from os.path import dirname, join import json import re # Try to load JSON data from a file. If not found, use the argument as a tag name and retrieve the data from GitHub. def getJSON(tag='all'): f = tag tag = '/'+tag if f == 'all': f = 'releases' tag = '' try: d = json.loads(open(join(dirname(__file__), f+'.json'), 'r').read()) except: from urllib.request import urlopen d = json.loads(urlopen(''+tag).read()) json.dump(d, open(f+'.json', 'w'), indent=4) return d # # Print two versions of each shield. Onee for 'html' (`image::`) and one for 'latex' (`replace::`) # def printShieldSrc(label, alt, img, target, latex=False): if latex: if label[-6:] == '/total': label = label[:-6] print('.. |l' + re.compile('[\W_]+').sub('', label) + '| replace:: `' + label + '`_') print('.. _' + label + ': ' + target + '\n') else: print('.. |' + label + '| image:: '+ img + '\n', ' :target: ' + target + '\n', ' :height: 22\n', ' :alt: ' + alt + '\n') # # Create shields/badges from JSON file # def createShields(file='shields'): shields = getJSON(file) for k, v in shields.items(): t = v['target'] if t[0:3] == 'gh:': t = '' + t[3:] printShieldSrc( 'SHIELD:'+k, v['alt'], '' + v['src'] + '&style=flat-square&longCache=true', t, False )