/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "lifecycle.h" static void probe_chip(const struct programmer_entry *prog, struct flashrom_programmer *flashprog, const char *const chip_name) { struct flashrom_flashctx *flashctx; printf("Testing flashrom_flash_probe for programmer=%s, chip=%s ... \n", prog->name, chip_name); assert_int_equal(0, flashrom_flash_probe(&flashctx, flashprog, chip_name)); printf("... flashrom_flash_probe for programmer=%s successful\n", prog->name); flashrom_flash_release(flashctx); /* cleanup */ } static void run_lifecycle(void **state, const struct io_mock *io, const struct programmer_entry *prog, const char *param, const char *const chip_name, void (*action)(const struct programmer_entry *prog, struct flashrom_programmer *flashprog, const char *const chip_name)) { (void) state; /* unused */ io_mock_register(io); struct flashrom_programmer *flashprog; char *param_dup = strdup(param); printf("Testing flashrom_programmer_init for programmer=%s ...\n", prog->name); assert_int_equal(0, flashrom_programmer_init(&flashprog, prog->name, param_dup)); printf("... flashrom_programmer_init for programmer=%s successful\n", prog->name); if (action) action(prog, flashprog, chip_name); printf("Testing flashrom_programmer_shutdown for programmer=%s ...\n", prog->name); assert_int_equal(0, flashrom_programmer_shutdown(flashprog)); printf("... flashrom_programmer_shutdown for programmer=%s successful\n", prog->name); free(param_dup); io_mock_register(NULL); } void run_basic_lifecycle(void **state, const struct io_mock *io, const struct programmer_entry *prog, const char *param) { /* Basic lifecycle only does init and shutdown, * so neither chip name nor action is needed. */ run_lifecycle(state, io, prog, param, NULL /* chip_name */, NULL /* action */); } void run_probe_lifecycle(void **state, const struct io_mock *io, const struct programmer_entry *prog, const char *param, const char *const chip_name) { /* Each probe lifecycle should run independently, without cache. */ clear_spi_id_cache(); run_lifecycle(state, io, prog, param, chip_name, &probe_chip); } void run_init_error_path(void **state, const struct io_mock *io, const struct programmer_entry *prog, const char *param, const int error_code) { (void) state; /* unused */ io_mock_register(io); struct flashrom_programmer *flashprog; char *param_dup = strdup(param); printf("Testing init error path for programmer=%s with params: %s ...\n", prog->name, param_dup); assert_int_equal(error_code, flashrom_programmer_init(&flashprog, prog->name, param_dup)); printf("... init failed with error code %i as expected\n", error_code); free(param_dup); io_mock_register(NULL); }