library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package repro2_pkg is type t_av_st is record data : std_ulogic_vector; -- src -> sink valid : std_ulogic; -- src -> sink empty : std_ulogic_vector; -- src -> sink chnnl : std_ulogic_vector; -- src -> sink end record t_av_st; type t_arr_av_st is array (NATURAL range <>) of t_av_st; end package repro2_pkg; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.numeric_std_unsigned.all; use work.repro2_pkg.all; entity repro2_sub is generic( G_SINKS : positive; G_SOURCES : positive ); port( clk : in std_ulogic; -- Avst Sink avst_sink : inout t_arr_av_st(G_SINKS downto 1) ); end entity; architecture rtl of repro2_sub is signal avst_current_sink : t_av_st(data(avst_sink(avst_sink'low).data'range), empty(avst_sink(avst_sink'low).empty'range), chnnl(avst_sink(avst_sink'low).chnnl'range)); begin -- sink_sel_gen: for i in sink_sel'range generate -- sink_sel_seq_proc: process(clk) is begin -- avst_current_sink.valid <= '0'; -- end process; -- end generate; end architecture; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.numeric_std_unsigned.all; use work.repro2_pkg.all; entity repro2 is end entity; architecture tb of repro2 is constant clk_period : time := 10 ns; signal clk : std_logic := '0'; constant C_VC_SOURCES : positive := 3; constant C_VC_SINKS : positive := 3; subtype vc_sources_range is natural range C_VC_SOURCES downto 1; subtype vc_sinks_range is natural range C_VC_SINKS downto 1; signal avst_src : t_arr_av_st(vc_sources_range)(data(8 downto 0), empty(0 downto 0), chnnl(0 downto 0)); begin dut_inst: entity work.repro2_sub generic map ( G_SINKS => C_VC_SOURCES, G_SOURCES => C_VC_SINKS) port map ( clk => clk, avst_sink => avst_src ); clk <= not clk after clk_period / 2; end architecture tb;