/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [ntlInsert.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Netlist representation.] Synopsis [Procedures to insert mapping into a design.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: ntlInsert.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "ntl.h" #include "kit.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Inserts the given mapping into the netlist.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertMapping( Ntl_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vMapping, Aig_Man_t * pAig ) { char Buffer[1000]; Vec_Ptr_t * vCopies; Vec_Int_t * vCover; Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot; Ntl_Obj_t * pNode; Ntl_Net_t * pNet, * pNetCo; Ntl_Lut_t * pLut; int i, k, nDigits; assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCis) == Aig_ManPiNum(pAig) ); assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCos) == Aig_ManPoNum(pAig) ); p = Ntl_ManStartFrom( p ); pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p ); assert( Ntl_ModelNodeNum(pRoot) == 0 ); // map the AIG back onto the design Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNet, i ) pNet->pCopy = Aig_ManPi( pAig, i ); // start mapping of AIG nodes into their copies vCopies = Vec_PtrStart( Aig_ManObjNumMax(pAig) ); Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNet, i ) Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vCopies, ((Aig_Obj_t *)pNet->pCopy)->Id, pNet ); // create a new node for each LUT vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 ); nDigits = Aig_Base10Log( Vec_PtrSize(vMapping) ); Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vMapping, pLut, i ) { pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, pLut->nFanins ); pNode->pSop = Kit_PlaFromTruth( p->pMemSops, pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins, vCover ); if ( !Kit_TruthIsConst0(pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins) && !Kit_TruthIsConst1(pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins) ) { for ( k = 0; k < pLut->nFanins; k++ ) { pNet = Vec_PtrEntry( vCopies, pLut->pFanins[k] ); if ( pNet == NULL ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsert(): Internal error: Net not found.\n" ); return 0; } Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, k ); } } else pNode->nFanins = 0; sprintf( Buffer, "lut%0*d", nDigits, i ); if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, Buffer )) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsert(): Internal error: Intermediate net name is not unique.\n" ); return 0; } pNet = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, Buffer ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNet ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsert(): Internal error: Net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vCopies, pLut->Id, pNet ); } Vec_IntFree( vCover ); // mark CIs and outputs of the registers Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNetCo, i ) pNetCo->fMark = 1; // update the CO pointers Ntl_ManForEachCoNet( p, pNetCo, i ) { if ( pNetCo->fMark ) continue; pNetCo->fMark = 1; pNet = Vec_PtrEntry( vCopies, Aig_Regular(pNetCo->pCopy)->Id ); pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 ); pNode->pSop = Aig_IsComplement(pNetCo->pCopy)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" ); Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 ); // update the CO driver net assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNetCo ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsert(): Internal error: PO net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } } Vec_PtrFree( vCopies ); // clean CI/CO marks Ntl_ManUnmarkCiCoNets( p ); if ( !Ntl_ManCheck( p ) ) printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk: The check has failed for design %s.\n", p->pName ); return p; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Inserts the given mapping into the netlist.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertAig( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig ) { char Buffer[1000]; Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot; Ntl_Obj_t * pNode; Ntl_Net_t * pNet, * pNetCo; Aig_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin; int i, nDigits, Counter; assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCis) == Aig_ManPiNum(pAig) ); assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCos) == Aig_ManPoNum(pAig) ); p = Ntl_ManStartFrom( p ); pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p ); assert( Ntl_ModelNodeNum(pRoot) == 0 ); // set the correspondence between the PI/PO nodes Aig_ManCleanData( pAig ); Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNet, i ) Aig_ManPi( pAig, i )->pData = pNet; // create constant node if needed if ( Aig_ManConst1(pAig)->nRefs > 0 ) { pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 0 ); pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, " 1\n" ); if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, "Const1" )) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Intermediate net name is not unique.\n" ); return 0; } pNet = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, "Const1" ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNet ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } Aig_ManConst1(pAig)->pData = pNet; } // create a new node for each LUT Counter = 0; nDigits = Aig_Base10Log( Aig_ManNodeNum(pAig) ); Aig_ManForEachObj( pAig, pObj, i ) { if ( !Aig_ObjIsNode(pObj) ) continue; if ( Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pData == NULL || Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj)->pData == NULL ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Net not found.\n" ); return 0; } pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 2 ); Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pData, 0 ); Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj)->pData, 1 ); if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ) pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "00 1\n" ); else if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && !Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ) pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "01 1\n" ); else if ( !Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ) pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "10 1\n" ); else // if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ) pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "11 1\n" ); sprintf( Buffer, "and%0*d", nDigits, Counter++ ); if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, Buffer )) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Intermediate net name is not unique.\n" ); return 0; } pNet = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, Buffer ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNet ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } pObj->pData = pNet; } // mark CIs and outputs of the registers Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNetCo, i ) pNetCo->fMark = 1; // update the CO pointers Ntl_ManForEachCoNet( p, pNetCo, i ) { if ( pNetCo->fMark ) continue; pNetCo->fMark = 1; // get the corresponding PO and its driver pObj = Aig_ManPo( pAig, i ); pFanin = Aig_ObjFanin0( pObj ); // get the net driving the driver pNet = pFanin->pData; pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 ); pNode->pSop = Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" ); Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 ); // update the CO driver net assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNetCo ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: PO net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } } // clean CI/CO marks Ntl_ManUnmarkCiCoNets( p ); if ( !Ntl_ManCheck( p ) ) printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig: The check has failed for design %s.\n", p->pName ); return p; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Inserts the given mapping into the netlist.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertNtk( Ntl_Man_t * p, Nwk_Man_t * pNtk ) { char Buffer[1000]; Vec_Ptr_t * vObjs; Vec_Int_t * vTruth; Vec_Int_t * vCover; Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot; Ntl_Obj_t * pNode; Ntl_Net_t * pNet, * pNetCo; Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin; int i, k, nDigits; unsigned * pTruth; assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCis) == Nwk_ManCiNum(pNtk) ); assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCos) == Nwk_ManCoNum(pNtk) ); p = Ntl_ManStartFrom( p ); pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p ); assert( Ntl_ModelNodeNum(pRoot) == 0 ); // set the correspondence between the PI/PO nodes Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNet, i ) Nwk_ManCi( pNtk, i )->pCopy = pNet; // create a new node for each LUT vTruth = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 ); vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 ); nDigits = Aig_Base10Log( Nwk_ManNodeNum(pNtk) ); // go through the nodes in the topological order vObjs = Nwk_ManDfs( pNtk ); Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vObjs, pObj, i ) { if ( !Nwk_ObjIsNode(pObj) ) continue; pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj) ); pTruth = Hop_ManConvertAigToTruth( pNtk->pManHop, Hop_Regular(pObj->pFunc), Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vTruth, 0 ); if ( Hop_IsComplement(pObj->pFunc) ) Kit_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj) ); if ( !Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) && !Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) ) { Nwk_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, k ) { pNet = pFanin->pCopy; if ( pNet == NULL ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk(): Internal error: Net not found.\n" ); return 0; } Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, k ); } } else if ( Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) ) { pObj->pFunc = Hop_ManConst0(pNtk->pManHop); pNode->nFanins = 0; } else if ( Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) ) { pObj->pFunc = Hop_ManConst1(pNtk->pManHop); pNode->nFanins = 0; } pNode->pSop = Kit_PlaFromTruth( p->pMemSops, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vCover ); sprintf( Buffer, "lut%0*d", nDigits, i ); if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, Buffer )) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk(): Internal error: Intermediate net name is not unique.\n" ); return 0; } pNet = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, Buffer ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNet ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk(): Internal error: Net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return 0; } pObj->pCopy = pNet; } Vec_PtrFree( vObjs ); Vec_IntFree( vCover ); Vec_IntFree( vTruth ); // mark CIs and outputs of the registers Ntl_ManForEachCiNet( p, pNetCo, i ) pNetCo->fMark = 1; // update the CO pointers Ntl_ManForEachCoNet( p, pNetCo, i ) { if ( pNetCo->fMark ) continue; pNetCo->fMark = 1; // get the corresponding PO and its driver pObj = Nwk_ManCo( pNtk, i ); pFanin = Nwk_ObjFanin0( pObj ); // get the net driving this PO pNet = pFanin->pCopy; if ( Nwk_ObjFanoutNum(pFanin) == 1 && Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNet->pDriver) ) { pNode = pNet->pDriver; if ( !Ntl_ModelClearNetDriver( pNode, pNet ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk(): Internal error! Net already has no driver.\n" ); return NULL; } // remove this net Ntl_ModelDeleteNet( pRoot, pNet ); Vec_PtrWriteEntry( pRoot->vNets, pNet->NetId, NULL ); // update node's function if ( pObj->fInvert ) Kit_PlaComplement( pNode->pSop ); } else { pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 ); pNode->pSop = pObj->fInvert? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" ); Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 ); } // update the CO driver net assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL ); if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNetCo ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk(): Internal error: PO net has more than one fanin.\n" ); return NULL; } } // clean CI/CO marks Ntl_ManUnmarkCiCoNets( p ); if ( !Ntl_ManCheck( p ) ) { printf( "Ntl_ManInsertNtk: The check has failed for design %s.\n", p->pName ); return NULL; } return p; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////