#!/usr/bin/env python3 from fuzzconfig import * import numpy as np import os os.system("rm -rf work_io") os.mkdir("work_io") if os.getenv('ICE384PINS'): w = 2 else: w = 4 for idx in range(num): with open("work_io/io_%02d.v" % idx, "w") as f: glbs = np.random.permutation(list(range(8))) print(""" module top ( inout [%s:0] pin, input [%s:0] latch_in, input [%s:0] clk_en, input [%s:0] clk_in, input [%s:0] clk_out, input [%s:0] oen, input [%s:0] dout_0, input [%s:0] dout_1, output [%s:0] din_0, output [%s:0] din_1 ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b %s_%s), .PULLUP(1'b %s), .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b %s), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS") ) PINS [%s:0] ( .PACKAGE_PIN(pin), .LATCH_INPUT_VALUE(latch_in), .CLOCK_ENABLE(clk_en), .INPUT_CLK(clk_in), .OUTPUT_CLK(clk_out), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(oen), .D_OUT_0(dout_0), .D_OUT_1(dout_1), .D_IN_0(din_0), .D_IN_1(din_1) ); endmodule """ % ( w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, w-1, np.random.choice(["0000", "0110", "1010", "1110", "0101", "1001", "1101", "0100", "1000", "1100", "0111", "1111"]), np.random.choice(["00", "01", "10", "11"]), np.random.choice(["0", "1"]), np.random.choice(["0", "1"]), w-1 ), file=f) with open("work_io/io_%02d.pcf" % idx, "w") as f: p = list(np.random.permutation(pins)) for k in ["pin", "latch_in", "clk_en", "clk_in", "clk_out", "oen", "dout_0", "dout_1", "din_0", "din_1"]: for i in range(w): print("set_io %s[%d] %s" % (k, i, p.pop()), file=f) with open("work_io/Makefile", "w") as f: print("all: %s" % " ".join(["io_%02d.bin" % i for i in range(num)]), file=f) for i in range(num): print("io_%02d.bin:" % i, file=f) print("\t-bash ../icecube.sh io_%02d > io_%02d.log 2>&1 && rm -rf io_%02d.tmp || tail io_%02d.log" % (i, i, i, i), file=f)