""" A simple context manager for redirecting streams in Python. The streams are redirected at the the C runtime level so that the output of C extensions that use stdio will also be redirected. null_file : a stream representing the null device (e.g. /dev/null on Unix) redirect: a context manager for redirecting streams Author: Baruch Sterin (sterin@berkeley.edu) """ import os import sys from contextlib import contextmanager null_file = open( os.devnull, "w" ) @contextmanager def _dup( f ): fd = os.dup( f.fileno() ) yield fd os.close(fd) @contextmanager def redirect(dst = null_file, src = sys.stdout): """ Redirect the src stream into dst. Example: with redirect( open("somefile.txt", sys.stdout ) ): do some stuff ... """ if src.fileno() == dst.fileno(): yield return with _dup( src ) as fd_dup_src: dst.flush() src.flush() os.close( src.fileno() ) os.dup2( dst.fileno(), src.fileno() ) yield src.flush() os.close( src.fileno() ) os.dup2( fd_dup_src, src.fileno() ) def start_redirect(dst = null_file, src = sys.stdout): """ Start redirection of src stream into dst. Return the duplicated file handle of the source. Example: fd = start_redirect( open("somefile.txt"), sys.stdout ) ... do some stuff ... end_redirect(sys.stdout, fd) """ if src.fileno() == dst.fileno(): return None fd_dup_src = os.dup( src.fileno() ) dst.flush() src.flush() os.close( src.fileno() ) os.dup2( dst.fileno(), src.fileno() ) return fd_dup_src def end_redirect(src, fd_dup_src): """ End redirection of stream src.Redirect the src stream into dst. src is the source stream and fd_dup_src is the value returned by start_redirect() """ if fd_dup_src is None: return src.flush() os.close( src.fileno() ) os.dup2( fd_dup_src, src.fileno() ) os.close(fd_dup_src)