path: root/src/synth/synth-context.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-context.adb')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-context.adb b/src/synth/synth-context.adb
index d26562481..704e22975 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-context.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-context.adb
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
with Vhdl.Utils;
-with Vhdl.Std_Package;
with Vhdl.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
with Simul.Annotations; use Simul.Annotations;
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ package body Synth.Context is
M => No_Module,
Name => No_Sname,
Sim => Sim_Inst,
- Objects => (others => null));
+ Objects => (others => <>));
pragma Assert (Instance_Map (Sim_Inst.Id) = null);
Instance_Map (Sim_Inst.Id) := Res;
return Res;
@@ -82,12 +81,20 @@ package body Synth.Context is
case Get_Kind (Btype) is
when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
- if Is_Bit_Type (Btype) then
- return Alloc_Wire (Kind, Obj, null);
- else
- -- TODO
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
+ declare
+ Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Btype);
+ Rng : Value_Range_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Info.Kind = Kind_Bit_Type then
+ Rng := null;
+ else
+ Rng := Create_Range_Value ((Dir => Iir_Downto,
+ Len => Info.Width,
+ Left => Int32 (Info.Width - 1),
+ Right => 0));
+ end if;
+ return Alloc_Wire (Kind, Obj, Rng);
+ end;
when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
-- Well known array types.
if Btype = Vhdl.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Logic_Vector_Type
@@ -145,29 +152,34 @@ package body Synth.Context is
when Value_Lit =>
case Val.Lit.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- pragma Assert
- (Val.Lit_Type = Vhdl.Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition
- or else
- Val.Lit_Type = Vhdl.Std_Package.Bit_Type_Definition);
- return Build_Const_UB32
- (Build_Context, Ghdl_B1'Pos (Val.Lit.B1), 1);
- when Iir_Value_E8 =>
- if Is_Bit_Type (Val.Lit_Type) then
- declare
- V, Xz : Uns32;
- begin
- To_Logic (Val.Lit, V, Xz);
- if Xz = 0 then
- return Build_Const_UB32 (Build_Context, V, 1);
- else
- return Build_Const_UL32 (Build_Context, V, Xz, 1);
- end if;
- end;
- else
- -- State machine.
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
+ when Iir_Value_E8
+ | Iir_Value_B1 =>
+ declare
+ Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc :=
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Val.Lit_Type));
+ begin
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Kind_Bit_Type =>
+ declare
+ V, Xz : Uns32;
+ begin
+ To_Logic (Val.Lit, V, Xz);
+ if Xz = 0 then
+ return Build_Const_UB32
+ (Build_Context, V, 1);
+ else
+ return Build_Const_UL32
+ (Build_Context, V, Xz, 1);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Kind_Enum_Type =>
+ -- State machine.
+ return Build_Const_UB32
+ (Build_Context, Uns32 (Val.Lit.E8), Info.Width);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
when Iir_Value_I64 =>
if Val.Lit.I64 >= 0 then
for I in 1 .. 32 loop