function Restore-NativeCommandStream { <# .SYNOPSIS This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs as a single line. .DESCRIPTION This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String object per line. .PARAMETER InputObject A object stream is required as an input. .PARAMETER Indent Indentation string. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject ) begin { $LineRemainer = "" } process { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError") { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() } elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage") { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString() while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1) { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos) $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1) } $LineRemainer = $NewLine } } elseif ($InputObject -is [String]) { Write-Output $InputObject } else { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" } } end { if ($LineRemainer -ne "") { Write-Output $LineRemainer } } } Write-Host ("ExecutionPolicy = {0}" -f (Get-ExecutionPolicy)) -Foreground Yellow Write-Host "List env:..." -Foreground Yellow dir env: | foreach { Write-Host (" {0}={1}" -f $_.Name,$_.Value) } Write-Host "Print env:PATH..." -Foreground Yellow $env:PATH.Split(";") | foreach { Write-Host " $_" } Write-Host "Print GCC setup..." -Foreground Yellow gcc.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" } Write-Host "Print GCC search directories..." -Foreground Yellow gcc.exe -print-search-dirs 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" } if ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "llvm") { Write-Host "Print CLang setup..." -Foreground Yellow clang.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" } Write-Host "Print CLang search directories..." -Foreground Yellow clang.exe -print-search-dirs 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" } } Write-Host "Print gnatls setup..." -Foreground Yellow gnatls.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }