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1 files changed, 200 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
index 7d09680c1..d4eecead1 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Aggr : Node;
when Target_Memory =>
-- For a memory: the destination is known.
- Mem_Wid : Wire_Id;
+ Mem_Obj : Value_Acc;
-- The width of the whole mrmory.
Mem_Width : Width;
-- The dynamic offset.
@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end case;
end record;
+ type Target_Info_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Target_Info;
function Synth_Target (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Target : Node) return Target_Info is
@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
return Target_Info'(Kind => Target_Memory,
Targ_Type => Typ,
- Mem_Wid => Obj.W,
+ Mem_Obj => Obj,
Mem_Width => Rdwd,
Mem_Voff => Voff,
Mem_Off => Off);
@@ -361,13 +363,13 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
V : Net;
V := Get_Current_Assign_Value
- (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Target.Mem_Wid, Target.Mem_Off,
+ (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Target.Mem_Obj.W, Target.Mem_Off,
V := Build_Dyn_Insert (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), V, Get_Net (Val),
Target.Mem_Voff, Target.Mem_Off);
Set_Location (V, Loc);
- (Target.Mem_Wid, Target.Targ_Type,
+ (Target.Mem_Obj.W, Target.Targ_Type,
Create_Value_Net (V, Target.Targ_Type), Target.Mem_Off, Loc);
end case;
@@ -397,6 +399,10 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
N := Build_Dyn_Extract
(Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Get_Net (Obj), Voff, Off, Typ.W);
+ if Off = 0 and then Typ.W = Obj.Typ.W then
+ -- Nothing to do if extracting the whole object.
+ return Obj;
+ end if;
N := Build_Extract (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Get_Net (Obj), Off, Typ.W);
end if;
Set_Location (N, Loc);
@@ -1207,17 +1213,21 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
procedure Synth_Subprogram_Association (Subprg_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Caller_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Inter_Chain : Node;
- Assoc_Chain : Node)
+ Assoc_Chain : Node;
+ Infos : out Target_Info_Array)
+ pragma Assert (Infos'First = 1);
Inter : Node;
Inter_Type : Type_Acc;
Assoc : Node;
Assoc_Inter : Node;
Actual : Node;
Val : Value_Acc;
+ Nbr_Inout : Natural;
Set_Instance_Const (Subprg_Inst, True);
+ Nbr_Inout := 0;
Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
Assoc_Inter := Inter_Chain;
while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop
@@ -1239,8 +1249,25 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
raise Internal_Error;
end case;
when Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode =>
- -- FIXME: todo
- raise Internal_Error;
+ Nbr_Inout := Nbr_Inout + 1;
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Infos (Nbr_Inout) := Synth_Target (Caller_Inst, Actual);
+ declare
+ Info : Target_Info renames Infos (Nbr_Inout);
+ begin
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Target_Aggregate =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Target_Simple =>
+ Val := Synth_Read_Memory
+ (Caller_Inst, Info.Obj, Info.Off, No_Net,
+ Info.Targ_Type, Assoc);
+ when Target_Memory =>
+ Val := Synth_Read_Memory
+ (Caller_Inst, Info.Mem_Obj, Info.Mem_Off,
+ Info.Mem_Voff, Info.Targ_Type, Assoc);
+ end case;
+ end;
end case;
Val := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Val, Inter_Type, True, Assoc);
@@ -1250,10 +1277,13 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end if;
case Iir_Kinds_Interface_Object_Declaration (Get_Kind (Inter)) is
- when Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration =>
+ when Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration =>
+ -- Pass by reference.
+ Create_Object (Subprg_Inst, Inter, Val);
+ when Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration =>
-- FIXME: Arguments are passed by copy.
Create_Object (Subprg_Inst, Inter, Val);
+ raise Internal_Error;
when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
Create_Object (Subprg_Inst, Inter, Val);
when Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration =>
@@ -1264,30 +1294,50 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end loop;
end Synth_Subprogram_Association;
+ procedure Synth_Subprogram_Association (Subprg_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Caller_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Inter_Chain : Node;
+ Assoc_Chain : Node)
+ is
+ Infos : Target_Info_Array (1 .. 0);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Infos);
+ begin
+ Synth_Subprogram_Association
+ (Subprg_Inst, Caller_Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain, Infos);
+ end Synth_Subprogram_Association;
procedure Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
(Subprg_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Caller_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Inter_Chain : Node;
- Assoc_Chain : Node)
+ Assoc_Chain : Node;
+ Infos : Target_Info_Array)
+ pragma Assert (Infos'First = 1);
Inter : Node;
Assoc : Node;
Assoc_Inter : Node;
Val : Value_Acc;
+ Nbr_Inout : Natural;
+ Nbr_Inout := 0;
Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
Assoc_Inter := Inter_Chain;
while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop
Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
- if Get_Mode (Inter) = Iir_Out_Mode then
- Val := Synth_Expression (Subprg_Inst, Inter);
- Synth_Assignment (Caller_Inst, Get_Actual (Assoc), Val, Assoc);
- end if;
+ case Iir_Parameter_Modes (Get_Mode (Inter)) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Nbr_Inout := Nbr_Inout + 1;
+ Val := Synth_Expression (Subprg_Inst, Inter);
+ Synth_Assignment (Caller_Inst, Infos (Nbr_Inout), Val, Assoc);
+ end case;
Next_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
end loop;
+ pragma Assert (Nbr_Inout = Infos'Last);
end Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association;
function Synth_Label (Stmt : Node) return Sname
@@ -1301,47 +1351,152 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end if;
end Synth_Label;
- procedure Synth_Procedure_Call (C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node)
+ procedure Count_Associations
+ (Inter_Chain : Node; Assoc_Chain : Node; Nbr_Inout : out Natural)
+ is
+ Assoc : Node;
+ Assoc_Inter : Node;
+ Inter : Node;
+ begin
+ Nbr_Inout := 0;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ Assoc_Inter := Inter_Chain;
+ while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop
+ Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
+ case Iir_Parameter_Modes (Get_Mode (Inter)) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Nbr_Inout := Nbr_Inout + 1;
+ end case;
+ Next_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end Count_Associations;
+ function Synth_Subprogram_Call
+ (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Call : Node) return Value_Acc
- Call : constant Node := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Is_Func : constant Boolean := Is_Function_Declaration (Imp);
Assoc_Chain : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
Inter_Chain : constant Node := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
- Subprg_Body : constant Node := Get_Subprogram_Body (Imp);
- Decls_Chain : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Chain (Subprg_Body);
- Sub_C : Seq_Context;
- Sub_Sname : Sname;
- M : Areapools.Mark_Type;
+ Bod : constant Node := Get_Subprogram_Body (Imp);
+ Area_Mark : Areapools.Mark_Type;
+ Res : Value_Acc;
+ C : Seq_Context;
+ Wire_Mark : Wire_Id;
+ Subprg_Phi : Phi_Type;
+ Nbr_Inout : Natural;
- if Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) in Iir_Predefined_Implicit then
- Error_Msg_Synth (+Stmt, "call to implicit %n is not supported", +Imp);
- return;
- elsif Get_Foreign_Flag (Imp) then
- Error_Msg_Synth (+Stmt, "call to foreign %n is not supported", +Imp);
- return;
+ Mark (Wire_Mark);
+ Areapools.Mark (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
+ C := (Inst => Make_Instance (Syn_Inst, Bod,
+ New_Internal_Name (Build_Context)),
+ Cur_Loop => null,
+ W_En => Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp),
+ W_Ret => Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp),
+ W_Val => No_Wire_Id,
+ Ret_Init => No_Net,
+ Ret_Value => null,
+ Ret_Typ => null,
+ Nbr_Ret => 0);
+ if Is_Func then
+ C.W_Val := Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp);
end if;
- Areapools.Mark (M, Instance_Pool.all);
- Sub_Sname := New_Sname (Get_Sname (C.Inst), Get_Identifier (Imp));
- Sub_C.Inst := Make_Instance (C.Inst, Imp, Sub_Sname);
+ Count_Associations (Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain, Nbr_Inout);
- Synth_Subprogram_Association
- (Sub_C.Inst, C.Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ declare
+ Infos : Target_Info_Array (1 .. Nbr_Inout);
+ begin
+ Synth_Subprogram_Association
+ (C.Inst, Syn_Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain, Infos);
+ Push_Phi;
- Synth_Declarations (Sub_C.Inst, Decls_Chain);
+ if Is_Func then
+ -- Set a default value for the return.
+ C.Ret_Typ := Get_Value_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Return_Type (Imp));
+ Set_Wire_Gate (C.W_Val,
+ Build_Signal (Build_Context,
+ New_Internal_Name (Build_Context),
+ C.Ret_Typ.W));
+ C.Ret_Init := Build_Const_X (Build_Context, C.Ret_Typ.W);
+ Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_Val, C.Ret_Init, 0);
+ end if;
- if Is_Valid (Decls_Chain) then
- Synth_Declarations (Sub_C.Inst, Decls_Chain);
+ Set_Wire_Gate
+ (C.W_En, Build_Signal (Build_Context,
+ New_Internal_Name (Build_Context), 1));
+ Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_En, Get_Inst_Bit1 (Syn_Inst), 0);
+ Set_Wire_Gate
+ (C.W_Ret, Build_Signal (Build_Context,
+ New_Internal_Name (Build_Context), 1));
+ Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_Ret, Get_Inst_Bit1 (Syn_Inst), 0);
+ Decls.Synth_Declarations (C.Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod), True);
+ Synth_Sequential_Statements
+ (C, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Bod));
+ if Is_Func then
+ if C.Nbr_Ret = 0 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ elsif C.Nbr_Ret = 1 and then Is_Const (C.Ret_Value) then
+ Res := C.Ret_Value;
+ else
+ Res := Create_Value_Net
+ (Get_Current_Value (Build_Context, C.W_Val), C.Ret_Value.Typ);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Res := null;
+ Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
+ (C.Inst, Syn_Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain, Infos);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Phi (Subprg_Phi);
+ Decls.Finalize_Declarations
+ (C.Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod), True);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Infos);
+ end;
+ -- Free wires.
+ Free_Wire (C.W_En);
+ Free_Wire (C.W_Ret);
+ if Is_Func then
+ Free_Wire (C.W_Val);
end if;
- Synth_Sequential_Statements
- (Sub_C, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Subprg_Body));
+ Free_Instance (C.Inst);
+ Areapools.Release (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
- Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
- (Sub_C.Inst, C.Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Release (Wire_Mark);
- Free_Instance (Sub_C.Inst);
- Areapools.Release (M, Instance_Pool.all);
+ return Res;
+ end Synth_Subprogram_Call;
+ procedure Synth_Procedure_Call (C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node)
+ is
+ Call : constant Node := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Res : Value_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) in Iir_Predefined_Implicit then
+ Error_Msg_Synth (+Stmt, "call to implicit %n is not supported", +Imp);
+ return;
+ elsif Get_Foreign_Flag (Imp) then
+ Error_Msg_Synth (+Stmt, "call to foreign %n is not supported", +Imp);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := Synth_Subprogram_Call (C.Inst, Call);
+ pragma Assert (Res = null);
end Synth_Procedure_Call;
function In_Range (Rng : Discrete_Range_Type; V : Int64) return Boolean is
@@ -1799,20 +1954,11 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end Synth_Process_Statement;
function Synth_User_Function_Call
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) return Value_Acc
- is
- Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Expr);
- Assoc_Chain : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
- Inter_Chain : constant Node := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
- Bod : constant Node := Get_Subprogram_Body (Imp);
- Area_Mark : Areapools.Mark_Type;
- Res : Value_Acc;
- C : Seq_Context;
- Wire_Mark : Wire_Id;
- Subprg_Phi : Phi_Type;
+ (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) return Value_Acc is
-- Is it a call to an ieee function ?
+ Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Expr);
Pkg : constant Node := Get_Parent (Imp);
Unit : Node;
Lib : Node;
@@ -1830,71 +1976,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end if;
- Mark (Wire_Mark);
- Areapools.Mark (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
- C := (Inst => Make_Instance (Syn_Inst, Bod,
- New_Internal_Name (Build_Context)),
- Cur_Loop => null,
- W_En => Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp),
- W_Ret => Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp),
- W_Val => Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Imp),
- Ret_Init => No_Net,
- Ret_Value => null,
- Ret_Typ => null,
- Nbr_Ret => 0);
- Synth_Subprogram_Association
- (C.Inst, Syn_Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
- Push_Phi;
- -- Set a default value for the return.
- C.Ret_Typ := Get_Value_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Return_Type (Imp));
- Set_Wire_Gate (C.W_Val, Build_Signal (Build_Context,
- New_Internal_Name (Build_Context),
- C.Ret_Typ.W));
- C.Ret_Init := Build_Const_X (Build_Context, C.Ret_Typ.W);
- Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_Val, C.Ret_Init, 0);
- Set_Wire_Gate
- (C.W_En,
- Build_Signal (Build_Context, New_Internal_Name (Build_Context), 1));
- Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_En, Get_Inst_Bit1 (Syn_Inst), 0);
- Set_Wire_Gate
- (C.W_Ret,
- Build_Signal (Build_Context, New_Internal_Name (Build_Context), 1));
- Phi_Assign (Build_Context, C.W_Ret, Get_Inst_Bit1 (Syn_Inst), 0);
- Decls.Synth_Declarations (C.Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod), True);
- Synth_Sequential_Statements (C, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Bod));
- if C.Nbr_Ret = 0 then
- raise Internal_Error;
- elsif C.Nbr_Ret = 1 and then Is_Const (C.Ret_Value) then
- Res := C.Ret_Value;
- else
- Res := Create_Value_Net (Get_Current_Value (Build_Context, C.W_Val),
- C.Ret_Value.Typ);
- end if;
- Pop_Phi (Subprg_Phi);
- Decls.Finalize_Declarations (C.Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod), True);
- -- Free wires.
- Free_Wire (C.W_En);
- Free_Wire (C.W_Ret);
- Free_Wire (C.W_Val);
- Free_Instance (C.Inst);
- Areapools.Release (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
- Release (Wire_Mark);
- return Res;
+ return Synth_Subprogram_Call (Syn_Inst, Expr);
end Synth_User_Function_Call;
procedure Synth_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement