/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [abc.h] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Network and node package.] Synopsis [External declarations.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: abc.h,v 1.1 2008/05/14 22:13:11 wudenni Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef ABC__base__abc__abc_h #define ABC__base__abc__abc_h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// INCLUDES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "misc/vec/vec.h" #include "aig/hop/hop.h" #include "aig/gia/gia.h" #include "misc/st/st.h" #include "misc/st/stmm.h" #include "misc/nm/nm.h" #include "misc/mem/mem.h" #include "misc/util/utilCex.h" #include "misc/extra/extra.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PARAMETERS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START // network types typedef enum { ABC_NTK_NONE = 0, // 0: unknown ABC_NTK_NETLIST, // 1: network with PIs/POs, latches, nodes, and nets ABC_NTK_LOGIC, // 2: network with PIs/POs, latches, and nodes ABC_NTK_STRASH, // 3: structurally hashed AIG (two input AND gates with c-attributes on edges) ABC_NTK_OTHER // 4: unused } Abc_NtkType_t; // network functionality typedef enum { ABC_FUNC_NONE = 0, // 0: unknown ABC_FUNC_SOP, // 1: sum-of-products ABC_FUNC_BDD, // 2: binary decision diagrams ABC_FUNC_AIG, // 3: and-inverter graphs ABC_FUNC_MAP, // 4: standard cell library ABC_FUNC_BLIFMV, // 5: BLIF-MV node functions ABC_FUNC_BLACKBOX, // 6: black box about which nothing is known ABC_FUNC_OTHER // 7: unused } Abc_NtkFunc_t; // Supported type/functionality combinations: /*------------------------------------------| | | SOP | BDD | AIG | Map | |-----------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | Netlist | x | | x | x | |-----------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | Logic | x | x | x | x | |-----------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | Strash | | | x | | --------------------------------------------|*/ // object types typedef enum { ABC_OBJ_NONE = 0, // 0: unknown ABC_OBJ_CONST1, // 1: constant 1 node (AIG only) ABC_OBJ_PI, // 2: primary input terminal ABC_OBJ_PO, // 3: primary output terminal ABC_OBJ_BI, // 4: box input terminal ABC_OBJ_BO, // 5: box output terminal ABC_OBJ_NET, // 6: net ABC_OBJ_NODE, // 7: node ABC_OBJ_LATCH, // 8: latch ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX, // 9: box with known contents ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX, // 10: box with unknown contents ABC_OBJ_NUMBER // 11: unused } Abc_ObjType_t; // latch initial values typedef enum { ABC_INIT_NONE = 0, // 0: unknown ABC_INIT_ZERO, // 1: zero ABC_INIT_ONE, // 2: one ABC_INIT_DC, // 3: don't-care ABC_INIT_OTHER // 4: unused } Abc_InitType_t; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// BASIC TYPES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct Abc_Des_t_ Abc_Des_t; typedef struct Abc_Ntk_t_ Abc_Ntk_t; typedef struct Abc_Obj_t_ Abc_Obj_t; typedef struct Abc_Aig_t_ Abc_Aig_t; typedef struct Abc_ManTime_t_ Abc_ManTime_t; typedef struct Abc_ManCut_t_ Abc_ManCut_t; typedef struct Abc_Time_t_ Abc_Time_t; struct Abc_Time_t_ { float Rise; float Fall; }; struct Abc_Obj_t_ // 48/72 bytes (32-bits/64-bits) { Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk; // the host network Abc_Obj_t * pNext; // the next pointer in the hash table int Id; // the object ID unsigned Type : 4; // the object type unsigned fMarkA : 1; // the multipurpose mark unsigned fMarkB : 1; // the multipurpose mark unsigned fMarkC : 1; // the multipurpose mark unsigned fPhase : 1; // the flag to mark the phase of equivalent node unsigned fExor : 1; // marks AIG node that is a root of EXOR unsigned fPersist: 1; // marks the persistant AIG node unsigned fCompl0 : 1; // complemented attribute of the first fanin in the AIG unsigned fCompl1 : 1; // complemented attribute of the second fanin in the AIG unsigned Level : 20; // the level of the node Vec_Int_t vFanins; // the array of fanins Vec_Int_t vFanouts; // the array of fanouts union { void * pData; // the network specific data int iData; }; // (SOP, BDD, gate, equiv class, etc) union { void * pTemp; // temporary store for user's data Abc_Obj_t * pCopy; // the copy of this object int iTemp; float dTemp; }; }; struct Abc_Ntk_t_ { // general information Abc_NtkType_t ntkType; // type of the network Abc_NtkFunc_t ntkFunc; // functionality of the network char * pName; // the network name char * pSpec; // the name of the spec file if present Nm_Man_t * pManName; // name manager (stores names of objects) // components of the network Vec_Ptr_t * vObjs; // the array of all objects (net, nodes, latches, etc) Vec_Ptr_t * vPis; // the array of primary inputs Vec_Ptr_t * vPos; // the array of primary outputs Vec_Ptr_t * vCis; // the array of combinational inputs (PIs, latches) Vec_Ptr_t * vCos; // the array of combinational outputs (POs, asserts, latches) Vec_Ptr_t * vPios; // the array of PIOs Vec_Ptr_t * vBoxes; // the array of boxes Vec_Ptr_t * vLtlProperties; // the number of living objects int nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_NUMBER]; // the number of objects by type int nObjs; // the number of live objs int nConstrs; // the number of constraints int nBarBufs; // the number of barrier buffers int nBarBufs2; // the number of barrier buffers // the backup network and the step number Abc_Ntk_t * pNetBackup; // the pointer to the previous backup network int iStep; // the generation number for the given network // hierarchy Abc_Des_t * pDesign; // design (hierarchical networks only) Abc_Ntk_t * pAltView; // alternative structural view of the network int fHieVisited; // flag to mark the visited network int fHiePath; // flag to mark the network on the path int Id; // model ID double dTemp; // temporary value // miscellaneous data members int nTravIds; // the unique traversal IDs of nodes Vec_Int_t vTravIds; // trav IDs of the objects Mem_Fixed_t * pMmObj; // memory manager for objects Mem_Step_t * pMmStep; // memory manager for arrays void * pManFunc; // functionality manager (AIG manager, BDD manager, or memory manager for SOPs) Abc_ManTime_t * pManTime; // the timing manager (for mapped networks) stores arrival/required times for all nodes void * pManCut; // the cut manager (for AIGs) stores information about the cuts computed for the nodes float AndGateDelay; // an average estimated delay of one AND gate int LevelMax; // maximum number of levels Vec_Int_t * vLevelsR; // level in the reverse topological order (for AIGs) Vec_Ptr_t * vSupps; // CO support information int * pModel; // counter-example (for miters) Abc_Cex_t * pSeqModel; // counter-example (for sequential miters) Vec_Ptr_t * vSeqModelVec; // vector of counter-examples (for sequential miters) Abc_Ntk_t * pExdc; // the EXDC network (if given) void * pExcare; // the EXDC network (if given) void * pData; // misc Abc_Ntk_t * pCopy; // copy of this network void * pBSMan; // application manager void * pSCLib; // SC library Vec_Int_t * vGates; // SC library gates Vec_Int_t * vPhases; // fanins phases in the mapped netlist char * pWLoadUsed; // wire load model used float * pLutTimes; // arrivals/requireds/slacks using LUT-delay model Vec_Ptr_t * vOnehots; // names of one-hot-encoded registers Vec_Int_t * vObjPerm; // permutation saved Vec_Int_t * vTopo; Vec_Ptr_t * vAttrs; // managers of various node attributes (node functionality, global BDDs, etc) Vec_Int_t * vNameIds; // name IDs Vec_Int_t * vFins; // obj/type info }; struct Abc_Des_t_ { char * pName; // the name of the library void * pManFunc; // functionality manager for the nodes Vec_Ptr_t * vTops; // the array of top-level modules Vec_Ptr_t * vModules; // the array of modules st__table * tModules; // the table hashing module names into their networks Abc_Des_t * pLibrary; // the library used to map this design void * pGenlib; // the genlib library used to map this design }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// MACRO DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // transforming floats into ints and back static inline unsigned Abc_InfoRandomWord() { return ((((unsigned)rand()) << 24) ^ (((unsigned)rand()) << 12) ^ ((unsigned)rand())); } // #define RAND_MAX 0x7fff static inline void Abc_InfoRandom( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] = Abc_InfoRandomWord(); } static inline void Abc_InfoClear( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { memset( p, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * nWords ); } static inline void Abc_InfoFill( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { memset( p, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned) * nWords );} static inline void Abc_InfoNot( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] = ~p[i]; } static inline int Abc_InfoIsZero( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( p[i] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Abc_InfoIsOne( unsigned * p, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( ~p[i] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline void Abc_InfoCopy( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] = q[i]; } static inline void Abc_InfoAnd( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] &= q[i]; } static inline void Abc_InfoOr( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] |= q[i]; } static inline void Abc_InfoXor( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, int nWords ) { int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] ^= q[i]; } static inline int Abc_InfoIsOrOne( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, int nWords ){ int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( ~(p[i] | q[i]) ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Abc_InfoIsOrOne3( unsigned * p, unsigned * q, unsigned * r, int nWords ){ int i; for ( i = nWords - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( ~(p[i] | q[i] | r[i]) ) return 0; return 1; } // checking the network type static inline int Abc_NtkIsNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_LOGIC; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsStrash( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_STRASH; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasSop( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_SOP; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasBdd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BDD; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_AIG; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasMapping( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_MAP; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasBlifMv( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BLIFMV; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasBlackbox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BLACKBOX; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsSopNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_SOP && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsBddNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BDD && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsAigNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_AIG && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsMappedNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_MAP && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsBlifMvNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BLIFMV && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_NETLIST; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsSopLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_SOP && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_LOGIC ; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsBddLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_BDD && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_LOGIC ; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsAigLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_AIG && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_LOGIC ; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsMappedLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_MAP && pNtk->ntkType == ABC_NTK_LOGIC ; } // reading data members of the network static inline char * Abc_NtkName( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->pName; } static inline char * Abc_NtkSpec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->pSpec; } static inline Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkExdc( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->pExdc; } static inline Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBackup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->pNetBackup; } static inline int Abc_NtkStep ( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->iStep; } // setting data members of the network static inline void Abc_NtkSetName ( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ) { pNtk->pName = pName; } static inline void Abc_NtkSetSpec ( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ) { pNtk->pSpec = pName; } static inline void Abc_NtkSetBackup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNetBackup ) { pNtk->pNetBackup = pNetBackup; } static inline void Abc_NtkSetStep ( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iStep ) { pNtk->iStep = iStep; } // getting the number of objects static inline int Abc_NtkObjNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjs; } static inline int Abc_NtkObjNumMax( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vObjs); } static inline int Abc_NtkPiNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vPis); } static inline int Abc_NtkPoNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vPos); } static inline int Abc_NtkCiNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vCis); } static inline int Abc_NtkCoNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vCos); } static inline int Abc_NtkBoxNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrSize(pNtk->vBoxes); } static inline int Abc_NtkBiNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_BI]; } static inline int Abc_NtkBoNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_BO]; } static inline int Abc_NtkNetNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_NET]; } static inline int Abc_NtkNodeNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_NODE]; } static inline int Abc_NtkLatchNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_LATCH]; } static inline int Abc_NtkWhiteboxNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX]; } static inline int Abc_NtkBlackboxNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX]; } static inline int Abc_NtkIsComb( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) == 0; } static inline int Abc_NtkHasOnlyLatchBoxes(Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ){ return Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) == Abc_NtkBoxNum(pNtk); } static inline int Abc_NtkConstrNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return pNtk->nConstrs; } // creating simple objects extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_ObjType_t Type ); static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreatePi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_PI ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreatePo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_PO ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_BI ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_BO ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_NET ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_NODE ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateLatch( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_LATCH ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateWhitebox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBlackbox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkCreateObj( pNtk, ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX ); } // reading objects static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vObjs, i ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkPi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vPis, i ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkPo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vPos, i ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vCis, i ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vCos, i ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkBox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pNtk->vBoxes, i ); } // working with complemented attributes of objects static inline int Abc_ObjIsComplement( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return (int )((ABC_PTRUINT_T)p & (ABC_PTRUINT_T)01); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjRegular( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)((ABC_PTRUINT_T)p & ~(ABC_PTRUINT_T)01); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjNot( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)((ABC_PTRUINT_T)p ^ (ABC_PTRUINT_T)01); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_Obj_t * p, int c ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)((ABC_PTRUINT_T)p ^ (ABC_PTRUINT_T)(c!=0)); } // reading data members of the object static inline unsigned Abc_ObjType( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type; } static inline unsigned Abc_ObjId( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Id; } static inline int Abc_ObjLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Level; } static inline Vec_Int_t * Abc_ObjFaninVec( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return &pObj->vFanins; } static inline Vec_Int_t * Abc_ObjFanoutVec( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return &pObj->vFanouts; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjCopy( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pCopy; } static inline Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_ObjNtk( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pNtk; } static inline Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_ObjModel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { assert( pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX ); return (Abc_Ntk_t *)pObj->pData; } static inline void * Abc_ObjData( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pData; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjEquiv( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pData; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjCopyCond( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjRegular(pObj)->pCopy? Abc_ObjNotCond(Abc_ObjRegular(pObj)->pCopy, Abc_ObjIsComplement(pObj)) : NULL; } // setting data members of the network static inline void Abc_ObjSetLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int Level ) { pObj->Level = Level; } static inline void Abc_ObjSetCopy( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pCopy ) { pObj->pCopy = pCopy; } static inline void Abc_ObjSetData( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, void * pData ) { pObj->pData = pData; } // checking the object type static inline int Abc_ObjIsNone( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_NONE; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsPi( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_PI; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsPo( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_PO; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsBi( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BI; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsBo( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BO; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsCi( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_PI || pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BO; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsCo( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_PO || pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BI; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsTerm( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjIsCi(pObj) || Abc_ObjIsCo(pObj); } static inline int Abc_ObjIsNet( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_NET; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsNode( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_NODE; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsLatch( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_LATCH; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsBox( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_LATCH || pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX || pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX; } static inline int Abc_ObjIsWhitebox( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX;} static inline int Abc_ObjIsBlackbox( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX;} static inline int Abc_ObjIsBarBuf( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_NtkHasMapping(pObj->pNtk) && Abc_ObjIsNode(pObj) && Vec_IntSize(&pObj->vFanins) == 1 && pObj->pData == NULL; } static inline void Abc_ObjBlackboxToWhitebox( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { assert( Abc_ObjIsBlackbox(pObj) ); pObj->Type = ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX; pObj->pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_BLACKBOX]--; pObj->pNtk->nObjCounts[ABC_OBJ_WHITEBOX]++; } // working with fanin/fanout edges static inline int Abc_ObjFaninNum( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->vFanins.nSize; } static inline int Abc_ObjFanoutNum( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->vFanouts.nSize; } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninId( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i) { return pObj->vFanins.pArray[i]; } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninId0( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->vFanins.pArray[0]; } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninId1( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->vFanins.pArray[1]; } static inline int Abc_ObjFanoutEdgeNum( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pFanout ) { assert( Abc_NtkHasAig(pObj->pNtk) ); if ( Abc_ObjFaninId0(pFanout) == pObj->Id ) return 0; if ( Abc_ObjFaninId1(pFanout) == pObj->Id ) return 1; assert( 0 ); return -1; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanout( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pNtk->vObjs->pArray[ pObj->vFanouts.pArray[i] ]; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanout0( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pNtk->vObjs->pArray[ pObj->vFanouts.pArray[0] ]; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pNtk->vObjs->pArray[ pObj->vFanins.pArray[i] ]; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin0( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pNtk->vObjs->pArray[ pObj->vFanins.pArray[0] ]; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin1( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_Obj_t *)pObj->pNtk->vObjs->pArray[ pObj->vFanins.pArray[1] ]; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin0Ntk( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pObj->pNtk)? Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj) : pObj); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanout0Ntk( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_NtkIsNetlist(pObj->pNtk)? Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj) : pObj); } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninC0( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->fCompl0; } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninC1( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->fCompl1; } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninC( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { assert( i >=0 && i < 2 ); return i? pObj->fCompl1 : pObj->fCompl0; } static inline void Abc_ObjSetFaninC( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ){ assert( i >=0 && i < 2 ); if ( i ) pObj->fCompl1 = 1; else pObj->fCompl0 = 1; } static inline void Abc_ObjXorFaninC( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ){ assert( i >=0 && i < 2 ); if ( i ) pObj->fCompl1^= 1; else pObj->fCompl0^= 1; } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin(pObj,i), Abc_ObjFaninC(pObj,i) );} static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild0( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild1( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin1(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChildCopy( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int i ){ return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin(pObj,i)->pCopy, Abc_ObjFaninC(pObj,i) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild0Copy( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pCopy, Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild1Copy( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_ObjFanin1(pObj)->pCopy, Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild0Data( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( (Abc_Obj_t *)Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pData, Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjChild1Data( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( (Abc_Obj_t *)Abc_ObjFanin1(pObj)->pData, Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj) ); } static inline Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFromLit( Abc_Ntk_t * p, int iLit ) { return Abc_ObjNotCond( Abc_NtkObj(p, Abc_Lit2Var(iLit)), Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit) ); } static inline int Abc_ObjToLit( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return Abc_Var2Lit( Abc_ObjId(Abc_ObjRegular(p)), Abc_ObjIsComplement(p) ); } static inline int Abc_ObjFaninPhase( Abc_Obj_t * p, int i ) { assert(p->pNtk->vPhases); assert( i >= 0 && i < Abc_ObjFaninNum(p) ); return (Vec_IntEntry(p->pNtk->vPhases, Abc_ObjId(p)) >> i) & 1; } static inline void Abc_ObjFaninFlipPhase( Abc_Obj_t * p,int i){ assert(p->pNtk->vPhases); assert( i >= 0 && i < Abc_ObjFaninNum(p) ); *Vec_IntEntryP(p->pNtk->vPhases, Abc_ObjId(p)) ^= (1 << i); } // checking the AIG node types static inline int Abc_AigNodeIsConst( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert(Abc_NtkIsStrash(Abc_ObjRegular(pNode)->pNtk)); return Abc_ObjRegular(pNode)->Type == ABC_OBJ_CONST1; } static inline int Abc_AigNodeIsAnd( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert(!Abc_ObjIsComplement(pNode)); assert(Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNode->pNtk)); return Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) == 2; } static inline int Abc_AigNodeIsChoice( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert(!Abc_ObjIsComplement(pNode)); assert(Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNode->pNtk)); return pNode->pData != NULL && Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pNode) > 0; } // handling persistent nodes static inline int Abc_NodeIsPersistant( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert( Abc_AigNodeIsAnd(pNode) ); return pNode->fPersist; } static inline void Abc_NodeSetPersistant( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert( Abc_AigNodeIsAnd(pNode) ); pNode->fPersist = 1; } static inline void Abc_NodeClearPersistant( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ) { assert( Abc_AigNodeIsAnd(pNode) ); pNode->fPersist = 0; } // working with the traversal ID static inline void Abc_NtkIncrementTravId( Abc_Ntk_t * p ) { if (!p->vTravIds.pArray) Vec_IntFill(&p->vTravIds, Abc_NtkObjNumMax(p)+500, 0); p->nTravIds++; assert(p->nTravIds < (1<<30)); } static inline int Abc_NodeTravId( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return Vec_IntGetEntry(&Abc_ObjNtk(p)->vTravIds, Abc_ObjId(p)); } static inline void Abc_NodeSetTravId( Abc_Obj_t * p, int TravId ) { Vec_IntSetEntry(&Abc_ObjNtk(p)->vTravIds, Abc_ObjId(p), TravId ); } static inline void Abc_NodeSetTravIdCurrent( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { Abc_NodeSetTravId( p, Abc_ObjNtk(p)->nTravIds ); } static inline void Abc_NodeSetTravIdPrevious( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { Abc_NodeSetTravId( p, Abc_ObjNtk(p)->nTravIds-1 ); } static inline int Abc_NodeIsTravIdCurrent( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return (Abc_NodeTravId(p) == Abc_ObjNtk(p)->nTravIds); } static inline int Abc_NodeIsTravIdPrevious( Abc_Obj_t * p ) { return (Abc_NodeTravId(p) == Abc_ObjNtk(p)->nTravIds-1); } static inline void Abc_NodeSetTravIdCurrentId( Abc_Ntk_t * p, int i) { Vec_IntSetEntry(&p->vTravIds, i, p->nTravIds ); } static inline int Abc_NodeIsTravIdCurrentId( Abc_Ntk_t * p, int i) { return (Vec_IntGetEntry(&p->vTravIds, i) == p->nTravIds); } // checking initial state of the latches static inline void Abc_LatchSetInitNone( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); pLatch->pData = (void *)ABC_INIT_NONE; } static inline void Abc_LatchSetInit0( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); pLatch->pData = (void *)ABC_INIT_ZERO; } static inline void Abc_LatchSetInit1( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); pLatch->pData = (void *)ABC_INIT_ONE; } static inline void Abc_LatchSetInitDc( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); pLatch->pData = (void *)ABC_INIT_DC; } static inline int Abc_LatchIsInitNone( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); return pLatch->pData == (void *)ABC_INIT_NONE; } static inline int Abc_LatchIsInit0( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); return pLatch->pData == (void *)ABC_INIT_ZERO; } static inline int Abc_LatchIsInit1( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); return pLatch->pData == (void *)ABC_INIT_ONE; } static inline int Abc_LatchIsInitDc( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); return pLatch->pData == (void *)ABC_INIT_DC; } static inline int Abc_LatchInit( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ) { assert(Abc_ObjIsLatch(pLatch)); return (int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)pLatch->pData; } // global BDDs of the nodes static inline void * Abc_NtkGlobalBdd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrEntry(pNtk->vAttrs, VEC_ATTR_GLOBAL_BDD); } static inline void * Abc_NtkGlobalBddMan( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_AttMan( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkGlobalBdd(pNtk) ); } static inline void ** Abc_NtkGlobalBddArray( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_AttArray( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkGlobalBdd(pNtk) ); } static inline void * Abc_ObjGlobalBdd( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Vec_AttEntry( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkGlobalBdd(pObj->pNtk), pObj->Id ); } static inline void Abc_ObjSetGlobalBdd( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, void * bF ) { Vec_AttWriteEntry( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkGlobalBdd(pObj->pNtk), pObj->Id, bF ); } // MV variables of the nodes static inline void * Abc_NtkMvVar( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Vec_PtrEntry(pNtk->vAttrs, VEC_ATTR_MVVAR); } static inline void * Abc_NtkMvVarMan( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ) { return Abc_NtkMvVar(pNtk)? Vec_AttMan( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkMvVar(pNtk) ) : NULL; } static inline void * Abc_ObjMvVar( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Abc_NtkMvVar(pObj->pNtk)? Vec_AttEntry( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkMvVar(pObj->pNtk), pObj->Id ) : NULL; } static inline int Abc_ObjMvVarNum( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Abc_NtkMvVar(pObj->pNtk) && Abc_ObjMvVar(pObj))? *((int*)Abc_ObjMvVar(pObj)) : 2; } static inline void Abc_ObjSetMvVar( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, void * pV) { Vec_AttWriteEntry( (Vec_Att_t *)Abc_NtkMvVar(pObj->pNtk), pObj->Id, pV ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ITERATORS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // objects of the network #define Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pObj) == NULL ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachObjReverse( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs) - 1; (i >= 0) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i-- ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachObjVec( vIds, pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(vIds) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vIds,i))), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pObj) == NULL ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachObjVecStart( vIds, pNtk, pObj, i, Start ) \ for ( i = Start; i < Vec_IntSize(vIds) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vIds,i))), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pObj) == NULL ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNet( pNtk, pNet, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNet) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNet) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNet(pNet) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeNotBarBuf( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) || Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNode1( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) || !Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeNotBarBuf1( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) || !Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) || Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeReverse( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs) - 1; (i >= 0) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i-- ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeReverse1( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs) - 1; (i >= 0) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i-- ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) || !Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachBarBuf( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachGate( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsGate(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || !Abc_AigNodeIsAnd(pNode) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeCi( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || (!Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) && !Abc_ObjIsCi(pNode)) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachNodeCo( pNtk, pNode, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vObjs)) && (((pNode) = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( (pNode) == NULL || (!Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) && !Abc_ObjIsCo(pNode)) ) {} else // various boxes #define Abc_NtkForEachBox( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_NtkForEachLatch( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( !Abc_ObjIsLatch(pObj) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachLatchInput( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)); i++ ) \ if ( !(Abc_ObjIsLatch(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)) && (((pObj) = Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i))), 1)) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachLatchOutput( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)); i++ ) \ if ( !(Abc_ObjIsLatch(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)) && (((pObj) = Abc_ObjFanout0(Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i))), 1)) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachWhitebox( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( !Abc_ObjIsWhitebox(pObj) ) {} else #define Abc_NtkForEachBlackbox( pNtk, pObj, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize((pNtk)->vBoxes)) && (((pObj) = Abc_NtkBox(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( !Abc_ObjIsBlackbox(pObj) ) {} else // inputs and outputs #define Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pPi, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk)) && (((pPi) = Abc_NtkPi(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pCi, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_NtkCiNum(pNtk)) && (((pCi) = Abc_NtkCi(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pPo, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk)) && (((pPo) = Abc_NtkPo(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pCo, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk)) && (((pCo) = Abc_NtkCo(pNtk, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_NtkForEachLiPo( pNtk, pCo, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk)) && (((pCo) = Abc_NtkCo(pNtk, i < pNtk->nBarBufs ? Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) - pNtk->nBarBufs + i : i - pNtk->nBarBufs)), 1); i++ ) // fanin and fanouts #define Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) && (((pFanin) = Abc_ObjFanin(pObj, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_ObjForEachFanout( pObj, pFanout, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pObj)) && (((pFanout) = Abc_ObjFanout(pObj, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_ObjForEachFaninId( pObj, iFanin, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) && (((iFanin) = Abc_ObjFaninId(pObj, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Abc_ObjForEachFanoutId( pObj, iFanout, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Abc_ObjFanoutNum(pObj)) && (((iFanout) = Abc_ObjFanoutId(pObj, i)), 1); i++ ) // cubes and literals #define Abc_CubeForEachVar( pCube, Value, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (pCube[i] != ' ') && (Value = pCube[i]); i++ ) #define Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nFanins, pCube ) \ for ( pCube = (pSop); *pCube; pCube += (nFanins) + 3 ) #define Abc_SopForEachCubePair( pSop, nFanins, pCube, pCube2 ) \ Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nFanins, pCube ) \ Abc_SopForEachCube( pCube + (nFanins) + 3, nFanins, pCube2 ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*=== abcAig.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Aig_t * Abc_AigAlloc( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigFree( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigCleanup( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigCheck( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigLevel( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigConst1( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigAnd( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * p0, Abc_Obj_t * p1 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigAndLookup( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * p0, Abc_Obj_t * p1 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigXorLookup( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * p0, Abc_Obj_t * p1, int * pType ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigMuxLookup( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * pC, Abc_Obj_t * pT, Abc_Obj_t * pE, int * pType ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigOr( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * p0, Abc_Obj_t * p1 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigXor( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * p0, Abc_Obj_t * p1 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigMux( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * pC, Abc_Obj_t * p1, Abc_Obj_t * p0 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_AigMiter( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Vec_Ptr_t * vPairs, int fImplic ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigReplace( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * pOld, Abc_Obj_t * pNew, int fUpdateLevel ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigDeleteNode( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Abc_Obj_t * pOld ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigRehash( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigNodeHasComplFanoutEdge( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigNodeHasComplFanoutEdgeTrav( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigPrintNode( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_AigNodeIsAcyclic( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Abc_Obj_t * pRoot ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigCheckFaninOrder( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigSetNodePhases( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_AigUpdateStart( Abc_Aig_t * pMan, Vec_Ptr_t ** pvUpdatedNets ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigUpdateStop( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_AigUpdateReset( Abc_Aig_t * pMan ); /*=== abcAttach.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkAttach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcBarBuf.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkToBarBufs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFromBarBufs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkBase, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBarBufsToBuffers( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBarBufsFromBuffers( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkBase, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcBlifMv.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkStartMvVars( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFreeMvVars( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkSetMvVarValues( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int nValues ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStrashBlifMv( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkInsertBlifMv( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkBase, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkLogic ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkConvertToBlifMv( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_NodeConvertSopToMvSop( int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vSop0, Vec_Int_t * vSop1 ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeEvalMvCost( int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vSop0, Vec_Int_t * vSop1 ); /*=== abcBalance.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBalance( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fDuplicate, int fSelective, int fUpdateLevel ); /*=== abcCheck.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheck( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckRead( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkDoCheck( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCompareSignals( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fOnlyPis, int fComb ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCiNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCoNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckUniqueCioNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcCollapse.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCollapse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fBddSizeMax, int fDualRail, int fReorder, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCollapseSat( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nCubeLim, int nBTLimit, int nCostMax, int fCanon, int fReverse, int fCnfShared, int fVerbose ); /*=== abcCut.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fDag, int fTree ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fDag, int fTree ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeGetCutsSeq( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fFirst ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NodeReadCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeFreeCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); /*=== abcDar.c ============================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkPhaseFrameNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkDarPrintCone( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBalanceExor( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUpdateLevel, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDarLatchSweep( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fLatchConst, int fLatchEqual, int fSaveNames, int fUseMvSweep, int nFramesSymb, int nFramesSatur, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose ); /*=== abcDelay.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkDelayTraceLut( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUseLutLib ); /*=== abcDfs.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectAll ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfs2( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsNodes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsReverse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsReverseNodes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsReverseNodesContained( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsSeq( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsSeqReverse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsIter( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectAll ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsIterNodes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vRoots ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsHie( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectAll ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsDfsOrdered( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkDfsWithBoxes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkSupport( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkNodeSupport( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Int_t * Abc_NtkNodeSupportInt( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iCo ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkFunctionalIso( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iCo1, int iCo2, int fCommon ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_AigDfs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectAll, int fCollectCos ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_AigDfsMap( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Vec_t * Abc_DfsLevelized( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, int fTfi ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Vec_t * Abc_NtkLevelize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkLevel( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkLevelReverse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsAcyclic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsAcyclicWithBoxes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_AigGetLevelizedOrder( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectCis ); /*=== abcExact.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ExactInputNum(); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ExactIsRunning(); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ExactBuildNode( word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pArrTimeProfile, Abc_Obj_t ** pFanins, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFindExact( word * pTruth, int nVars, int nFunc, int nMaxDepth, int * pArrivalTimes, int nBTLimit, int nStartGates, int fVerbose ); /*=== abcFanio.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjAddFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjDeleteFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjRemoveFanins( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjPatchFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pFaninOld, Abc_Obj_t * pFaninNew ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjPatchFanoutFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int iObjNew ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjInsertBetween( Abc_Obj_t * pNodeIn, Abc_Obj_t * pNodeOut, Abc_ObjType_t Type ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjTransferFanout( Abc_Obj_t * pObjOld, Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjReplace( Abc_Obj_t * pObjOld, Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjFanoutFaninNum( Abc_Obj_t * pFanout, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); /*=== abcFanOrder.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMakeLegit( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkSortSops( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcFraig.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, void * pParams, int fAllNodes, int fExdc ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NtkToFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, void * pParams, int fAllNodes, int fExdc ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFraigTrust( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkFraigStore( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFraigRestore( int nPatsRand, int nPatsDyna, int nBTLimit ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFraigStoreClean(); /*=== abcFunc.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkSopToBdd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkBddToSop( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fMode, int nCubeLimit ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeBddToCnf( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Mem_Flex_t * pMmMan, Vec_Str_t * vCube, int fAllPrimes, char ** ppSop0, char ** ppSop1 ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkLogicMakeDirectSops( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkSopToAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkAigToBdd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Gia_Man_t * Abc_NtkAigToGia( Abc_Ntk_t * p, int fGiaSimple ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMapToSop( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkToSop( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fMode, int nCubeLimit ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkToBdd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkToAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcHaig.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkHaigStart( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkHaigStop( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkHaigUse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcHie.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFlattenLogicHierarchy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkConvertBlackboxes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkInsertNewLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkH, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkL ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintBoxInfo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcHieGia.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Gia_Man_t * Abc_NtkFlattenHierarchyGia( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t ** pvBuffers, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkInsertHierarchyGia( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNew, int fVerbose ); /*=== abcLatch.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkLatchIsSelfFeed( Abc_Obj_t * pLatch ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCountSelfFeedLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRemoveSelfFeedLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Int_t * Abc_NtkCollectLatchValues( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_NtkCollectLatchValuesStr( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkInsertLatchValues( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Int_t * vValues ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkAddLatch( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pDriver, Abc_InitType_t Init ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkConvertDcLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkConverLatchNamesIntoNumbers( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcLib.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Des_t * Abc_DesCreate( char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_DesCleanManPointer( Abc_Des_t * p, void * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_DesFree( Abc_Des_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Des_t * Abc_DesDup( Abc_Des_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_DesPrint( Abc_Des_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_DesAddModel( Abc_Des_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_DesFindModelByName( Abc_Des_t * p, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_DesFindTopLevelModels( Abc_Des_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_DesDeriveRoot( Abc_Des_t * p ); /*=== abcLog.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkWriteLogFile( char * pFileName, Abc_Cex_t * pSeqCex, int Status, int nFrames, char * pCommand ); /*=== abcMap.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFetchTwinNode( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); /*=== abcMiter.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMinimumBase( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMinimumBase( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRemoveDupFanins( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeRemoveDupFanins( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); /*=== abcMiter.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiter( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fComb, int nPartSize, int fImplic, int fMulti ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkMiterAddCone( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkMiter, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiterAnd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fOr, int fCompl2 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiterCofactor( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Int_t * vPiValues ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiterForCofactors( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Out, int In1, int In2 ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiterQuantify( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int In, int fExist ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMiterQuantifyPis( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMiterIsConstant( Abc_Ntk_t * pMiter ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkMiterReport( Abc_Ntk_t * pMiter ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFrames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nFrames, int fInitial, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCombinePos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fAnd, int fXor ); /*=== abcNames.c ====================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjName( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, char * pName, char * pSuffix ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjNamePrefix( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, char * pPrefix ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjNameSuffix( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, char * pSuffix ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjNameDummy( char * pPrefix, int Num, int nDigits ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTrasferNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTrasferNamesNoLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NodeGetFaninNames( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NodeGetFakeNames( int nNames ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeFreeNames( Vec_Ptr_t * vNames ); extern ABC_DLL char ** Abc_NtkCollectCioNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCollectCos ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeCompareNames( Abc_Obj_t ** pp1, Abc_Obj_t ** pp2 ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkOrderObjsByName( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fComb ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkAddDummyPiNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkAddDummyPoNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkAddDummyBoxNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkShortNames( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkStartNameIds( Abc_Ntk_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTransferNameIds( Abc_Ntk_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNew ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkUpdateNameIds( Abc_Ntk_t * p ); /*=== abcNetlist.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkToLogic( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkToNetlist( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkToNetlistBench( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcNtbdd.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDeriveFromBdd( void * dd, void * bFunc, char * pNamePo, Vec_Ptr_t * vNamesPi ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkBddToMuxes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NtkBuildGlobalBdds( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fBddSizeMax, int fDropInternal, int fReorder, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NtkFreeGlobalBdds( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fFreeMan ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkSizeOfGlobalBdds( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcNtk.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkAlloc( Abc_NtkType_t Type, Abc_NtkFunc_t Func, int fUseMemMan ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStartFrom( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_NtkType_t Type, Abc_NtkFunc_t Func ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStartFromNoLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_NtkType_t Type, Abc_NtkFunc_t Func ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFinalize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStartRead( char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFinalizeRead( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDupDfs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDupDfsNoBarBufs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDupTransformMiter( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateCone( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, char * pNodeName, int fUseAllCis ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateConeArray( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vRoots, int fUseAllCis ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkAppendToCone( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vRoots ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateMffc( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, char * pNodeName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateTarget( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vRoots, Vec_Int_t * vValues ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateFromNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCreateWithNode( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDelete( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFixNonDrivenNets( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkMakeComb( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fRemoveLatches ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPermute( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fInputs, int fOutputs, int fFlops, char * pFlopPermFile ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkUnpermute( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcObj.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjAlloc( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_ObjType_t Type ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjRecycle( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_ObjType_t Type ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDeleteObj( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDeleteObjPo( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDeleteObj_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fOnlyNodes ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDeleteAll_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkDupObj( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fCopyName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkDupBox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Obj_t * pBox, int fCopyName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCloneObj( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindCi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindCo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeConst0( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeConst1( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeInv( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeBuf( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeAnd( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeOr( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeExor( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeMux( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pNodeC, Abc_Obj_t * pNode1, Abc_Obj_t * pNode0 ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsConst( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsConst0( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsConst1( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsBuf( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsInv( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeComplement( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeComplementInput( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); /*=== abcOdc.c ==========================================================*/ typedef struct Odc_Man_t_ Odc_Man_t; extern ABC_DLL Odc_Man_t * Abc_NtkDontCareAlloc( int nVarsMax, int nLevels, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDontCareClear( Odc_Man_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkDontCareFree( Odc_Man_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkDontCareCompute( Odc_Man_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * puTruth ); /*=== abcPrint.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkMfsTotalSwitching( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkMfsTotalGlitching( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nPats, int Prob, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintStats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fFactored, int fSaveBest, int fDumpResult, int fUseLutLib, int fPrintMuxes, int fPower, int fGlitch, int fSkipBuf, int fSkipSmall, int fPrintMem ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintIo( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fPrintFlops ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintLatch( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintFanio( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUseFanio, int fUsePio, int fUseSupp, int fUseCone ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintFanioNew( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fMffc ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodePrintFanio( FILE * pFile, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintFactor( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUseRealNames ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodePrintFactor( FILE * pFile, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, int fUseRealNames ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintLevel( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fProfile, int fListNodes, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodePrintLevel( FILE * pFile, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintSkews( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fPrintAll ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjPrint( FILE * pFile, Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkShow6VarFunc( char * pF0, char * pF1 ); /*=== abcProve.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMiterProve( Abc_Ntk_t ** ppNtk, void * pParams ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIvyProve( Abc_Ntk_t ** ppNtk, void * pPars ); /*=== abcRec3.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecStart3( Gia_Man_t * p, int nVars, int nCuts, int fFuncOnly, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecStop3(); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecAdd3( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUseSOPB ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecPs3(int fPrintLib); extern ABC_DLL Gia_Man_t * Abc_NtkRecGetGia3(); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRecIsRunning3(); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecLibMerge3(Gia_Man_t * pGia); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRecInputNum3(); //extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkRecFilter3(int nLimit); /*=== abcReconv.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_ManCut_t * Abc_NtkManCutStart( int nNodeSizeMax, int nConeSizeMax, int nNodeFanStop, int nConeFanStop ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkManCutStop( Abc_ManCut_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkManCutReadCutLarge( Abc_ManCut_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkManCutReadCutSmall( Abc_ManCut_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkManCutReadVisited( Abc_ManCut_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NodeFindCut( Abc_ManCut_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pRoot, int fContain ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeConeCollect( Abc_Obj_t ** ppRoots, int nRoots, Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins, Vec_Ptr_t * vVisited, int fIncludeFanins ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NodeCollectTfoCands( Abc_ManCut_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pRoot, Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins, int LevelMax ); /*=== abcRefs.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMffcSize( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMffcSizeSupp( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMffcSizeStop( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMffcLabelAig( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeMffcLabel( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeMffcConeSupp( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vCone, Vec_Ptr_t * vSupp ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeDeref_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeRef_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); /*=== abcRefactor.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRefactor( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nNodeSizeMax, int nConeSizeMax, int fUpdateLevel, int fUseZeros, int fUseDcs, int fVerbose ); /*=== abcRewrite.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkRewrite( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUpdateLevel, int fUseZeros, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose, int fPlaceEnable ); /*=== abcSat.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMiterSat( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, ABC_INT64_T nConfLimit, ABC_INT64_T nInsLimit, int fVerbose, ABC_INT64_T * pNumConfs, ABC_INT64_T * pNumInspects ); extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NtkMiterSatCreate( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fAllPrimes ); /*=== abcSop.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopRegister( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, const char * pName ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopStart( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nCubes, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateConst0( Mem_Flex_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateConst1( Mem_Flex_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateAnd2( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int fCompl0, int fCompl1 ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateAnd( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars, int * pfCompl ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateNand( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateOr( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars, int * pfCompl ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateOrMultiCube( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars, int * pfCompl ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateNor( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateXor( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateXorSpecial( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateNxor( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateMux( Mem_Flex_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateInv( Mem_Flex_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateBuf( Mem_Flex_t * pMan ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateFromTruth( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars, unsigned * pTruth ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateFromIsop( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetCubeNum( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetLitNum( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetVarNum( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetPhase( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetIthCareLit( char * pSop, int i ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_SopComplement( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_SopComplementVar( char * pSop, int iVar ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsComplement( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsConst0( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsConst1( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsBuf( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsInv( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsAndType( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsOrType( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsExorType( char * pSop ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_SopCheck( char * pSop, int nFanins ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopFromTruthBin( char * pTruth ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopFromTruthHex( char * pTruth ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopEncoderPos( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int iValue, int nValues ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopEncoderLog( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int iBit, int nValues ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopDecoderPos( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nValues ); extern ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopDecoderLog( Mem_Flex_t * pMan, int nValues ); extern ABC_DLL word Abc_SopToTruth( char * pSop, int nInputs ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_SopToTruth7( char * pSop, int nInputs, word r[2] ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_SopToTruthBig( char * pSop, int nInputs, word ** pVars, word * pCube, word * pRes ); /*=== abcStrash.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkRestrash( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCleanup ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkRestrashZero( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fCleanup ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStrash( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fAllNodes, int fCleanup, int fRecord ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeStrash( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, int fRecord ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkAppend( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fAddPos ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkTopmost( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nLevels ); /*=== abcSweep.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkSweep( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCleanup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCleanupNodes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCleanupSeq( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fLatchSweep, int fAutoSweep, int fVerbose ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkSweepBufsInvs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose ); /*=== abcTiming.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkReadDefaultArrival( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkReadDefaultRequired( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NodeReadArrival( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NodeReadRequired( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkReadDefaultArrivalWorst( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkReadDefaultRequiredWorst( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadArrivalAve( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadRequiredAve( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadArrivalWorst( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadRequiredWorst( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkReadDefaultInputDrive( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkReadDefaultOutputLoad( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NodeReadInputDrive( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iPi ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NodeReadOutputLoad( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iPo ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadInputDriveWorst( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iPi ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NodeReadOutputLoadWorst( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int iPo ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetDefaultArrival( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetDefaultRequired( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetArrival( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int ObjId, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetRequired( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int ObjId, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetDefaultInputDrive( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetDefaultOutputLoad( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetInputDrive( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int PiNum, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeSetOutputLoad( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int PoNum, float Rise, float Fall ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTimeInitialize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkOld ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ManTimeStop( Abc_ManTime_t * p ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ManTimeDup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkOld, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkSetNodeLevelsArrival( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkDelayTrace( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pOut, Abc_Obj_t * pIn, int fPrint ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjLevelNew( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjReverseLevelNew( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjRequiredLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjReverseLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjSetReverseLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int LevelR ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkStartReverseLevels( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nMaxLevelIncrease ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkStopReverseLevels( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkUpdateLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew, Vec_Vec_t * vLevels ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkUpdateReverseLevel( Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew, Vec_Vec_t * vLevels ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkUpdate( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew, Vec_Vec_t * vLevels ); /*=== abcUtil.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL void * Abc_NtkAttrFree( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Attr, int fFreeMan ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkOrderCisCos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetCubeNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetCubePairNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetLitNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetLitFactNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetBddNodeNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetAigNodeNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetClauseNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL double Abc_NtkGetMappedArea( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetExorNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetMuxNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetBufNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetLargeNodeNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetChoiceNum( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetFaninMax( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetFanoutMax( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkGetTotalFanins( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanCopy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanCopy_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanData( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFillTemp( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCountCopy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkSaveCopy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkLoadCopy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vCopies ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanNext( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanNext_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanMarkA( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanMarkB( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanMarkC( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanMarkAB( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkCleanMarkABC( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeFindFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Abc_Obj_t * pFanin ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeFindCoFanout( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeFindNonCoFanout( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeHasUniqueCoFanout( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkLogicHasSimpleCos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkLogicMakeSimpleCos( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fDuplicate ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_VecObjPushUniqueOrderByLevel( Vec_Ptr_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsExorType( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsMuxType( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeIsMuxControlType( Abc_Obj_t * pNode ); extern ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeRecognizeMux( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodeT, Abc_Obj_t ** ppNodeE ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkPrepareTwoNtks( FILE * pErr, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char ** argv, int argc, Abc_Ntk_t ** ppNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t ** ppNtk2, int * pfDelete1, int * pfDelete2 ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeCollectFanins( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NodeCollectFanouts( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkCollectLatches( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeCompareLevelsIncrease( Abc_Obj_t ** pp1, Abc_Obj_t ** pp2 ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NodeCompareLevelsDecrease( Abc_Obj_t ** pp1, Abc_Obj_t ** pp2 ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Int_t * Abc_NtkFanoutCounts( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkCollectObjects( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL Vec_Int_t * Abc_NtkGetCiIds( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkReassignIds( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_ObjPointerCompare( void ** pp1, void ** pp2 ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTransferCopy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkInvertConstraints( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkPrintCiLevels( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkReverseTopoOrder( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsTopo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkTransferPhases( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk ); /*=== abcVerify.c ==========================================================*/ extern ABC_DLL int * Abc_NtkVerifyGetCleanModel( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nFrames ); extern ABC_DLL int * Abc_NtkVerifySimulatePattern( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int * pModel ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsTrueCex( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Cex_t * pCex ); extern ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsValidCex( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Cex_t * pCex ); ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_END #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////