-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright © 2008 by IEEE. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file is an essential part of IEEE Std 1076-2008, -- IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. This source file may not be -- copied, sold, or included with software that is sold without written -- permission from the IEEE Standards Department. This source file may be -- copied for individual use between licensed users. This source file is -- provided on an AS IS basis. The IEEE disclaims ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user of the source file shall indemnify -- and hold IEEE harmless from any damages or liability arising out of the -- use thereof. -- -- Title : Standard multivalue logic package -- : (STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO package declaration) -- : -- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library -- : symbolically named IEEE. -- : -- Developers: Accellera VHDL-TC and IEEE P1076 Working Group -- : -- Purpose : This packages is provided as a replacement for non-standard -- : implementations of the package provided by implementers of -- : previous versions of this standard. The declarations that -- : appeared in those non-standard implementations appear in the -- : package STD_LOGIC_1164 in this standard. -- : -- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in, -- : or excluded from this package. -- : -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Revision: 1220 $ -- $Date: 2008-04-10 17:16:09 +0930 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE std_logic_textio IS -- This package is empty - see notes above. END PACKAGE std_logic_textio;