# ============================================================================= # General configuration # ============================================================================= # Virtual Machine Image image: Visual Studio 2019 # Build names version: '{branch}-{build}' # Branches to build branches: except: - nightly - travis # ============================================================================= # Build matrix configuration # ============================================================================= environment: matrix: - BUILD_MINGW: mingw32 BUILD_BACKEND: mcode # Not yet functionnal # - BUILD_MINGW: mingw32 # BUILD_BACKEND: llvm # mcode is not yet supported on Win64 # - BUILD_MINGW: mingw64 # BUILD_BACKEND: mcode - BUILD_MINGW: mingw64 BUILD_BACKEND: llvm # ============================================================================= # Build flow configuration # ============================================================================= # initialization scripts to run init: - ps: Write-Host "Initializing virtual machine ..." - ps: $env:PATH = "C:\msys64\$($env:BUILD_MINGW)\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;" + $env:PATH # - ps: Import-Module .\scripts\appveyor\shared.psm1 -Verbose # installation scripts to run install: - ps: .\scripts\windows\appveyor\install.ps1 - ps: .\scripts\windows\appveyor\info.ps1 # Build flow # Disable MSBuild build: off # build scripts to run build_script: - ps: .\scripts\windows\appveyor\build.ps1 # Test flow # test scripts to run test_script: - ps: .\scripts\windows\appveyor\test.ps1