path: root/ecp5
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Diffstat (limited to 'ecp5')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ecp5/pack.cc b/ecp5/pack.cc
index c378a849..03ad258f 100644
--- a/ecp5/pack.cc
+++ b/ecp5/pack.cc
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ class Ecp5Packer
if (iol->ports[id_LSR].net != lsr)
log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting LSR signals '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx),
iol->ports[id_LSR].net->name.c_str(ctx), lsr->name.c_str(ctx));
- } else {
+ } else if (iol->ports[id_LSR].net == nullptr) {
connect_port(ctx, lsr, iol, id_LSR);
@@ -1685,6 +1685,7 @@ class Ecp5Packer
log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting %s signals '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx),
port.c_str(ctx), iol->ports[port].net->name.c_str(ctx), sig->name.c_str(ctx));
+ disconnect_port(ctx, prim, port);
} else {
bool dqsr;
int dqsgroup;
@@ -1886,6 +1887,34 @@ class Ecp5Packer
process_dqs_port(ci, pio, iol, id_WRPNTR1);
process_dqs_port(ci, pio, iol, id_WRPNTR0);
+ } else if (ci->type == ctx->id("TSHX2DQA")) {
+ CellInfo *pio = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Q")).net, is_trellis_io, id_T, true);
+ if (pio == nullptr)
+ log_error("TSHX2DQA '%s' Q output must be connected only to a top level tristate\n",
+ ci->name.c_str(ctx));
+ CellInfo *iol;
+ if (pio_iologic.count(pio->name))
+ iol = pio_iologic.at(pio->name);
+ else
+ iol = create_pio_iologic(pio, ci);
+ set_iologic_mode(iol, "MIDDRX_MODDRX");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q"), iol, id_IOLTO);
+ if (!pio->ports.count(id_IOLTO)) {
+ pio->ports[id_IOLTO].name = id_IOLTO;
+ pio->ports[id_IOLTO].type = PORT_IN;
+ }
+ replace_port(pio, id_T, pio, id_IOLTO);
+ set_iologic_sclk(iol, ci, ctx->id("SCLK"), false);
+ set_iologic_eclk(iol, ci, id_ECLK);
+ set_iologic_lsr(iol, ci, ctx->id("RST"), false);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("T0"), iol, id_TSDATA0);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("T1"), iol, id_TSDATA1);
+ process_dqs_port(ci, pio, iol, id_DQSW270);
+ iol->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("MTDDRX.MODE")] = "MTSHX2";
+ iol->params[ctx->id("MIDDRX_MODDRX.WRCLKMUX")] = "DQSW270";
+ iol->params[ctx->id("IOLTOMUX")] = "TDDR";
+ packed_cells.insert(cell.first);