/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [ FxchMan.c ] PackageName [ Fast eXtract with Cube Hashing (FXCH) ] Synopsis [ Fxch Manager implementation ] Author [ Bruno Schmitt - boschmitt at inf.ufrgs.br ] Affiliation [ UFRGS ] Date [ Ver. 1.0. Started - March 6, 2016. ] Revision [] ***********************************************************************/ #include "Fxch.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// LOCAL FUNCTIONS DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline int Fxch_ManSCAddRemove( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, unsigned int SubCubeID, unsigned int iSubCube, unsigned int iCube, unsigned int iLit0, unsigned int iLit1, char fAdd, char fUpdate ) { int ret = 0; if ( fAdd ) { ret = Fxch_SCHashTableInsert( pFxchMan->pSCHashTable, pFxchMan->vCubes, SubCubeID, iSubCube, iCube, iLit0, iLit1, fUpdate ); } else { ret = Fxch_SCHashTableRemove( pFxchMan->pSCHashTable, pFxchMan->vCubes, SubCubeID, iSubCube, iCube, iLit0, iLit1, fUpdate ); } return ret; } static inline int Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, int iCube, int fAdd, int fUpdate ) { Vec_Int_t* vCube = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vCubes, iCube ); int i, k, Lit0, Lit1, fSingleCube = 1, fBase = 0; if ( Vec_IntSize(vCube) < 2 ) return 0; Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit0, i, 1) Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit1, k, (i + 1) ) { assert( Lit0 < Lit1 ); Vec_IntClear( pFxchMan->vCubeFree ); Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit( Abc_LitNot( Lit0 ), 0 ) ); Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit( Abc_LitNot( Lit1 ), 1 ) ); if (fAdd) { Fxch_DivAdd( pFxchMan, fUpdate, fSingleCube, fBase ); pFxchMan->nPairsS++; } else { Fxch_DivRemove( pFxchMan, fUpdate, fSingleCube, fBase ); pFxchMan->nPairsS--; } } return Vec_IntSize( vCube ) * ( Vec_IntSize( vCube ) - 1 ) / 2; } static inline void Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, int iCube, int fAdd, int fUpdate ) { Vec_Int_t* vLitHashKeys = pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys, * vCube = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vCubes, iCube ); int SubCubeID = 0, nHashedSC = 0, iLit0, Lit0; Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit0, iLit0, 1) SubCubeID += Vec_IntEntry( vLitHashKeys, Lit0 ); Fxch_ManSCAddRemove( pFxchMan, SubCubeID, nHashedSC++, iCube, 0, 0, (char)fAdd, (char)fUpdate ); Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit0, iLit0, 1) { /* 1 Lit remove */ SubCubeID -= Vec_IntEntry( vLitHashKeys, Lit0 ); pFxchMan->nPairsD += Fxch_ManSCAddRemove( pFxchMan, SubCubeID, nHashedSC++, iCube, iLit0, 0, (char)fAdd, (char)fUpdate ); if ( Vec_IntSize( vCube ) > 3 ) { int Lit1, iLit1; Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit1, iLit1, iLit0 + 1) { /* 2 Lit remove */ SubCubeID -= Vec_IntEntry( vLitHashKeys, Lit1 ); pFxchMan->nPairsD += Fxch_ManSCAddRemove( pFxchMan, SubCubeID, nHashedSC++, iCube, iLit0, iLit1, (char)fAdd, (char)fUpdate ); SubCubeID += Vec_IntEntry( vLitHashKeys, Lit1 ); } } SubCubeID += Vec_IntEntry( vLitHashKeys, Lit0 ); } } static inline void Fxch_ManCompressCubes( Vec_Wec_t* vCubes, Vec_Int_t* vLit2Cube ) { int i, k = 0, CubeId; Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLit2Cube, CubeId, i ) if ( Vec_IntSize(Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, CubeId)) > 0 ) Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLit2Cube, k++, CubeId ); Vec_IntShrink( vLit2Cube, k ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PUBLIC INTERFACE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fxch_Man_t* Fxch_ManAlloc( Vec_Wec_t* vCubes, char SMode ) { Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan = ABC_CALLOC( Fxch_Man_t, 1 ); pFxchMan->vCubes = vCubes; pFxchMan->pDivHash = Hsh_VecManStart( 1000 ); pFxchMan->vDivWeights = Vec_FltAlloc( 1000 ); pFxchMan->SMode = SMode; if ( pFxchMan->SMode == 0 ) pFxchMan->vDivCubePairs = Vec_WecAlloc( 1000 ); pFxchMan->vCubeFree = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); pFxchMan->vDiv = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); pFxchMan->vCubesS = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); pFxchMan->vPairs = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); return pFxchMan; } void Fxch_ManFree( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { Vec_WecFree( pFxchMan->vLits ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vLitCount ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys ); Hsh_VecManStop( pFxchMan->pDivHash ); Vec_FltFree( pFxchMan->vDivWeights ); Vec_QueFree( pFxchMan->vDivPrio ); if ( pFxchMan->SMode == 0 ) Vec_WecFree( pFxchMan->vDivCubePairs ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vLevels ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vCubeFree ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vDiv ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vCubesS ); Vec_IntFree( pFxchMan->vPairs ); ABC_FREE( pFxchMan ); } void Fxch_ManMapLiteralsIntoCubes( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, int nVars ) { Vec_Int_t* vCube; int i, k, Lit, Count; pFxchMan->nVars = 0; pFxchMan->nLits = 0; Vec_WecForEachLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube, i ) { assert( Vec_IntSize(vCube) > 0 ); pFxchMan->nVars = Abc_MaxInt( pFxchMan->nVars, Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 ) ); pFxchMan->nLits += Vec_IntSize(vCube) - 1; Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 ) pFxchMan->nVars = Abc_MaxInt( pFxchMan->nVars, Abc_Lit2Var( Lit ) ); } assert( pFxchMan->nVars < nVars ); pFxchMan->nVars = nVars; /* Count the number of time each literal appears on the SOP */ pFxchMan->vLitCount = Vec_IntStart( 2 * pFxchMan->nVars ); Vec_WecForEachLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube, i ) Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 ) Vec_IntAddToEntry( pFxchMan->vLitCount, Lit, 1 ); /* Allocate space to the array of arrays wich maps Literals into cubes which uses them */ pFxchMan->vLits = Vec_WecStart( 2 * pFxchMan->nVars ); Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vLitCount, Count, Lit ) Vec_IntGrow( Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit ), Count ); /* Maps Literals into cubes which uses them */ Vec_WecForEachLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube, i ) Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 ) Vec_WecPush( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit, i ); } void Fxch_ManGenerateLitHashKeys( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { int i; /* Generates the random number which will be used for hashing cubes */ Gia_ManRandom( 1 ); pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys = Vec_IntAlloc( ( 2 * pFxchMan->nVars ) ); for ( i = 0; i < (2 * pFxchMan->nVars); i++ ) Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys, Gia_ManRandom(0) & 0x3FFFFFF ); } void Fxch_ManSCHashTablesInit( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { Vec_Wec_t* vCubes = pFxchMan->vCubes; Vec_Int_t* vCube, * vCubeLinks; int iCube, nTotalHashed = 0; vCubeLinks = Vec_IntAlloc( Vec_WecSize( vCubes ) + 1 ); Vec_WecForEachLevel( vCubes, vCube, iCube ) { int nLits = Vec_IntSize( vCube ) - 1, nSubCubes = nLits == 2? nLits : ( nLits * nLits + nLits ) / 2; Vec_IntPush( vCubeLinks, ( nTotalHashed + 1 ) ); nTotalHashed += nSubCubes + 1; } pFxchMan->pSCHashTable = Fxch_SCHashTableCreate( pFxchMan, vCubeLinks, nTotalHashed ); } void Fxch_ManSCHashTablesFree( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { Fxch_SCHashTableDelete( pFxchMan->pSCHashTable ); } void Fxch_ManDivCreate( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { Vec_Int_t* vCube; float Weight; int fAdd = 1, fUpdate = 0, iCube; Vec_WecForEachLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube, iCube ) { Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube, fAdd, fUpdate ); Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( pFxchMan, iCube, fAdd, fUpdate ); } pFxchMan->vDivPrio = Vec_QueAlloc( Vec_FltSize( pFxchMan->vDivWeights ) ); Vec_QueSetPriority( pFxchMan->vDivPrio, Vec_FltArrayP( pFxchMan->vDivWeights ) ); Vec_FltForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vDivWeights, Weight, iCube ) { if ( Weight > 0.0 ) Vec_QuePush( pFxchMan->vDivPrio, iCube ); } } /* Level Computation */ int Fxch_ManComputeLevelDiv( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, Vec_Int_t* vCubeFree ) { int i, Lit, Level = 0; Vec_IntForEachEntry( vCubeFree, Lit, i ) Level = Abc_MaxInt( Level, Vec_IntEntry( pFxchMan->vLevels, Abc_Lit2Var( Abc_Lit2Var( Lit ) ) ) ); return Abc_MinInt( Level, 800 ); } int Fxch_ManComputeLevelCube( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, Vec_Int_t * vCube ) { int k, Lit, Level = 0; Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 ) Level = Abc_MaxInt( Level, Vec_IntEntry( pFxchMan->vLevels, Abc_Lit2Var( Lit ) ) ); return Level; } void Fxch_ManComputeLevel( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { Vec_Int_t* vCube; int i, iVar, iFirst = 0; iVar = Vec_IntEntry( Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vCubes, 0 ), 0 ); pFxchMan->vLevels = Vec_IntStart( pFxchMan->nVars ); Vec_WecForEachLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube, i ) { if ( iVar != Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 ) ) { Vec_IntAddToEntry( pFxchMan->vLevels, iVar, i - iFirst ); iVar = Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 ); iFirst = i; } Vec_IntUpdateEntry( pFxchMan->vLevels, iVar, Fxch_ManComputeLevelCube( pFxchMan, vCube ) ); } } void Fxch_ManUpdate( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan, int iDiv ) { int i, k, iCube0, iCube1, Lit0 = -1, Lit1 = -1, iVarNew, Level, nCompls; Vec_Int_t* vCube0, * vCube1, * vLitP, * vLitN, * vDivCubePairs; /* Get the selected candidate (divisor) */ Vec_IntClear( pFxchMan->vDiv ); Vec_IntAppend( pFxchMan->vDiv, Hsh_VecReadEntry( pFxchMan->pDivHash, iDiv ) ); /* Find cubes associated with the single divisor */ Vec_IntClear( pFxchMan->vCubesS ); if ( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) == 2 ) { Lit0 = Abc_Lit2Var( Vec_IntEntry( pFxchMan->vDiv, 0 ) ); Lit1 = Abc_Lit2Var( Vec_IntEntry( pFxchMan->vDiv, 1 ) ); Fxch_ManCompressCubes( pFxchMan->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_LitNot( Lit0 ) ) ); Fxch_ManCompressCubes( pFxchMan->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_LitNot( Lit1 ) ) ); Vec_IntTwoRemoveCommon( Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_LitNot( Lit0 ) ), Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_LitNot( Lit1 ) ), pFxchMan->vCubesS ); } else Fxch_DivFindPivots( pFxchMan->vDiv, &Lit0, &Lit1 ); assert( Lit0 >= 0 && Lit1 >= 0 ); /* Find pairs associated with the divisor */ Vec_IntClear( pFxchMan->vPairs ); if ( pFxchMan->SMode == 1 ) { Fxch_ManCompressCubes( pFxchMan->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(pFxchMan->vLits, Lit0) ); Fxch_ManCompressCubes( pFxchMan->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(pFxchMan->vLits, Lit1) ); Fxch_DivFindCubePairs( pFxchMan, Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit0 ), Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit1 ) ); } else { vDivCubePairs = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vDivCubePairs, iDiv ); Vec_IntAppend( pFxchMan->vPairs, vDivCubePairs ); Vec_IntErase( vDivCubePairs ); } Vec_IntForEachEntryDouble( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, iCube1, i ) { assert( Fxch_ManGetLit( pFxchMan, iCube0, 0) == Fxch_ManGetLit( pFxchMan, iCube1, 0) ); if (iCube0 > iCube1) { Vec_IntSetEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, i, iCube1); Vec_IntSetEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, i+1, iCube0); } } Vec_IntUniqifyPairs( pFxchMan->vPairs ); assert( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vPairs ) % 2 == 0 ); /* subtract cost of single-cube divisors */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vCubesS, iCube0, i ) Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 0, 1); /* remove (fAdd = 0) - fUpdate = 1 */ Vec_IntForEachEntryDouble( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, iCube1, i ) Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 0, 1), /* remove (fAdd = 0) - fUpdate = 1 */ Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube1, 0, 1); /* remove (fAdd = 0) - fUpdate = 1 */ /* subtract cost of double-cube divisors */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vCubesS, iCube0, i ) { if ( iCube0 < Vec_IntSize(pFxchMan->pSCHashTable->vCubeLinks) ) Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 0, 1 ); /* remove (fAdd = 0) - fUpdate = 1 */ } Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, i ) { if ( iCube0 < Vec_IntSize(pFxchMan->pSCHashTable->vCubeLinks) ) Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 0, 1 ); /* remove (fAdd = 0) - fUpdate = 1 */ } /* Create a new variable */ iVarNew = pFxchMan->nVars; pFxchMan->nVars++; /* Create new Lit hash keys */ Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys, Gia_ManRandom(0) & 0x3FFFFFF ); Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vLitHashKeys, Gia_ManRandom(0) & 0x3FFFFFF ); /* Create new Cube */ vCube0 = Vec_WecPushLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes ); Vec_IntPush( vCube0, iVarNew ); if ( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) == 2 ) { if ( Lit0 > Lit1 ) ABC_SWAP(int, Lit0, Lit1); Vec_IntPush( vCube0, Abc_LitNot( Lit0 ) ); Vec_IntPush( vCube0, Abc_LitNot( Lit1 ) ); Level = 1 + Fxch_ManComputeLevelCube( pFxchMan, vCube0 ); } else { vCube1 = Vec_WecPushLevel( pFxchMan->vCubes ); vCube0 = Fxch_ManGetCube( pFxchMan, Vec_WecSize( pFxchMan->vCubes ) - 2 ); Vec_IntPush( vCube1, iVarNew ); Fxch_DivSepareteCubes( pFxchMan->vDiv, vCube0, vCube1 ); Level = 2 + Abc_MaxInt( Fxch_ManComputeLevelCube( pFxchMan, vCube0 ), Fxch_ManComputeLevelCube( pFxchMan, vCube1 ) ); } assert( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vLevels ) == iVarNew ); Vec_IntPush( pFxchMan->vLevels, Level ); pFxchMan->nLits += Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ); /* Create new literals */ vLitP = Vec_WecPushLevel( pFxchMan->vLits ); vLitN = Vec_WecPushLevel( pFxchMan->vLits ); vLitP = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Vec_WecSize( pFxchMan->vLits ) - 2 ); /* Extract divisor from single-cubes */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vCubesS, iCube0, i ) { int RetValue; vCube0 = Fxch_ManGetCube( pFxchMan, iCube0 ); RetValue = Vec_IntRemove1( vCube0, Abc_LitNot( Lit0 ) ); RetValue += Vec_IntRemove1( vCube0, Abc_LitNot( Lit1 ) ); assert( RetValue == 2 ); Vec_IntPush( vCube0, Abc_Var2Lit( iVarNew, 0 ) ); Vec_IntPush( vLitP, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube0 ) ); pFxchMan->nLits--; } /* For each pair (Ci, Cj) */ /* Extract divisor from cube pairs */ k = 0; nCompls = 0; Vec_IntForEachEntryDouble( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, iCube1, i ) { int RetValue, fCompl = 0; vCube0 = Fxch_ManGetCube( pFxchMan, iCube0 ); vCube1 = Fxch_ManGetCube( pFxchMan, iCube1 ); RetValue = Fxch_DivRemoveLits( vCube0, vCube1, pFxchMan->vDiv, &fCompl ); nCompls += fCompl; assert( RetValue == Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) ); if ( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) == 2 || fCompl ) { Vec_IntPush( vCube0, Abc_Var2Lit( iVarNew, 1 ) ); Vec_IntPush( vLitN, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube0 ) ); } else { Vec_IntPush( vCube0, Abc_Var2Lit( iVarNew, 0 ) ); Vec_IntPush( vLitP, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube0 ) ); } pFxchMan->nLits -= Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) + Vec_IntSize( vCube1 ) - 2; /* Remove second cube */ Vec_IntClear( vCube1 ); Vec_IntWriteEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, k++, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube0 ) ); } assert( k == Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vPairs ) / 2 ); Vec_IntShrink( pFxchMan->vPairs, k ); /* Add cost of single-cube divisors */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vCubesS, iCube0, i ) Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, i ) Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ /* Add cost of double-cube divisors */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vCubesS, iCube0, i ) if ( iCube0 < Vec_IntSize(pFxchMan->pSCHashTable->vCubeLinks) ) Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vPairs, iCube0, i ) if ( iCube0 < Vec_IntSize(pFxchMan->pSCHashTable->vCubeLinks) ) Fxch_ManDivDoubleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ /* If it's a double-cube devisor add its cost */ if ( Vec_IntSize( pFxchMan->vDiv ) > 2 ) { iCube0 = Vec_WecSize( pFxchMan->vCubes ) - 2; iCube1 = Vec_WecSize( pFxchMan->vCubes ) - 1; Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube0, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ Fxch_ManDivSingleCube( pFxchMan, iCube1, 1, 1 ); /* fAdd = 1 - fUpdate = 1 */ vCube0 = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vCubes, iCube0 ); Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube0, Lit0, i, 1 ) Vec_WecPush( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit0, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube0 ) ); vCube1 = Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vCubes, iCube1 ); Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube1, Lit0, i, 1 ) Vec_WecPush( pFxchMan->vLits, Lit0, Vec_WecLevelId( pFxchMan->vCubes, vCube1 ) ); } /* remove these cubes from the lit array of the divisor */ Vec_IntForEachEntry( pFxchMan->vDiv, Lit0, i ) { Vec_IntTwoRemove( Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_Lit2Var( Lit0 ) ), pFxchMan->vPairs ); Vec_IntTwoRemove( Vec_WecEntry( pFxchMan->vLits, Abc_LitNot( Abc_Lit2Var( Lit0 ) ) ), pFxchMan->vPairs ); } pFxchMan->nExtDivs++; } /* Print */ void Fxch_ManPrintDivs( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { int iDiv; for ( iDiv = 0; iDiv < Vec_FltSize( pFxchMan->vDivWeights ); iDiv++ ) Fxch_DivPrint( pFxchMan, iDiv ); } void Fxch_ManPrintStats( Fxch_Man_t* pFxchMan ) { printf( "[FXCH] "); printf( "Cubes =%8d ", Vec_WecSizeUsed( pFxchMan->vCubes ) ); printf( "Lits =%8d ", Vec_WecSizeUsed( pFxchMan->vLits ) ); printf( "Divs =%8d ", Hsh_VecSize( pFxchMan->pDivHash ) ); printf( "Divs+ =%8d ", Vec_QueSize( pFxchMan->vDivPrio ) ); printf( "Extr =%7d \n", pFxchMan->nExtDivs ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END