Often the code comes directly from a Windows computer. The following steps may be needed to compile it on UNIX: Modify Makefile to have -DLIN (for 32-bits) or -DLIN64 (for 64-bits) >> dos2unix Makefile Makefile >> dos2unix depends.sh depends.sh >> chmod 755 depends.sh >> make // on Solaris, try "gmake" If compiling as a static library, it is necessary to uncomment #define _LIB in "src/abc/main/main.c" To compile with Microsoft Visual Studio higher than 6.0, remove ABC_CHECK_LEAKS from the preprocessor definitions for the debug version (Project->Settings->C/C++->Preprocessor Definitions) If compilation does not start because of the cyclic dependency check, try "touching" all files: find ./ -type f -exec touch "{}" \; Several things to try if it does not compile on your platform: - Try running all code (not only Makefile and depends.sh) through dos2unix - Try the following actions: (a) Remove flags from the libs line (LIBS :=) in Makefile (b) Remove "src\base\main\libSupport.c" from "src\base\main\module.make" (c) Comment calls to Libs_Init() and Libs_End() in "src\base\main\mainInit.c" - Try linking with gcc (rather than g++) For this replace "LD := g++" with "LD := gcc -lm" in Makefile - If your Linux distributin does not have "readline", you may have problems compiling ABC with gcc. Please try installing this library from http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html To compile the latest version of ABC, you may need to define "LIN" or "LIN64" (depending on whether you are using 32- or 64-bit Linux). For example, instead of OPTFLAGS := -g -O use OPTFLAGS := -g -O -DLIN64 in Makefile. Finally, run regression test: abc>>> so regtest.script The following comment was added by Krish Sundaresan: "I found that the code does compile correctly on Solaris if gcc is used (instead of g++ that I was using for some reason). Also readline which is not available by default on most Sol10 systems, needs to be installed. I downloaded the readline-5.2 package from sunfreeware.com and installed it locally. Also modified CFLAGS to add the local include files for readline and LIBS to add the local libreadline.a. Perhaps you can add these steps in the readme to help folks compiling this on Solaris." Archiving the binary: tar czf archive.tar.gz directory