Supported controllers are Promise PDC20262 (FastTrak66/Ultra66),
PDC20265 (FastTrak100 Lite/Ultra100), PDC20267 (FastTrak100/Ultra100).
At least the Ultra100 only has address lines A0-A14 wired up, limiting
addressable chip size to 32 kB. The flash chips mounted on those
controllers usually is 128 kB, i.e. parts of the flash chip are
inaccessible. As a workaround, the driver implicitly truncates the
size of all flash chips to 32 kB. Works well for the factory installed
Do NOT use as a generic programmer for chips >32 kB.
Corresponding to flashrom svn r1916.
Signed-off-by: Joseph C. Lehner <joseph.c.lehner@gmail.com>
Acked-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger <c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net>
Acked-by: Urja Rannikko <urjaman@gmail.com>