/* Machine-generated using Migen */ module top( input clk16, input usb_d_p, input usb_d_n, output usb_pullup, output user_led ); wire sys_clk; reg sys_rst = 1'd0; wire clk16_1; reg [23:0] count = 24'd0; // Adding a dummy event (using a dummy signal 'dummy_s') to get the simulator // to run the combinatorial process once at the beginning. // synthesis translate_off reg dummy_s; initial dummy_s <= 1'd0; // synthesis translate_on assign sys_clk = clk16_1; assign clk16_1 = clk16; assign usb_pullup = 1'd0; assign user_led = count[22]; always @(posedge sys_clk) begin count <= (count + 1'd1); if (sys_rst) begin count <= 24'd0; end end endmodule