/**CFile**************************************************************** FileHead [amapLiberty.c] SystemHead [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageHead [Technology mapper for standard cells.] Synopsis [Liberty parser.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: amapLiberty.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "amapInt.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // entry types typedef enum { AMAP_LIBERTY_NONE = 0, // 0: unknown AMAP_LIBERTY_PROC, // 1: procedure : key(head){body} AMAP_LIBERTY_EQUA, // 2: equation : key:head; AMAP_LIBERTY_LIST // 3: list : key(head) } Amap_LibertyType_t; typedef struct Amap_Pair_t_ Amap_Pair_t; struct Amap_Pair_t_ { int Beg; // item beginning int End; // item end }; typedef struct Amap_Item_t_ Amap_Item_t; struct Amap_Item_t_ { int Type; // Amap_LibertyType_t int iLine; // file line where the item's spec begins Amap_Pair_t Key; // key part Amap_Pair_t Head; // head part Amap_Pair_t Body; // body part int Next; // next item in the list int Child; // first child item }; typedef struct Amap_Tree_t_ Amap_Tree_t; struct Amap_Tree_t_ { char * pFileName; // input Liberty file name char * pContents; // file contents int nContents; // file size int nLines; // line counter int nItems; // number of items int nItermAlloc; // number of items allocated Amap_Item_t * pItems; // the items char * pError; // the error string }; static inline Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyRoot( Amap_Tree_t * p ) { return p->pItems; } static inline Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyItem( Amap_Tree_t * p, int v ) { assert( v < p->nItems ); return v < 0 ? NULL : p->pItems + v; } static inline int Amap_LibertyCompare( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Pair_t Pair, char * pStr ) { return strncmp( p->pContents+Pair.Beg, pStr, Pair.End-Pair.Beg ); } static inline void Amap_PrintWord( FILE * pFile, Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Pair_t Pair ) { char * pBeg = p->pContents+Pair.Beg, * pEnd = p->pContents+Pair.End; while ( pBeg < pEnd ) fputc( *pBeg++, pFile ); } static inline void Amap_PrintSpace( FILE * pFile, int nOffset ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < nOffset; i++ ) fputc(' ', pFile); } static inline int Amap_LibertyItemId( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pItem ) { return pItem - p->pItems; } #define Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pItem, pChild ) \ for ( pChild = Amap_LibertyItem(p, pItem->Child); pChild; pChild = Amap_LibertyItem(p, pChild->Next) ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Prints parse tree in Liberty format.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Amap_LibertyPrintLibertyItem( FILE * pFile, Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pItem, int nOffset ) { if ( pItem->Type == AMAP_LIBERTY_PROC ) { Amap_PrintSpace( pFile, nOffset ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Key ); fprintf( pFile, "(" ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Head ); fprintf( pFile, ") {\n" ); if ( Amap_LibertyItem(p, pItem->Child) ) Amap_LibertyPrintLibertyItem( pFile, p, Amap_LibertyItem(p, pItem->Child), nOffset + 1 ); Amap_PrintSpace( pFile, nOffset ); fprintf( pFile, "}\n" ); } else if ( pItem->Type == AMAP_LIBERTY_EQUA ) { Amap_PrintSpace( pFile, nOffset ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Key ); fprintf( pFile, " : " ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Head ); fprintf( pFile, ";\n" ); } else if ( pItem->Type == AMAP_LIBERTY_LIST ) { Amap_PrintSpace( pFile, nOffset ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Key ); fprintf( pFile, "(" ); Amap_PrintWord( pFile, p, pItem->Head ); fprintf( pFile, ");\n" ); } else assert( 0 ); if ( Amap_LibertyItem(p, pItem->Next) ) Amap_LibertyPrintLibertyItem( pFile, p, Amap_LibertyItem(p, pItem->Next), nOffset ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Prints parse tree in Liberty format.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyPrintLiberty( Amap_Tree_t * p, char * pFileName ) { FILE * pFile; if ( pFileName == NULL ) pFile = stdout; else { pFile = fopen( pFileName, "w" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintLiberty(): The output file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" ); return 0; } } Amap_LibertyPrintLibertyItem( pFile, p, Amap_LibertyRoot(p), 0 ); if ( pFile != stdout ) fclose( pFile ); return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns the time stamp.] Description [The file should be closed.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ char * Amap_LibertyTimeStamp() { static char Buffer[100]; char * TimeStamp; time_t ltime; // get the current time time( <ime ); TimeStamp = asctime( localtime( <ime ) ); TimeStamp[ strlen(TimeStamp) - 1 ] = 0; strcpy( Buffer, TimeStamp ); return Buffer; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns cell's function.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyCellIsFlop( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pCell ) { Amap_Item_t * pAttr; Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pCell, pAttr ) if ( !Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pAttr->Key, "ff") || !Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pAttr->Key, "latch") ) return 1; return 0; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns pin's function.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyPinFunction( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pPin ) { Amap_Item_t * pFunc; Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pPin, pFunc ) if ( !Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pFunc->Key, "function") ) return pFunc; return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns cell's function.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyCellOutput( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pCell ) { Amap_Item_t * pPin; Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pCell, pPin ) { if ( Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pPin->Key, "pin") ) continue; if ( Amap_LibertyPinFunction(p, pPin) ) return pPin; } return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns cell's area.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyCellArea( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pCell ) { Amap_Item_t * pArea; Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pCell, pArea ) { if ( Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pArea->Key, "area") ) continue; return pArea; } return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Count cell's output pins (pins with a logic function).] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyCellCountOutputs( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Item_t * pCell ) { Amap_Item_t * pPin; int Counter = 0; Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pCell, pPin ) { if ( Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pPin->Key, "pin") ) continue; if ( Amap_LibertyPinFunction(p, pPin) ) Counter++; } return Counter; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Gets the name to write.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ char * Amap_LibertyGetString( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Pair_t Pair ) { static char Buffer[256]; strncpy( Buffer, p->pContents+Pair.Beg, Pair.End-Pair.Beg ); Buffer[Pair.End-Pair.Beg] = 0; return Buffer; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Gets the name to write.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ char * Amap_LibertyGetStringFormula( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Pair_t Pair ) { static char Buffer[256]; strncpy( Buffer, p->pContents+Pair.Beg+1, Pair.End-Pair.Beg-2 ); Buffer[Pair.End-Pair.Beg-2] = 0; return Buffer; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Prints parse tree in Genlib format.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib( Amap_Tree_t * p, char * pFileName ) { FILE * pFile; Amap_Item_t * pCell, * pArea, * pFunc, * pPin, * pOutput; char * pForm; int Counter; if ( pFileName == NULL ) pFile = stdout; else { pFile = fopen( pFileName, "w" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib(): The output file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" ); return 0; } } fprintf( pFile, "# This Genlib file was generated by ABC on %s\n", Amap_LibertyTimeStamp() ); fprintf( pFile, "# The standard cell library \"%s\" is from Liberty file \"%s\"\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, Amap_LibertyRoot(p)->Head), p->pFileName ); fprintf( pFile, "# (To find out more about Genlib format, google for \"sis_paper.ps\")\n" ); fprintf( pFile, "GATE " ); fprintf( pFile, "%16s ", "_const0_" ); fprintf( pFile, "%f ", 0.0 ); fprintf( pFile, "%s=", "z" ); fprintf( pFile, "%s;\n", "CONST0" ); fprintf( pFile, "GATE " ); fprintf( pFile, "%16s ", "_const1_" ); fprintf( pFile, "%f ", 0.0 ); fprintf( pFile, "%s=", "z" ); fprintf( pFile, "%s;\n", "CONST1" ); Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, Amap_LibertyRoot(p), pCell ) { /* if ( strcmp(Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head), "HA1SVTX1") == 0 ) { int s = 0; } */ if ( Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pCell->Key, "cell") ) continue; if ( Amap_LibertyCellIsFlop(p, pCell) ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib() skipped sequential cell \"%s\".\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head) ); continue; } Counter = Amap_LibertyCellCountOutputs( p, pCell ); if ( Counter == 0 ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib() skipped cell \"%s\" without logic function.\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head) ); continue; } if ( Counter > 1 ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib() skipped multi-output cell \"%s\".\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head) ); continue; } pArea = Amap_LibertyCellArea( p, pCell ); if ( pArea == NULL ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib() skipped cell \"%s\" with unspecified area.\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head) ); continue; } pOutput = Amap_LibertyCellOutput( p, pCell ); pFunc = Amap_LibertyPinFunction( p, pOutput ); pForm = Amap_LibertyGetStringFormula( p, pFunc->Head ); if ( !strcmp(pForm, "0") || !strcmp(pForm, "1") ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib() skipped cell \"%s\" with constant formula \"%s\".\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head), pForm ); continue; } fprintf( pFile, "GATE " ); fprintf( pFile, "%16s ", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pCell->Head) ); fprintf( pFile, "%f ", atof(Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pArea->Head)) ); fprintf( pFile, "%s=", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pOutput->Head) ); fprintf( pFile, "%s;\n", Amap_LibertyGetStringFormula(p, pFunc->Head) ); Amap_ItemForEachChild( p, pCell, pPin ) if ( pPin != pOutput && !Amap_LibertyCompare(p, pPin->Key, "pin") ) fprintf( pFile, " PIN %13s UNKNOWN 1 999 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00\n", Amap_LibertyGetString(p, pPin->Head) ); } if ( pFile != stdout ) fclose( pFile ); return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns the file size.] Description [The file should be closed.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyFileSize( char * pFileName ) { FILE * pFile; int nFileSize; pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { printf( "Amap_LibertyFileSize(): The input file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" ); return 0; } fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END ); nFileSize = ftell( pFile ); fclose( pFile ); return nFileSize; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Amap_LibertyFixFileHead( char * pFileName ) { char * pHead; for ( pHead = pFileName; *pHead; pHead++ ) if ( *pHead == '>' ) *pHead = '\\'; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyCountItems( char * pBeg, char * pEnd ) { int Counter = 0; for ( ; pBeg < pEnd; pBeg++ ) Counter += (*pBeg == '(' || *pBeg == ':'); return Counter; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Removes C-style comments.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Amap_LibertyWipeOutComments( char * pBeg, char * pEnd ) { char * pCur, * pStart; for ( pCur = pBeg; pCur < pEnd; pCur++ ) if ( pCur[0] == '/' && pCur[1] == '*' ) for ( pStart = pCur; pCur < pEnd; pCur++ ) if ( pCur[0] == '*' && pCur[1] == '/' ) { for ( ; pStart < pCur + 2; pStart++ ) if ( *pStart != '\n' ) *pStart = ' '; break; } } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 1 if the character is space.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Amap_LibertyCharIsSpace( char c ) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\\'; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Skips spaces.] Description [Returns 1 if reached the end.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( Amap_Tree_t * p, char ** ppPos, char * pEnd, int fStopAtNewLine ) { char * pPos = *ppPos; for ( ; pPos < pEnd; pPos++ ) { if ( *pPos == '\n' ) { p->nLines++; if ( fStopAtNewLine ) break; } if ( !Amap_LibertyCharIsSpace(*pPos) ) break; } *ppPos = pPos; return pPos == pEnd; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Skips entry delimited by " :;(){}" ] Description [Returns 1 if reached the end.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Amap_LibertySkipEntry( char ** ppPos, char * pEnd ) { char * pPos = *ppPos; if ( *pPos == '\"' ) { for ( pPos++; pPos < pEnd; pPos++ ) if ( *pPos == '\"' ) { pPos++; break; } } else { for ( ; pPos < pEnd; pPos++ ) if ( *pPos == ' ' || *pPos == '\r' || *pPos == '\n' || *pPos == '\t' || *pPos == ':' || *pPos == ';' || *pPos == '(' || *pPos == ')' || *pPos == '{' || *pPos == '}' ) break; } *ppPos = pPos; return pPos == pEnd; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Find the matching closing symbol.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline char * Amap_LibertyFindMatch( char * pPos, char * pEnd ) { int Counter = 0; assert( *pPos == '(' || *pPos == '{' ); if ( *pPos == '(' ) { for ( ; pPos < pEnd; pPos++ ) { if ( *pPos == '(' ) Counter++; if ( *pPos == ')' ) Counter--; if ( Counter == 0 ) break; } } else { for ( ; pPos < pEnd; pPos++ ) { if ( *pPos == '{' ) Counter++; if ( *pPos == '}' ) Counter--; if ( Counter == 0 ) break; } } assert( *pPos == ')' || *pPos == '}' ); return pPos; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Find the matching closing symbol.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline Amap_Pair_t Amap_LibertyUpdateHead( Amap_Tree_t * p, Amap_Pair_t Head ) { Amap_Pair_t Res; char * pBeg = p->pContents + Head.Beg; char * pEnd = p->pContents + Head.End; char * pFirstNonSpace = NULL; char * pLastNonSpace = NULL; char * pChar; for ( pChar = pBeg; pChar < pEnd; pChar++ ) { if ( *pChar == '\n' ) p->nLines++; if ( Amap_LibertyCharIsSpace(*pChar) ) continue; pLastNonSpace = pChar; if ( pFirstNonSpace == NULL ) pFirstNonSpace = pChar; } if ( pFirstNonSpace == NULL || pLastNonSpace == NULL ) return Head; assert( pFirstNonSpace && pLastNonSpace ); Res.Beg = pFirstNonSpace - p->pContents; Res.End = pLastNonSpace - p->pContents + 1; return Res; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns free item.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline Amap_Item_t * Amap_LibertyNewItem( Amap_Tree_t * p, int Type ) { p->pItems[p->nItems].iLine = p->nLines; p->pItems[p->nItems].Type = Type; p->pItems[p->nItems].Child = -1; p->pItems[p->nItems].Next = -1; return p->pItems + p->nItems++; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns free item.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyBuildItem( Amap_Tree_t * p, char ** ppPos, char * pEnd ) { Amap_Item_t * pItem; Amap_Pair_t Key, Head, Body; char * pNext, * pStop; Key.End = 0; if ( Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( p, ppPos, pEnd, 0 ) ) return -2; Key.Beg = *ppPos - p->pContents; if ( Amap_LibertySkipEntry( ppPos, pEnd ) ) goto exit; Key.End = *ppPos - p->pContents; if ( Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( p, ppPos, pEnd, 0 ) ) goto exit; pNext = *ppPos; if ( *pNext == ':' ) { *ppPos = pNext + 1; if ( Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( p, ppPos, pEnd, 0 ) ) goto exit; Head.Beg = *ppPos - p->pContents; if ( Amap_LibertySkipEntry( ppPos, pEnd ) ) goto exit; Head.End = *ppPos - p->pContents; if ( Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( p, ppPos, pEnd, 1 ) ) goto exit; pNext = *ppPos; if ( *pNext != ';' && *pNext != '\n' ) goto exit; *ppPos = pNext + 1; // end of equation pItem = Amap_LibertyNewItem( p, AMAP_LIBERTY_EQUA ); pItem->Key = Key; pItem->Head = Amap_LibertyUpdateHead( p, Head ); pItem->Next = Amap_LibertyBuildItem( p, ppPos, pEnd ); if ( pItem->Next == -1 ) goto exit; return Amap_LibertyItemId( p, pItem ); } if ( *pNext == '(' ) { pStop = Amap_LibertyFindMatch( pNext, pEnd ); Head.Beg = pNext - p->pContents + 1; Head.End = pStop - p->pContents; *ppPos = pStop + 1; if ( Amap_LibertySkipSpaces( p, ppPos, pEnd, 0 ) ) { // end of list pItem = Amap_LibertyNewItem( p, AMAP_LIBERTY_LIST ); pItem->Key = Key; pItem->Head = Amap_LibertyUpdateHead( p, Head ); return Amap_LibertyItemId( p, pItem ); } pNext = *ppPos; if ( *pNext == '{' ) // beginning of body { pStop = Amap_LibertyFindMatch( pNext, pEnd ); Body.Beg = pNext - p->pContents + 1; Body.End = pStop - p->pContents; // end of body pItem = Amap_LibertyNewItem( p, AMAP_LIBERTY_PROC ); pItem->Key = Key; pItem->Head = Amap_LibertyUpdateHead( p, Head ); pItem->Body = Body; *ppPos = pNext + 1; pItem->Child = Amap_LibertyBuildItem( p, ppPos, pStop ); if ( pItem->Child == -1 ) goto exit; *ppPos = pStop + 1; pItem->Next = Amap_LibertyBuildItem( p, ppPos, pEnd ); if ( pItem->Next == -1 ) goto exit; return Amap_LibertyItemId( p, pItem ); } // end of list if ( *pNext == ';' ) *ppPos = pNext + 1; pItem = Amap_LibertyNewItem( p, AMAP_LIBERTY_LIST ); pItem->Key = Key; pItem->Head = Amap_LibertyUpdateHead( p, Head ); pItem->Next = Amap_LibertyBuildItem( p, ppPos, pEnd ); if ( pItem->Next == -1 ) goto exit; return Amap_LibertyItemId( p, pItem ); } exit: if ( p->pError == NULL ) { p->pError = ABC_ALLOC( char, 1000 ); sprintf( p->pError, "File \"%s\". Line %6d. Failed to parse entry \"%s\".\n", p->pFileName, p->nLines, Amap_LibertyGetString(p, Key) ); } return -1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Starts the parsing manager.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Amap_Tree_t * Amap_LibertyStart( char * pFileName ) { FILE * pFile; Amap_Tree_t * p; int RetValue; // start the manager p = ABC_ALLOC( Amap_Tree_t, 1 ); memset( p, 0, sizeof(Amap_Tree_t) ); // read the file into the buffer Amap_LibertyFixFileHead( pFileName ); p->nContents = Amap_LibertyFileSize( pFileName ); if ( p->nContents == 0 ) { ABC_FREE( p ); return NULL; } pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" ); p->pContents = ABC_ALLOC( char, p->nContents+1 ); RetValue = fread( p->pContents, p->nContents, 1, pFile ); fclose( pFile ); p->pContents[p->nContents] = 0; // other p->pFileName = Abc_UtilStrsav( pFileName ); p->nItermAlloc = 10 + Amap_LibertyCountItems( p->pContents, p->pContents+p->nContents ); p->pItems = ABC_CALLOC( Amap_Item_t, p->nItermAlloc ); p->nItems = 0; p->nLines = 1; return p; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Stops the parsing manager.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Amap_LibertyStop( Amap_Tree_t * p ) { ABC_FREE( p->pFileName ); ABC_FREE( p->pContents ); ABC_FREE( p->pItems ); ABC_FREE( p->pError ); ABC_FREE( p ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Parses the standard cell library in Liberty format.] Description [Writes the resulting file in Genlib format.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Amap_LibertyParse( char * pFileName, char * pFileGenlib, int fVerbose ) { Amap_Tree_t * p; char * pPos; clock_t clk = clock(); int RetValue; p = Amap_LibertyStart( pFileName ); if ( p == NULL ) return 0; pPos = p->pContents; Amap_LibertyWipeOutComments( p->pContents, p->pContents+p->nContents ); if ( Amap_LibertyBuildItem( p, &pPos, p->pContents + p->nContents ) == 0 ) { if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Parsing finished successfully.\n" ); // Amap_LibertyPrintLiberty( p, "temp_.lib" ); Amap_LibertyPrintGenlib( p, "temp.genlib" ); RetValue = 1; } else { if ( p->pError ) printf( "%s", p->pError ); if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Parsing failed.\n" ); RetValue = 0; } if ( fVerbose ) { printf( "Memory = %7.2f MB. ", 1.0*(p->nContents+p->nItermAlloc*sizeof(Amap_Item_t))/(1<<20) ); ABC_PRT( "Time", clock() - clk ); } Amap_LibertyStop( p ); return RetValue; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END