# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab # kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2; # # ============================================================================== # Authors: Patrick Lehmann # # PowerShell Module: The module provides build targets for GHDL. # # Description: # ------------------------------------ # This PowerShell module provides build targets for GHDL. # # ============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann # # GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. # ============================================================================== # TODO: # check if: # - program are installed / auto find programs / auto find paths # - program version # configure compiler tools $Prog_GCC = "gcc.exe" $Prog_GNATMake = "gnatmake.exe" $Prog_Strip = "strip.exe" # configure output file $GHDL_Mcode_Name = "ghdl.exe" # configure directory structure $CommonSourceDirName = "src" $WinMcodeSourceDirName = "dist\windows\mcode" # $WinLLVMSourceDirName = "dist\windows\llvm" # construct file paths $VersionFileName_In = "version.in" $VersionFileName_Ads = "version.ads" function Invoke-Clean { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet removes all generated files. .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) $EnableDebug = -not $Quiet -and ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]) $EnableVerbose = -not $Quiet -and ($EnableDebug -or $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]) -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host "Executing build target 'Clean' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow) | Out-Null $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Removing all created files and directories..." ) | Out-Null if (Test-Path -Path $BuildDirectory) { $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " rmdir $BuildDirectory" ) | Out-Null Remove-Item $BuildDirectory -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot remove '$BuildDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } } return $false } # Invoke-Clean function New-BuildDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet creates a build directory if not existent, yet. .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Write-Host "Executing build target 'BuildDirectory' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow if (Test-Path -Path $BuildDirectory -PathType Container) { -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Directory '$BuildDirectory' already exists." ) | Out-Null } else { -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Creating new directory '$BuildDirectory'." ) | Out-Null New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BuildDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot create '$BuildDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } } return $false } # New-BuildDirectory function Get-GHDLVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the GHDL version string. .PARAMETER GHDLRootDir The repository root directory. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $GHDLRootDir ) # construct DirectoryPaths $ConfigureFilePath = $GHDLRootDir + "\configure" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigureFilePath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Version file '$ConfigureFilePath' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $ConfigureFilePath foreach ($Line in $FileContent) { if ($Line -match 'ghdl_version=\"(.+?)\"') { return $Matches[2] } } Write-Host "[ERROR]: RegExp didn't match in '$ConfigureFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } # Get-GHDLVersion function Invoke-PatchVersionFile { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet patches the version file to include the git patch state. .PARAMETER GHDLRootDir The repository root directory. .PARAMETER GitBranchName The branch's name, where HEAD is located. .PARAMETER GitCommitDataString The DateTime when HEAD was commited. .PARAMETER GitCommitHash The Hash of HEAD. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $GHDLRootDir, [string] $GitBranchName = "unknown", [string] $GitCommitDataString = "unknown", [string] $GitCommitHash = "........", [switch] $Quiet = $false ) # construct DirectoryPaths $SourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName $VersionInputFilePath = $SourceDirectory + "\" + $VersionFileName_In $VersionFilePath = $SourceDirectory + "\" + $VersionFileName_Ads Write-Host "Executing build target 'PatchVersionFile' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow if (-not (Test-Path -Path $VersionInputFilePath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Version file '$VersionInputFilePath' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Patching '$VersionInputFilePath'.") | Out-Null $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $VersionInputFilePath -Encoding Ascii if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While opening '$VersionInputFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } $GHDLVersion = Get-GHDLVersion $GHDLRootDir $FileContent = $FileContent -Replace "\s@VER@\s", $GHDLVersion $FileContent = $FileContent -Replace "\s\(tarball\)\s", " (commit: $GitCommitDataString; git branch: $GitBranchName'; hash: $GitCommitHash) " $FileContent | Out-File $VersionFilePath -Encoding Ascii if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While writing to '$VersionFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } return $false } # Invoke-PatchVersionFile function Get-CFlags { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns common ANSI C compiler flags for GCC. #> return @( "-O1", # optimize; level 1 "-g" # enable debug symbols ) } function Invoke-CompileCFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet compiles all C files with GCC. .PARAMETER GHDLRootDir The repository root directory. .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $GHDLRootDir, [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) # construct DirectoryPaths $SourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName Set-Location $BuildDirectory Write-Host "Executing build target 'CompileCFiles' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow # list all files to be compiled; add additional CFlags if needed $SourceFiles = @() $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cstdio.c"; CFlags=@()} $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cvpi.c"; CFlags=@()} $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cdynload.c"; CFlags=@()} $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\config\clock.c"; CFlags=@()} $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\config\win32.c"; CFlags=@('-DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME')} $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="ortho\mcode\memsegs_c.c"; CFlags=@()} # compile C files foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { $Parameters = @() $Parameters += "-c" # compile only $Parameters += Get-CFlags # append common CFlags $Parameters += $SourceFile.CFlags $Parameters += $SourceDirectory + "\" + $SourceFile.File # call C compiler $InvokeExpr = "$Prog_GCC " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " 2>&1" Write-Host (" compiling: " + $SourceFile.File) Write-Debug " call: $InvokeExpr" $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGCCLine -Indent " " if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host ("[ERROR]: While compiling '{0}'." -f $SourceFile.File) -ForegroundColor Red return $true } } return $false } # Invoke-CompileCFiles function Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet compiles all Ada files with GNAT. .PARAMETER GHDLRootDir The repository root directory. .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $GHDLRootDir, [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) # construct DirectoryPaths $CommonSourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName $WinMcodeSourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $WinMcodeSourceDirName Set-Location $BuildDirectory Write-Host "Executing build target 'CompileGHDLAdaFiles' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $Parameters = @() $Parameters += Get-CFlags # append common CFlags $Parameters += '-gnatn' # append all source paths $Parameters += '-aI' + $WinMcodeSourceDirectory $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ghdldrv' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\psl' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\grt' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ortho' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ortho\mcode' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\vhdl' $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\vhdl\translate' # top level $Parameters += 'ghdl_jit' # add output filename $Parameters += '-o' $Parameters += $GHDL_Mcode_Name # append linker parameters $Parameters += '-largs' $Parameters += 'grt-cstdio.o' $Parameters += 'clock.o' $Parameters += 'grt-cvpi.o' $Parameters += 'grt-cdynload.o' $Parameters += 'memsegs_c.o' $Parameters += 'win32.o' $Parameters += '-ldbghelp' $Parameters += '-largs' # $Parameters += '-Wl,--stack,8404992' # call Ada compiler (GNAT) $InvokeExpr = "$Prog_GNATMake " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " 2>&1" Write-Host " compiling with GNAT" Write-Debug " call: $InvokeExpr" $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGCCLine -Indent " " if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While compiling '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } return $false } # Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles function Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet strips the result files. .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Set-Location $BuildDirectory Write-Host "Executing build target 'StripGHDLExecutable' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow # call striping tool (strip) Write-Host " stripping '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'" Write-Debug " call: $Prog_Strip $GHDL_Mcode_Name" & $Prog_Strip $GHDL_Mcode_Name if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While stripping '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } return $false } # Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable function Test-GHDLVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS This CommandLet executes ghdl to read the version information .PARAMETER BuildDirectory The directory where all generated files are stored. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable outputs to the host console #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $BuildDirectory, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Set-Location $BuildDirectory Write-Host "Executing build target 'GHDLVersion' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow if (-not (Test-Path -Path $GHDL_Mcode_Name -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Host " GHDL executable '$GHDL_Mcode_Name' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } # call ghdl $InvokeExpr = "$GHDL_Mcode_Name --version 2>&1" Write-Host " executing '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'" Write-Host " call: $InvokeExpr" Write-Host " ----------------------------------------" Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-HostExtended " " Write-Host " ----------------------------------------" if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red return $true } return $false } # Test-GHDLVersion # export functions Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-GHDLVersion' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-Clean' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-BuildDirectory' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-PatchVersionFile' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-PatchedVersionFile' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-CompileCFiles' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Test-GHDLVersion'