga_Node_t * pNode1 = *ppNode1;
- Pga_Node_t * pNode2 = *ppNode2;
- float Arrival1 = pNode1->Match.Delay;
- float Arrival2 = pNode2->Match.Delay;
- if ( Arrival1 < Arrival2 )
- return -1;
- if ( Arrival1 > Arrival2 )
- return 1;
- return 0;
- Synopsis [Finds given number of latest arriving COs.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Pga_MappingFindLatest( Pga_Man_t * p, int * pNodes, int nNodesMax )
- Pga_Node_t * pNodeI, * pNodeK;
- Abc_Obj_t * pObjCo;
- int nNodes, i, k, v;
- assert( Abc_NtkCoNum(p->pParams->pNtk) >= nNodesMax );
- pNodes[0] = 0;
- nNodes = 1;
-// for ( i = 1; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
- Pga_ManForEachCoDriver( p, pNodeI, i )
- {
- for ( k = nNodes - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
- {
- pObjCo = Abc_NtkCo( p->pParams->pNtk, pNodes[k] );
- pNodeK = Pga_Node( p, Abc_ObjFaninId0(pObjCo) );
- if ( Pga_MappingCompareOutputDelay( &pNodeK, &pNodeI ) >= 0 )
- break;
- }
- if ( k == nNodesMax - 1 )
- continue;
- if ( nNodes < nNodesMax )
- nNodes++;
- for ( v = nNodes - 1; v > k+1; v-- )
- pNodes[v] = pNodes[v-1];
- pNodes[k+1] = i;
- }
- Synopsis [Prints a bunch of latest arriving outputs.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Pga_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( Pga_Man_t * p )
- int pSorted[PGA_CO_LIST_SIZE];
- Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = p->pParams->pNtk;
- Abc_Obj_t * pObjCo;
- Pga_Node_t * pNode;
- int Limit, MaxNameSize, i;
- // determine the number of nodes to print
- Limit = (Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) < PGA_CO_LIST_SIZE)? Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) : PGA_CO_LIST_SIZE;
- // determine the order
- Pga_MappingFindLatest( p, pSorted, Limit );
- // determine max size of the node's name
- MaxNameSize = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
- {
- pObjCo = Abc_NtkCo( pNtk, pSorted[i] );
- if ( MaxNameSize < (int)strlen( Abc_ObjName(pObjCo) ) )
- MaxNameSize = strlen( Abc_ObjName(pObjCo) );
- }
- // print the latest outputs
- for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
- {
- // get the i-th latest output
- pObjCo = Abc_NtkCo( pNtk, pSorted[i] );
- pNode = Pga_Node( p, pObjCo->Id );
- // print out the best arrival time
- printf( "Output %-*s : ", MaxNameSize + 3, Abc_ObjName(pObjCo) );
- printf( "Delay = %8.2f ", (double)pNode->Match.Delay );
- if ( Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObjCo) )
- printf( "NEG" );
- else
- printf( "POS" );
- printf( "\n" );
- }
-/// END OF FILE ///