path: root/3rdparty/pybind11/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/pybind11/.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/pybind11/.travis.yml b/3rdparty/pybind11/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d81cd8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/pybind11/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+language: cpp
+ include:
+ # This config does a few things:
+ # - Checks C++ and Python code styles (check-style.sh and flake8).
+ # - Makes sure sphinx can build the docs without any errors or warnings.
+ # - Tests setup.py sdist and install (all header files should be present).
+ # - Makes sure that everything still works without optional deps (numpy/scipy/eigen) and
+ # also tests the automatic discovery functions in CMake (Python version, C++ standard).
+ - os: linux
+ dist: xenial # Necessary to run doxygen 1.8.15
+ name: Style, docs, and pip
+ cache: false
+ before_install:
+ - pyenv global $(pyenv whence 2to3) # activate all python versions
+ - PY_CMD=python3
+ - $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
+ install:
+ # breathe 4.14 doesn't work with bit fields. See https://github.com/michaeljones/breathe/issues/462
+ - $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme breathe==4.13.1 flake8 pep8-naming pytest
+ - curl -fsSL https://sourceforge.net/projects/doxygen/files/rel-1.8.15/doxygen-1.8.15.linux.bin.tar.gz/download | tar xz
+ - export PATH="$PWD/doxygen-1.8.15/bin:$PATH"
+ script:
+ - tools/check-style.sh
+ - flake8
+ - $PY_CMD -m sphinx -W -b html docs docs/.build
+ - |
+ # Make sure setup.py distributes and installs all the headers
+ $PY_CMD setup.py sdist
+ $PY_CMD -m pip install --user -U ./dist/*
+ installed=$($PY_CMD -c "import pybind11; print(pybind11.get_include(True) + '/pybind11')")
+ diff -rq $installed ./include/pybind11
+ - |
+ # Barebones build
+ make pytest -j 2 && make cpptest -j 2
+ # The following are regular test configurations, including optional dependencies.
+ # With regard to each other they differ in Python version, C++ standard and compiler.
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ name: Python 2.7, c++11, gcc 4.8
+ env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - cmake=2.\*
+ - cmake-data=2.\*
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ name: Python 3.6, c++11, gcc 4.8
+ env: PYTHON=3.6 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - deadsnakes
+ packages:
+ - python3.6-dev
+ - python3.6-venv
+ - cmake=2.\*
+ - cmake-data=2.\*
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=14 GCC=6 CMAKE=1
+ name: Python 2.7, c++14, gcc 6, CMake test
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - g++-6
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ name: Python 3.5, c++14, gcc 6, Debug build
+ # N.B. `ensurepip` could be installed transitively by `python3.5-venv`, but
+ # seems to have apt conflicts (at least for Trusty). Use Docker instead.
+ services: docker
+ env: DOCKER=debian:stretch PYTHON=3.5 CPP=14 GCC=6 DEBUG=1
+ - os: linux
+ dist: xenial
+ env: PYTHON=3.6 CPP=17 GCC=7
+ name: Python 3.6, c++17, gcc 7
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - deadsnakes
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - g++-7
+ - python3.6-dev
+ - python3.6-venv
+ - os: linux
+ dist: xenial
+ env: PYTHON=3.6 CPP=17 CLANG=7
+ name: Python 3.6, c++17, Clang 7
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - deadsnakes
+ - llvm-toolchain-xenial-7
+ packages:
+ - python3.6-dev
+ - python3.6-venv
+ - clang-7
+ - libclang-7-dev
+ - llvm-7-dev
+ - lld-7
+ - libc++-7-dev
+ - libc++abi-7-dev # Why is this necessary???
+ - os: linux
+ dist: xenial
+ env: PYTHON=3.8 CPP=17 GCC=7
+ name: Python 3.8, c++17, gcc 7 (w/o numpy/scipy) # TODO: update build name when the numpy/scipy wheels become available
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - deadsnakes
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - g++-7
+ - python3.8-dev
+ - python3.8-venv
+ # Currently there is no numpy/scipy wheels available for python3.8
+ # TODO: remove next before_install, install and script clause when the wheels become available
+ before_install:
+ - pyenv global $(pyenv whence 2to3) # activate all python versions
+ - PY_CMD=python3
+ - $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
+ install:
+ - $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade pytest
+ script:
+ - |
+ # Barebones build
+ make pytest -j 2 && make cpptest -j 2
+ - os: osx
+ name: Python 2.7, c++14, AppleClang 7.3, CMake test
+ osx_image: xcode7.3
+ env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=14 CLANG CMAKE=1
+ - os: osx
+ name: Python 3.7, c++14, AppleClang 9, Debug build
+ osx_image: xcode9.4
+ env: PYTHON=3.7 CPP=14 CLANG DEBUG=1
+ # Test a PyPy 2.7 build
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ env: PYPY=5.8 PYTHON=2.7 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
+ name: PyPy 5.8, Python 2.7, c++11, gcc 4.8
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - libblas-dev
+ - liblapack-dev
+ - gfortran
+ # Build in 32-bit mode and tests against the CMake-installed version
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ services: docker
+ env: DOCKER=i386/debian:stretch PYTHON=3.5 CPP=14 GCC=6 INSTALL=1
+ name: Python 3.5, c++14, gcc 6, 32-bit
+ script:
+ - |
+ # Consolidated 32-bit Docker Build + Install
+ set -ex
+ set -ex
+ make install
+ cp -a tests /pybind11-tests
+ mkdir /build-tests && cd /build-tests
+ cmake ../pybind11-tests ${CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} -DPYBIND11_WERROR=ON
+ make pytest -j 2"
+ set +ex
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.local/bin
+ - $HOME/.local/lib
+ - $HOME/.local/include
+ - $HOME/Library/Python
+- |
+ # Configure build variables
+ set -ex
+ if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$CLANG" ]; then
+ export CXX=clang++-$CLANG CC=clang-$CLANG
+ EXTRA_PACKAGES+=" clang-$CLANG llvm-$CLANG-dev"
+ else
+ if [ -z "$GCC" ]; then GCC=4.8
+ else EXTRA_PACKAGES+=" g++-$GCC"
+ fi
+ export CXX=g++-$GCC CC=gcc-$GCC
+ fi
+ elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
+ export CXX=clang++ CC=clang;
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$CPP" ]; then CPP=-std=c++$CPP; fi
+ if [ "${PYTHON:0:1}" = "3" ]; then PY=3; fi
+ if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS+=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug"; fi
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # Initialize environment
+ set -ex
+ if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then
+ docker pull $DOCKER
+ containerid=$(docker run --detach --tty \
+ --volume="$PWD":/pybind11 --workdir=/pybind11 \
+ --env="CC=$CC" --env="CXX=$CXX" --env="DEBIAN_FRONTEND=$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" \
+ --env=GCC_COLORS=\ \
+ SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX="docker exec --tty $containerid"
+ $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX sh -c 'for s in 0 15; do sleep $s; apt-get update && apt-get -qy dist-upgrade && break; done'
+ else
+ if [ "$PYPY" = "5.8" ]; then
+ curl -fSL https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/downloads/pypy2-v5.8.0-linux64.tar.bz2 | tar xj
+ PY_CMD=$(echo `pwd`/pypy2-v5.8.0-linux64/bin/pypy)
+ else
+ PY_CMD=python$PYTHON
+ if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
+ if [ "$PY" = "3" ]; then
+ brew update && brew unlink python@2 && brew upgrade python
+ else
+ curl -fsSL https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | $PY_CMD - --user
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$PY" = 3 ] || [ -n "$PYPY" ]; then
+ $PY_CMD -m ensurepip --user
+ fi
+ $PY_CMD --version
+ $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade pip wheel
+ fi
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # Install dependencies
+ set -ex
+ cmake --version
+ if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
+ PY_DEBUG="python$PYTHON-dbg python$PY-scipy-dbg"
+ fi
+ $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX sh -c "for s in 0 15; do sleep \$s; \
+ apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install \
+ $PY_DEBUG python$PYTHON-dev python$PY-pytest python$PY-scipy \
+ libeigen3-dev libboost-dev cmake make ${EXTRA_PACKAGES} && break; done"
+ else
+ if [ "$CLANG" = "7" ]; then
+ export CXXFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+ fi
+ echo "Installing pytest, numpy, scipy..."
+ local PIP_CMD=""
+ if [ -n $PYPY ]; then
+ # For expediency, install only versions that are available on the extra index.
+ travis_wait 30 \
+ $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade --extra-index-url https://imaginary.ca/trusty-pypi \
+ pytest numpy==1.15.4 scipy==1.2.0
+ else
+ $PY_CMD -m pip install --user --upgrade pytest numpy scipy
+ fi
+ echo "done."
+ mkdir eigen
+ curl -fsSL https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/3.3.4.tar.bz2 | \
+ tar --extract -j --directory=eigen --strip-components=1
+ fi
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # CMake Configuration
+ set -ex
+ .
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # pytest
+ set -ex
+ $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX make pytest -j 2 VERBOSE=1
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # cpptest
+ set -ex
+ $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX make cpptest -j 2
+ set +ex
+- |
+ # CMake Build Interface
+ set -ex
+ if [ -n "$CMAKE" ]; then $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX make test_cmake_build; fi
+ set +ex
+after_failure: cat tests/test_cmake_build/*.log*
+- |
+ # Cleanup (Docker)
+ set -ex
+ if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then docker stop "$containerid"; docker rm "$containerid"; fi
+ set +ex