#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys, re db = set() text_db = dict() mode_8k = False mode_384 = False cur_text_db = None max_x, max_y = 0, 0 device_class = os.getenv("ICEDEVICE") for filename in sys.argv[1:]: with open(filename, "r") as f: ignore = False for line in f: if line == "\n": pass elif line.startswith("GlobalNetwork"): cur_text_db = set() ignore = False elif line.startswith("IO"): match = re.match("IO_Tile_(\d+)_(\d+)", line) assert match max_x = max(max_x, int(match.group(1))) max_y = max(max_y, int(match.group(2))) cur_text_db = text_db.setdefault("io", set()) ignore = False elif line.startswith("Logic"): cur_text_db = text_db.setdefault("logic", set()) ignore = False elif line.startswith("RAM"): match = re.match(r"RAM_Tile_\d+_(\d+)", line) if int(match.group(1)) % 2 == 1: cur_text_db = text_db.setdefault("ramb_" + device_class if device_class in ["5k", "8k"] else "ramb", set()) else: cur_text_db = text_db.setdefault("ramt_" + device_class if device_class in ["5k", "8k"] else "ramt", set()) ignore = False elif device_class == "5k" and line.startswith(("IpCon", "DSP")): ignore = True elif not ignore: print("'" + line + "'") assert line.startswith(" ") cur_text_db.add(line) def logic_op_prefix(match): x = int(match.group(1)) y = int(match.group(2)) if x == 0: return " IO_L.logic_op_" if y == 0: return " IO_B.logic_op_" if x == max_x: return " IO_R.logic_op_" if y == max_y: return " IO_T.logic_op_" assert False for tile_type in text_db: for line in text_db[tile_type]: line = re.sub(" T_(\d+)_(\d+)\.logic_op_", logic_op_prefix, line) line = re.sub(" T_\d+_\d+\.", " ", line) m = re.match(" *(\([\d ]+\)) +\([\d ]+\) +\([\d ]+\) +(.*\S)", line) if m: db.add("%s %s %s" % (tile_type, m.group(1), m.group(2))) for line in sorted(db): print(line)