/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [kit.h] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Computation kit.] Synopsis [External declarations.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - Dec 6, 2006.] Revision [$Id: kit.h,v 1.00 2006/12/06 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef __KIT_H__ #define __KIT_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// INCLUDES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "vec.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PARAMETERS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// BASIC TYPES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct Kit_Sop_t_ Kit_Sop_t; struct Kit_Sop_t_ { int nCubes; // the number of cubes unsigned * pCubes; // the storage for cubes }; typedef struct Kit_Edge_t_ Kit_Edge_t; struct Kit_Edge_t_ { unsigned fCompl : 1; // the complemented bit unsigned Node : 30; // the decomposition node pointed by the edge }; typedef struct Kit_Node_t_ Kit_Node_t; struct Kit_Node_t_ { Kit_Edge_t eEdge0; // the left child of the node Kit_Edge_t eEdge1; // the right child of the node // other info void * pFunc; // the function of the node (BDD or AIG) unsigned Level : 14; // the level of this node in the global AIG // printing info unsigned fNodeOr : 1; // marks the original OR node unsigned fCompl0 : 1; // marks the original complemented edge unsigned fCompl1 : 1; // marks the original complemented edge // latch info unsigned nLat0 : 5; // the number of latches on the first edge unsigned nLat1 : 5; // the number of latches on the second edge unsigned nLat2 : 5; // the number of latches on the output edge }; typedef struct Kit_Graph_t_ Kit_Graph_t; struct Kit_Graph_t_ { int fConst; // marks the constant 1 graph int nLeaves; // the number of leaves int nSize; // the number of nodes (including the leaves) int nCap; // the number of allocated nodes Kit_Node_t * pNodes; // the array of leaves and internal nodes Kit_Edge_t eRoot; // the pointer to the topmost node }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// MACRO DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define KIT_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b)) #define KIT_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b)) #ifndef ALLOC #define ALLOC(type, num) ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (num))) #endif #ifndef FREE #define FREE(obj) ((obj) ? (free((char *) (obj)), (obj) = 0) : 0) #endif #ifndef REALLOC #define REALLOC(type, obj, num) \ ((obj) ? ((type *) realloc((char *)(obj), sizeof(type) * (num))) : \ ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (num)))) #endif static inline int Kit_CubeHasLit( unsigned uCube, int i ) { return(uCube & (unsigned)(1< 0; } static inline unsigned Kit_CubeSetLit( unsigned uCube, int i ) { return uCube | (unsigned)(1<> (32-nVar); } static inline int Kit_CubeIsMarked( unsigned uCube ) { return Kit_CubeHasLit( uCube, 31 ); } static inline unsigned Kit_CubeMark( unsigned uCube ) { return Kit_CubeSetLit( uCube, 31 ); } static inline unsigned Kit_CubeUnmark( unsigned uCube ) { return Kit_CubeRemLit( uCube, 31 ); } static inline int Kit_SopCubeNum( Kit_Sop_t * cSop ) { return cSop->nCubes; } static inline unsigned Kit_SopCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int i ) { return cSop->pCubes[i]; } static inline void Kit_SopShrink( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nCubesNew ) { cSop->nCubes = nCubesNew; } static inline void Kit_SopPushCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube ) { cSop->pCubes[cSop->nCubes++] = uCube; } static inline void Kit_SopWriteCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube, int i ) { cSop->pCubes[i] = uCube; } static inline Kit_Edge_t Kit_EdgeCreate( int Node, int fCompl ) { Kit_Edge_t eEdge = { fCompl, Node }; return eEdge; } static inline unsigned Kit_EdgeToInt( Kit_Edge_t eEdge ) { return (eEdge.Node << 1) | eEdge.fCompl; } static inline Kit_Edge_t Kit_IntToEdge( unsigned Edge ) { return Kit_EdgeCreate( Edge >> 1, Edge & 1 ); } static inline unsigned Kit_EdgeToInt_( Kit_Edge_t eEdge ) { return *(unsigned *)&eEdge; } static inline Kit_Edge_t Kit_IntToEdge_( unsigned Edge ) { return *(Kit_Edge_t *)&Edge; } static inline int Kit_GraphIsConst( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->fConst; } static inline int Kit_GraphIsConst0( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->fConst && pGraph->eRoot.fCompl; } static inline int Kit_GraphIsConst1( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->fConst && !pGraph->eRoot.fCompl; } static inline int Kit_GraphIsComplement( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->eRoot.fCompl; } static inline int Kit_GraphIsVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->eRoot.Node < (unsigned)pGraph->nLeaves; } static inline void Kit_GraphComplement( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { pGraph->eRoot.fCompl ^= 1; } static inline void Kit_GraphSetRoot( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eRoot ) { pGraph->eRoot = eRoot; } static inline int Kit_GraphLeaveNum( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->nLeaves; } static inline int Kit_GraphNodeNum( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->nSize - pGraph->nLeaves; } static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNode( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, int i ) { return pGraph->pNodes + i; } static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeLast( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { return pGraph->pNodes + pGraph->nSize - 1; } static inline int Kit_GraphNodeInt( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ) { return pNode - pGraph->pNodes; } static inline int Kit_GraphNodeIsVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ) { return Kit_GraphNodeInt(pGraph,pNode) < pGraph->nLeaves; } static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { assert( Kit_GraphIsVar( pGraph ) ); return Kit_GraphNode( pGraph, pGraph->eRoot.Node ); } static inline int Kit_GraphVarInt( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ) { assert( Kit_GraphIsVar( pGraph ) ); return Kit_GraphNodeInt( pGraph, Kit_GraphVar(pGraph) ); } static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeFanin0( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ){ return Kit_GraphNodeIsVar(pGraph, pNode)? NULL : Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, pNode->eEdge0.Node); } static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeFanin1( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ){ return Kit_GraphNodeIsVar(pGraph, pNode)? NULL : Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, pNode->eEdge1.Node); } static inline int Kit_Float2Int( float Val ) { return *((int *)&Val); } static inline float Kit_Int2Float( int Num ) { return *((float *)&Num); } static inline int Kit_BitWordNum( int nBits ) { return nBits/(8*sizeof(unsigned)) + ((nBits%(8*sizeof(unsigned))) > 0); } static inline int Kit_TruthWordNum( int nVars ) { return nVars <= 5 ? 1 : (1 << (nVars - 5)); } static inline void Kit_TruthSetBit( unsigned * p, int Bit ) { p[Bit>>5] |= (1<<(Bit & 31)); } static inline void Kit_TruthXorBit( unsigned * p, int Bit ) { p[Bit>>5] ^= (1<<(Bit & 31)); } static inline int Kit_TruthHasBit( unsigned * p, int Bit ) { return (p[Bit>>5] & (1<<(Bit & 31))) > 0; } static inline int Kit_WordCountOnes( unsigned uWord ) { uWord = (uWord & 0x55555555) + ((uWord>>1) & 0x55555555); uWord = (uWord & 0x33333333) + ((uWord>>2) & 0x33333333); uWord = (uWord & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((uWord>>4) & 0x0F0F0F0F); uWord = (uWord & 0x00FF00FF) + ((uWord>>8) & 0x00FF00FF); return (uWord & 0x0000FFFF) + (uWord>>16); } static inline int Kit_TruthCountOnes( unsigned * pIn, int nVars ) { int w, Counter = 0; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) Counter += Kit_WordCountOnes(pIn[w]); return Counter; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsEqual( unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn0[w] != pIn1[w] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsConst0( unsigned * pIn, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn[w] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsConst1( unsigned * pIn, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn[w] != ~(unsigned)0 ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsImply( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn1[w] & ~pIn2[w] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsDisjoint( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn1[w] & pIn2[w] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int Kit_TruthIsDisjoint3( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, unsigned * pIn3, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) if ( pIn1[w] & pIn2[w] & pIn3[w] ) return 0; return 1; } static inline void Kit_TruthCopy( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = pIn[w]; } static inline void Kit_TruthClear( unsigned * pOut, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = 0; } static inline void Kit_TruthFill( unsigned * pOut, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = ~(unsigned)0; } static inline void Kit_TruthNot( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = ~pIn[w]; } static inline void Kit_TruthAnd( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & pIn1[w]; } static inline void Kit_TruthOr( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = pIn0[w] | pIn1[w]; } static inline void Kit_TruthSharp( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & ~pIn1[w]; } static inline void Kit_TruthNand( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars ) { int w; for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- ) pOut[w] = ~(pIn0[w] & pIn1[w]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ITERATORS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define Kit_SopForEachCube( cSop, uCube, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Kit_SopCubeNum(cSop)) && ((uCube) = Kit_SopCube(cSop, i)); i++ ) #define Kit_CubeForEachLiteral( uCube, Lit, nLits, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < (nLits)) && ((Lit) = Kit_CubeHasLit(uCube, i)); i++ ) #define Kit_GraphForEachLeaf( pGraph, pLeaf, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < (pGraph)->nLeaves) && (((pLeaf) = Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, i)), 1); i++ ) #define Kit_GraphForEachNode( pGraph, pAnd, i ) \ for ( i = (pGraph)->nLeaves; (i < (pGraph)->nSize) && (((pAnd) = Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, i)), 1); i++ ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*=== kitBdd.c ==========================================================*/ extern DdNode * Kit_SopToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nVars ); extern DdNode * Kit_GraphToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ); extern DdNode * Kit_TruthToBdd( DdManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int fMSBonTop ); /*=== kitFactor.c ==========================================================*/ extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_SopFactor( Vec_Int_t * vCover, int fCompl, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); /*=== kitGraph.c ==========================================================*/ extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_GraphCreate( int nLeaves ); extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_GraphCreateConst0(); extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_GraphCreateConst1(); extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_GraphCreateLeaf( int iLeaf, int nLeaves, int fCompl ); extern void Kit_GraphFree( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ); extern Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphAppendNode( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ); extern Kit_Edge_t Kit_GraphAddNodeAnd( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1 ); extern Kit_Edge_t Kit_GraphAddNodeOr( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1 ); extern Kit_Edge_t Kit_GraphAddNodeXor( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1, int Type ); extern Kit_Edge_t Kit_GraphAddNodeMux( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeC, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeT, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeE, int Type ); extern unsigned Kit_GraphToTruth( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph ); extern Kit_Graph_t * Kit_TruthToGraph( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern int Kit_GraphLeafDepth_rec( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode, Kit_Node_t * pLeaf ); /*=== kitHop.c ==========================================================*/ /*=== kitIsop.c ==========================================================*/ extern int Kit_TruthIsop( unsigned * puTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, int fTryBoth ); /*=== kitSop.c ==========================================================*/ extern void Kit_SopCreate( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopCreateInverse( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopDup( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopDivideByLiteralQuo( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int iLit ); extern void Kit_SopDivideByCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Kit_Sop_t * cDiv, Kit_Sop_t * vQuo, Kit_Sop_t * vRem, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopDivideInternal( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Kit_Sop_t * cDiv, Kit_Sop_t * vQuo, Kit_Sop_t * vRem, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopMakeCubeFree( Kit_Sop_t * cSop ); extern int Kit_SopIsCubeFree( Kit_Sop_t * cSop ); extern void Kit_SopCommonCubeCover( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern int Kit_SopAnyLiteral( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nLits ); extern int Kit_SopDivisor( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nLits, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); extern void Kit_SopBestLiteralCover( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube, int nLits, Vec_Int_t * vMemory ); /*=== kitTruth.c ==========================================================*/ extern void Kit_TruthSwapAdjacentVars( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int Start ); extern void Kit_TruthStretch( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int nVarsAll, unsigned Phase ); extern void Kit_TruthShrink( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int nVarsAll, unsigned Phase ); extern int Kit_TruthVarInSupport( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern int Kit_TruthSupportSize( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars ); extern int Kit_TruthSupport( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars ); extern void Kit_TruthCofactor0( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthCofactor1( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthExist( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthExistNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthExistSet( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned uMask ); extern void Kit_TruthForall( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthForallNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthForallSet( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned uMask ); extern void Kit_TruthMux( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar ); extern void Kit_TruthChangePhase( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar ); extern int Kit_TruthMinCofSuppOverlap( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pVarMin ); extern void Kit_TruthCountOnesInCofs( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, short * pStore ); extern unsigned Kit_TruthHash( unsigned * pIn, int nWords ); extern unsigned Kit_TruthSemiCanonicize( unsigned * pInOut, unsigned * pAux, int nVars, char * pCanonPerm, short * pStore ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////