#!/usr/bin/env python3 from fuzzconfig import * import numpy as np import os device_class = os.getenv("ICEDEVICE") assert device_class == "5k" working_dir = "work_%s_dsp" % (device_class, ) os.system("rm -rf " + working_dir) os.mkdir(working_dir) def randbin(n): return "".join([np.random.choice(["0", "1"]) for i in range(n)]) #Only certain combinations are allowed in icecube, list them here #This is not a complete set, but enough to cover all bits except cbit13, which #is not set in any allowed config (?) allowed_configs = ["0010000010000001001110110", "1110000010000001001110110", "0010000010000001000000000", "1110000010000001000000000", "0000000011000001111110110", "1100000011000001111110110", "0000000011000001110000110", "0010000101000010111111111", "0000001001100100111111111", "0001001001100100111111111", "0001101001100100111111111", "0001111000101100000000000"] coverage = set() for c in allowed_configs: for i in range(25): if c[i] == "1": coverage.add(i) assert len(coverage) >= 24 #print(len(coverage)) #print(coverage) for idx in range(num): with open(working_dir + "/dsp_%02d.v" % idx, "w") as f: glbs = ["glb[%d]" % i for i in range(np.random.randint(8)+1)] # TODO: ce should be on this list, but causes routing failures glbs_choice = ["clk", "a", "b", "c", "d,", "ah", "bh", "ch", "dh", "irt", "irb", "ort", "orb", "olt", "olb", "ast", "asb", "oht", "ohb", "sei"] print(""" module top ( input [%d:0] glb_pins, input [%d:0] in_pins, output [15:0] out_pins ); wire [%d:0] glb, glb_pins; SB_GB gbufs [%d:0] ( .USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER(glb_pins), .GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT(glb) ); """ % (len(glbs)-1, len(pins) - len(glbs) - 16 - 1, len(glbs)-1, len(glbs)-1), file=f) bits = ["in_pins[%d]" % i for i in range(100)] bits = list(np.random.permutation(bits)) for i in range(num_dsp): tmp = list(np.random.permutation(bits)) bits_c = [tmp.pop() for k in range(16)] bits_a = [tmp.pop() for k in range(16)] bits_b = [tmp.pop() for k in range(16)] bits_d = [tmp.pop() for k in range(16)] bit_ce = tmp.pop() bit_clk = tmp.pop() bit_ahold = tmp.pop() bit_bhold = tmp.pop() bit_chold = tmp.pop() bit_dhold = tmp.pop() bit_irsttop = tmp.pop() bit_irstbot = tmp.pop() bit_orsttop = tmp.pop() bit_orstbot = tmp.pop() bit_oloadtop = tmp.pop() bit_oloadbot = tmp.pop() bit_addsubtop = tmp.pop() bit_addsubbot = tmp.pop() bit_oholdtop = tmp.pop() bit_oholdbot = tmp.pop() aci_opts = ["1'b0"] if i > 0 and i % 4 != 0: aci_opts.append("out_%d[33]" % (i-1)); sei_opts = ["1'b0"] if i > 0 and i % 4 != 0: sei_opts.append("out_%d[34]" % (i - 1)); bit_ci = tmp.pop() bit_accumci = np.random.choice(aci_opts) bit_signextin = np.random.choice(sei_opts) if len(glbs) != 0: s = np.random.choice(glbs_choice) glbs_choice.remove(s) if s == "clk": bit_clk = glbs.pop() if s == "a": bits_a[np.random.randint(len(bits_a))] = glbs.pop() if s == "b": bits_b[np.random.randint(len(bits_b))] = glbs.pop() if s == "c": bits_c[np.random.randint(len(bits_c))] = glbs.pop() if s == "d": bits_d[np.random.randint(len(bits_d))] = glbs.pop() if s == "ah": bit_ahold = glbs.pop() if s == "bh": bit_bhold = glbs.pop() if s == "ch": bit_chold = glbs.pop() if s == "dh": bit_dhold = glbs.pop() if s == "irt": bit_irsttop = glbs.pop() if s == "irb": bit_irstbot = glbs.pop() if s == "ort": bit_orsttop = glbs.pop() if s == "orb": bit_orstbot = glbs.pop() if s == "olt": bit_oloadtop = glbs.pop() if s == "olb": bit_oloadbot = glbs.pop() if s == "ast": bit_addsubtop = glbs.pop() if s == "asb": bit_addsubbot = glbs.pop() if s == "oht": bit_oholdtop = glbs.pop() if s == "ohb": bit_oholdbot = glbs.pop() if s == "ci": bit_ci = glbs.pop() bits_a = "{%s}" % ", ".join(bits_a) bits_b = "{%s}" % ", ".join(bits_b) bits_c = "{%s}" % ", ".join(bits_c) bits_d = "{%s}" % ", ".join(bits_d) negclk = randbin(1) params = np.random.choice(allowed_configs) params = params[::-1] print(""" wire [34:0] out_%d; SB_MAC16 #( .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b%s), .C_REG(1'b%s), .A_REG(1'b%s), .B_REG(1'b%s), .D_REG(1'b%s), .TOP_8x8_MULT_REG(1'b%s), .BOT_8x8_MULT_REG(1'b%s), .PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG1(1'b%s), .PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG2(1'b%s), .TOPOUTPUT_SELECT(2'b%s), .TOPADDSUB_LOWERINPUT(2'b%s), .TOPADDSUB_UPPERINPUT(1'b%s), .TOPADDSUB_CARRYSELECT(2'b%s), .BOTOUTPUT_SELECT(2'b%s), .BOTADDSUB_LOWERINPUT(2'b%s), .BOTADDSUB_UPPERINPUT(1'b%s), .BOTADDSUB_CARRYSELECT(2'b%s), .MODE_8x8(1'b%s), .A_SIGNED(1'b%s), .B_SIGNED(1'b%s) ) dsp_%d ( .CLK(%s), .CE(%s), .C(%s), .A(%s), .B(%s), .D(%s), .AHOLD(%s), .BHOLD(%s), .CHOLD(%s), .DHOLD(%s), .IRSTTOP(%s), .IRSTBOT(%s), .ORSTTOP(%s), .ORSTBOT(%s), .OLOADTOP(%s), .OLOADBOT(%s), .ADDSUBTOP(%s), .ADDSUBBOT(%s), .OHOLDTOP(%s), .OHOLDBOT(%s), .CI(%s), .ACCUMCI(%s), .SIGNEXTIN(%s), .O(out_%d[31:0]), .CO(out_%d[32]), .ACCUMCO(out_%d[33]), .SIGNEXTOUT(out_%d[34]) );""" % ( i, negclk, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6], params[7], params[8:10][::-1], params[10:12][::-1], params[12], params[13:15][::-1], params[15:17][::-1], params[17:19][::-1], params[19], params[20:22][::-1], params[22], params[23], params[24], i, bit_clk, bit_ce, bits_c, bits_a, bits_b, bits_d, bit_ahold, bit_bhold, bit_chold, bit_dhold, bit_irsttop, bit_irstbot, bit_orsttop, bit_orstbot, bit_oloadtop, bit_oloadbot, bit_addsubtop, bit_addsubbot, bit_oholdtop, bit_oholdbot, bit_ci, bit_accumci, bit_signextin, i, i, i, i ), file=f) bits = list(np.random.permutation(bits)) for k in range(33): bits[k] = "out_%d[%d] ^ %s" % (i, k, bits[k]) for k in range(16): print("assign out_pins[%d] = out_%d[%d] ^ out_%d[%d];" % (k, i, np.random.randint(33), i, np.random.randint(33)), file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) with open(working_dir + "/dsp_%02d.pcf" % idx, "w") as f: p = list(np.random.permutation(pins)) for i in range(len(pins) - len(glbs) - 16): print("set_io in_pins[%d] %s" % (i, p.pop()), file=f) for i in range(16): print("set_io out_pins[%d] %s" % (i, p.pop()), file=f) output_makefile(working_dir, "dsp")