#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys, re device = "up5k" pins = "2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 42 43 44 45 46 47 48".split() # This is the master IP reverse engineering script for three similar IPs: I2C, SPI and LEDDA_IP ip_types = ["I2C", "SPI", "LEDDA_IP"] ip_locs = { } ip_locs["I2C"] = [(0, 31, 0), (25, 31, 0)] ip_locs["SPI"] = [(0, 0, 0), (25, 0, 1)] ip_locs["LEDDA_IP"] = [(0, 31, 2)] #spram_locs = [(0, 0, 1)] ip_data = { } #signals[x][0] -> inputs, signals[x][1] ->outputs ip_signals = {} ip_signals["I2C"] = [["SBCLKI", "SBRWI", "SBSTBI", "SCLI", "SDAI"], ["SBACKO", "I2CIRQ", "I2CWKUP", "SCLO", "SCLOE", "SDAO", "SDAOE"]] ip_signals["SPI"] = [["SBCLKI", "SBRWI", "SBSTBI", "MI", "SI", "SCKI", "SCSNI"], ["SBACKO", "SPIIRQ", "SPIWKUP", "SO", "SOE", "MO", "MOE", "SCKO", "SCKOE"]] # LEDDRST is missing because it doesn't really exist... ip_signals["LEDDA_IP"] = [["LEDDCS", "LEDDCLK", "LEDDDEN", "LEDDEXE"], ["PWMOUT0", "PWMOUT1", "PWMOUT2", "LEDDON"]] fixed_cbits = {} fixed_cbits[("I2C", (0, 31, 0))] = ["BUS_ADDR74_0", "I2C_SLAVE_INIT_ADDR_0"] fixed_cbits[("I2C", (25, 31, 0))] = ["BUS_ADDR74_0", "BUS_ADDR74_1", "I2C_SLAVE_INIT_ADDR_1"] fixed_cbits[("SPI", (0, 0, 0))] = [] fixed_cbits[("SPI", (25, 0, 1))] = ["BUS_ADDR74_1"] # WARNING: this is documented as BUS_ADDR74_0, but this is wrong and will cause icecube to fail. May be the same across devices fuzz_cbits = {} fuzz_cbits["I2C"] = ["SDA_INPUT_DELAYED", "SDA_OUTPUT_DELAYED"] # Don't add slave address to the list, despite confusing primitive declaration, # it's only set in registers not the bitstream #for i in range(2, 10): #fuzz_cbits["I2C"].append("I2C_SLAVE_INIT_ADDR_%d" % i) for i in range(8): ip_signals["I2C"][0].append("SBADRI%d" % i) ip_signals["SPI"][0].append("SBADRI%d" % i) for i in range(4): ip_signals["LEDDA_IP"][0].append("LEDDADDR%d" % i) for i in range(8): ip_signals["I2C"][0].append("SBDATI%d" % i) ip_signals["SPI"][0].append("SBDATI%d" % i) ip_signals["LEDDA_IP"][0].append("LEDDDAT%d" % i) for i in range(8): ip_signals["I2C"][1].append("SBDATO%d" % i) ip_signals["SPI"][1].append("SBDATO%d" % i) for i in range(4): ip_signals["SPI"][1].append("MCSNO%d" % i) ip_signals["SPI"][1].append("MCSNOE%d" % i) fuzz_net_options = {} fuzz_net_options["I2C"] = ["SBADRI", "SBDATI", "SBDATO"] fuzz_net_options["SPI"] = ["SBADRI", "SBDATI", "SBDATO", "MCSN"] fuzz_net_options["LEDDA_IP"] = ["LEDDADDR", "LEDDDAT"] available_cbits = {} available_cbits["I2C"] = [("BUS_ADDR74", 4), ("I2C_SLAVE_INIT_ADDR", 10)] available_cbits["SPI"] = [("BUS_ADDR74", 4)] # Return a param value in "Lattice style" def get_param_value(param_size, param_name, set_cbits): val = "\"0b" for i in range(param_size): if param_name + "_" + str((param_size - 1) - i) in set_cbits: val += "1" else: val += "0" val += "\"" return val # Build the output files for a given IP and config, returning # the pin2net map def make_ip(ip_type, ip_loc, fuzz_opt, set_cbits): used_inputs = [ ] used_outputs = [ ] for insig in ip_signals[ip_type][0]: ignore = False for o in fuzz_net_options[ip_type]: if o != fuzz_opt and insig.startswith(o): ignore = True if not ignore: used_inputs.append(insig) for outsig in ip_signals[ip_type][1]: ignore = False for o in fuzz_net_options[ip_type]: if o != fuzz_opt and outsig.startswith(o): ignore = True if not ignore: used_outputs.append(outsig) all_sigs = used_inputs + used_outputs all_cbits = set() all_cbits.update(set_cbits) if (ip_type, ip_loc) in fixed_cbits: all_cbits.update(fixed_cbits[(ip_type, ip_loc)]) with open("./work_ip/ip.v", "w") as f: print("module top(", file=f) for s in used_inputs: print("input %s," % s, file=f) for s in used_outputs[:-1]: print("output %s," % s, file=f) print("output %s);" % used_outputs[-1], file=f) print("SB_%s" % ip_type, file=f) if ip_type in available_cbits: print("\t#(", file=f) for p in available_cbits[ip_type]: name, width = p comma = "," if p != available_cbits[ip_type][-1] else "" print("\t\t.%s(%s)%s" % (name, get_param_value(width, name, all_cbits), comma), file=f) print("\t)", file=f) print("\tip_inst (",file=f) for sig in all_sigs[:-1]: print("\t\t.%s(%s)," % (sig, sig), file=f) print("\t\t.%s(%s)" % (all_sigs[-1], all_sigs[-1]), file=f) print("\t)", file=f) if "SDA_INPUT_DELAYED" in all_cbits: print("\t/* synthesis SDA_INPUT_DELAYED=1 */", file=f) else: print("\t/* synthesis SDA_INPUT_DELAYED=0 */", file=f) if "SDA_OUTPUT_DELAYED" in all_cbits: print("\t/* synthesis SDA_OUTPUT_DELAYED=1 */", file=f) else: print("\t/* synthesis SDA_OUTPUT_DELAYED=0 */", file=f) print(";", file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) pin2net = {} with open("./work_ip/ip.pcf","w") as f: temp_pins = list(pins) for sig in all_sigs: if len(temp_pins) == 0: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: no remaining pins to alloc") sys.exit(1) pin = temp_pins.pop() pin2net[pin] = sig print("set_io %s %s" % (sig, pin), file=f) print("set_location ip_inst %d %d %d" % ip_loc, file=f) return pin2net #Parse the output of an icebox vlog file to determine connectivity def parse_vlog(f, pin2net, net_map): current_net = None for line in f: m = re.match(r"wire ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+);", line) if m: net = m.group(1) mp = re.match(r"pin_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", net) if mp: pin = mp.group(1) if pin in pin2net: current_net = pin2net[pin] else: current_net = None else: current_net = None elif current_net is not None: m = re.match(r"// \((\d+), (\d+), '([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+)'\)", line) if m: x = int(m.group(1)) y = int(m.group(2)) net = m.group(3) if not (net.startswith("sp") or net.startswith("glb") or net.startswith("neigh") or net.startswith("io") or net.startswith("local") or net.startswith("fabout")): net_map[current_net].add((x, y, net)) def parse_exp(f): current_x = 0 current_y = 0 bits = set() for line in f: splitline = line.split(' ') if splitline[0].endswith("_tile"): current_x = int(splitline[1]) current_y = int(splitline[2]) elif splitline[0] == "IpConfig": bits.add((current_x, current_y, splitline[1].strip())) return bits if not os.path.exists("./work_ip"): os.mkdir("./work_ip") for ip in ip_types: ip_data[ip] = {} for loc in ip_locs[ip]: x, y, z = loc net_cbit_map = {} init_cbits = [] for sig in ip_signals[ip][0]: net_cbit_map[sig] = set() for sig in ip_signals[ip][1]: net_cbit_map[sig] = set() first = True for state in ["FUZZ_NETS", "FUZZ_CBITS"]: fuzz_options = None if state == "FUZZ_NETS": fuzz_options = fuzz_net_options[ip] else: if ip in fuzz_cbits: fuzz_options = fuzz_cbits[ip] else: fuzz_options = [] for n in fuzz_options: print("Fuzzing %s (%d, %d, %d) %s" % (ip, x, y, z, n)) fuzz_nets = fuzz_net_options[ip][0] if state == "FUZZ_NETS": fuzz_nets = n set_cbits = set() if state == "FUZZ_CBITS": set_cbits.add(n) pin2net = make_ip(ip, loc, fuzz_nets, set_cbits) retval = os.system("bash ../../icecube.sh -" + device + " ./work_ip/ip.v > ./work_ip/icecube.log 2>&1") if retval != 0: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icecube returned non-zero error code\n') sys.exit(1) retval = os.system("../../../icebox/icebox_explain.py ./work_ip/ip.asc > ./work_ip/ip.exp") if retval != 0: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icebox_explain returned non-zero error code\n') sys.exit(1) retval = os.system("../../../icebox/icebox_vlog.py -l ./work_ip/ip.asc > ./work_ip/ip.vlog") if retval != 0: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icebox_vlog returned non-zero error code\n') sys.exit(1) with open("./work_ip/ip.vlog", "r") as f: parse_vlog(f, pin2net, net_cbit_map) bits = [] with open("./work_ip/ip.exp", "r") as f: bits = parse_exp(f) if first: idx = 0 for bit in bits: init_cbits.append(bit) if len(bits) == 1: net_cbit_map[ip + "_ENABLE"] = [bit] else: net_cbit_map[ip + "_ENABLE_" + str(idx)] = [bit] idx += 1 for bit in init_cbits: if bit not in bits: bx, by, bn = bit print('WARNING: while fuzzing %s (%d, %d, %d) bit (%d, %d, %s) has unknown function (not always set)' % (ip, x, y, z, bx, by, bn)) new_bits = [] for bit in bits: if bit not in init_cbits: new_bits.append(bit) if state == "FUZZ_NETS" and len(new_bits) != 0: for bit in new_bits: bx, by, bn = bit print('WARNING: while fuzzing %s (%d, %d, %d) bit (%d, %d, %s) has unknown function (not always set)' % (ip, x, y, z, bx, by, bn)) elif state == "FUZZ_CBITS": if len(new_bits) == 0: print('WARNING: while fuzzing %s (%d, %d, %d) param %s causes no change' % (ip, x, y, z, n)) else: idx = 0 for bit in new_bits: if len(new_bits) == 1: net_cbit_map[n] = [bit] else: net_cbit_map[n + "_" + str(idx)] = [bit] idx += 1 first = False ip_data[ip][loc] = net_cbit_map with open(device + "_" + ip + "_data.txt", "w") as f: for loc in ip_data[ip]: x, y, z = loc print("\t(\"%s\", (%d, %d, %d)): {" % (ip, x, y, z), file=f) data = ip_data[ip][loc] for net in sorted(data): cnets = [] for cnet in data[net]: cnets.append("(%d, %d, \"%s\")" % cnet) print("\t\t%s %s, " % (("\"" + net.replace("[","_").replace("]","") + "\":").ljust(24), " ".join(cnets)), file=f) print("\t},", file=f)