diff options
6 files changed, 254 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/python/libghdl/thin/std_names.py b/python/libghdl/thin/std_names.py
index e84884895..9b3fa32be 100644
--- a/python/libghdl/thin/std_names.py
+++ b/python/libghdl/thin/std_names.py
@@ -590,174 +590,176 @@ class Name:
To_Signed = 804
Resize = 805
Std_Match = 806
- Math_Real = 807
- Ceil = 808
- Log2 = 809
- Last_Ieee = 809
- First_Directive = 810
- Define = 810
- Endif = 811
- Ifdef = 812
- Ifndef = 813
- Include = 814
- Timescale = 815
- Undef = 816
- Protect = 817
- Begin_Protected = 818
- End_Protected = 819
- Key_Block = 820
- Data_Block = 821
- Line = 822
- Celldefine = 823
- Endcelldefine = 824
- Default_Nettype = 825
- Resetall = 826
- Last_Directive = 826
- First_Systask = 827
- Bits = 827
- D_Root = 828
- D_Unit = 829
- Last_Systask = 829
- First_SV_Method = 830
- Size = 830
- Insert = 831
- Delete = 832
- Pop_Front = 833
- Pop_Back = 834
- Push_Front = 835
- Push_Back = 836
- Name = 837
- Len = 838
- Substr = 839
- Exists = 840
- Atoi = 841
- Itoa = 842
- Find = 843
- Find_Index = 844
- Find_First = 845
- Find_First_Index = 846
- Find_Last = 847
- Find_Last_Index = 848
- Num = 849
- Randomize = 850
- Pre_Randomize = 851
- Post_Randomize = 852
- Srandom = 853
- Get_Randstate = 854
- Set_Randstate = 855
- Seed = 856
- State = 857
- Last_SV_Method = 857
- First_BSV = 858
- uAction = 858
- uActionValue = 859
- BVI = 860
- uC = 861
- uCF = 862
- uE = 863
- uSB = 864
- uSBR = 865
- Action = 866
- Endaction = 867
- Actionvalue = 868
- Endactionvalue = 869
- Ancestor = 870
- Clocked_By = 871
- Default_Clock = 872
- Default_Reset = 873
- Dependencies = 874
- Deriving = 875
- Determines = 876
- Enable = 877
- Ifc_Inout = 878
- Input_Clock = 879
- Input_Reset = 880
- Instance = 881
- Endinstance = 882
- Let = 883
- Match = 884
- Method = 885
- Endmethod = 886
- Numeric = 887
- Output_Clock = 888
- Output_Reset = 889
- Par = 890
- Endpar = 891
- Path = 892
- Provisos = 893
- Ready = 894
- Reset_By = 895
- Rule = 896
- Endrule = 897
- Rules = 898
- Endrules = 899
- Same_Family = 900
- Schedule = 901
- Seq = 902
- Endseq = 903
- Typeclass = 904
- Endtypeclass = 905
- Valueof = 906
- uValueof = 907
- Last_BSV = 907
- First_Comment = 908
- Psl = 908
- Pragma = 909
- Last_Comment = 909
- First_PSL = 910
- A = 910
- Af = 911
- Ag = 912
- Ax = 913
- Abort = 914
- Assume_Guarantee = 915
- Before = 916
- Clock = 917
- E = 918
- Ef = 919
- Eg = 920
- Ex = 921
- Endpoint = 922
- Eventually = 923
- Fairness = 924
- Fell = 925
- Forall = 926
- G = 927
- Inf = 928
- Inherit = 929
- Never = 930
- Next_A = 931
- Next_E = 932
- Next_Event = 933
- Next_Event_A = 934
- Next_Event_E = 935
- Prev = 936
- Rose = 937
- Strong = 938
- W = 939
- Whilenot = 940
- Within = 941
- X = 942
- Last_PSL = 942
- First_Edif = 943
- Celltype = 953
- View = 954
- Viewtype = 955
- Direction = 956
- Contents = 957
- Net = 958
- Viewref = 959
- Cellref = 960
- Libraryref = 961
- Portinstance = 962
- Joined = 963
- Portref = 964
- Instanceref = 965
- Design = 966
- Designator = 967
- Owner = 968
- Member = 969
- Number = 970
- Rename = 971
- Userdata = 972
- Last_Edif = 972
+ Shift_Left = 807
+ Shift_Right = 808
+ Math_Real = 809
+ Ceil = 810
+ Log2 = 811
+ Last_Ieee = 811
+ First_Directive = 812
+ Define = 812
+ Endif = 813
+ Ifdef = 814
+ Ifndef = 815
+ Include = 816
+ Timescale = 817
+ Undef = 818
+ Protect = 819
+ Begin_Protected = 820
+ End_Protected = 821
+ Key_Block = 822
+ Data_Block = 823
+ Line = 824
+ Celldefine = 825
+ Endcelldefine = 826
+ Default_Nettype = 827
+ Resetall = 828
+ Last_Directive = 828
+ First_Systask = 829
+ Bits = 829
+ D_Root = 830
+ D_Unit = 831
+ Last_Systask = 831
+ First_SV_Method = 832
+ Size = 832
+ Insert = 833
+ Delete = 834
+ Pop_Front = 835
+ Pop_Back = 836
+ Push_Front = 837
+ Push_Back = 838
+ Name = 839
+ Len = 840
+ Substr = 841
+ Exists = 842
+ Atoi = 843
+ Itoa = 844
+ Find = 845
+ Find_Index = 846
+ Find_First = 847
+ Find_First_Index = 848
+ Find_Last = 849
+ Find_Last_Index = 850
+ Num = 851
+ Randomize = 852
+ Pre_Randomize = 853
+ Post_Randomize = 854
+ Srandom = 855
+ Get_Randstate = 856
+ Set_Randstate = 857
+ Seed = 858
+ State = 859
+ Last_SV_Method = 859
+ First_BSV = 860
+ uAction = 860
+ uActionValue = 861
+ BVI = 862
+ uC = 863
+ uCF = 864
+ uE = 865
+ uSB = 866
+ uSBR = 867
+ Action = 868
+ Endaction = 869
+ Actionvalue = 870
+ Endactionvalue = 871
+ Ancestor = 872
+ Clocked_By = 873
+ Default_Clock = 874
+ Default_Reset = 875
+ Dependencies = 876
+ Deriving = 877
+ Determines = 878
+ Enable = 879
+ Ifc_Inout = 880
+ Input_Clock = 881
+ Input_Reset = 882
+ Instance = 883
+ Endinstance = 884
+ Let = 885
+ Match = 886
+ Method = 887
+ Endmethod = 888
+ Numeric = 889
+ Output_Clock = 890
+ Output_Reset = 891
+ Par = 892
+ Endpar = 893
+ Path = 894
+ Provisos = 895
+ Ready = 896
+ Reset_By = 897
+ Rule = 898
+ Endrule = 899
+ Rules = 900
+ Endrules = 901
+ Same_Family = 902
+ Schedule = 903
+ Seq = 904
+ Endseq = 905
+ Typeclass = 906
+ Endtypeclass = 907
+ Valueof = 908
+ uValueof = 909
+ Last_BSV = 909
+ First_Comment = 910
+ Psl = 910
+ Pragma = 911
+ Last_Comment = 911
+ First_PSL = 912
+ A = 912
+ Af = 913
+ Ag = 914
+ Ax = 915
+ Abort = 916
+ Assume_Guarantee = 917
+ Before = 918
+ Clock = 919
+ E = 920
+ Ef = 921
+ Eg = 922
+ Ex = 923
+ Endpoint = 924
+ Eventually = 925
+ Fairness = 926
+ Fell = 927
+ Forall = 928
+ G = 929
+ Inf = 930
+ Inherit = 931
+ Never = 932
+ Next_A = 933
+ Next_E = 934
+ Next_Event = 935
+ Next_Event_A = 936
+ Next_Event_E = 937
+ Prev = 938
+ Rose = 939
+ Strong = 940
+ W = 941
+ Whilenot = 942
+ Within = 943
+ X = 944
+ Last_PSL = 944
+ First_Edif = 945
+ Celltype = 955
+ View = 956
+ Viewtype = 957
+ Direction = 958
+ Contents = 959
+ Net = 960
+ Viewref = 961
+ Cellref = 962
+ Libraryref = 963
+ Portinstance = 964
+ Joined = 965
+ Portref = 966
+ Instanceref = 967
+ Design = 968
+ Designator = 969
+ Owner = 970
+ Member = 971
+ Number = 972
+ Rename = 973
+ Userdata = 974
+ Last_Edif = 974
diff --git a/python/libghdl/thin/vhdl/nodes.py b/python/libghdl/thin/vhdl/nodes.py
index 8c3a40530..8dbc7a092 100644
--- a/python/libghdl/thin/vhdl/nodes.py
+++ b/python/libghdl/thin/vhdl/nodes.py
@@ -1129,52 +1129,56 @@ class Iir_Predefined:
Ieee_Numeric_Std_Ne_Sgn_Sgn = 254
Ieee_Numeric_Std_Ne_Sgn_Int = 255
Ieee_Numeric_Std_Ne_Int_Sgn = 256
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Not_Uns = 257
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Not_Sgn = 258
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_And_Uns_Uns = 259
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_And_Sgn_Sgn = 260
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Or_Uns_Uns = 261
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Or_Sgn_Sgn = 262
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nand_Uns_Uns = 263
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nand_Sgn_Sgn = 264
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nor_Uns_Uns = 265
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nor_Sgn_Sgn = 266
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xor_Uns_Uns = 267
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xor_Sgn_Sgn = 268
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xnor_Uns_Uns = 269
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xnor_Sgn_Sgn = 270
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Neg_Uns = 271
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Neg_Sgn = 272
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Log = 273
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Uns = 274
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Sgn = 275
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Slv = 276
- Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Suv = 277
- Ieee_Math_Real_Ceil = 278
- Ieee_Math_Real_Log2 = 279
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Slv = 280
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Int = 281
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Int_Slv = 282
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Sl = 283
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Sl_Slv = 284
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Slv_Slv = 285
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Slv_Int = 286
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Int_Slv = 287
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Slv_Slv = 288
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Slv_Int = 289
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Int_Slv = 290
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Slv_Slv = 291
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Slv_Int = 292
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Int_Slv = 293
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Slv_Slv = 294
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Slv_Int = 295
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Int_Slv = 296
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Slv_Slv = 297
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Slv_Int = 298
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Int_Slv = 299
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Slv_Slv = 300
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Slv_Int = 301
- Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Int_Slv = 302
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Uns_Nat = 257
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shr_Uns_Nat = 258
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Sgn_Nat = 259
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shr_Sgn_Nat = 260
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Not_Uns = 261
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Not_Sgn = 262
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_And_Uns_Uns = 263
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_And_Sgn_Sgn = 264
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Or_Uns_Uns = 265
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Or_Sgn_Sgn = 266
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nand_Uns_Uns = 267
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nand_Sgn_Sgn = 268
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nor_Uns_Uns = 269
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Nor_Sgn_Sgn = 270
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xor_Uns_Uns = 271
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xor_Sgn_Sgn = 272
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xnor_Uns_Uns = 273
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Xnor_Sgn_Sgn = 274
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Neg_Uns = 275
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Neg_Sgn = 276
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Log = 277
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Uns = 278
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Sgn = 279
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Slv = 280
+ Ieee_Numeric_Std_Match_Suv = 281
+ Ieee_Math_Real_Ceil = 282
+ Ieee_Math_Real_Log2 = 283
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Slv = 284
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Int = 285
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Int_Slv = 286
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Slv_Sl = 287
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Add_Sl_Slv = 288
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Slv_Slv = 289
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Slv_Int = 290
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Lt_Int_Slv = 291
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Slv_Slv = 292
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Slv_Int = 293
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Le_Int_Slv = 294
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Slv_Slv = 295
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Slv_Int = 296
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Gt_Int_Slv = 297
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Slv_Slv = 298
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Slv_Int = 299
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ge_Int_Slv = 300
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Slv_Slv = 301
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Slv_Int = 302
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Eq_Int_Slv = 303
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Slv_Slv = 304
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Slv_Int = 305
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_Unsigned_Ne_Int_Slv = 306
Get_Kind = libghdl.vhdl__nodes__get_kind
Get_Location = libghdl.vhdl__nodes__get_location
diff --git a/src/std_names.adb b/src/std_names.adb
index 34aae433c..7552a4097 100644
--- a/src/std_names.adb
+++ b/src/std_names.adb
@@ -642,6 +642,8 @@ package body Std_Names is
Def ("to_signed", Name_To_Signed);
Def ("resize", Name_Resize);
Def ("std_match", Name_Std_Match);
+ Def ("shift_left", Name_Shift_Left);
+ Def ("shift_right", Name_Shift_Right);
Def ("math_real", Name_Math_Real);
Def ("ceil", Name_Ceil);
Def ("log2", Name_Log2);
diff --git a/src/std_names.ads b/src/std_names.ads
index e20db31a9..3af9e6082 100644
--- a/src/std_names.ads
+++ b/src/std_names.ads
@@ -723,9 +723,11 @@ package Std_Names is
Name_To_Signed : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 021;
Name_Resize : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 022;
Name_Std_Match : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 023;
- Name_Math_Real : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 024;
- Name_Ceil : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 025;
- Name_Log2 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 026;
+ Name_Shift_Left : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 024;
+ Name_Shift_Right : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 025;
+ Name_Math_Real : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 026;
+ Name_Ceil : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 027;
+ Name_Log2 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 028;
Name_Last_Ieee : constant Name_Id := Name_Log2;
-- Verilog Directives.
diff --git a/src/vhdl/vhdl-ieee-numeric.adb b/src/vhdl/vhdl-ieee-numeric.adb
index 4d5c0d5e3..500c0a260 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/vhdl-ieee-numeric.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/vhdl-ieee-numeric.adb
@@ -477,6 +477,8 @@ package body Vhdl.Ieee.Numeric is
Set_Implicit_Definition (Decl, Predefined);
end Handle_Std_Match;
+ Res : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg_Decl);
@@ -589,6 +591,23 @@ package body Vhdl.Ieee.Numeric is
when Name_Std_Match =>
+ when Name_Shift_Left =>
+ if Arg1_Kind = Arg_Vect
+ and then Arg2_Kind = Arg_Scal
+ and then Arg2_Sign = Type_Unsigned
+ then
+ case Arg1_Sign is
+ when Type_Signed =>
+ Res :=
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Sgn_Nat;
+ when Type_Unsigned =>
+ Res :=
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Uns_Nat;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Iir_Predefined_None;
+ end case;
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Decl, Res);
+ end if;
when others =>
end case;
diff --git a/src/vhdl/vhdl-nodes.ads b/src/vhdl/vhdl-nodes.ads
index 93407a5df..de1df09e9 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/vhdl-nodes.ads
+++ b/src/vhdl/vhdl-nodes.ads
@@ -4992,6 +4992,11 @@ package Vhdl.Nodes is
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Uns_Nat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shr_Uns_Nat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shl_Sgn_Nat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Shr_Sgn_Nat,