-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright © 2008 by IEEE. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file is an essential part of IEEE Std 1076-2008, -- IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. This source file may not be -- copied, sold, or included with software that is sold without written -- permission from the IEEE Standards Department. This source file may be -- copied for individual use between licensed users. This source file is -- provided on an AS IS basis. The IEEE disclaims ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user of the source file shall indemnify -- and hold IEEE harmless from any damages or liability arising out of the -- use thereof. -- -- Title : Standard VHDL Mathematical Packages -- : (MATH_COMPLEX package body) -- : -- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library -- : symbolically named IEEE. -- : -- Developers: IEEE DASC VHDL Mathematical Packages Working Group -- : -- Purpose : This package defines a standard for designers to use in -- : describing VHDL models that make use of common COMPLEX -- : constants and common COMPLEX mathematical functions and -- : operators. -- : -- Limitation: The values generated by the functions in this package -- : may vary from platform to platform, and the precision -- : of results is only guaranteed to be the minimum required -- : by IEEE Std 1076-2008. -- : -- Note : This package may be modified to include additional data -- : required by tools, but it must in no way change the -- : external interfaces or simulation behavior of the -- : description. It is permissible to add comments and/or -- : attributes to the package declarations, but not to change -- : or delete any original lines of the package declaration. -- : The package body may be changed only in accordance with -- : the terms of Clause 16 of this standard. -- : -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Revision: 1220 $ -- $Date: 2008-04-10 17:16:09 +0930 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- use WORK.MATH_REAL.all; package body MATH_COMPLEX is -- -- Equality and Inequality Operators for COMPLEX_POLAR -- function "=" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return BOOLEAN is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns FALSE on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in =(L,R)" severity ERROR; return FALSE; end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in =(L,R)" severity ERROR; return FALSE; end if; -- Get special values if ( L.MAG = 0.0 and R.MAG = 0.0 ) then return TRUE; end if; -- Get value for general case if ( L.MAG = R.MAG and L.ARG = R.ARG ) then return TRUE; end if; return FALSE; end function "="; function "/=" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return BOOLEAN is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns FALSE on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in /=(L,R)" severity ERROR; return FALSE; end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in /=(L,R)" severity ERROR; return FALSE; end if; -- Get special values if ( L.MAG = 0.0 and R.MAG = 0.0 ) then return FALSE; end if; -- Get value for general case if ( L.MAG = R.MAG and L.ARG = R.ARG ) then return FALSE; end if; return TRUE; end function "/="; -- -- Other Functions Start Here -- function CMPLX(X: in REAL; Y: in REAL := 0.0 ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(X, Y); end function CMPLX; function GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(X: in REAL ) return PRINCIPAL_VALUE is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None variable TEMP: REAL; begin -- Check if already a principal value if ( X > -MATH_PI and X <= MATH_PI ) then return PRINCIPAL_VALUE'(X); end if; -- Get principal value TEMP := X; while ( TEMP <= -MATH_PI ) loop TEMP := TEMP + MATH_2_PI; end loop; while (TEMP > MATH_PI ) loop TEMP := TEMP - MATH_2_PI; end loop; return PRINCIPAL_VALUE'(TEMP); end function GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE; function COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None variable TEMP: REAL; begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); elsif ( Z.IM > 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(Z.IM, MATH_PI_OVER_2); else return COMPLEX_POLAR'(-Z.IM, -MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; end if; if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); elsif ( Z.RE > 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(Z.RE, 0.0); else return COMPLEX_POLAR'(-Z.RE, MATH_PI); end if; end if; -- Get principal value for general case TEMP := ARCTAN(Z.IM, Z.RE); return COMPLEX_POLAR'(SQRT(Z.RE*Z.RE + Z.IM*Z.IM), GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(TEMP)); end function COMPLEX_TO_POLAR; function POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns MATH_CZERO on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z)" severity ERROR; return MATH_CZERO; end if; -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'( Z.MAG*COS(Z.ARG), Z.MAG*SIN(Z.ARG) ); end function POLAR_TO_COMPLEX; function "ABS"(Z: in COMPLEX ) return POSITIVE_REAL is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) ABS(Z) = SQRT(Z.RE*Z.RE + Z.IM*Z.IM) begin -- Get value for general case return POSITIVE_REAL'(SQRT(Z.RE*Z.RE + Z.IM*Z.IM)); end function "ABS"; function "ABS"(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return POSITIVE_REAL is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) ABS(Z) = Z.MAG -- b) Returns 0.0 on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in ABS(Z)" severity ERROR; return 0.0; end if; -- Get value for general case return Z.MAG; end function "ABS"; function ARG(Z: in COMPLEX ) return PRINCIPAL_VALUE is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) ARG(Z) = ARCTAN(Z.IM, Z.RE) variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); return ZTEMP.ARG; end function ARG; function ARG(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return PRINCIPAL_VALUE is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) ARG(Z) = Z.ARG -- b) Returns 0.0 on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in ARG(Z)" severity ERROR; return 0.0; end if; -- Get value for general case return Z.ARG; end function ARG; function "-" (Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns -x -jy for Z = x + jy begin -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(-Z.RE, -Z.IM); end function "-"; function "-" (Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns (Z.MAG, Z.ARG + MATH_PI) -- b) Returns Z on error variable TEMP: REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in -(Z)" severity ERROR; return Z; end if; -- Get principal value for general case TEMP := REAL'(Z.ARG) + MATH_PI; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(Z.MAG, GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(TEMP)); end function "-"; function CONJ (Z: in COMPLEX) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns x - jy for Z = x + jy begin -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(Z.RE, -Z.IM); end function CONJ; function CONJ (Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX conjugate (Z.MAG, -Z.ARG) -- b) Returns Z on error -- variable TEMP: PRINCIPAL_VALUE; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in CONJ(Z)" severity ERROR; return Z; end if; -- Get principal value for general case if ( Z.ARG = MATH_PI or Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then TEMP := Z.ARG; else TEMP := -Z.ARG; end if; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(Z.MAG, TEMP); end function CONJ; function SQRT(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX; variable TMAG : REAL; variable TARG : REAL; begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z = MATH_CZERO ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); TMAG := SQRT(ZTEMP.MAG); TARG := 0.5*ZTEMP.ARG; if ( COS(TARG) > 0.0 ) then ZOUT.RE := TMAG*COS(TARG); ZOUT.IM := TMAG*SIN(TARG); return ZOUT; end if; if ( COS(TARG) < 0.0 ) then ZOUT.RE := TMAG*COS(TARG + MATH_PI); ZOUT.IM := TMAG*SIN(TARG + MATH_PI); return ZOUT; end if; if ( SIN(TARG) > 0.0 ) then ZOUT.RE := 0.0; ZOUT.IM := TMAG*SIN(TARG); return ZOUT; end if; ZOUT.RE := 0.0; ZOUT.IM := TMAG*SIN(TARG + MATH_PI); return ZOUT; end function SQRT; function SQRT(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns Z on error variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable TMAG : REAL; variable TARG : REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in SQRT(Z)" severity ERROR; return Z; end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = 0.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return Z; end if; -- Get principal value for general case TMAG := SQRT(Z.MAG); TARG := 0.5*Z.ARG; ZOUT.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(TMAG); if ( COS(TARG) < 0.0 ) then TARG := TARG + MATH_PI; end if; if ( (COS(TARG) = 0.0) and (SIN(TARG) < 0.0) ) then TARG := TARG + MATH_PI; end if; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(TARG); return ZOUT; end function SQRT; function EXP(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None variable TEMP: REAL; begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z = MATH_CZERO ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.IM = MATH_PI or Z.IM = -MATH_PI ) then return COMPLEX'(-1.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.IM = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return MATH_CBASE_J; end if; if ( Z.IM = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX'(0.0, -1.0); end if; end if; -- Get value for general case TEMP := EXP(Z.RE); return COMPLEX'(TEMP*COS(Z.IM), TEMP*SIN(Z.IM)); end function EXP; function EXP(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns Z on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX; variable temp: REAL; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in EXP(Z)" severity ERROR; return Z; end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = 0.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI and (Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 or Z.ARG = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 )) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then if ( Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, -MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; end if; -- Get principal value for general case ZTEMP := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z); ZOUT.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(EXP(ZTEMP.RE)); ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(ZTEMP.IM); return ZOUT; end function EXP; function LOG(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable TEMP : REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 in LOG(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0); end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = -1.0 ) then return COMPLEX'(0.0, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.RE = MATH_E ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.RE = 1.0 ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then if (Z.IM = 1.0) then return COMPLEX'(0.0, MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; if (Z.IM = -1.0) then return COMPLEX'(0.0, -MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; end if; -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); TEMP := LOG(ZTEMP.MAG); return COMPLEX'(TEMP, ZTEMP.ARG); end function LOG; function LOG2(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable TEMP : REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 in LOG2(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0); end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = 2.0 ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.RE = 1.0 ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); TEMP := MATH_LOG2_OF_E*LOG(ZTEMP.MAG); return COMPLEX'(TEMP, MATH_LOG2_OF_E*ZTEMP.ARG); end function LOG2; function LOG10(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable TEMP : REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 in LOG10(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0); end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = 10.0 ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.RE = 1.0 ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); TEMP := MATH_LOG10_OF_E*LOG(ZTEMP.MAG); return COMPLEX'(TEMP, MATH_LOG10_OF_E*ZTEMP.ARG); end function LOG10; function LOG(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.MAG <= 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.MAG <= 0.0 in LOG(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in LOG(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if (Z.MAG = 1.0 ) then if ( Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.ARG = MATH_PI ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(MATH_PI, MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; if ( Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(MATH_PI_OVER_2, MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(MATH_PI_OVER_2, -MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_E and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case ZTEMP.RE := LOG(Z.MAG); ZTEMP.IM := Z.ARG; ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(ZTEMP); return ZOUT; end function LOG; function LOG2(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.MAG <= 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.MAG <= 0.0 in LOG2(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in LOG2(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if (Z.MAG = 1.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = 2.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case ZTEMP.RE := MATH_LOG2_OF_E*LOG(Z.MAG); ZTEMP.IM := MATH_LOG2_OF_E*Z.ARG; ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(ZTEMP); return ZOUT; end function LOG2; function LOG10(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.MAG <= 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.MAG <= 0.0 in LOG10(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in LOG10(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if (Z.MAG = 1.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = 10.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case ZTEMP.RE := MATH_LOG10_OF_E*LOG(Z.MAG); ZTEMP.IM := MATH_LOG10_OF_E*Z.ARG; ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(ZTEMP); return ZOUT; end function LOG10; function LOG(Z: in COMPLEX; BASE: in REAL ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable TEMPRE : REAL; variable TEMPIM : REAL; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.RE = 0.0 and Z.IM = 0.0 in LOG(Z,BASE)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0); end if; if ( BASE <= 0.0 or BASE = 1.0 ) then assert FALSE report "BASE <= 0.0 or BASE = 1.0 in LOG(Z,BASE)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'LOW, 0.0); end if; -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = BASE ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.RE = 1.0 ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case ZTEMP := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z); TEMPRE := LOG(ZTEMP.MAG, BASE); TEMPIM := ZTEMP.ARG/LOG(BASE); return COMPLEX'(TEMPRE, TEMPIM); end function LOG; function LOG(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR; BASE: in REAL ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI) on error variable ZTEMP : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.MAG <= 0.0 ) then assert FALSE report "Z.MAG <= 0.0 in LOG(Z,BASE)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; if ( BASE <= 0.0 or BASE = 1.0 ) then assert FALSE report "BASE <= 0.0 or BASE = 1.0 in LOG(Z,BASE)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in LOG(Z,BASE)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, MATH_PI); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if (Z.MAG = 1.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = BASE and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case ZTEMP.RE := LOG(Z.MAG, BASE); ZTEMP.IM := Z.ARG/LOG(BASE); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(ZTEMP); return ZOUT; end function LOG; function SIN(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = 0.0 or Z.RE = MATH_PI) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(SIN(Z.RE)*COSH(Z.IM), COS(Z.RE)*SINH(Z.IM)); end function SIN; function SIN(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(0.0, 0.0) on error variable Z1, Z2 : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in SIN(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = 0.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case Z1 := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z); Z2 := COMPLEX'(SIN(Z1.RE)*COSH(Z1.IM), COS(Z1.RE)*SINH(Z1.IM)); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z2); return ZOUT; end function SIN; function COS(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.RE = MATH_PI_OVER_2 or Z.RE = -MATH_PI_OVER_2) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(COS(Z.RE)*COSH(Z.IM), -SIN(Z.RE)*SINH(Z.IM)); end function COS; function COS(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(0.0, 0.0) on error variable Z1, Z2 : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in COS(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = MATH_PI ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case Z1 := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z); Z2 := COMPLEX'(COS(Z1.RE)*COSH(Z1.IM), -SIN(Z1.RE)*SINH(Z1.IM)); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z2); return ZOUT; end function COS; function SINH(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.IM = 0.0 or Z.IM = MATH_PI ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; if ( Z.IM = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return MATH_CBASE_J; end if; if ( Z.IM = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return -MATH_CBASE_J; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(SINH(Z.RE)*COS(Z.IM), COSH(Z.RE)*SIN(Z.IM)); end function SINH; function SINH(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(0.0, 0.0) on error variable Z1, Z2 : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in SINH(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = 0.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI and Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, -MATH_PI_OVER_2); end if; -- Compute value for general case Z1 := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z); Z2 := COMPLEX'(SINH(Z1.RE)*COS(Z1.IM), COSH(Z1.RE)*SIN(Z1.IM)); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z2); return ZOUT; end function SINH; function COSH(Z: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin -- Get value for special cases if ( Z.RE = 0.0 ) then if ( Z.IM = 0.0 ) then return MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.IM = MATH_PI ) then return -MATH_CBASE_1; end if; if ( Z.IM = MATH_PI_OVER_2 or Z.IM = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return MATH_CZERO; end if; end if; -- Get value for general case return COMPLEX'(COSH(Z.RE)*COS(Z.IM), SINH(Z.RE)*SIN(Z.IM)); end function COSH; function COSH(Z: in COMPLEX_POLAR ) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR(0.0, 0.0) on error variable Z1, Z2 : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( Z.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "Z.ARG = -MATH_PI in COSH(Z)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for special cases if ( Z.MAG = 0.0 and Z.ARG = 0.0 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI and Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(1.0, MATH_PI); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( Z.MAG = MATH_PI_OVER_2 and Z.ARG = -MATH_PI_OVER_2 ) then return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Compute value for general case Z1 := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z); Z2 := COMPLEX'(COSH(Z1.RE)*COS(Z1.IM), SINH(Z1.RE)*SIN(Z1.IM)); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z2); return ZOUT; end function COSH; -- -- Arithmetic Operators -- function "+" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE + R.RE, L.IM + R.IM); end function "+"; function "+" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L + R.RE, R.IM); end function "+"; function "+" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in REAL ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE + R, L.IM); end function "+"; function "+" (L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL, ZR : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in +(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in +(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( L ); ZR := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(ZL.RE + ZR.RE, ZL.IM +ZR.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "+"; function "+" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error variable ZR : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in +(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZR := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(L + ZR.RE, ZR.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "+"; function "+" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in REAL) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in +(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( L ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(ZL.RE + R, ZL.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "+"; function "-" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE - R.RE, L.IM - R.IM); end function "-"; function "-" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L - R.RE, -1.0 * R.IM); end function "-"; function "-" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in REAL ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE - R, L.IM); end function "-"; function "-" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL, ZR : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in -(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in -(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( L ); ZR := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(ZL.RE - ZR.RE, ZL.IM -ZR.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "-"; function "-" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZR : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in -(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZR := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(L - ZR.RE, -1.0*ZR.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "-"; function "-" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in REAL) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL : COMPLEX; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in -(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( L ); ZOUT := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(COMPLEX'(ZL.RE - R, ZL.IM)); return ZOUT; end function "-"; function "*" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE * R.RE - L.IM * R.IM, L.RE * R.IM + L.IM * R.RE); end function "*"; function "*" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L * R.RE, L * R.IM); end function "*"; function "*" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in REAL ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- None begin return COMPLEX'(L.RE * R, L.IM * R); end function "*"; function "*" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in *(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in *(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZOUT.MAG := L.MAG * R.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(L.ARG + R.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "*"; function "*" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in *(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(ABS(L)); if ( L < 0.0 ) then ZL.ARG := MATH_PI; else ZL.ARG := 0.0; end if; ZOUT.MAG := ZL.MAG * R.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(ZL.ARG + R.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "*"; function "*" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in REAL) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0) on error -- variable ZR : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in *(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZR.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(ABS(R)); if ( R < 0.0 ) then ZR.ARG := MATH_PI; else ZR.ARG := 0.0; end if; ZOUT.MAG := L.MAG * ZR.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(L.ARG + ZR.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "*"; function "/" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error -- variable TEMP : REAL := R.RE*R.RE + R.IM*R.IM; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (TEMP = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX by (0.0, 0.0)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; -- Get value return COMPLEX'( (L.RE * R.RE + L.IM * R.IM) / TEMP, (L.IM * R.RE - L.RE * R.IM) / TEMP); end function "/"; function "/" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error -- variable TEMP : REAL := R.RE*R.RE + R.IM*R.IM; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (TEMP = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX by (0.0, 0.0)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; -- Get value TEMP := L / TEMP; return COMPLEX'( TEMP * R.RE, -TEMP * R.IM ); end function "/"; function "/" ( L: in COMPLEX; R: in REAL ) return COMPLEX is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (R = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX by 0.0" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; -- Get value return COMPLEX'(L.RE / R, L.IM / R); end function "/"; function "/" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error -- variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (R.MAG = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX_POLAR by (0.0, 0.0)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in /(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_PI in /(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZOUT.MAG := L.MAG/R.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(L.ARG - R.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "/"; function "/" ( L: in COMPLEX_POLAR; R: in REAL) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error -- variable ZR : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (R = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX_POLAR by 0.0" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; if ( L.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "L.ARG = -MATH_PI in /(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZR.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(ABS(R)); if R < 0.0 then ZR.ARG := MATH_PI; else ZR.ARG := 0.0; end if; ZOUT.MAG := L.MAG/ZR.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(L.ARG - ZR.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "/"; function "/" ( L: in REAL; R: in COMPLEX_POLAR) return COMPLEX_POLAR is -- Description: -- See function declaration in IEEE Std 1076.2-1996 -- Notes: -- a) Returns COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0) on error -- variable ZL : COMPLEX_POLAR; variable ZOUT : COMPLEX_POLAR; begin -- Check validity of input arguments if (R.MAG = 0.0) then assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide COMPLEX_POLAR by (0.0, 0.0)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(REAL'HIGH, 0.0); end if; if ( R.ARG = -MATH_PI ) then assert FALSE report "R.ARG = -MATH_P in /(L,R)" severity ERROR; return COMPLEX_POLAR'(0.0, 0.0); end if; -- Get principal value ZL.MAG := POSITIVE_REAL'(ABS(L)); if L < 0.0 then ZL.ARG := MATH_PI; else ZL.ARG := 0.0; end if; ZOUT.MAG := ZL.MAG/R.MAG; ZOUT.ARG := GET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(ZL.ARG - R.ARG); return ZOUT; end function "/"; end package body MATH_COMPLEX;