Project IceStorm

2015-07-19: Released support for 8k chips. Moved IceStorm source code to GitHub.
2015-05-27: We have a working fully Open Source flow with Yosys and Arachne-pnr! Video:
2015-04-13: Complete rewrite of IceUnpack, added IcePack, some major documentation updates
2015-03-22: First public release and short YouTube video demonstrating our work:

What is Project IceStorm?

Project IceStorm aims at documenting the bitstream format of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs and providing simple tools for analyzing and creating bitstream files. At the moment the focus of the project is on the HX1K-TQ144 device, but most of the information is device-independent.

Why the Lattice iCE40?

It has a very minimalistic architecture with a very regular structure. There are not many different kinds of tiles or special function units. This makes it both ideal for reverse engineering and as a reference platform for general purpose FPGA tool development.

Also, with the iCEstick there is a cheap and easy to use development platform available, which makes the part interesting for all kinds of projects.

What is the Status of the Project?

We have enough bits mapped that we can create a functional Verilog model for almost all bitstreams generated by Lattice iCEcube2 for the iCE40 HX1K-TQ144 and the iCE40 HX8K-CT256.

What is the Status of the Fully Open Source iCE40 Flow?

Synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs can be done with Yosys. Place-and-route can be done with arachne-pnr. Here is an example script for implementing and programming the rot example from arachne-pnr (this example targets the iCEstick development board):

yosys -p "synth_ice40 -blif rot.blif" rot.v
arachne-pnr -d 1k -p rot.pcf rot.blif -o rot.txt
icepack rot.txt rot.bin
iceprog rot.bin

Where are the Tools? How to install?

Installing the IceStorm Tools (icepack, icebox, iceprog):

git clone icestorm
cd icestorm
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Installing Arachne-PNR (the place&route tool):

git clone arachne-pnr
cd arachne-pnr
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Installing Yosys (Verilog synthesis):

git clone yosys
cd yosys
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

What are the IceStorm Tools?


The iceunpack program converts an iCE40 .bin file into the IceBox ASCII format that has blocks of 0 and 1 for the config bits for each tile in the chip. The icepack program converts such an ASCII file back to an iCE40 .bin file.


A python library and various tools for working with IceBox ASCII files and accessing the device database. For example converts our ASCII file dump of a bitstream into a Verilog file that implements an equivalent circuit.


A small driver program for the FTDI-based programmer used on the iCEstick and HX8K development boards.


The IceStorm Makefile builds and installs two files: chipdb-1k.txt and chipdb-8k.txt. This files contain all the relevant information for arachne-pnr to place&route a design and create an IceBox ASCII file for the placed and routed design.

The IceStorm tools are written by Clifford Wolf. IcePack/IceUnpack is based on a reference implementation provided by Mathias Lasser.

Where is the Documentation?

Recommended reading: Lattice iCE40 LP/HX Family Datasheet, Lattice iCE Technology Library (Especially the three pages on "Architecture Overview", "PLB Blocks", "Routing", and "Clock/Control Distribution Network" in the Lattice iCE40 LP/HX Family Datasheet. Read that first, then come back here.)

The FPGA fabric is divided into tiles. There are IO, RAM and LOGIC tiles.

The iceunpack program can be used to convert the bitstream into an ASCII file that has a block of 0 and 1 characters for each tile. For example:

.logic_tile 12 12

This bits are referred to as By[x] in the documentation. For example, B0 is the first line, B0[0] the first bit in the first line, and B15[53] the last bit in the last line.

The program can be used to turn this block of config bits into a description of the cell configuration:

.logic_tile 12 12
LC_7 0101010110101010 0000
buffer local_g0_2 lutff_7/in_3
buffer local_g1_4 lutff_7/in_0
buffer sp12_h_r_18 local_g0_2
buffer sp12_h_r_20 local_g1_4

IceBox contains a database of the wires and configuration bits that can be found in iCE40 tiles. This database can be accessed via the IceBox Python API. But IceBox is a large hack. So it is recommended to only use the IceBox API to export this database into a format that fits the target application. See for an example program that does that.

The recommended approach for learning how to use this documentation is to synthesize very simple circuits using Lattice iCEcube2, run our toolchain on the resulting bitstream files, and analyze the results using the HTML export of the database mentioned above. can be used to convert the bitstream to Verilog. The output file of this tool will also outline the signal paths in comments added to the generated Verilog.

For example, using the top_bitmap.bin from the following Verilog and PCF files:

module top (input a, b, output y);
  assign y = a & b;

set_io a 1
set_io b 10
set_io y 11

We would get something like the following output:

$ iceunpack top_bitmap.bin top_bitmap.txt
$ icebox_explain top_bitmap.txt
Reading file 'top_bitmap.txt'..
Fabric size (without IO tiles): 12 x 16

.io_tile 0 10
IoCtrl IE_0
IoCtrl IE_1
IoCtrl REN_0
buffer local_g1_2 io_1/D_OUT_0
buffer logic_op_tnr_2 local_g1_2

.io_tile 0 14
IoCtrl IE_1
IoCtrl REN_0
buffer io_1/D_IN_0 span4_horz_28

.io_tile 0 11
IoCtrl IE_0
IoCtrl REN_1

.logic_tile 1 11
LC_2 0000000001010101 0000
buffer local_g1_4 lutff_2/in_3
buffer local_g3_1 lutff_2/in_0
buffer neigh_op_lft_4 local_g1_4
buffer sp4_r_v_b_41 local_g3_1

.logic_tile 2 14
routing sp4_h_l_41 sp4_v_b_4

And something like the following output:

$ icebox_vlog top_bitmap.txt
// Reading file 'top_bitmap.txt'..

module chip (output io_0_10_1, input io_0_11_0, input io_0_14_1);

wire io_0_10_1;
// io_0_10_1
// (0, 10, 'io_1/D_OUT_0')
// (0, 10, 'io_1/PAD')
// (0, 10, 'local_g1_2')
// (0, 10, 'logic_op_tnr_2')
// (0, 11, 'logic_op_rgt_2')
// (0, 12, 'logic_op_bnr_2')
// (1, 10, 'neigh_op_top_2')
// (1, 11, 'lutff_2/out')
// (1, 12, 'neigh_op_bot_2')
// (2, 10, 'neigh_op_tnl_2')
// (2, 11, 'neigh_op_lft_2')
// (2, 12, 'neigh_op_bnl_2')

wire io_0_11_0;
// io_0_11_0
// (0, 11, 'io_0/D_IN_0')
// (0, 11, 'io_0/PAD')
// (1, 10, 'neigh_op_tnl_0')
// (1, 10, 'neigh_op_tnl_4')
// (1, 11, 'local_g1_4')
// (1, 11, 'lutff_2/in_3')
// (1, 11, 'neigh_op_lft_0')
// (1, 11, 'neigh_op_lft_4')
// (1, 12, 'neigh_op_bnl_0')
// (1, 12, 'neigh_op_bnl_4')

wire io_0_14_1;
// io_0_14_1
// (0, 14, 'io_1/D_IN_0')
// (0, 14, 'io_1/PAD')
// (0, 14, 'span4_horz_28')
// (1, 11, 'local_g3_1')
// (1, 11, 'lutff_2/in_0')
// (1, 11, 'sp4_r_v_b_41')
// (1, 12, 'sp4_r_v_b_28')
// (1, 13, 'neigh_op_tnl_2')
// (1, 13, 'neigh_op_tnl_6')
// (1, 13, 'sp4_r_v_b_17')
// (1, 14, 'neigh_op_lft_2')
// (1, 14, 'neigh_op_lft_6')
// (1, 14, 'sp4_h_r_41')
// (1, 14, 'sp4_r_v_b_4')
// (1, 15, 'neigh_op_bnl_2')
// (1, 15, 'neigh_op_bnl_6')
// (2, 10, 'sp4_v_t_41')
// (2, 11, 'sp4_v_b_41')
// (2, 12, 'sp4_v_b_28')
// (2, 13, 'sp4_v_b_17')
// (2, 14, 'sp4_h_l_41')
// (2, 14, 'sp4_v_b_4')

assign io_0_10_1 = /* LUT    1 11  2 */ io_0_11_0 ? io_0_14_1 : 0;


In papers and reports, please refer to Project IceStorm as follows: Clifford Wolf, Mathias Lasser. Project IceStorm., e.g. using the following BibTeX code:

	author = {Clifford Wolf and Mathias Lasser},
	title = {Project IceStorm},
	howpublished = "\url{}"

Documentation mostly by Clifford Wolf <> in 2015. Based on research by Mathias Lasser and Clifford Wolf.
Buy an iCEstick from Lattice and see what you can do with the information provided here. Buy a few because you might break some..