-- Mcode back-end for ortho - Dwarf generator. -- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with GNAT.Directory_Operations; with Tables; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Dwarf; use Dwarf; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ortho_Code.Flags; use Ortho_Code.Flags; with Ortho_Code.Decls; with Ortho_Code.Types; with Ortho_Code.Consts; with Ortho_Ident; with Ortho_Code.Binary; package body Ortho_Code.Dwarf is -- Dwarf debugging format. -- Debugging. Line1_Sect : Section_Acc := null; Line_Last : Int32 := 0; Line_Pc : Pc_Type := 0; -- Constant. Min_Insn_Len : constant := 1; Line_Base : constant := 1; Line_Range : constant := 4; Line_Opcode_Base : constant := 13; Line_Max_Addr : constant := (255 - Line_Opcode_Base) / Line_Range; -- + Line_Base; Cur_File : Natural := 0; Last_File : Natural := 0; Orig_Sym : Symbol; End_Sym : Symbol; Abbrev_Sym : Symbol; Info_Sym : Symbol; Line_Sym : Symbol; Abbrev_Last : Unsigned_32; procedure Gen_String_Nul (Str : String) is begin Prealloc (Str'Length + 1); for I in Str'Range loop Gen_B8 (Character'Pos (Str (I))); end loop; Gen_B8 (0); end Gen_String_Nul; procedure Gen_Sleb128 (V : Int32) is V1 : Uns32 := To_Uns32 (V); V2 : Uns32; B : Byte; function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Uns32; Amount : Natural) return Uns32; pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic); begin loop B := Byte (V1 and 16#7F#); V2 := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V1, 7); if (V2 = 0 and (B and 16#40#) = 0) or (V2 = -1 and (B and 16#40#) /= 0) then Gen_B8 (B); exit; else Gen_B8 (B or 16#80#); V1 := V2; end if; end loop; end Gen_Sleb128; procedure Gen_Uleb128 (V : Unsigned_32) is V1 : Unsigned_32 := V; B : Byte; begin loop B := Byte (V1 and 16#7f#); V1 := Shift_Right (V1, 7); if V1 /= 0 then Gen_B8 (B or 16#80#); else Gen_B8 (B); exit; end if; end loop; end Gen_Uleb128; procedure Set_Line_Stmt (Line : Int32) is Pc : Pc_Type; D_Pc : Pc_Type; D_Ln : Int32; begin if Line = Line_Last then return; end if; Pc := Get_Current_Pc; D_Pc := (Pc - Line_Pc) / Min_Insn_Len; D_Ln := Line - Line_Last; -- Always emit line information, since missing info can distrub the -- user. -- As an optimization, we could try to emit the highest line for the -- same PC, since GDB seems to handle this way. if False and D_Pc = 0 then return; end if; Set_Current_Section (Line1_Sect); Prealloc (32); if Cur_File /= Last_File then Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Set_File)); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Cur_File)); Last_File := Cur_File; elsif Cur_File = 0 then -- No file yet. return; end if; if D_Ln < Line_Base or D_Ln >= (Line_Base + Line_Range) then -- Emit an advance line. Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Advance_Line)); Gen_Sleb128 (Int32 (D_Ln - Line_Base)); D_Ln := Line_Base; end if; if D_Pc >= Line_Max_Addr then -- Emit an advance addr. Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Advance_Pc)); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (D_Pc)); D_Pc := 0; end if; Gen_B8 (Line_Opcode_Base + Byte (D_Pc) * Line_Range + Byte (D_Ln - Line_Base)); Line_Pc := Pc; Line_Last := Line; end Set_Line_Stmt; type String_Acc is access constant String; type Dir_Chain; type Dir_Chain_Acc is access Dir_Chain; type Dir_Chain is record Name : String_Acc; Next : Dir_Chain_Acc; end record; type File_Chain; type File_Chain_Acc is access File_Chain; type File_Chain is record Name : String_Acc; Dir : Natural; Next : File_Chain_Acc; end record; Dirs : Dir_Chain_Acc := null; Files : File_Chain_Acc := null; procedure Set_Filename (Dir : String; File : String) is D : Natural; F : Natural; D_C : Dir_Chain_Acc; F_C : File_Chain_Acc; begin -- Find directory. if Dir = "" then -- Current directory. D := 0; elsif Dirs = null then -- First directory. Dirs := new Dir_Chain'(Name => new String'(Dir), Next => null); D := 1; else -- Find a directory. D_C := Dirs; D := 1; loop exit when D_C.Name.all = Dir; D := D + 1; if D_C.Next = null then D_C.Next := new Dir_Chain'(Name => new String'(Dir), Next => null); exit; else D_C := D_C.Next; end if; end loop; end if; -- Find file. F := 1; if Files = null then -- first file. Files := new File_Chain'(Name => new String'(File), Dir => D, Next => null); else F_C := Files; loop exit when F_C.Name.all = File and F_C.Dir = D; F := F + 1; if F_C.Next = null then F_C.Next := new File_Chain'(Name => new String'(File), Dir => D, Next => null); exit; else F_C := F_C.Next; end if; end loop; end if; Cur_File := F; end Set_Filename; procedure Gen_Abbrev_Header (Tag : Unsigned_32; Child : Byte) is begin Gen_Uleb128 (Tag); Gen_B8 (Child); end Gen_Abbrev_Header; procedure Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (Attr : Unsigned_32; Form : Unsigned_32) is begin Gen_Uleb128 (Attr); Gen_Uleb128 (Form); end Gen_Abbrev_Tuple; procedure Init is begin -- Generate type names. Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True; Orig_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol; Set_Symbol_Pc (Orig_Sym, False); End_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol; Create_Section (Line1_Sect, ".debug_line-1", Section_Debug); Set_Current_Section (Line1_Sect); -- Write Address. Gen_B8 (0); -- extended opcode Gen_B8 (5); -- length: 1 + 4 Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNE_Set_Address)); Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0); Line_Last := 1; Create_Section (Line_Sect, ".debug_line", Section_Debug); Set_Section_Info (Line_Sect, null, 0, 0); Set_Current_Section (Line_Sect); Line_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol; Set_Symbol_Pc (Line_Sym, False); -- Abbrevs. Create_Section (Abbrev_Sect, ".debug_abbrev", Section_Debug); Set_Section_Info (Abbrev_Sect, null, 0, 0); Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect); Abbrev_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol; Set_Symbol_Pc (Abbrev_Sym, False); Gen_Uleb128 (1); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Compile_Unit, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Stmt_List, DW_FORM_Data4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Producer, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Comp_Dir, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); Abbrev_Last := 1; -- Info. Create_Section (Info_Sect, ".debug_info", Section_Debug); Set_Section_Info (Info_Sect, null, 0, 0); Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); Info_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol; Set_Symbol_Pc (Info_Sym, False); Gen_32 (7); -- Length: to be patched. Gen_16 (2); -- version Gen_Ua_32 (Abbrev_Sym, 0); -- Abbrev offset Gen_B8 (4); -- Ptr size. -- Compile_unit. Gen_Uleb128 (1); Gen_Ua_32 (Line_Sym, 0); Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0); Gen_Ua_32 (End_Sym, 0); Gen_String_Nul ("T.Gingold ortho_mcode (2004)"); Gen_String_Nul (GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir); end Init; procedure Emit_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode); -- Next node to be emitted. Last_Decl : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_First; procedure Emit_Decls_Until (Last : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin while Last_Decl < Last loop Emit_Decl (Last_Decl); Last_Decl := Get_Decl_Chain (Last_Decl); end loop; end Emit_Decls_Until; procedure Finish is Length : Pc_Type; Last : O_Dnode; begin Set_Symbol_Pc (End_Sym, False); Length := Get_Current_Pc; Last := Decls.Get_Decl_Last; Emit_Decls_Until (Last); if Last_Decl <= Last then Emit_Decl (Last); end if; -- Finish abbrevs. Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect); Gen_Uleb128 (0); -- Emit header. Set_Current_Section (Line_Sect); -- Unit_Length (to be patched). Gen_32 (0); -- version Gen_16 (2); -- header_length (to be patched). Gen_32 (5 + 12 + 1); -- minimum_instruction_length. Gen_B8 (Min_Insn_Len); -- default_is_stmt Gen_B8 (1); -- line base Gen_B8 (Line_Base); -- line range Gen_B8 (Line_Range); -- opcode base Gen_B8 (Line_Opcode_Base); -- standard_opcode_length. Gen_B8 (0); -- copy Gen_B8 (1); -- advance pc Gen_B8 (1); -- advance line Gen_B8 (1); -- set file Gen_B8 (1); -- set column Gen_B8 (0); -- negate stmt Gen_B8 (0); -- set basic block Gen_B8 (0); -- const add pc Gen_B8 (1); -- fixed advance pc Gen_B8 (0); -- set prologue end Gen_B8 (0); -- set epilogue begin Gen_B8 (1); -- set isa --if Line_Opcode_Base /= 13 then -- raise Program_Error; --end if; -- include directories declare D : Dir_Chain_Acc; begin D := Dirs; while D /= null loop Gen_String_Nul (D.Name.all); D := D.Next; end loop; Gen_B8 (0); -- last entry. end; -- file_names. declare F : File_Chain_Acc; begin F := Files; while F /= null loop Gen_String_Nul (F.Name.all); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (F.Dir)); Gen_B8 (0); -- time Gen_B8 (0); -- length F := F.Next; end loop; Gen_B8 (0); -- last entry. end; -- Set prolog length Patch_32 (6, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 6)); Merge_Section (Line_Sect, Line1_Sect); -- Emit end of sequence. Gen_B8 (0); -- extended opcode Gen_B8 (1); -- length: 1 Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNE_End_Sequence)); -- Set total length. Patch_32 (0, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 4)); -- Info. Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); -- Finish child. Gen_Uleb128 (0); -- Set total length. Patch_32 (0, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 4)); -- Aranges Create_Section (Aranges_Sect, ".debug_aranges", Section_Debug); Set_Section_Info (Aranges_Sect, null, 0, 0); Set_Current_Section (Aranges_Sect); Gen_32 (28); -- Length. Gen_16 (2); -- version Gen_Ua_32 (Info_Sym, 0); -- info offset Gen_B8 (4); -- Ptr size. Gen_B8 (0); -- seg desc size. Gen_32 (0); -- pad Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0); -- text offset Gen_32 (Unsigned_32 (Length)); Gen_32 (0); -- End Gen_32 (0); end Finish; procedure Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev : out Unsigned_32) is begin Abbrev_Last := Abbrev_Last + 1; Abbrev := Abbrev_Last; Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect); -- FIXME: should be enough ? Prealloc (128); Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev); end Generate_Abbrev; procedure Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev : Unsigned_32) is begin Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev); end Gen_Info_Header; function Gen_Info_Sibling return Pc_Type is Pc : Pc_Type; begin Pc := Get_Current_Pc; Gen_32 (0); return Pc; end Gen_Info_Sibling; procedure Patch_Info_Sibling (Pc : Pc_Type) is begin Patch_32 (Pc, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc)); end Patch_Info_Sibling; Abbrev_Base_Type : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Base_Type_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Pointer : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Pointer_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Ucarray : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Ucarray_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Uc_Subrange : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Subarray : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Subarray_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Subrange : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Struct : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Struct_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Union : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Union_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Member : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Enum : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Enum_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Enumerator : Unsigned_32 := 0; package TOnodes is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Pc_Type, Table_Index_Type => O_Tnode, Table_Low_Bound => O_Tnode_First, Table_Initial => 16); procedure Emit_Type_Ref (Atype : O_Tnode) is Off : Pc_Type; begin pragma Assert (Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf); Off := TOnodes.Table (Atype); pragma Assert (Off /= Null_Pc); Gen_32 (Unsigned_32 (Off)); end Emit_Type_Ref; procedure Emit_Ident (Id : O_Ident) is use Ortho_Ident; L : Natural; begin L := Get_String_Length (Id); Prealloc (Pc_Type (L) + 128); Gen_String_Nul (Get_String (Id)); end Emit_Ident; procedure Add_Type_Ref (Atype : O_Tnode; Pc : Pc_Type) is Prev : O_Tnode; begin if Atype > TOnodes.Last then -- Expand. Prev := TOnodes.Last; TOnodes.Set_Last (Atype); TOnodes.Table (Prev + 1 .. Atype - 1) := (others => Null_Pc); end if; TOnodes.Table (Atype) := Pc; end Add_Type_Ref; procedure Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin Emit_Ident (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl)); end Emit_Decl_Ident; procedure Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then Emit_Ident (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl)); end if; end Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set; procedure Emit_Type (Atype : O_Tnode); procedure Emit_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Encoding, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; begin if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Base_Type = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Base_Type); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Base_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Base_Type); else if Abbrev_Base_Type_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Base_Type_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Base_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Base_Type_Name); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); end if; case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is when OT_Signed => Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Signed); when OT_Unsigned => Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Unsigned); when OT_Float => Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Float); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); end Emit_Base_Type; procedure Emit_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete; Dtype : O_Tnode; D_Pc : Pc_Type; begin Dtype := Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype); if Dtype = O_Tnode_Null then if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer); else if Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); end if; Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); else if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Pointer = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Pointer); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Pointer); else if Abbrev_Pointer_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Pointer_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Pointer_Name); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); end if; Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); -- Break possible loops: generate the access entry... D_Pc := Get_Current_Pc; Gen_32 (0); -- ... generate the designated type ... Emit_Type (Dtype); -- ... and write its reference. Patch_32 (D_Pc, Unsigned_32 (TOnodes.Table (Dtype))); end if; end Emit_Access_Type; procedure Emit_Ucarray_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; begin if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Ucarray = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Ucarray); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Ucarray); else if Abbrev_Ucarray_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Ucarray_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Ucarray_Name); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); end if; Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype)); if Abbrev_Uc_Subrange = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uc_Subrange); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subrange_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uc_Subrange); Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype)); Gen_Uleb128 (0); end Emit_Ucarray_Type; procedure Emit_Subarray_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; Base : O_Tnode; begin if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Subarray = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subarray); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subarray); else if Abbrev_Subarray_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subarray_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subarray_Name); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); end if; Base := Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype); Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Base)); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); if Abbrev_Subrange = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subrange); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subrange_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Lower_Bound, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Count, DW_FORM_Udata); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subrange); Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Base)); Gen_B8 (0); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype))); Gen_Uleb128 (0); end Emit_Subarray_Type; procedure Emit_Members (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; Nbr : Uns32; F : O_Fnode; Loc_Pc : Pc_Type; Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type; begin if Abbrev_Member = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Member); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Member, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Data_Member_Location, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling; Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype); F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype); while Nbr > 0 loop Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev_Member); Emit_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F)); Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Field_Type (F)); -- Location. Loc_Pc := Get_Current_Pc; Gen_B8 (3); Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Plus_Uconst); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Field_Offset (F))); Patch_B8 (Loc_Pc, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - (Loc_Pc + 1))); F := Get_Field_Chain (F); Nbr := Nbr - 1; end loop; -- end of children. Gen_Uleb128 (0); Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc); end Emit_Members; procedure Emit_Record_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; begin if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Struct = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Struct); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Structure_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Struct); else if Abbrev_Struct_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Struct_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Structure_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Struct_Name); end if; Emit_Members (Atype, Decl); end Emit_Record_Type; procedure Emit_Union_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; begin if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Union = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Union); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Union_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Union); else if Abbrev_Union_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Union_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Union_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Union_Name); end if; Emit_Members (Atype, Decl); end Emit_Union_Type; procedure Emit_Enum_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Consts; procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is begin Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end Finish_Gen_Abbrev; procedure Emit_Enumerator (L : O_Cnode) is begin Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev_Enumerator); Emit_Ident (Get_Lit_Ident (L)); Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Lit_Value (L))); end Emit_Enumerator; Nbr : Uns32; L : O_Cnode; Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type; begin if Abbrev_Enumerator = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enumerator); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumerator, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Const_Value, DW_FORM_Udata); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then if Abbrev_Enum = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enum); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Enum); else if Abbrev_Enum_Name = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enum_Name); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Finish_Gen_Abbrev; end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Enum_Name); end if; Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling; Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl); Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype))); case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is when OT_Enum => Nbr := Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype); L := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype); while Nbr > 0 loop Emit_Enumerator (L); L := Get_Lit_Chain (L); Nbr := Nbr - 1; end loop; when OT_Boolean => Emit_Enumerator (Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype)); Emit_Enumerator (Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; -- End of children. Gen_Uleb128 (0); Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc); end Emit_Enum_Type; procedure Emit_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) is use Ortho_Code.Types; use Ada.Text_IO; Kind : OT_Kind; Decl : O_Dnode; begin if Flag_Debug < Debug_Dwarf then return; end if; -- If already emitted, then return. if Atype <= TOnodes.Last and then TOnodes.Table (Atype) /= Null_Pc then return; end if; Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype); -- First step: emit inner types (if any). case Kind is when OT_Signed | OT_Unsigned | OT_Float | OT_Boolean | OT_Enum => null; when OT_Access => null; when OT_Ucarray => Emit_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype)); Emit_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype)); when OT_Subarray => Emit_Type (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype)); when OT_Record | OT_Union => declare Nbr : Uns32; F : O_Fnode; begin Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype); F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype); while Nbr > 0 loop Emit_Type (Get_Field_Type (F)); F := Get_Field_Chain (F); Nbr := Nbr - 1; end loop; end; when OT_Complete => null; end case; Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); Add_Type_Ref (Atype, Get_Current_Pc); Decl := Decls.Get_Type_Decl (Atype); -- Second step: emit info. case Kind is when OT_Signed | OT_Unsigned | OT_Float => Emit_Base_Type (Atype, Decl); -- base types. when OT_Access => Emit_Access_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Ucarray => Emit_Ucarray_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Subarray => Emit_Subarray_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Record => Emit_Record_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Union => Emit_Union_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Enum | OT_Boolean => Emit_Enum_Type (Atype, Decl); when OT_Complete => null; end case; end Emit_Type; procedure Emit_Decl_Type (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)); end Emit_Decl_Type; Abbrev_Variable : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Const : Unsigned_32 := 0; procedure Emit_Local_Location (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; Pc : Pc_Type; begin Pc := Get_Current_Pc; Gen_B8 (2); Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Fbreg); Gen_Sleb128 (Get_Decl_Info (Decl)); Patch_B8 (Pc, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - (Pc + 1))); end Emit_Local_Location; procedure Emit_Global_Location (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Binary; begin Gen_B8 (5); Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Addr); Gen_Ua_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl), 0); end Emit_Global_Location; procedure Emit_Variable (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; Dtype : O_Tnode; begin if Get_Decl_Ident (Decl) = O_Ident_Nul then return; end if; if Abbrev_Variable = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Variable); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Variable, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl); Emit_Type (Dtype); Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Variable); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); Emit_Type_Ref (Dtype); case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is when OD_Local => Emit_Local_Location (Decl); when OD_Var => Emit_Global_Location (Decl); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Emit_Variable; procedure Emit_Const (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; Dtype : O_Tnode; begin if Abbrev_Const = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Const); -- FIXME: should be a TAG_Constant, however, GDB does not support it. -- work-around: could use a const_type. Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Variable, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl); Emit_Type (Dtype); Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Const); Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); Emit_Type_Ref (Dtype); Emit_Global_Location (Decl); end Emit_Const; procedure Emit_Type_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)); end Emit_Type_Decl; Subprg_Sym : Symbol; Abbrev_Block : Unsigned_32 := 0; procedure Emit_Block_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; Last : O_Dnode; Sdecl : O_Dnode; Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type; begin if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then if Abbrev_Block = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Block); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Lexical_Block, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Block); Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling; Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Block_Info1 (Decl))); Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Block_Info2 (Decl))); end if; -- Emit decls for children. Last := Get_Block_Last (Decl); Sdecl := Decl + 1; while Sdecl <= Last loop Emit_Decl (Sdecl); Sdecl := Get_Decl_Chain (Sdecl); end loop; if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then -- End of children. Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect); Gen_Uleb128 (0); Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc); end if; end Emit_Block_Decl; Abbrev_Function : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Procedure : Unsigned_32 := 0; Abbrev_Interface : Unsigned_32 := 0; procedure Emit_Subprg_Body (Bod : O_Dnode) is use Ortho_Code.Decls; Decl : constant O_Dnode := Get_Body_Decl (Bod); Kind : constant OD_Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl); Idecl : O_Dnode; Prev_Subprg_Sym : Symbol; Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type; begin -- Emit interfaces type. Idecl := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl); while Idecl /= O_Dnode_Null loop Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Idecl)); Idecl := Get_Interface_Chain (Idecl); end loop; if Kind = OD_Function then Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)); if Abbrev_Function = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Function); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Frame_Base, DW_FORM_Block1); end if; --Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Return_Addr, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Function); else if Abbrev_Procedure = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Procedure); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_Yes); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr); if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Frame_Base, DW_FORM_Block1); end if; --Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Return_Addr, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Procedure); end if; -- Name. Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl); -- Low, High. Prev_Subprg_Sym := Subprg_Sym; Subprg_Sym := Binary.Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl); Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, 0); Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Body_Info (Bod))); if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then -- Type. if Kind = OD_Function then Emit_Decl_Type (Decl); end if; -- Sibling. Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling; -- Frame base. Gen_B8 (1); Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Reg5); end if; -- Interfaces. Idecl := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl); if Idecl /= O_Dnode_Null and then Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then if Abbrev_Interface = 0 then Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Interface); Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Formal_Parameter, DW_CHILDREN_No); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1); Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0); end if; loop Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Interface); Emit_Decl_Type (Idecl); Emit_Decl_Ident (Idecl); Emit_Local_Location (Idecl); Idecl := Get_Interface_Chain (Idecl); exit when Idecl = O_Dnode_Null; end loop; end if; -- Internal declarations. Emit_Block_Decl (Bod + 1); -- End of children. Gen_Uleb128 (0); if Flag_Debug >= Debug_Dwarf then Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc); end if; Subprg_Sym := Prev_Subprg_Sym; end Emit_Subprg_Body; procedure Emit_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is use Ada.Text_IO; use Ortho_Code.Decls; begin if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is when OD_Type => Emit_Type_Decl (Decl); when OD_Local | OD_Var => Emit_Variable (Decl); when OD_Const => Emit_Const (Decl); when OD_Function | OD_Procedure | OD_Interface => null; when OD_Body => Emit_Subprg_Body (Decl); when OD_Block => Emit_Block_Decl (Decl); when others => Put_Line ("dwarf.emit_decl: emit " & OD_Kind'Image (Get_Decl_Kind (Decl))); end case; elsif Flag_Debug = Debug_Line then if Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) = OD_Body then Emit_Subprg_Body (Decl); end if; end if; end Emit_Decl; procedure Emit_Subprg (Bod : O_Dnode) is begin Emit_Decls_Until (Bod); Emit_Decl (Bod); Last_Decl := Decls.Get_Decl_Chain (Bod); end Emit_Subprg; procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is begin M.Last_Decl := Last_Decl; M.Last_Tnode := TOnodes.Last; end Mark; procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is begin Last_Decl := M.Last_Decl; TOnodes.Set_Last (M.Last_Tnode); end Release; end Ortho_Code.Dwarf;