/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [giaTtopt.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Scalable AIG package.] Synopsis [Truth-table-based logic synthesis.] Author [Yukio Miyasaka] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: giaTtopt.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef __MINGW32__ #pragma warning(disable : 4786) // warning C4786: identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include "gia.h" #include "misc/vec/vecHash.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START namespace Ttopt { class TruthTable { public: static const int ww; // word width static const int lww; // log word width typedef std::bitset<64> bsw; int nInputs; int nSize; int nTotalSize; int nOutputs; std::vector t; std::vector > vvIndices; std::vector > vvRedundantIndices; std::vector vLevels; std::vector > savedt; std::vector > > vvIndicesSaved; std::vector > > vvRedundantIndicesSaved; std::vector > vLevelsSaved; static const word ones[]; static const word swapmask[]; TruthTable(int nInputs, int nOutputs): nInputs(nInputs), nOutputs(nOutputs) { srand(0xABC); if(nInputs >= lww) { nSize = 1 << (nInputs - lww); nTotalSize = nSize * nOutputs; t.resize(nTotalSize); } else { nSize = 0; nTotalSize = ((1 << nInputs) * nOutputs + ww - 1) / ww; t.resize(nTotalSize); } vLevels.resize(nInputs); for(int i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { vLevels[i] = i; } } virtual void Save(unsigned i) { if(savedt.size() < i + 1) { savedt.resize(i + 1); vLevelsSaved.resize(i + 1); } savedt[i] = t; vLevelsSaved[i] = vLevels; } virtual void Load(unsigned i) { assert(i < savedt.size()); t = savedt[i]; vLevels = vLevelsSaved[i]; } virtual void SaveIndices(unsigned i) { if(vvIndicesSaved.size() < i + 1) { vvIndicesSaved.resize(i + 1); vvRedundantIndicesSaved.resize(i + 1); } vvIndicesSaved[i] = vvIndices; vvRedundantIndicesSaved[i] = vvRedundantIndices; } virtual void LoadIndices(unsigned i) { vvIndices = vvIndicesSaved[i]; vvRedundantIndices = vvRedundantIndicesSaved[i]; } word GetValue(int index_lev, int lev) { assert(index_lev >= 0); assert(nInputs - lev <= lww); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; int index = index_lev >> (lww - logwidth); int pos = (index_lev % (1 << (lww - logwidth))) << logwidth; return (t[index] >> pos) & ones[logwidth]; } int IsEq(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl = false) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; bool fEq = true; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fEq || fCompl); i++) { fEq &= t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] == t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; fCompl &= t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] == ~t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; } } else { word value = GetValue(index1, lev) ^ GetValue(index2, lev); fEq &= !value; fCompl &= !(value ^ ones[logwidth]); } return 2 * fCompl + fEq; } bool Imply(int index1, int index2, int lev) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { if(t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] & ~t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]) { return false; } } return true; } return !(GetValue(index1, lev) & (GetValue(index2, lev) ^ ones[logwidth])); } int BDDNodeCountLevel(int lev) { return vvIndices[lev].size() - vvRedundantIndices[lev].size(); } int BDDNodeCount() { int count = 1; // const node for(int i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { count += BDDNodeCountLevel(i); } return count; } int BDDFind(int index, int lev) { int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); bool fZero = true; bool fOne = true; for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fZero || fOne); i++) { word value = t[nScopeSize * index + i]; fZero &= !value; fOne &= !(~value); } if(fZero || fOne) { return -2 ^ fOne; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[lev].size(); j++) { int index2 = vvIndices[lev][j]; bool fEq = true; bool fCompl = true; for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fEq || fCompl); i++) { fEq &= t[nScopeSize * index + i] == t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; fCompl &= t[nScopeSize * index + i] == ~t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; } if(fEq || fCompl) { return (j << 1) ^ fCompl; } } } else { word value = GetValue(index, lev); if(!value) { return -2; } if(!(value ^ ones[logwidth])) { return -1; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[lev].size(); j++) { int index2 = vvIndices[lev][j]; word value2 = value ^ GetValue(index2, lev); if(!(value2)) { return j << 1; } if(!(value2 ^ ones[logwidth])) { return (j << 1) ^ 1; } } } return -3; } virtual int BDDBuildOne(int index, int lev) { int r = BDDFind(index, lev); if(r >= -2) { return r; } vvIndices[lev].push_back(index); return (vvIndices[lev].size() - 1) << 1; } virtual void BDDBuildStartup() { vvIndices.clear(); vvIndices.resize(nInputs); vvRedundantIndices.clear(); vvRedundantIndices.resize(nInputs); for(int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { BDDBuildOne(i, 0); } } virtual void BDDBuildLevel(int lev) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvIndices[lev-1].size(); i++) { int index = vvIndices[lev-1][i]; int cof0 = BDDBuildOne(index << 1, lev); int cof1 = BDDBuildOne((index << 1) ^ 1, lev); if(cof0 == cof1) { vvRedundantIndices[lev-1].push_back(index); } } } virtual int BDDBuild() { BDDBuildStartup(); for(int i = 1; i < nInputs; i++) { BDDBuildLevel(i); } return BDDNodeCount(); } virtual int BDDRebuild(int lev) { vvIndices[lev].clear(); vvIndices[lev+1].clear(); for(int i = lev; i < lev + 2; i++) { if(!i) { for(int j = 0; j < nOutputs; j++) { BDDBuildOne(j, 0); } } else { vvRedundantIndices[i-1].clear(); BDDBuildLevel(i); } } if(lev < nInputs - 2) { vvRedundantIndices[lev+1].clear(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvIndices[lev+1].size(); i++) { int index = vvIndices[lev+1][i]; if(IsEq(index << 1, (index << 1) ^ 1, lev + 2)) { vvRedundantIndices[lev+1].push_back(index); } } } return BDDNodeCount(); } virtual void Swap(int lev) { assert(lev < nInputs - 1); std::vector::iterator it0 = std::find(vLevels.begin(), vLevels.end(), lev); std::vector::iterator it1 = std::find(vLevels.begin(), vLevels.end(), lev + 1); std::swap(*it0, *it1); if(nInputs - lev - 1 > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (nInputs - lev - 2 - lww); for(int i = nScopeSize; i < nTotalSize; i += (nScopeSize << 2)) { for(int j = 0; j < nScopeSize; j++) { std::swap(t[i + j], t[i + nScopeSize + j]); } } } else if(nInputs - lev - 1 == lww) { for(int i = 0; i < nTotalSize; i += 2) { t[i+1] ^= t[i] >> (ww / 2); t[i] ^= t[i+1] << (ww / 2); t[i+1] ^= t[i] >> (ww / 2); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nTotalSize; i++) { int d = nInputs - lev - 2; int shamt = 1 << d; t[i] ^= (t[i] >> shamt) & swapmask[d]; t[i] ^= (t[i] & swapmask[d]) << shamt; t[i] ^= (t[i] >> shamt) & swapmask[d]; } } } void SwapIndex(int &index, int d) { if((index >> d) % 4 == 1) { index += 1 << d; } else if((index >> d) % 4 == 2) { index -= 1 << d; } } virtual int BDDSwap(int lev) { Swap(lev); for(int i = lev + 2; i < nInputs; i++) { for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[i].size(); j++) { SwapIndex(vvIndices[i][j], i - (lev + 2)); } } // swapping vvRedundantIndices is unnecessary for node counting return BDDRebuild(lev); } int SiftReo() { int best = BDDBuild(); Save(0); SaveIndices(0); std::vector vars(nInputs); int i; for(i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { vars[i] = i; } std::vector vCounts(nInputs); for(i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { vCounts[i] = BDDNodeCountLevel(vLevels[i]); } for(i = 1; i < nInputs; i++) { int j = i; while(j > 0 && vCounts[vars[j-1]] < vCounts[vars[j]]) { std::swap(vars[j], vars[j-1]); j--; } } bool turn = true; unsigned j; for(j = 0; j < vars.size(); j++) { int var = vars[j]; bool updated = false; int lev = vLevels[var]; for(int i = lev; i < nInputs - 1; i++) { int count = BDDSwap(i); if(best > count) { best = count; updated = true; Save(turn); SaveIndices(turn); } } if(lev) { Load(!turn); LoadIndices(!turn); for(int i = lev - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int count = BDDSwap(i); if(best > count) { best = count; updated = true; Save(turn); SaveIndices(turn); } } } turn ^= updated; Load(!turn); LoadIndices(!turn); } return best; } void Reo(std::vector vLevelsNew) { for(int i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { int var = std::find(vLevelsNew.begin(), vLevelsNew.end(), i) - vLevelsNew.begin(); int lev = vLevels[var]; if(lev < i) { for(int j = lev; j < i; j++) { Swap(j); } } else if(lev > i) { for(int j = lev - 1; j >= i; j--) { Swap(j); } } } assert(vLevels == vLevelsNew); } int RandomSiftReo(int nRound) { int best = SiftReo(); Save(2); for(int i = 0; i < nRound; i++) { std::vector vLevelsNew(nInputs); int j; for(j = 0; j < nInputs; j++) { vLevelsNew[j] = j; } for(j = nInputs - 1; j > 0; j--) { int d = rand() % j; std::swap(vLevelsNew[j], vLevelsNew[d]); } Reo(vLevelsNew); int r = SiftReo(); if(best > r) { best = r; Save(2); } } Load(2); return best; } int BDDGenerateAigRec(Gia_Man_t *pNew, std::vector const &vInputs, std::vector > &vvNodes, int index, int lev) { int r = BDDFind(index, lev); if(r >= 0) { return vvNodes[lev][r >> 1] ^ (r & 1); } if(r >= -2) { return r + 2; } int cof0 = BDDGenerateAigRec(pNew, vInputs, vvNodes, index << 1, lev + 1); int cof1 = BDDGenerateAigRec(pNew, vInputs, vvNodes, (index << 1) ^ 1, lev + 1); if(cof0 == cof1) { return cof0; } int node; if(Imply(index << 1, (index << 1) ^ 1, lev + 1)) { node = Gia_ManHashOr(pNew, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, vInputs[lev], cof1), cof0); } else if(Imply((index << 1) ^ 1, index << 1, lev + 1)) { node = Gia_ManHashOr(pNew, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, vInputs[lev] ^ 1, cof0), cof1); } else { node = Gia_ManHashMux(pNew, vInputs[lev], cof1, cof0); } vvIndices[lev].push_back(index); vvNodes[lev].push_back(node); return node; } virtual void BDDGenerateAig(Gia_Man_t *pNew, Vec_Int_t *vSupp) { vvIndices.clear(); vvIndices.resize(nInputs); std::vector > vvNodes(nInputs); std::vector vInputs(nInputs); int i; for(i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { vInputs[vLevels[i]] = Vec_IntEntry(vSupp, nInputs - i - 1) << 1; } for(i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { int node = BDDGenerateAigRec(pNew, vInputs, vvNodes, i, 0); Gia_ManAppendCo(pNew, node); } } }; const int TruthTable::ww = 64; const int TruthTable::lww = 6; const word TruthTable::ones[7] = {ABC_CONST(0x0000000000000001), ABC_CONST(0x0000000000000003), ABC_CONST(0x000000000000000f), ABC_CONST(0x00000000000000ff), ABC_CONST(0x000000000000ffff), ABC_CONST(0x00000000ffffffff), ABC_CONST(0xffffffffffffffff)}; const word TruthTable::swapmask[5] = {ABC_CONST(0x2222222222222222), ABC_CONST(0x0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c), ABC_CONST(0x00f000f000f000f0), ABC_CONST(0x0000ff000000ff00), ABC_CONST(0x00000000ffff0000)}; class TruthTableReo : public TruthTable { public: bool fBuilt; std::vector > vvChildren; std::vector > > vvChildrenSaved; TruthTableReo(int nInputs, int nOutputs): TruthTable(nInputs, nOutputs) { fBuilt = false; } void Save(unsigned i) { if(vLevelsSaved.size() < i + 1) { vLevelsSaved.resize(i + 1); } vLevelsSaved[i] = vLevels; } void Load(unsigned i) { assert(i < vLevelsSaved.size()); vLevels = vLevelsSaved[i]; } void SaveIndices(unsigned i) { TruthTable::SaveIndices(i); if(vvChildrenSaved.size() < i + 1) { vvChildrenSaved.resize(i + 1); } vvChildrenSaved[i] = vvChildren; } void LoadIndices(unsigned i) { TruthTable::LoadIndices(i); vvChildren = vvChildrenSaved[i]; } void BDDBuildStartup() { vvChildren.clear(); vvChildren.resize(nInputs); TruthTable::BDDBuildStartup(); } void BDDBuildLevel(int lev) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvIndices[lev-1].size(); i++) { int index = vvIndices[lev-1][i]; int cof0 = BDDBuildOne(index << 1, lev); int cof1 = BDDBuildOne((index << 1) ^ 1, lev); vvChildren[lev-1].push_back(cof0); vvChildren[lev-1].push_back(cof1); if(cof0 == cof1) { vvRedundantIndices[lev-1].push_back(index); } } } int BDDBuild() { if(fBuilt) { return BDDNodeCount(); } fBuilt = true; BDDBuildStartup(); for(int i = 1; i < nInputs + 1; i++) { BDDBuildLevel(i); } return BDDNodeCount(); } int BDDRebuildOne(int index, int cof0, int cof1, int lev, Hash_IntMan_t *unique, std::vector &vChildrenLow) { if(cof0 < 0 && cof0 == cof1) { return cof0; } bool fCompl = cof0 & 1; if(fCompl) { cof0 ^= 1; cof1 ^= 1; } int *place = Hash_Int2ManLookup(unique, cof0, cof1); if(*place) { return (Hash_IntObjData2(unique, *place) << 1) ^ fCompl; } vvIndices[lev].push_back(index); Hash_Int2ManInsert(unique, cof0, cof1, vvIndices[lev].size() - 1); vChildrenLow.push_back(cof0); vChildrenLow.push_back(cof1); if(cof0 == cof1) { vvRedundantIndices[lev].push_back(index); } return ((vvIndices[lev].size() - 1) << 1) ^ fCompl; } int BDDRebuild(int lev) { vvRedundantIndices[lev].clear(); vvRedundantIndices[lev+1].clear(); std::vector vChildrenHigh; std::vector vChildrenLow; Hash_IntMan_t *unique = Hash_IntManStart(2 * vvIndices[lev+1].size()); vvIndices[lev+1].clear(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvIndices[lev].size(); i++) { int index = vvIndices[lev][i]; int cof0index = vvChildren[lev][i+i] >> 1; int cof1index = vvChildren[lev][i+i+1] >> 1; bool cof0c = vvChildren[lev][i+i] & 1; bool cof1c = vvChildren[lev][i+i+1] & 1; int cof00, cof01, cof10, cof11; if(cof0index < 0) { cof00 = -2 ^ cof0c; cof01 = -2 ^ cof0c; } else { cof00 = vvChildren[lev+1][cof0index+cof0index] ^ cof0c; cof01 = vvChildren[lev+1][cof0index+cof0index+1] ^ cof0c; } if(cof1index < 0) { cof10 = -2 ^ cof1c; cof11 = -2 ^ cof1c; } else { cof10 = vvChildren[lev+1][cof1index+cof1index] ^ cof1c; cof11 = vvChildren[lev+1][cof1index+cof1index+1] ^ cof1c; } int newcof0 = BDDRebuildOne(index << 1, cof00, cof10, lev + 1, unique, vChildrenLow); int newcof1 = BDDRebuildOne((index << 1) ^ 1, cof01, cof11, lev + 1, unique, vChildrenLow); vChildrenHigh.push_back(newcof0); vChildrenHigh.push_back(newcof1); if(newcof0 == newcof1) { vvRedundantIndices[lev].push_back(index); } } Hash_IntManStop(unique); vvChildren[lev] = vChildrenHigh; vvChildren[lev+1] = vChildrenLow; return BDDNodeCount(); } void Swap(int lev) { assert(lev < nInputs - 1); std::vector::iterator it0 = std::find(vLevels.begin(), vLevels.end(), lev); std::vector::iterator it1 = std::find(vLevels.begin(), vLevels.end(), lev + 1); std::swap(*it0, *it1); BDDRebuild(lev); } int BDDSwap(int lev) { Swap(lev); return BDDNodeCount(); } virtual void BDDGenerateAig(Gia_Man_t *pNew, Vec_Int_t *vSupp) { abort(); } }; class TruthTableRewrite : public TruthTable { public: TruthTableRewrite(int nInputs, int nOutputs): TruthTable(nInputs, nOutputs) {} void SetValue(int index_lev, int lev, word value) { assert(index_lev >= 0); assert(nInputs - lev <= lww); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; int index = index_lev >> (lww - logwidth); int pos = (index_lev % (1 << (lww - logwidth))) << logwidth; t[index] &= ~(ones[logwidth] << pos); t[index] ^= value << pos; } void CopyFunc(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl) { assert(index1 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); if(!fCompl) { if(index2 < 0) { for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] = 0; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] = t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; } } } else { if(index2 < 0) { for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] = ones[lww]; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] = ~t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; } } } } else { word value = 0; if(index2 >= 0) { value = GetValue(index2, lev); } if(fCompl) { value ^= ones[logwidth]; } SetValue(index1, lev, value); } } void ShiftToMajority(int index, int lev) { assert(index >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; int count = 0; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { count += bsw(t[nScopeSize * index + i]).count(); } } else { count = bsw(GetValue(index, lev)).count(); } bool majority = count > (1 << (logwidth - 1)); CopyFunc(index, -1, lev, majority); } }; class TruthTableCare : public TruthTableRewrite { public: std::vector originalt; std::vector caret; std::vector care; std::vector > > vvMergedIndices; std::vector > savedcare; std::vector > > > vvMergedIndicesSaved; TruthTableCare(int nInputs, int nOutputs): TruthTableRewrite(nInputs, nOutputs) { if(nSize) { care.resize(nSize); } else { care.resize(1); } } void Save(unsigned i) { TruthTable::Save(i); if(savedcare.size() < i + 1) { savedcare.resize(i + 1); } savedcare[i] = care; } void Load(unsigned i) { TruthTable::Load(i); care = savedcare[i]; } void SaveIndices(unsigned i) { TruthTable::SaveIndices(i); if(vvMergedIndicesSaved.size() < i + 1) { vvMergedIndicesSaved.resize(i + 1); } vvMergedIndicesSaved[i] = vvMergedIndices; } void LoadIndices(unsigned i) { TruthTable::LoadIndices(i); vvMergedIndices = vvMergedIndicesSaved[i]; } void Swap(int lev) { TruthTable::Swap(lev); if(nInputs - lev - 1 > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (nInputs - lev - 2 - lww); for(int i = nScopeSize; i < nSize; i += (nScopeSize << 2)) { for(int j = 0; j < nScopeSize; j++) { std::swap(care[i + j], care[i + nScopeSize + j]); } } } else if(nInputs - lev - 1 == lww) { for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i += 2) { care[i+1] ^= care[i] >> (ww / 2); care[i] ^= care[i+1] << (ww / 2); care[i+1] ^= care[i] >> (ww / 2); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nSize || (i == 0 && !nSize); i++) { int d = nInputs - lev - 2; int shamt = 1 << d; care[i] ^= (care[i] >> shamt) & swapmask[d]; care[i] ^= (care[i] & swapmask[d]) << shamt; care[i] ^= (care[i] >> shamt) & swapmask[d]; } } } void RestoreCare() { caret.clear(); if(nSize) { for(int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { caret.insert(caret.end(), care.begin(), care.end()); } } else { caret.resize(nTotalSize); for(int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { int padding = i * (1 << nInputs); caret[padding / ww] |= care[0] << (padding % ww); } } } word GetCare(int index_lev, int lev) { assert(index_lev >= 0); assert(nInputs - lev <= lww); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; int index = index_lev >> (lww - logwidth); int pos = (index_lev % (1 << (lww - logwidth))) << logwidth; return (caret[index] >> pos) & ones[logwidth]; } void CopyFuncMasked(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { word value = t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; if(fCompl) { value = ~value; } word cvalue = caret[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] &= ~cvalue; t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] |= cvalue & value; } } else { word one = ones[logwidth]; word value1 = GetValue(index1, lev); word value2 = GetValue(index2, lev); if(fCompl) { value2 ^= one; } word cvalue = GetCare(index2, lev); value1 &= cvalue ^ one; value1 |= cvalue & value2; SetValue(index1, lev, value1); } } bool IsDC(int index, int lev) { if(nInputs - lev > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (nInputs - lev - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { if(caret[nScopeSize * index + i]) { return false; } } } else if(GetCare(index, lev)) { return false; } return true; } int Include(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; bool fEq = true; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fEq || fCompl); i++) { word cvalue = caret[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; if(~caret[nScopeSize * index1 + i] & cvalue) { return 0; } word value = t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] ^ t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; fEq &= !(value & cvalue); fCompl &= !(~value & cvalue); } } else { word cvalue = GetCare(index2, lev); if((GetCare(index1, lev) ^ ones[logwidth]) & cvalue) { return 0; } word value = GetValue(index1, lev) ^ GetValue(index2, lev); fEq &= !(value & cvalue); fCompl &= !((value ^ ones[logwidth]) & cvalue); } return 2 * fCompl + fEq; } int Intersect(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl, bool fEq = true) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fEq || fCompl); i++) { word value = t[nScopeSize * index1 + i] ^ t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; word cvalue = caret[nScopeSize * index1 + i] & caret[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; fEq &= !(value & cvalue); fCompl &= !(~value & cvalue); } } else { word value = GetValue(index1, lev) ^ GetValue(index2, lev); word cvalue = GetCare(index1, lev) & GetCare(index2, lev); fEq &= !(value & cvalue); fCompl &= !((value ^ ones[logwidth]) & cvalue); } return 2 * fCompl + fEq; } void MergeCare(int index1, int index2, int lev) { assert(index1 >= 0); assert(index2 >= 0); int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize; i++) { caret[nScopeSize * index1 + i] |= caret[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; } } else { word value = GetCare(index2, lev); int index = index1 >> (lww - logwidth); int pos = (index1 % (1 << (lww - logwidth))) << logwidth; caret[index] |= value << pos; } } void Merge(int index1, int index2, int lev, bool fCompl) { MergeCare(index1, index2, lev); vvMergedIndices[lev].push_back(std::make_pair((index1 << 1) ^ fCompl, index2)); } int BDDBuildOne(int index, int lev) { int r = BDDFind(index, lev); if(r >= -2) { if(r >= 0) { Merge(vvIndices[lev][r >> 1], index, lev, r & 1); } return r; } vvIndices[lev].push_back(index); return (vvIndices[lev].size() - 1) << 1; } void CompleteMerge() { for(int i = nInputs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for(std::vector >::reverse_iterator it = vvMergedIndices[i].rbegin(); it != vvMergedIndices[i].rend(); it++) { CopyFunc((*it).second, (*it).first >> 1, i, (*it).first & 1); } } } void BDDBuildStartup() { RestoreCare(); vvIndices.clear(); vvIndices.resize(nInputs); vvRedundantIndices.clear(); vvRedundantIndices.resize(nInputs); vvMergedIndices.clear(); vvMergedIndices.resize(nInputs); for(int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { if(!IsDC(i, 0)) { BDDBuildOne(i, 0); } } } virtual void BDDRebuildByMerge(int lev) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvMergedIndices[lev].size(); i++) { std::pair &p = vvMergedIndices[lev][i]; MergeCare(p.first >> 1, p.second, lev); } } int BDDRebuild(int lev) { RestoreCare(); int i; for(i = lev; i < nInputs; i++) { vvIndices[i].clear(); vvMergedIndices[i].clear(); if(i) { vvRedundantIndices[i-1].clear(); } } for(i = 0; i < lev; i++) { BDDRebuildByMerge(i); } for(i = lev; i < nInputs; i++) { if(!i) { for(int j = 0; j < nOutputs; j++) { if(!IsDC(j, 0)) { BDDBuildOne(j, 0); } } } else { BDDBuildLevel(i); } } return BDDNodeCount(); } int BDDSwap(int lev) { Swap(lev); return BDDRebuild(lev); } void OptimizationStartup() { originalt = t; RestoreCare(); vvIndices.clear(); vvIndices.resize(nInputs); vvMergedIndices.clear(); vvMergedIndices.resize(nInputs); for(int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++) { if(!IsDC(i, 0)) { BDDBuildOne(i, 0); } else { ShiftToMajority(i, 0); } } } virtual void Optimize() { OptimizationStartup(); for(int i = 1; i < nInputs; i++) { for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[i-1].size(); j++) { int index = vvIndices[i-1][j]; BDDBuildOne(index << 1, i); BDDBuildOne((index << 1) ^ 1, i); } } CompleteMerge(); } }; class TruthTableLevelTSM : public TruthTableCare { public: TruthTableLevelTSM(int nInputs, int nOutputs): TruthTableCare(nInputs, nOutputs) {} int BDDFindTSM(int index, int lev) { int logwidth = nInputs - lev; if(logwidth > lww) { int nScopeSize = 1 << (logwidth - lww); bool fZero = true; bool fOne = true; for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fZero || fOne); i++) { word value = t[nScopeSize * index + i]; word cvalue = caret[nScopeSize * index + i]; fZero &= !(value & cvalue); fOne &= !(~value & cvalue); } if(fZero || fOne) { return -2 ^ fOne; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[lev].size(); j++) { int index2 = vvIndices[lev][j]; bool fEq = true; bool fCompl = true; for(int i = 0; i < nScopeSize && (fEq || fCompl); i++) { word value = t[nScopeSize * index + i] ^ t[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; word cvalue = caret[nScopeSize * index + i] & caret[nScopeSize * index2 + i]; fEq &= !(value & cvalue); fCompl &= !(~value & cvalue); } if(fEq || fCompl) { return (index2 << 1) ^ !fEq; } } } else { word one = ones[logwidth]; word value = GetValue(index, lev); word cvalue = GetCare(index, lev); if(!(value & cvalue)) { return -2; } if(!((value ^ one) & cvalue)) { return -1; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < vvIndices[lev].size(); j++) { int index2 = vvIndices[lev][j]; word value2 = value ^ GetValue(index2, lev); word cvalue2 = cvalue & GetCare(index2, lev); if(!(value2 & cvalue2)) { return index2 << 1; } if(!((value2 ^ one) & cvalue2)) { return (index2 << 1) ^ 1; } } } return -3; } int BDDBuildOne(int index, int lev) { int r = BDDFindTSM(index, lev); if(r >= -2) { if(r >= 0) { CopyFuncMasked(r >> 1, index, lev, r & 1); Merge(r >> 1, index, lev, r & 1); } else { vvMergedIndices[lev].push_back(std::make_pair(r, index)); } return r; } vvIndices[lev].push_back(index); return index << 1; } int BDDBuild() { TruthTable::Save(3); int r = TruthTable::BDDBuild(); TruthTable::Load(3); return r; } void BDDRebuildByMerge(int lev) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < vvMergedIndices[lev].size(); i++) { std::pair &p = vvMergedIndices[lev][i]; if(p.first >= 0) { CopyFuncMasked(p.first >> 1, p.second, lev, p.first & 1); MergeCare(p.first >> 1, p.second, lev); } } } int BDDRebuild(int lev) { TruthTable::Save(3); int r = TruthTableCare::BDDRebuild(lev); TruthTable::Load(3); return r; } }; } extern "C" Vec_Int_t * Gia_ManCollectSuppNew( Gia_Man_t * p, int iOut, int nOuts ); //extern "C" Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManTtopt( Gia_Man_t * p, int nIns, int nOuts, int nRounds ) { Gia_Man_t * pNew; Gia_Obj_t * pObj; Vec_Int_t * vSupp; word v; word * pTruth; int i, g, k, nInputs; Gia_ManLevelNum( p ); pNew = Gia_ManStart( Gia_ManObjNum(p) ); pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pName ); pNew->pSpec = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pSpec ); Gia_ManForEachCi( p, pObj, k ) Gia_ManAppendCi( pNew ); Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableStart( p, nIns ); Gia_ManHashStart( pNew ); for ( g = 0; g < Gia_ManCoNum(p); g += nOuts ) { vSupp = Gia_ManCollectSuppNew( p, g, nOuts ); nInputs = Vec_IntSize( vSupp ); Ttopt::TruthTableReo tt( nInputs, nOuts ); for ( k = 0; k < nOuts; k++ ) { pObj = Gia_ManCo( p, g+k ); pTruth = Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableCut( p, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj), vSupp ); if ( nInputs >= 6 ) for ( i = 0; i < tt.nSize; i++ ) tt.t[i + tt.nSize * k] = Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? ~pTruth[i]: pTruth[i]; else { i = k * (1 << nInputs); v = (Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? ~pTruth[0]: pTruth[0]) & tt.ones[nInputs]; tt.t[i / tt.ww] |= v << (i % tt.ww); } } tt.RandomSiftReo( nRounds ); Ttopt::TruthTable tt2( nInputs, nOuts ); tt2.t = tt.t; tt2.Reo( tt.vLevels ); tt2.BDDGenerateAig( pNew, vSupp ); Vec_IntFree( vSupp ); } Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableStop( p ); Gia_ManHashStop( pNew ); Gia_ManSetRegNum( pNew, Gia_ManRegNum(p) ); return pNew; } extern "C" word * Gia_ManCountFraction( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wrd_t * vSimI, Vec_Int_t * vSupp, int Thresh, int fVerbose, int * pCare ); //extern "C" Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManTtoptCare( Gia_Man_t * p, int nIns, int nOuts, int nRounds, char * pFileName, int nRarity ) { int fVerbose = 0; Gia_Man_t * pNew; Gia_Obj_t * pObj; Vec_Int_t * vSupp; word v; word * pTruth, * pCare; int i, g, k, nInputs; Vec_Wrd_t * vSimI = Vec_WrdReadBin( pFileName, fVerbose ); Gia_ManLevelNum( p ); pNew = Gia_ManStart( Gia_ManObjNum(p) ); pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pName ); pNew->pSpec = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pSpec ); Gia_ManForEachCi( p, pObj, k ) Gia_ManAppendCi( pNew ); Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableStart( p, nIns ); Gia_ManHashStart( pNew ); for ( g = 0; g < Gia_ManCoNum(p); g += nOuts ) { vSupp = Gia_ManCollectSuppNew( p, g, nOuts ); nInputs = Vec_IntSize( vSupp ); Ttopt::TruthTableLevelTSM tt( nInputs, nOuts ); for ( k = 0; k < nOuts; k++ ) { pObj = Gia_ManCo( p, g+k ); pTruth = Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableCut( p, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj), vSupp ); if ( nInputs >= 6 ) for ( i = 0; i < tt.nSize; i++ ) tt.t[i + tt.nSize * k] = Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? ~pTruth[i]: pTruth[i]; else { i = k * (1 << nInputs); v = (Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? ~pTruth[0]: pTruth[0]) & tt.ones[nInputs]; tt.t[i / tt.ww] |= v << (i % tt.ww); } } i = 1 << Vec_IntSize( vSupp ); pCare = Gia_ManCountFraction( p, vSimI, vSupp, nRarity, fVerbose, &i ); tt.care[0] = pCare[0]; for ( i = 1; i < tt.nSize; i++ ) tt.care[i] = pCare[i]; ABC_FREE( pCare ); tt.RandomSiftReo( nRounds ); tt.Optimize(); tt.BDDGenerateAig( pNew, vSupp ); Vec_IntFree( vSupp ); } Gia_ObjComputeTruthTableStop( p ); Gia_ManHashStop( pNew ); Gia_ManSetRegNum( pNew, Gia_ManRegNum(p) ); Vec_WrdFreeP( &vSimI ); return pNew; } ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END